Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Parents Experimenting On Me--Blackmail by the U.S.

Basically, my parents have used their own kids for research for the military. I believe it's CIA as well, because they're the ones with psychic programs, but I've heard NSA has them and I don't know, if they're connected to U.S. military, why NSA sponsors programs like this bc I would think it would be coordinated by either the CIA or directly through one arm of the military.

I think the fact that my parents are using their own kids, is what the FBI is holding against them, to excuse themselves from conducting themselves with propriety and compliance to their vows to uphold the Constitution.

If my parents used their own children for research in the past, whether they were forced to or not, the U.S. would easily use this for blackmail. So when I come crying to the FBI, or CIA, or UN, about what is happening, if I have any group that's committed hate crime against me, all they have to do is use their buddies that know about the program to silence my Mom and Dad.

Stealing my son was easy.

Allowing hate crime against me, was easy. It took a lot of coordination and money, but ultimately, they shut down my ability to get legal recourse by forcing my parents to say I was mentally ill.

When you have a "top secret program" hanging over your head, and blackmail by the U.S., it just depends on who is in charge at the time, and who has the final say in what happens to me.

The U.S. government thinks they own me. They treat me like a piece of land and real property, not a citizen.

So basically, if the person at the top, or who has ultimate say is actually a really nice, good-hearted person who is against torture of any kind or drugging of U.S. citizens, then I'm going to be safe.

Where's my fucking "Safe House" assholes.

That good person who is in charge might say "lay off!" or leave me alone for years, essentially to watch me maybe, but not interfere, drug me, obstruct me from justice, or anything else.

If someone moves into authority or position who has a problem with me, like a Roman Catholic or someone else who is angry about my filing lawsuits to defend my name, and wants to make themselves look better than they are...then I'm screwed and I'm going to lose my kid too because I was already sold out.

Religious hate crime then gets a 100% free pass and those involved share the secret enough so that others know if they torture or assault or harass me, they're getting off scot-free. They would already know, "Hey, her parents are in this program..." and all of a sudden, they can use THAT for leverage against me.

"If you don't say your daughter is mentally ill, we can show this video we have..."
"If you don't tell her to STOP RIGHT NOW, we can torture you and her and you know it"
"If you try to talk about it, you know we can torture you."
"Do you want to go to jail Mrs. Garrett? because if you don't want to do what we say, you will always be welcome there and we can make it look like it has nothing to do with the government."
"I think it's time we get something that makes you look crazy started, just in case we need it for your psych ward admission, should you decide you've had enough...so, let's get started on that and it will make everybody feel better about going forward okay?"
"If your daughter ever finds out, she'll never forgive you. She'll sue you. Or she'll hate you and maybe she'll want you to be in jail."
"Oliver Garrett is important to U.S. research. We don't have enough kids, and your family has been invaluable to us. If we lose him now, we lose thousands of dollars of money on this project and our investment too."
"She's getting in. She made it in."
"How about these photos that we have of you and _________? It's not going to go very far in court. No. We don't want your daughter to go to college, and actually, you don't want her to go either do you? If we had wanted your daughter to go to college, don't you think she would have been finished by now? What do you think the threats, assaults, and obstruction of travel were for? Some of us didn't WANT her to have a good name and others of us simply didn't want her to be educated, going to college, and, essentially, establishing the fact there is nothing wrong with her and that she has a good name."

Hi Leon. RWARRR. Boy are you ferocious.

"Well, Panetta's taking the CIA in 2004, so we've got it covered."
"What do you mean you have it covered? or we have it covered?"
"Any complaint Cameo tries to make after that date, is going nowhere."
"How do you know?"
"Because Panetta is tight with the Vatican and he'll make sure the FBI doesn't interfere with CIA or military programs. And we've already got her parents on the line and they're secured with blackmail. Cameo is going nowhere. Basically, you can defame all you want, FBI and law enforcement will ensure full access to any military operation out of national interest, and it's covered. Mueller's already got our back and the OIG won't investigate if the oversight ethics committee FBI tells them not to proceed. We have knights of colombus, some Jewish interest, and all our other heads are Roman Catholic so it's covered."

"What if she goes to the Mormons?"
"We've got that covered too. We anticipate Cameo will try to go to the FBI in Wentachee or pursue her complaint, and we have a few Mormons that are not really Mormon already infiltrated."
"What if someone finds out?"
"How will they find out? They're not going to find out. Who is going to question any Mormon about whether they're really Mormon or not? No one. It's personal."

Basically, the U.S. blackmailed my parents. Which is exactly what they do with all children who are "chosen" by the military (which includes NSA) or CIA and their families. The FBI gets to lie all they want, and cover their own crime and infliction of harm by doing favors for the other agencies that now want to assault and torture out of nothing more than religious and personal vendettas.

GO U.S.A.!

If the parents got trapped or forced into selling out their own kids, everything is "impossible" when the same group that commits the Hate Crimes is getting a "classifed cover" by their fellow member of their church and religious order.

Some parents offer up their children to the government or military because they're patriotic and usually, if it's voluntary like that, they're either on heavy drugs at the time or victims of mind control and military/govt. research themselves. So it sort of looks voluntary but it's not.

Everyone knows it's illegal. They know it's illegal to use and abuse children for the government. But since the U.S. is backing it and paying for it, they need assurances they won't go to jail so they blackmail eachother and keep it in files and "save it for later" like an old piece of gum on a bedpost. It's right here in case I need it. Initially, it's a matter of national interest but then, like I said, if someone in the loop makes enemies, all it takes is a member of the enemy group to be in charge of all say in operations to collude and coordinate Hate Crime against that person.

Here I am. If you need an example, here I am.

If someone tries to escape and get out from under it, when they never even consented to any part of it, like me, they pull ties and depend upon hate and blackmail already in place to get what they want and keep breaking the law.

Most of the people who get abused by the U.S. don't even know what's going on or figure it out until they are in their 30s and then they start to notice things. By that time, they've already been used the way the U.S. wants, or derailed, and then the U.S. treats them like garbage and tries to continue using them for other, worse, and more cruel and inhumane treatment.

So when you're young and pretty, they want you to be one thing, and when you're not, or when enough people hate you and a Hate Crime member of the same group is in charge, they start using you for other kinds of research--torture and medical experimentation.

This especially satifies the desires of the Hate Crime groups and you can see why. Suddenly, they know they're criminals and ruined lives and now, instead of getting caught, they grabbed ahold of the hem of Panetta's garment and begged for Cameo to be thrown into a research project that will mask what they've been up to. Now, they get to literally TORTURE the person they hate, and do all KINDS! of things, and the government is going to back them up? It's like having your own personal rainbow, pot of gold, troll, and good luck rolled into one.

It's the Candyland of Hate Crime.

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