Friday, November 11, 2011

Torture In Last Few Days & Illegal Medication

My mom and dad both have the marks near their eyes and I have circles under mine as well. I do not have the dark marks like they do.

Also, it wasn't today but yesterday I think, I tried to get something printed out and sat at my parent's home computer.

Someone was literally electrocuting with technology. It was directed at the feet and I haven't felt anything that strong, like an electrocution, at my place and then after I was online and blogged from that computer, someone cut it off...suddenly shut down whatever they were using that caused the wires or box or something near the feet to be electrocuted. It wasn't even the other stuff I've talked about before, it was almost like a very mild literal electrical shock thing.

And what was weird, is that after I sat there and then blogged in my own name, someone must have figured out I was on that computer and they turned it off. They didn't just turn it off all of a sudden--it sort of phased out, like someone turned it down or maybe shut it off but there was still something going on.

The other thing is that it wasn't the waist, it wasn't near the chest or head, it was specifically at the feet, and emanating from all these wires.

Also, I just bought water and coffee and there is something wrong with one of them. I don't know which one it is yet, but there is something in one of them that wasn't in the brand or containers I got last month. I am not sure yet which it is. I got Dasani and some dark roast coffee in a large tin but I should have gotten whole beans and I don't know if it's the water this time, or what, but something is off. I had an immediate, very severe stomach-ache after I had only about a 1/4 cup of strong coffee using that coffee and water and for over months, my coffee and water has never done this.

As for the toothpaste I got a month or more ago, I guess someone told my Dad to point out one kind to me, so he did, but looked like he didn't really want to. Well, I used it and after one time using this toothpaste designed for Fidel Castro or me, or someone that some group hates I guess, I had brushed the roof of my mouth with it and ended up with this atrocious blister, huge, water-filled blister on the top of my mouth that formed within 24 hours and then popped and went away. I did not use that toothpaste again after that, bc nothing like that has happened in my life. So after a month or more of not using this, I had saved it for whatever reason and tried it again, out of the blue, and within 24 hours, a blister was on the roof of my mouth again, and that time I did not even brush the roof of my mouth. The only 2 times I've ever used that toothpaste, is the only 2 times this has happened to me in my life.

I was also coming off of some kind of medication and noticed, after my family had a piece of pie, from a Costco in Roseburg, I said, "There's something weird about this." They didn't say a word but it looked to me like they thought the same thing. It had an abnormal aftertaste. I thought it was only strange, insofar as it came from Roseburg, where my parents sometimes apparently get tortured. At least my mom comes back with Patty, tortured.

Also, I was writing about how I witnessed my mother and the dog both getting hit by something military tech the other day.

I do not think this is what is causing the skin around the inside of their eyes to turn almost black because someone is using something that affects the cornea and whites of the eyes as well as the inner eye. In my opinion, that is being done by mafia. If it's police, or military police, you may as well lump them in with mafia because I can't tell the difference anymore, hardly. Something very bad is occuring which causes this. It also creates a specific and defined mark around the eye.

When I got onto my Dad's computer to print this form out really quick, I could feel my feet getting electrical shocks, literally, and then the websearch engine had a puppy dog on it, icon, to deliver mail, with a large black circle around an eye, which I wouldn't even care about, if my parents weren't showing up with black eyes.

This other form of assault was 100% military and there is NO possible way it was a neighbor or the FBI although the FBI has allowed this and contributed as accessories to torture. From what I can tell, they're the ones defaming anyone who speaks up about what's going on and they wouldn't do this unless some of their people were involved and guilty of something. But FBI, to my knowledge, does not have technology that's precise enough to target people long-range and assault. Literally.

I saw it happen to my mother and our dog at the exact same time but I could tell my mother was trying not to react. Like it happens all the time and she's just supposed to lie about it. The dog, or any dog actually, doesn't have any kind of willpower or determination to "pretend" something isn't happening. My mother was sitting in her regular chair and had her laptop started and on her lap. The dog had hind legs on the ground and front paws on my mom's legs. She had been eating pie on the side, so this is why he was propped up to see if he could get a bit.

