Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Examples Today: Parent's gifts (evidence of "intuition")

This is just another short set of examples and nothing very big. It's all from today.

1. Wild Rice. Lundberg Wild Blend from Richvale, California.
Yesterday I went into the house (their house) in the morning and laid down on the carpet next to the woodstore, on my side and found this piece of something and I didn't know what it was. I said "what's this?" and they said "I don't know". I thought it looked like a rat turd and while I was lying there thinking this, my Dad went over to a toy that squeaks like a mouse and started squeaking it. Like he knew I had thought this. I didn't know what it was for and, Then, that was yesterday a.m. and today p.m. I was in the course of things and sat down to do something and picked up something that was on the seat by the kitchen table. I set it up on the counter and it was right by my head, and ended up being the same side of my head the long grain wild rice was on when I had laid on the carpet the day before. (It was on the seat because it had fallen there as I have some of this rice in a glass jar on that counter). Today p.m. it was a dark brown piece of wild rice, by my head, which matched the same thing I had set my head next to the day before. It's small, but detailed and an example of how they predict I will do something or foresee before I do it. Read my thoughts and foresaw my future actions. Not that they're always right, but super close and some of the things they've predicted and foreseen were decades in advance, not just a day away. This I know because I saw some thing my mother had clipped out of magazines decades ahead of time.

2. Tags from Goodwill.
We went to Goodwill on Veteran's Day where there were different colored tags, plastic lines with a tiny "t" at the top to hold the pricetag. I got a couple of things and then I threw my clothing into the hamper to be washed first and my mother set some of the plastic things to the side on the counter or washer. I wondered why she didn't throw them out. Then, after knowing something's wrong with my water or something, I set out a few small plates and filled them with different waters and then I thought, "how will I remember which one has which water?" and thought about a crayon but didn't have any so thought, "Oh! thread from my sewing kit." So I had alfalfa seeds soaking in different waters, to watch how they did, and chose thread that most closely matched the bottle so I could recal and then one for tap. Tore off tiny pieces with my teeth and put them in the water. I didn't think about it, just did it. Then, I set my plates in a row by the window and suddenly realized, "they are just like the plastic tags from Goodwill, and the same colors too". Not only that, one of the threads split at the top, into a little "t" just like the tags. I guess 2 of them split a little, but one into a symmetrical "y" like a "t" but not perfectly to the sides.

3. Paper Towels & T.V.
I was thinking, in my trailer, to myself, having not talked to my Dad all day, about what else I needed, because I just picked up some things at the house. I was given what I asked for and my Dad said, "And don't mess around with the ladder, it's dangerous. You'll KILL yourself. You set it up upside-down." I said, "Okay, I won't" and walked out with my things. Then I realized, "I need paper towels" and I thought, after messing with the T.V. a little, "I need to tell them it's not working." I was going to check more but remembered what he said about the not messing with the ladder and I thought, "I'd better not mess with the T.V. to try to fix it" (the back was open). I also thought, "I'll kill myself?" bc I had just written to my Aunt a half hour earlier saying what's the point of my life when I have nothing to do and have been obstructed by the FBI, repeatedly, from college? so I thought, "I'd better correct myself so I'm not giving a whacko an excuse to create "a suicide!" So I was thinking "I need to tell them about the T.V. because I can't watch movies and I need paper towels." I walked over there and my Dad was by the door and he said my Mom was on the phone and what did I want and I said, "I wanted to tell you about the T.V. and I need paper towels." My Dad opened the door that he was already standing by, and had a curved white paper in his left hand and right hand on the door. I thought, "Last time I came to the door I had a list but not this time" and then I realized, "He knew I was going to ask for paper towels bc then he gave me an almost used up roll of white paper that matched the paper he'd had in his hand. When I got to my trailer I was opening the door with my right hand and had the white paper towels in the roll in my left hand, just like my Dad had had, when he was at the door.

