Tuesday, November 15, 2011

thinking about my son

I just needed warm sweaters and picked the warmest wool ones I could find that I liked. I was able to get only 2 so I got a red v neck with long arms that was trim even though it said maternity on it. Then I saw this other one that looked very 80s to me and I liked it along with other ones. I didn't decide on it until I saw the bright effect to my face, and loved how it looked like little tulips or w's but mainly, it was good quality and had an esp. bright red to it. The kind I like, which lifted my face, so the arms were short but I pushed them up and said "3/4". I really do like it, though I haven't worn it yet. I've been wearing black on black (long black pants and black turtleneck) and my black jacket. To the point...I didn't know I was getting this, but a week earlier I picked up more organic apple cider vinegar at the health food store and after I got it home, I saw something had been crossed out with a WW or VVVV--another label, and I liked the lid, "don't forgetta mezetta" and it made me think of my son (don't forget me). But I guess that's not something my parents predicted maybe or maybe they did. So I think I saw the little w's and thought of my son too. I need to put this somewhere else, bc it has nothing predictive absolute

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