Saturday, November 12, 2011

James Middleton Looks Evil

I looked up photos of James Middleton the other day.

First, because of the Mosimann/Mossiman visitation I had in 1997, I was wondering about any UK connections. Which I never considered at any time of my life until, obviously, more recently.

I looked up Mike Middleton first and thought he looked like a hardened gangster and then I looked up James and thought, "How did they even pass a background check?" From his photo alone, not knowing him and not knowing his history, I thought, "He doesn't look like a good person."

However, sometimes photos are deceiving and I can think of a couple of me where I look mean or hardened or something...a driver's license photo I remember and it was so bad I had it redone.

And then I was trying to find out what his height was because there was a young man at the Border's bookstore in Wenatchee one time and it wasn't him probably, but I had the distinct impression he was English or somehow knew James M. This was the guy who didn't say a word when passing me. He looked English or Irish. But I don't think it was James. He wasn't super tall, about 5'10 or so, not short but not over 6'. I just recall having this thought that this particular man had just paid someone off to help fund torture of me at Steve Mays house.

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