(I just read this post title and it says "Parent's Gifts" and then started laughing bc then I list: wild rice, goodwill tags, t.v. and paper towels, and I thought, I need to change the title here bc I mean, evidence of intuitive gifts which is why the FBI are pieces of shit. They kidnapped my son and have blocked me from having my own child because they think we are all government property and they can steal from us to use our talents for themselves, without our permission or consent.)

4. Handtowels and Irish Spring Icy Blast
Before mentioning the T.V. and paper towels, I had gone over to the house and asked for handtowels, hand soap, a new kitchen sponge, and bleach. I had just used a very old washcloth for washing dishes with and was thinking, this is from when I was a kid and it was worn. And then earlier today I dropped the old sponge down the toilet by accident. I was thinking about the old washcloth and then wondered for some reason "I wonder what brand the sponge is?" and I walked over and was given 2 handtowels I remember from years ago, worn just like the washcloth I'd been using and thinking about; and I said, "hand soap" and she said, "we don't have hand soap" and I said, "I mean bar soap" and she said oh! okay and gave me Irish Spring Icy Blast (bought how long ago I don't know); a new Scotch-Guard sponge (or maybe the other kind was different than this one, don't know), and I said, "and I need bleach" and I said, or some kind of cleaner that will kill mold (very lt. mold bc I haven't been using any electricity at night to help my parents save money, so instead, with all my cooking, the house was a little steamy and damp)--I was given cleaner but she said, don't mix ammonia with bleach. I walked back to the house and all my water is in trial and testing phases so I had ice cubes I knew were good in my freezer bc I wanted a cup of coffee. I had saved my 4 star seedless grape bags (one which is green the other red) and filled them with ice and put them in my freezer the same time my Dad and family were in Idaho drinking "O'Douls" with a star on it right before my Uncle died (thanks to Dempsey). So my parents didn't know I had 4 stars iced up (Dempsey is a 4 star general) and then I got this Irish Springs Icy Blast soap and looked at where it was from: NY, NY. Probably, my Mom just knew I was going to get ice because I didn't know about the water, and she gave me Icy Blast. But they can predict everything. Like I said, they have people torturing them because they're jealous. It's like they want to torture us and use us and keep us down all at the same time. I talk about it, so I'm supposed to be "mentally ill" while they rob us of all of our liberties. They want to keep our talents a secret while they use hate crime against us and want that to be a secret too. We are victims of hate crime that is getting an illegal "cover".

I've only seen them briefly today. Usually, it's one thing after the other they can predict and I don't know if the U.S. forces them to have cameras and audio like caged animals or what. I didn't say anything at first bc I thought maybe it's a national security thing. But it's not. It's WRONG NOT to say something because all of the enemies and hate crime groups already know and they are trying to muffle US from letting the world know that we are not safe, have been tortured and abused, are victims of hate crime, and the FBI is in on it bc they've been covering it up and trying to blackmail my parents, when they know they've been forced to work for the U.S. This is why, also, people knew what they were doing to me when they were giving me drugs to tamper with MY mind because they figured with my parents they could blackmail them and keep them quiet and if I had any ability, they didn't want me to talk or even have any ability. They stole everything from me. And then I came over here and realized they've been trying to do the same thing to my Mom and Dad.

* Rubberband.
Another small thing...since I'm looking at it right now. I had pulled a red rubberband off of a bunch of cilantro the other day (maybe 3 days ago) and kept it, put it to the side and I hadn't left the house so no one knew it was there. It's the only rubberband I had in the house. This sort of darker red rubberband. And then yesterday morning I took it out of my hair to shower, after I'd had my hair curled and it was a little tangled and I slipped it over the shower head. I then went over to my parent's house to pick up laundry and I was given my underwear and socks, a shirt, and a green bath facecloth, and included in the pile was a red rubberband, but one that wouldn't tangle up my hair like the grocery store one. It's close to the same size and everything. I had the rubberband in my hair on a day inside my trailer when no one (I don't think) saw it.

This is an extremely small sample. There is much more and much bigger stuff.