I was sitting on the floor in front of the woodstove, with a plate on the ground and tapping it with my fork. I hit and tapped several times, to play with the dog. I don't know if some FBI or military NUTCASE thought someone was trying to send out a secret message or WHAT, because after I did this, someone immediately targeted my mom and I guess since the dog's paws were on her legs, he felt and absorbed the shock.

It was bad enough that he jerked and froze like paralyzed for a minute and it went through his legs, as I noticed my mother's body being affected. Then, it happened again. It was 2 extremely strong jolts and it looked like the dog was almost having a seizure except of the way my mom's body was affected at the same time.

My mom had commented out loud she was going to get a piece of pie too, after we were done, and then I was sitting next to her tapping on my plate with a fork.

There was a 5 minute delay before my mother and the dog were assaulted. It was dramatic and no possible way to miss it.

The next day when I saw my mom, I don't know what happened to her overnight but she looked totally drained of all collagen like she'd been zapped all night.

It was U.S. military.

If it wasn't U.S. military that directly targeted my mom, then the FBI is living next door and has some kind of special way to tap into the person with the laptop, and practically electrocute them.

Not only that, I am starting to wonder if someone forced one or both of my parents to take meds, and if so, whoever is responsible has conflicts of interest and looking out for their own cover. My mother went to this prayer meeting where the Mt. Angel Abbey people were, and the first time I went with her, no one did anything while we were there. The last time, they used technology on us the entire time.

And my mother kept smacking, like moistening her mouth repeatedly like some kind of a tic, and this is after she picked up "prescriptions" from someone, after she'd been told to see this psychologist in town, who works for FBI and CIA. He has a major conflict of interest and shouldn't be making any kinds of decisions about anyone in my family. All I know, is that there's nothing mentally wrong with my mom or dad except for the fact that crazy things are happening to their family and they're supposed to fake it and lie. I would never write about personal medical stuff, unless I was concerned about abuse of authority and cover-up of crime. And if my mother is being forced to take any medication, when she's being assaulted by government workers and maybe mafia in person, there is something wrong. Same thing with my Dad.

And if I haven't sounded very 'nice' or 'patient' while over the phone with government customer service as they delay processing anything that helps me in any way, there's a reason for that. It's not that I'm not a nice person--it's that I and my family are being tortured and I don't have time for niceties right now.

I'm sure it was good thinking to curl my hair and put on make up at a desperate time in Blaine, Oregon, after I was tortured almost to death and had my only love and my only son kidnapped from me. I'm sure there is something to using beauty or looks for getting through something.

I'm past that.

Which is what the U.S. doesn't like. And I guess when they figured this out, they decided to sell me off to be stripped of everything I had, assaulted to rob me of my singing voice, assaulted to rob me of my looks, and then tried to "reclassify" me into some crazy program where the bad guys get to do whatever they want and they conceal all crime with "classified" research excuses.

When has the U.S. government allowed me to pursue happiness and liberty, with INDEPENDENCE?

I'm tired of being pushed off to a man. And the only time they cease-fire, for anything, is if they think I'm "useful" in giving sexual favors to a government worker or someone they feel is connected to them. And NO, I was NEVER any kind of escort or prostitute, and no, I haven't been around with a bunch of people. But of the few that have approached me or who I turned aside, a large number are federal-government connected and I am tired of this seriously messed up system where ANYONE thinks they can use any member of my family for ANY reason, without our voluntary, non-pressured or coerced consent.

I CHOOSE my life. The U.S. does NOT own me and the FBI doesn't own me. So why then, are they griping about "communists" when that's exactly how they act, and worse. They sold me and use me as property. And when I said, "I want my son and I intend to be a single mother" then they didn't like that, and sold me off into research.

I was cut free out of stuff in TN, to come all the way over to Coquille, Oregon and find out they had another plan hatched, to have me work for people next door who were not employing me for normal work but more research, and they tortured me at their workplace and I said NO. During my 2 day working stint here, who shows up but local police and military, and a couple of them checking me out, I knew, to see if there was any interest.

It's like this government has passed around some kind of mistaken idea that one of these guys might have a chance with me. You DON'T. I do not WANT you. I don't want ANY of you. If you're doing your job like you're supposed to, it doesn't matter if you have a romantic relationship with me or NOT--you are supposed to DO YOUR JOB and protect the American citizens. ALL of us. Not just the ones that go to YOUR church, date YOUR friend, or have the same college alumni. AFTER I have my own independence and I'm not being trapped by the U.S. hate crime actors, then at that point, when it's really 'free will' and a voluntary choice, I might think about what to add to my life.

