Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fried Rice w/Rosehips & Being a Good Mom

I felt like making fried wild & brown rice with rosehips this morning.

I am sort making a variation of an iranian rice I once tried at a restaurant, where they had saffron rice and it was fried at the bottom and broke off into parts and then had these little berries, like tiny currants but something else.

I don't have saffron right now but wanted the fried rice parts so I used wild rice with brown rice and then I put a little seedless rosehips in the blender and did a quick whirl but just to make them more crumbly and bitty, and then added them.

I haven't made it before but first I cooked the rice in water and drained, then filled pan with olive oil and added cooked rice with rosehips mixed in and it had this nice scent and smell right away. Then I decided to add 1/8th of a pinch of finely ground sage, 1/16th draft or less of tumeric for a hint of color (not flavor), and then a 1/16th pinch of salt or less, many grains, and considered black peppercorns but decided against it and chose to throw in an ethiopian/mexican idea to the side, with an onion, tomato and jalapeno finely minced small garnish to try with it (out of curiosity) and a thin wedge of fresh lemon.

The sage, rosehips and wild & brown rice are working, and the other is an experimental idea.

I didn't buy tortillas or bread so I'll be working with beans and rice for the next 20 days.

I just bought a small thing of milk but it's to entice the cat in case it decides it wants to come in for the winter and I won't do it long because I don't intend to buy milk for now. It's not for me at all.

I was telling my mom, the nice thing about being vegan is learning how to blend more with spices and pairing, and being more creative, bc if you can use cheese, well, cheese makes everything taste better and it's easy to make anything good that way. So this forces me to think of other ideas and has been the only creative thing I'm doing right now bc I can't paint (don't have the space for it and not in college yet) and I'm getting drugs out of my system that blocked my creative flow for writing.

So right now, cooking is the only creative thing I can do, to experiment. I am going to peel birch bark off of the trees and dig up hydrangea roots today too, because I'm familiarizing myself with what is on-hand in nature, outside of my door.

Hydrangea roots are good as a tonic and cleanser and even for prostate or kidney clarification, and birch bark is a diuretic and is probably good for flushing through the system.
I just tried my rice and it's good. The flavors are nice enough with what's in the rice alone to want to add the salsa to it. A little fresh lemon squeezed enhances it or gives it a different twist, but if you want to enjoy the subtlety of the rosehips with the rice, olive oil and sage/salt, it's enough to notice on its own. But I like salsa a lot too, so have that as my garnish. Yeah, I wouldn't pair the salsa with this rice at all. The lemon is okay, but not necessary even.

I'd drink pomegranate juice with this rice, or tea.

When I have my own place and a little money, I don't pursue just one creative outlet. In the past I've taken up interior decorating, along with oil & watercolor painting, creative cooking, and wrote and composed original lyrics and music all at the same time, and read interesting books as well. I think that's partly what makes me a fun mom, and of course, what made me a great nanny in the past. I was athletic enough to get in the water and body surf and swim out with the kids too, or run with them around the jungle gym.

So I wasn't a mom who sat around.

I read good literature and stories to my son and made up silly songs for him that made him laugh. I could make my son laugh at the drop of a hat. He was extraordinarily happy. Full of joy.

Thanks FBI, for ruining our lives. How are you going to fix that? Do your agents come with big warning labels around their necks: "Date at your own risk".

How about, before any of your agents THINK about dating a civilian, you have a contract with all of the potential risks included and require informed consent after we read the fine print.

My son paid for your refusal to investigate and be peacekeepers. You allowed torture and hate crime to escalate and some of your people were involved and participated.

I DO hold the FBI responsible for what has happened to me and my son, and I also hold them responsible for his illegal kidnapping from Canada and my defamation.

What I can't understand, is why this agency continues to obstruct justice and doesn't immediately correct their own mistakes. All they have ever had to do, is say, "There was a mistake and yes, there were not legal grounds to remove your son, or to collude to have you arrested, and no jurisdiction once you were in Canada, and yes, even if someone decided later they had cause, we concur this was created by introducing entrapment schemes to make the removal appear justified. And yes, we are aware of obstruction of justice and attempts to keep medical and other records out of record, and that there were too great of conflicts of interest for it to have been allowed to run the course in Wenatchee. There should have been a change of venue as requested in the beginning. And yes, we are sorry for all the agents who defamed you and sold you and your son to be tortured.

Instead, they allowed criminal activity to occur against my entire family, by hate crime U.S. interests. We are sorry that we sold you and your son to the Military out of a decision it served the FBI's own special interests.