I think the Hate Crime groups wanted to blackmail me somehow or find a way to use blackmail or entrap me and when it didn't work, they wanted to call me crazy and settled on that, and for blackmailing my parents--with FBI and other members of govt. involved and supporting Hate Crime.

(I just heard a woman screaming outside and went out to look. It was my Mom and Dad outside and my Dad was saying harshly (not like him), to the dog, "You GET INSIDE NOW. Scooter. COME. YOU GET INSIDE. COME in. You KNOW better." (My Dad's never like that with Scooter so I asked--), "Mom, what's going on?" and my Mom said, "Oh, there was a racoon.")

5. I guess, to add to that, I could say that a few minutes before this occured, Google posted several ads and I read only 2, one just the title of "Fairfield" and then there was one that said, "So much for the Rack." I thought, "what does this have to do with anything?" as Google put this on my blogpost after I posted how I thought the U.S. likes to blackmail people and if they can't, they call them "mentally ill" for their hate crime friends. So I was thinking about why I would get an ad that said "so much for the rack" and then about 10 minutes later I hear a scream and went outside and they said there was a racoon out there. Probably there was, usually my Dad doesn't have this tone though. But also, they may have again, known what I was thinking and made some suggestion they knew. It actually made me think, the tone, of how my son has been treated by state workers and etc.

6. Twin Lights.
Yesterday I went into my parent's house in the morning and my Mom had long tube flourescent lights out on the kitchen table. I hadn't told her that I had taken out the long tube flourescent lights out of their storage and had them in the open because I put water in the cupboards instead. But she and my Dad knew. OK. And get this. I thought to myself, "She had 3 tubes out total and I have 2 packages of twin tubes." So JUST now I thought, "Why did she have 3 out?" and I went over to the packages that are still sitting out and opened up the top of the boxes. Sure enough. There's 3. 1 is missing from the box. You can't tell from the outside and I hadn't looked. I'd just taken both out, along with other things, and then I thought, "Why did my Mom or Dad put only 3 tubes out on the same morning after I had the flourescent bulbs out?" I thought, "Did she think I had taken 3 out of the boxes? or did she only have 3 and not 4? or is there only 3 total here and I don't know it yet but she does?" On the outside of the box it says "twin pack" and I had 2"twin pack" packages partly under a sweater I just got but out in the open after they'd been stored away all this time. The sweater and lights were to the left of my couch, and the sweater is a new black and red one I got, solid black with teeny little "w"s on it that make it look sort of like tulips or stars or w's from a distance. And for the first time ever since I've been here, 3 tubes were out in the open right when you walked in the door to my parent's house. So that's when I just now went over and opened up the tops of the cardboard boxes and looked, and there are 3 tubes total. So she knew both boxes were out and that there were 3 and that's why she set 3 tubes on the table.

* Also, I know the shaking I've described is spiritual and from the holy spirit because yesterday I was in a huge argument with my Mom and screaming about being drugged and medicated and my mother is staring at me, not able to maybe say anything because she has dark skin around her eyes from torture herself and then she started praying out loud, in "tongues" or whatever language it is, and I felt it immediately. I started shaking, but it wasn't from anger, it was the holy spirit and I was still mad, but I recognized what it was and it's not "technology". Also, today while standing on the porch I felt it.

7. Turquoise-Green Dish Detergent.
I needed dish detergent a couple (or few?) days ago and there was a little yellow detergent left and I handed my Mom the bottle and then she gave it back to me and it was turquoise and I remembered, her detergent in the house was aqua blue. So it made turquoise. And when I was a little girl, I had a recurring habit of mixing the two together. "Mom! Look! Now it's turquoise! isn't it pretty?!" I did it ALL the time, for years and all of a sudden, I remembered this just the other day. She always said, "Uh huh" or maybe once or now and then, "Don't mix them together Cameo."
And actually, I think she may have known I was going to write about this, because tonight when I asked for cleaner, she gave me a blue cleaner and said, "Don't mix them together--ammonia with bleach." It's 9:43 p.m. now and she said this to me at about 6 p.m. I got back to my house and thought about the 2 being mixed together and noticed the colors on the bottles. One was in yellow with a little green on the outside, and blue, and the other one was solid blue and white.