After I split with my Ex, I had lawyers acting like they thought they were going to get favors from me. Or as if, if only they put me in a bad enough position, maybe THEN they could force or persuade me to change my mind. I refused, and for that, I got tortured. My son was tortured in front of my own eyes. And women contributed and witnessed and were catty. After Wenatchee men attempting to coerce me and defaming me publicly when I refused, then I was in TN and some of these guys were looking at me for the same thing and when they figured it out, they tortured me at work there. Then, I move back to Coquille, Oregon and what happened?

The exact same thing.

A lure to work for someone who works in the U.S. government. And then someone lingering around to see if there might be any chance at a romance with me. When they figure it out, they bring out the torture.

No cease-fire if I'm not hooking up with an agent.

The FBI protects playmates. They don't protect real women. They don't even protect the children of real women. That's what they've shown me, since at least 2004.

Do you know who's looking for a "change"?

Me. I'd like to see a change in the FBI.

I want to be safe, not imprisoned to be essentially forced to work for the U.S. when they obstruct my freedom of travel and educational goals, and I want my son.

They've allowed gangsters to dictate that he wears shoes too small for his feet, pull on one of his ears until it sticks out abnormally when that's not how he was born and when I noticed it was red, the one ear, when he came to visits from the daycare CPS picked out, cut his fingers and HYPNOTIZED him. I guess with all the money it takes to get a COVER for that kind of "work" and crime, someone decided they'd lose out on their investment if they returned my son to me. Well, you will lose a lot more than respect if you continue to hold my son hostage, after illegally kidnapping him and trying to adopt him out to people you can torture and coerce not to sue you.

I have people over here fumingating my house with some kind of toxins and they've come into my house without my consent as well. The photo I took of the pink stain and residue on the onion is NOTHING. I had an entire stack of vegetables covered, all the way, with the same thing and then one day someone threw in something that turned things purple too. I had to throw everything out and then I was cutting things open and finding it was inside of the vegetables too, had seeped through.

The downtown psychologist asked to see me the day after the military came to the house on a Sunday and pulled more of their tricks while I was here alone.

Their "disappearing objects" trick is most likely not even literal vanishings or disappearances of anything. It's like the "carrots make our pilots see better" lie. A lie to cover up what is really happening, which is hypnosis.

Hypnosis that I witnessed being forced onto my own son, in front of Anne Crane.

It was immediately after I recognized this that CPS and AG Anne Mcintosh cut me off from all visits. They cut me back to 20% of the visits and then quit them, because they knew I had figured it out.

The U.S. has a history of doing things like drugging people and even sexually assaulting them and then waiting to see if they "remember" afterwards. Or, they've also tried hypnosis. "What if we do something really bad or get someone to do something and then hypnotize them so they remember nothing?" This has gone on for decades and now, they're just more degrading about it.

I think, that after I prayed to God, about sending the holy spirit to those who are prisoners, that I then sensed the holy spirit and started laughing, because God knows the FBI took my entire family hostage after THEY did wrong. I wasn't including myself in my own prayer, but I guess I was included somehow by God, which also helped me to realize, this might be a clear message and testimony to the fact that your own God believes and knows you are a hostage.

The fact that I'm not in a locked room doesn't mean the U.S. hasn't held me, my son, or other family members hostage.

I noticed today and yesterday, some odd smell from my own breath and I immediately recognized it as some kind of odor from psychiatric or psychological drugs. The military has used us. They use me and they use my son and let people harm him and I'm not okay with that and not okay with hate crime being covered by a false "classification" scheme.

How do I know Dr. Jose Agosto works for the CIA and FBI? First of all, he formerly worked next to FBI offices in Portland and he already knew who I was and who my family is. Secondly, he's worked with benedictine monks who knows the monks here locally. Finally, because I wasn't told to go see him so he could check me out, until after the military had an object that was in front of me on the floor, "disappear".

