Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dog Afraid of British (or like) Accent

Yeah. The dog is definitely afraid of a British accent.

I had him at my place and gave him 1-2 raisins, a treat that has never affected his stomach before. It was just to give him his routine that he happily looks forward to whenever he comes over.

But this time, poor dog, I had to see for myself, how this dog would hold up on a witness stand.

I am not trying to reintroduce trauma, but I thought, if he really is afraid of a British accent, he'll react, so I put on the trailer and audio clips from "Duplicity" and as soon as the British accent came on, he started shaking and looking at the door. So I played it a couple of times and then sat down at the table across from him, and picked up this knife there and he started whimpering and looked like he was about to run.

First of all, the British accent alone had him shaking and it wasn't just Clive Owen's brand, but another man's, who was also on the clip. And then, while he was shaking, I picked up the knife and this one is smaller but shaped like the R.S. larger chopping knife is shaped. This one just says "UK" on the blade.

It's like a very sharp steak knife or larger than one of those, and the dog definitely reacted and then when I held it next to my face he looked scared too.

I couldn't say for sure that the 2 things go together, but they might. It might be that his fear of the British accent is separate from a knife incident. However, tney might be related.

Then I got a different knife and he acted totally different and playful, and I thought,, "aha. Someone wanted him coached to respond playfully to THIS knife, which is the only one I said I had out here with me."

It's a curved knife.

But when I held up the other one, he really did react.

He definitely witnessed something that traumatized him.


  1. Raisins and grapes are deathly to dogs just like chocolate fyi

  2. Thank you for pointing that out! I only gave him a couple, one by one, about 4-5 at most and he was fine. I've never given him more than that. It's good that you mention this though and I looked up a link to information about how a few are okay, but very many can cause toxicity. Scooter wasn't upset by the couple of raisins I gave him--it was the reminder of trauma.

    Have a good day and thanks for your comment too.