It matches, exactly, the colors on the 2 different detergent bottles that were mixed together.

My parents have blue Dawn in a blue and white bottle in the house. My detergent was yellow Joy and in a yellow, green and white bottle.

The cleaners she said not to mix together match the above. I had been using "Soft Scrub with Bleach cleanser" (by Henkel). She gave me, at 6 p.m. tonight, "Great Value original glass cleaner (streak-free) with ammonia by Wal-mart. The liquid inside matches the light blue color of the detergent she has now, and the label is dark blue, white and lt. blue.

They match the detergent bottles we just mixed together a couple days ago, and I didn't even know myself that I was going to write about how I remembered doing this as a kid tonight, though I've thought about it, how I did this as a kid, since she gave me the turquoise detergent with yellow and blue together, but not shaken up, like I used to do, and hold up to the light at the kitchen window and look at. Usually it was turquoise, sometimes I made green.

Not only that, tonight I said I needed a cleaner but I wasn't totally out of the bleach one yet. Just like I hadn't been totally out of my yellow detergent when I said I needed more. And I didn't tell her I wasn't out but she knew I wasn't and said, "Don't mix them together."

My mom used to say, use up the one detergent and then use the next one, but I liked to experiment and thought the colors mixing was fun. I tried for different variations through the years, but yes, it is something from, specifically, my childhood-pre-teen, maybe teen years in Moses Lake up to the age of 15.

8. Yellow Car Approaching, Perfect Timing.
For a few weeks now, I've noticed, if my Dad isn't occupied...remember how I said he gave me this music to play and then right as it got to the "Zion" song, having never heard the CD before, or knowing the order, I randomly happened to be on the phone with the "Zion Bank" at the exact same time? it was when they wouldn't answer the phone and it was a Portland number and I had thought it odd because it was still afternoon, before or around 4 p.m. Well, lately, my Dad has done this with arriving and showing up at our house, in the yellow car, right at the moment I pick up a yellow object. It's happened so many times, or at times when I am specifically thinking about my Dad and lo! he pulls in a fraction of a second later, that I am positive it's not coincidence. You have to be good, to have God-given psychic "timing".

(Which, by the way, continues to prove my point that this is why we've been pushed down, forced to work for others, and obstructed by torture and druggings and things,and is a kind of "power" that some in the govt. are uncomfortable being unable to control--therefore they control us and enslave us--esp. when hate crime entered into the picture)

9. Red, Dark Blue, White, and Turquoise Toothpaste.
This is still a couple days ago bc it was Sunday when it happened. I'd been saying I needed to buy toothpaste and I was going to get it Saturday when I was with my Mom but she said, "I have some of a leftover tube and it's not much but I'll give it to you." I forgot to ask for it, and some of a different kind still. So I didn't remember to pick it up until they were back from church and I'd been to the store to get milk. I got a small container (pint?) of Umpqua Whole Milk and had put it in the fridge and then I took it out and carried it to their porch to see if the cat wanted any. I think that's what it was. Or maybe it was still in the fridge, but I think it was with me. I was at the door and asked for the toothpaste and my Mom handed it to me and it was in a container with the exact same colors that were on the milk container I'd just bought. Exact match. So I walked in my door and realized not only that, I had a turquoise jacket lying next to a red jacket on my couch, right next to eachother, with white inbetween, just like the picture of the toothpaste swirl on the tube of toothpaste I held in my hands.