I didn't go anywhere. I didn't take that object anywhere either. It was right there in front of me and it was me and the dog in the house. I was looking at something the entire time and the only reason I would think it's a hypnosis trick and doesn't have anything to do with "beam me up scotty" military-CIA crap, is because of what the dog did. And first the dog jumped off of the chair and went to the back door and then the next time I noticed the dog, he was barking or looking out the front door at something. And I heard a loud sound from somewhere.

I didn't say a word to my parents but all of a sudden, the next day this asshole Dr. employed by the CIA, wants to see me. Out of the blue, for no reason.

I had an appointment made with a different guy--not this guy. I never had an appt. with this one, and he was the one I was told to see the next day, so he could basically assault me and my mom in his offices and lord it over us.

He knows Mt. Angel Abbey people and he is part of a group that has pretended to be one thing while being something else.

I filed for FBI FOI/PA and all of a sudden, once again, all the way around, U.S. officials and govt. are trying to obstruct me from education and they have had mafia and their own guys torture my parents to force this.

They are trying to force me to work for the government, to basically be a guinea pig for their other government workers. I arrived here and I was going to go to college, no problem, as long as I was working for the military. Military and police, CIA, whatever. I quit, because I thought I had a choice to quit and was going to college. Ever since I quit, the U.S. feds have delayed and obstructed my getting back into college. And I keep trying to go and now all of a sudden, when the printers aren't breaking down and my parents aren't being forced to deliberately provoke me to get upset so they have an excuse to refuse to let me print something or mail something, to benefit the U.S. govt. and basically, hate crime that underlies it, I'm told I have to work here in town.

Everyone here is military. A majority is. It's too small of a town to get work, and any door that would open up would be a U.S. government one, where they want to use me for their own research.

So basically, first the FBI obstructs my travel and cuts me out of my lawsuits that would have saved my reputation and college. They then collude to allow hate crime from one state to the next, even where a baby is concerned. Next, they steal everything from me, putting me into an impossible situation and force me to choose between zero options.

They obstructed all of my attempts to get into college for hate crime contacts, they made me look bad in the workplace and defamed me, and then they tried to force me to either hook up with one of their guys, or maybe someone they were watching even, or be destroyed and turned into a guinea pig for lower work as nothing but a human ameoba.

The FBI is responsible for tampering with witnesses. And it is the FBI that sold me and my son. They forced me to work for the same people that committed hate crimes against me and cut me out of court and justice. And by continuing to threaten anyone who tries to help me, and by literally obstructing the processing of my college applications, they have attempted, again, to force me into work with them, or next to them while they use their own guys who get paid a lot of money, to use me while I get NOTHING out of it but damages and loss of time.

That's not freedom.

I was told I was going to be able to go back to college and I would think that's the least that could be managed from the federal government.

If I had signed up for something with the government, without being under duress or in the middle of torture or hate crime, and not being vulnerable, and signed for something saying, "I accept this position" that's one thing. I never consented to ANY of this.

We have hate crime, that govt. didn't investigate like they were supposed to, maybe bc some of them were part of it, and then attempts to conceal this with other research excuses.

I didn't sign up.

Do you FUCKING get it. I did NOT sign up. I was SOLD. And it was the FBI that sold both me and my son like we were slaves on an auction block, after I wouldn't hook up with at least one of several options of their men.

So then my family kept saying okay, they were going to help me get into college and I'd pay them back as soon as I got the first financial aid disbursement, and all of a sudden, my mom is coming back from Debbie Burt and maybe Dr. Jose's offices, and telling me maybe I should take 2 classes at a time first. Which isn't even a possibility because even the local community college was telling me they had to have both transcripts.

So someone doesn't WANT me to go to college FT, because if I did well instantly, it throws their lie about my being "paranoid schitzo" out of the water.

The only groups with motive to do that are Hate Crime groups and govt. groups that used me for research and want to adopt my son out to keep using him for their own interests. And most of the research interest has been coming from the Hate Crime groups that were involved to start with.

So, if anyone wants a "tour" of this place and where all the federal government workers are, let me know and I'll show you around. Maybe I could be a tour quide to what government imprisonment looks like. It's like Alcatraz-on-Wheels. It doesn't need to be a fixed location, it goes wherever you go.

If I need a job, I'll take self-employment. Thanks.

I did it while I was in college before and I'm quite certain I can do it again.

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