It's state workers and CPS that try to make my aunt and uncle look bad, when they and their friends did the harm at their offices and with their own people. I mean, the harm to my son.

My feeling is now that CPS had my son moved to a different daycare, they are attempting to find excuses for taking him out of my family altogether.

It's like if they couldn't get me to raise my son as a Catholic or in a Catholic household, they refuse to return my son.

That's hate crime and it's religious hate crime. As for Mary Ann Mcintosh, I don't know what her religion is, but probably she is connected to some group that's Catholic or she would never do the things she's done and only back off if I was marrying a Catholic man.

I would say 90% of the people involved in the case with my son are Roman Catholic. Of the remaining 10%, half Jewish and half Protestant. Literally, it's over 90%. And that's counting a lot of different people too.

Out of this combination of people, about 95% ALSO have direct and indirect ties to U.S. military. Literally.

This horrible "parenting expert" whose entire family is military was used on the stand at the termination hearings. She was arguing my rights should be terminated because the bond was broken. I said, "It's not broken, and CPS deliberately cancelled over half of my visits in the next few months because they already had a strategy in place from the beginning, and it did NOT include my raising my son." (which is true, and I don't know that I said as much but thought it and the record reflects this). They took a position from the start, to STEAL my son from me, not to reunite us. The FBI sold my son to the military.

So I said, "You're claiming the bond is broken because I couldn't see him when I was on the East Coast having to deal with surgeries and a serious medical problem that required medical abatement of all court processes (which they never gave), so your claim is lack of contact. How do you justify this claim with parents who serve in the military?

Is the bond broken and should the kids be adopted out to someone else, because a parent, one or both, are serving in the military and are away from their children?"

Silence throughout the room and a look.

Lets just adopt out all the kids who didn't see their parents for maybe 2 years or less, because they were on duty.

And here's the difference: THEY CHOSE this for themselves and their families. They signed papers and chose this for themselves.

I NEVER chose this for myself. EVER. I NEVER chose this for my son.

And at the point when I DID write to the military, to bring up helping someone with their work, I was under duress from escalating hate crime that had nothing to do with military research. Not only was I under duress, and being threatened to leave the state, I was on painkillers.

Is it a habit of the U.S. military to take up offers from people who are vulnerable because of hate crime, poor because they were obstructed from justice, and not thinking clearly because they were having to take oxycodone up to over 30 pills per month, bc of childbirth trauma pain that continued, and pain from violence and use of technology by hate crime groups?

You don't have a valid license for ANYTHING. The military NEVER had a valid license to do what they've done to me and my son, and the hate crime people basically looked at this drugged-up stupid offer I made over the internet and thought, "This is a perfect excuse for covering up what we've done and we could get away with even more."

I wasn't able to give consent. I NEVER CHOSE this for myself or my son. EVER.

My son and I were SOLD.

Then, I mention online that I am interested in psychic research and called a couple places about volunteering. There is a BIG difference between being drugged, tortured, and abused as a guinea pig for psychic research, where all the people using me are Roman Catholic, and going to an office, signing some papers and being informed and then going in for tests or to give personal time for a few hours.

As for my parents, why is the military using technology on them to the point that the DOG is the one grounding the current of electricity or whatever they're using on them.

When my mother and the dog were zapped, my mom's feet were off the ground, tucked up on the chair. The dog's feet were on the ground and it was the dog that seemed to be grounding some kind of current.

Then my mother was saying yesterday, just repeatedly, I think to see what I'd say, what Roman Catholics and others have repeated, "You wanted revenge. Your lawsuits were a vendetta." I said, "You KNOW that's not true so I don't know who is telling you to say that. How could I even HAVE a 'vendetta' against the Willamette Week? I didn't know any of their reporters. I don't have a 'vendetta' against newspapers, publications, or the media. I asked them to print retractions of things they wrote about me that were grossly defamatory and they refused. It affected my life and my reputation, and has continued to affect my life. All I wanted was for my name not to be smeared so I could find employment and not be disparaged. Since they refused, I sued, not for money, but to restore my reputation since they were the ones who refused to print retractions. So how is THAT a 'vendetta'?"

It's not, and it wasn't. Ever. I didn't sue the Abbey for a revenge or vendetta and I didn't sue the paper for any "vendetta".

I didn't even sue for hardly the money a normal lawyer would sue over, for what they did. I only wanted them to fix it. Make the corrections.

Which is exactly what the FBI should be doing with this matter involving my son.

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