10. Apple Pattern.
All this time I've been here, I have never really studied the apple pattern on these hot pads I have until tonight. I looked at the clock, at 10:25 p.m. because I was thinking about the black and red sweater I got from Goodwill (that is partly over the twin packs) and sort of smiling about it. I just checked and I think they're burnt out maybe. They say "replacement bulbs". I'm not sure if they're okay or not. The ones in my parent's house aren't burnt out but these ones are. I guess that's what we get if we switch to flourescent instead of the other kind! (I like the other kind). From about 10:20 p.m. or so, it hit me--not holy spirit at all, just a sense of being amused. I thought, "It could be for washington or william and even my son's name is close to william, and..." I don't know. I had just loved the sweater right away. Then I looked at the hot pad hanging up now and it's apples all over, and it made me think about the handtowel I'd folded into a drawer handle and I pulled it out to look at it--it's one from many years ago, and it has apples in the same pattern and a maple leaf and a leaf with berries next to it. The only reason I bring it up, bc it's not a big deal, is bc maybe my parents knew I'd think about the hot pad pattern tonight, so they gave me this apple pattern towel. I think they knew bc I just unfolded this other one, and it has the same pattern as is on the hot pad, with little squares all the way across. It's the same thing. And, of all things, it has the same design that's on the sweater I got. On the side it has a "w" but looks like it says cameo almost but I can't read it and it's just a "w" design in there that looks like a w twice or m. Anyway, so my parents clearly knew I'd think of this tonight when they gave me these towels earlier, and both are from my earlier childhood and teen years. This other one is baby pink clusters of grapes with leaves around it. It's from Moses Lake days and the other one is from Sherwood, Oregon after maybe people got jealous or mean.

The washcloth I used earlier today, from my childhood, still has the tag on it and it's Lady Leopard. It's from the 80s or very early 90s because I remember using it for my face. It's almost threadbare now. I never looked at tags then, I just remember the cloth. And I remember that I later liked leopard print. I am not sure why my mother wears it now because she never cared for it--it was my thing. But anyway, a lot of thins have changed in the past 7 years since the FBI kept my family separated and tortured.

By the way, I'd like to know why Google suddenly changed the color of my Blogger frame that I write on to a baby blue that matches the color of the wiki for Martin Dempsey because I HATE that man. Not only that, Google suddenly changed the color right after 10:30 p.m. when I noticed that after a pleasant cessation in being tortured, someone picked it up again. For those who don't know Blogger, when you are writing your posts, there is a frame all around the text box and it doesn't appear in the published page or post.

They put in Roman Catholic Mary blue that matches Martin Dempsey's color bar across his wiki page and started up torture against my family at the same time. It was midnight or navy blue until after 10:30 p.m when I made a post about "Apple Pattern" and then only got so far as to write about the sweater I got. And at the same time, someone started jamming my laptop so I couldn't type in the letter "g" without hitting it several times. That's military. So what happened? someone tapped into the Roe-Dempsey connection?

Also, since I last mentioned the washcloth, someone was made to throw up all over it because it smelled like throw up. And supposedly my parents haven't been sick and are not being tortured by Dempsey and his pals. Um, and by the way, this isn't the "turquoise" I was talking about if you're trying to make a turquoise color or trying to match Dempsey's color I don't know. But this isn't it. Right now we have what I call robin eggshell blue, not the jade-turquoise I'm talking about which, right now is sort of more tourmaline or emerald green having been mixed up.

At any rate, I need to continue writing about my parents and what they can do because it's obviously threatenin to someone and a Hate Crime group, and they've been getting away with crime for too long.

So, the throw up smell on the washcloth? is the same throw up smell I noticed, that's new, on a cupboard door in my trailer next to the right side of the bed. I was cleaning today and noticed and I have not personally thrown up and I wiped it down before and nothing was there. So most likely, when I was out walking to the store or somewhere else, my Mom or Dad was throwing up, and being forced to throw up on the "Lady Leopard" washcloth and in my trailer for some reason, and like I said, it's military and corrupt police and FBI around here and they let gangs take over for them whenever they want. The other thing I noticed, is that it was on the right side, not the left, and that's the same side where the springs on my bed were all messed up, just like the springs on the rockingchair in our house, on the day my mother was assaulted. Which I've written about, where someone had broken the door in, and my Mom was trying not to cry and it was the same timing that Wasson and WA state were trying to blackmail their way out of giving my son back.

I just went outside to check my parent's place bc someone started up torture and there is something going on over there too. And someone up the hill is apparently running a generator which could tap into one of the things, but the same effect has been done without making any generator noise. It's on the North side of our house, up the hill and behind my parent's house, to the North. And there's something about a green hanger.

Anyway, someone is still jamming the keys on my laptop.

Most of the examples above are from a few minutes out of the day today and a couple things that stood out in the last day or two. This is a super short idea of what my parents can do and proves why we have been in danger and why they can't talk about it without being beat up or tortured. I also have a gift, but it's not like that, and I've also been tortured. Because I didn't even know about some of this until later in life, I think it's good for other victims to feel there is someone out there who knows they're not crazy, and that probably, it's generational. Maybe you were recently picked out for it, but a lot of it is coming from generational blackmail. If they like you and you do everything they want, you might get ahead. And if someone doesn't like you, and their group commits hate crimes, all they have to have is someone with seniority on their side to classify torture and it's illegal to conceal crime for any reason or to classify for concealment of crimes. Supposedly, the United States doesn't believe in torture of foreigners--this has to be a lie, because they torture their own citizens. So who should the public and the rest of the world believe? Their own formerly imprisoned people who talk about torture but can't show a lot of evidence for it? or should they believe what the heads of these organzations are telling everyone. It's not in the best interests of our country to allow hate crime. And especially not against their own citizens who prove others are profitting personally from it and it has NOTHING to do with "national security". It's jealousy.

11. Broken Glass.
A few weeks ago, I stopped at a grove of trees and pet the cat & dog and noticed a triangular piece of glass. Not happy someone is going out to the trees to put glass out there. I went in the house and the same thing was on her dresser by her mirror. It was a day later and the first piece was obscure and randomly found so I don't know if she had a match or found the same one. But it was same timing.

12. Water Bucket.
It was the day before yesterday or when I was upset about my internet being cut off and why wasn't it fixed. So I threw a fit and I'm tired of being a guinea pig and once on my porch, I had picked someone off the porch or something and it tore. It fell to the ground and it was the same shape and size of a piece of plastic left by one of the doors at my parent's house. It was a piece of plastic from a wrap around the water bottles I'd just bought. I picked them up by the side and it tore off in the exact shape and size that had been sitting out at my parent's doorstep all day. I was so angry that someone had predicted this, that I stamped and yelled and went into the house. Then I saw my Dad coming over and he had not even been in my place at all and he carried over a bucket of water that was the same shape and size as the one I had inside my house to catch water. He carried it over to me with the exact same level of water in it (it was clear plastic so I could see it). I couldn't believe it. I had this sawed off clear plastic bucket inside my house, with the exact same amount of water at the bottom, that had come from a leak in the roof, that my Dad was carrying over to me. He had not been in my house and had no way of knowing how much water was there. At least, I don't think he was in there that day, but maybe he was. There are too many other things though, so I know that they are much more talented than I ever knew. I also know they are remarkable given the fact that they've been drugged and tortured and beat up. Literally. The first time I ever had any idea about my Dad was when I was in Wenatchee for something and looking out a window and saw this oncoming semi-truck and my Dad said out loud, the exact words and make of the semi-truck. I was so literally freaked out and SCARED, that I didn't know if someone was watching me and forcing him to say stuff to me, or what. Then I found out, no, my parents are extremely gifted remote-viewers, predictors, and even mind and thought readers. Not only that, they do love God and it's not witchcraft. I know this. I know they've been used and abused though, because of what they can do, and I've been attacked over it. I'm not writing this bc I want in--I don't want this for my son and the U.S. has allowed hate crime to ruin national security and interests. They are torturing valuable and good people, for no reason. They know how good they are so they've forced them to work with other people's kids and steal their own children from them and keep them down. If you value your own citizens, you don't try to ruin their lives over hate crime favors. I had randomly looked out the window when that semi was passing me and my Dad knew it was there, said it was approaching, and read, from what God gave him, the words on the truck, when he was in a totally different state. My Dad was at our Coquille, Oregon phone number. I thought, "This is why we are victims of hate crime, if it's true" and it's true. People must have been afraid of parent's for decades and then tried to get the upperhand because of this fear. They wanted to control my family and have them coach their kids while they obstructed justice, tortured us, and kept us out of college.

Keep your heads up victims of "the-same-thing" because somewhere in the world there are others who are few in number but will relate and/or one day wake up and find out this is what happened to them too. I also think some might start questioning what kind of people allow this to happen in the U.S.

It even helps me to realize, I should have listened to my parents more back then, because they knew I shouldn't have been with Robin Bechtold ever. And they were 100% right. Geoff Rasmussen knew, and my parents probably knew more about the Bechtold's than I did. I had someone trying to assassinate me when I was leaving his house. No one knew what time I was leaving that house except his parents. Janet Bechtold sent a video of me out of the country without my consent and gloated when she believed I was "homeless". She showed me photos of women she'd known who became "nuns" and showed photos to me of them in their nun habits after I was already in litigation against the Abbey. And it's lookin like Nathan Bechtold tried to get revenge or protect his brother by starting up a defamation of me early-on, after I reported Robin's attempts to buy prescription pills from me.

So now that I know my parents are able to read more about a person than I realized, I never should have gone out with him EVER. They knew it was trouble and I didn't know why. His Dad, George Bechtold has some fascinating connections to South America and who knows...CIA or should we stick with "highly intelligent man who smoked pot his entire life and snubbed my mother at an outdoor picnic". The fact that Nathan Bechtold witnessed his own Dad smokin pot everyday in their house, is probably a good indicator that it's plausible Robin Bechtold tried to buy prescription pills from me and his mother hated me and used California mafia and Roman Catholic connections to get revenge for not wanting to be her son's "sexual playmate". To later be defamed by law enforcement and see where some of it is coming from, is a problem.

So basically, no one knew I was leaving the Bechtold's house when I did. NO ONE except the Bechtolds.

To later find they've made connections with some Mormons in business, puts some of the Mormons in WA and OR into question. Like, some of these "Mormons" who have witnessed crime against a child, MY child, and covered it up.

When I refused to lose my virginity to Robin, they invited me to live with them. They actually asked me to leave my parent's house and live in one of their rooms. Which is confusing when you think about

(Oh, by the way, since I've been writing about the Bechtolds, I've had someone using extreme technology against me that causes the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.)

So what happened? Mike Tanzer and Robin Bechtold had a war? or do these guys all know eachother? Because RIGHT now, I have someone doing the exact same thing they did to ME and MY SON over in E. Wenatchee.

Now someone on Power FM (radio station in OR) put on an ad about children having fevers, one song after I've been writing about these things.

So, the Bechtold's house, then, was on the corner. It was fairly remote back then, off of Hwy 99 and at the end of a private road and it was dark that night. I was only a couple of miles away from his house when it happened. I'm wondering about some of the connections, because of connections to some Mormon's who maybe didn't want to help for some personal or business reasons. They went into business with the Wiltbanks, a Mormon family. There is no possible way Erica (my classmate) didn't know that George smoked pot and her family went into business. By that time too, Janet hated me and made it clear and this was in high school still bc I told my mother how she'd snubbed me in 1992, ignoring me to go right over to Erica Wiltbank to rave about her dress while I stood right next to Erica and Janet said not one word to me. It was when I was wearing a floor-length dress and Erica wore a velvet one her mother had made her. I even said something to Robin about it, just "I don't think your mother likes me." "Oh yes she does."

Oh no. She didn't. And she made it THAT clear to me, in 1992, which was the same year someone tried to kill me on the way back from his house. It was, I think, right after I was Homecoming Queen. We were all standing in a line, the women, and Janet was there. I think it was for photos or something, because we were all in formals. And Erica stood right next to me and Janet refused to speak to me even though I tried to say hello and had never been rude to her in my life. So, I'm not saying Robin would have done something, but his best friend Erik Lund hated me then and his mother HATED me and then later, his own Dad snubbed MY mother. WHAT cause would HE have to snub my mom? I remember all these high school people were sort of making fun of my mom and I chose to sit next to her rather than where all the teens sat. I chose family over fair-weather friends. I remember they were all staring at me. "Cameo, why don't you sit over here with us?" "It's okay, I'm going to sit here." And I sat next to my Mom and thought George had some kind of superiority issue. My mother tried to be friendly with him and was chatting and he was just rude. So I am wondering, given the business with this Mormon family, which really wasn't what you'd think "Mormons" would be about, which Mormons might have had a conflict of some kind which affected some of the treatment by a few of them. I mean, it makes me wonder if the Mormon S.S.A. from D.C. has any direct or indirect connection to Wiltbanks. Or to the police officers or FBI agent in Wenatchee, that concealed crime against a child--MY child.

Because I generally have high regard for Mormons, but there are some who have not been what I know many of them to be like. Just like in every religion. I personally think it's not a Mormon problem at all, but there have been a few surprises and shocks so I suspect a conflict of interest somewhere, or that they're not even actually Mormon at all but hoping others think they are. The only personal slight I can remember is turning Paul Saito down for dates. Aside from that, any conflict would only be one that's there if they were trying to protect someone or a group they felt closer to, or more allegiance with, than me. Oh! and this guy I dated briefly, who was studying rocket science--he wanted to get together with me again and I felt it was for the wrong reasons so I said no and he got really mad about it. I tried to be nice about it at first but then he wanted to talk about Mormon stuff all the time and I tried to tell him I wasn't interested. But what was strange, was a lot of Jewish were making a point with this. Like, why would some of the same Jewish that had plotted to rape me then be trying to capitalize off of a Mormon guy? What's the motive there. I've seriously questioned whether or not he was even Mormon at all because he and his friend didn't act very typically Mormon. They basically suggested I be with both of them, intimately, at the same time. Which was shocking. I said no, and let them know, no, I wasn't going to do that. So I later questioned if they were even who they said they were at all. Seriously. They were doing "water quality" studies right next to my house, and said it was a joint project between some colleges. I had thought they sort of stood out, and wasn't really sure if that's why they were even there. So, since it wasn't at a Mormon church or anything, I don't know to this day if they were Mormon. I mean, they weren't Ricks college style, or BYU stereotypical Mormon at all. They seemed far more worldly than one would expect. If they weren't Mormon, why they chose to be at my place I don't know. I also think, in Seattle, the people making a big deal about this rocket stuff were Jewish but they honestly could have been Catholic bc half of them were passing themselves off as belonging to whatever religion they weren't.

(It's 1:15 a.m. and whoever it was quit running the lower back pain causing technology after I started writing about a few Mormon connections)

I don't feel there is any kind of religious hate crime with Mormons at all. I've never even heard of such a thing--of Mormons oppressing or persecuting people out of religious hatred--they have been so newly released from oppression I don't think most of them go out looking for a Crusade. But there are a few who don't add up, and since it's not the main thing, I just question then why they have not added up right.

I will post more about my parent's gifts later.

Leaving off with something I wanted to look up tonight. I wanted to look up Beowulf. So I found a reading of the prologue but her reading wasn't very good. This one, I love. I've watched it-listened to it many times. WHAT. WOT. Sounds just like my parents through the door. WHAT. WOT!

Scyld Scefing's Funeral

I like the reading (when reading) in the Old English. It's so ...I love this story.

Someone is still using technology to torture and they are still jamming my computer. It's 5 min. til 2 a.m. and someone continues to prevent the "g" key from working, and is stopping the video clips at places they want to stop, to make some kind of personal point.

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