Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Dempsey & Mueller Illegally Torturing My Parents Tonight

While NSA or DOJ/FBI "computer crime" people continue to jam my laptop operations, I went over to my parents house to see if there is anything happening to them and there is.

This has pretty much gone far enough.

I'll tell you how I know it's jamming keys--bc ever since I made my post about the sweater I got, someone with access to military starting jamming my computer keys so that I have to hit "g" 2 times to have it record as entered. And now it's working overtime (my laptop is) like the sound of when someone is downloading or uploading something or trying to cover their tracks.

I didn't have this problem at all, until I wrote about getting a sweater at Goodwill's with w's on it. Ever since I wrote this, this is what someone has been doing. And it's not a keyboard or age issue either.

The other thing is that it's positive U.S. military is responsible for the torture of me and my son and covering it up with help from others. The men coming onto the property were not military. They were more like CIA or FBI. But those covering for it later at least, were military.

My parent's house is being blasted with technology and it's at several different points where someone is assuming they might try to go to sleep. Basically, someone already knows this torture is unwanted and that if it's bad enough upstairs where their bed is, they might attempt to find refuge sleeping somewhere else.

It's flat-out assault and battery and torture.

There is the "ink bursts out of pens" form of technology that someone is using on the North side of the house and I walked right through a line of it. If I stood against the house, on the North side, that's all I noticed. On the porch by the front door I hardly noticed anything.

Someone restored the g key now. Which means exactly what I said it means.

They decided to get sneaky about torturing my parents because they quit directing anything where they already know I usually to check. They are getting specific and pin-pointing where they are assaulting and targeting my parents.

So tonight, you couldn't feel or notice very much at either the front porch or the back porch, on the steps. There is also a spot where I used to go, which someone obviously knows about, bc they're not directing torture there either. Below their bedroom window with the window high above, nothing.

But tonight I checked other points and found out they targeted other areas, basically, the places I don't usually check and alternate places where they might try to sleep. The wall right next to the couch. I could feel it within seconds, which means they are not just sort-of torturing them--they are blasting them to the point of knowing it's causing severe pain and damage. My lower back and stomach were instantly hurting and aching and I could even feel some kind of hum or vibration but that's not what causes the lower back pain. It started within seconds and when I moved just a foot away, it instantly quit.

And right now someone just did something targeting my head. To the right of my head, if I am facing my parents house and my ear is to the freeway.

Then I went to the South side of the house and they were using both the "ink bursts out of pens" technology combined with the same thing that causes excruciating pain to the abdomen and lower back. They almost killed me and my son using this and they're doing the same thing to my parents.

The point where it's strongest on the South side, is immediately in front of the office where the computer is. The same place where someone was doing something that practically electrocuted my feet while I sat at the computer. Straight ahead is nothing but a road. It's coming from the sky.

It's satellite.

There is nothing in front of my parents house and if you walk ahead a few steps, you can't feel anything. You have to be at the same location where the military is immediately targeting the torture to occur. So, since the couch is right up against the wall there, the satellite concentration is focusing from directly overhead onto that specific target and they can't get around it because I'm standing right there. The only other possibility is having someone outside, in the woods ahead, watching and targeting while I stand there, but if its a line, you can't walk forward and away from it.

The radius of how much ground they covered when they tortured me and my son was huge. The CIA and DOD didn't pick a specific target like just the bed my son and I sleep on. They covered the entire property. There wasn't one place inside my house or outside of my house where I could go.

I just checked over at my parents house and they have become much more specific. Because you have to be up against the wall where the couch is. On the other South side, the only thing ahead is a road.

Also, the houses in this neighborhood are owned by people that torture my parents. There are many places for a person to be illicity beaten, experimented with, and tortured.

These neighbors know eachother well enough to know that if they want to combine energy source from a house behind my parents place to another house in front, and put us in the middle, they can do that.

I wrote down all the house numbers and vehicle numbers of every house surrounding us. Some of these places I looked into and they've definitely tortured in the past.

What's odd is how they start up this lower back torture only when I bring up corrupt state police or FBI. I can pretty much say whatever I want about the military and the CIA, unless I get too close to something, but my torture in E. Wenatchee began when I was looking into local law enforcement stuff,, and state police, and FBI in particular.

So it definitely looks like retaliation and hate crime more than research.

Not only that, last night, and several nights in a row, the U.S. military or someone outside, has used technology that hits the metal on this trailer and makes a loud sound and causes my heart to quit for a second, and jump. It creates a sudden fast pressure in my heart and lungs and for a minute I can't breathe. And they've done this many many times after I've gone to bed and I'm lying down, and it is always accompanied with a loud bang like something hit metal on the outside of the trailer.

Not too many things are powerful enough to cause a loud ping or knock, like a rock hitting the metal and then the effect of seizing up both your heart and lungs at the same time with some sort of quick squeeze or pressure.

Last night it happened on the side of the trailer where I sleep, and I could point out the exact spot it hit on the trailer bc of the noise it made when it happened.

It's looking like some Irish gang work if you ask me. Catholic Irish and Catholic period. Since a Mormon military SSA came out in 2004, I would also like to know more about him and who he knows. If the FBI had him and a Catholic CA guy come out to meet me, they had an angle. Nothing good happened to us after that. I would guess the angle on the Mormon guy was that it's a military one or that he's not even Mormon. If he is Mormon and it's not military then it's possible he has something to do with the "Mormon" (not-so-mormon) guys like the rocket scientist guy and his water study buddy who wanted a menage trois, or some kind of business conflict they would be protecting. I.e, if Bujanda and Garza could be tied to Bechtold, that's a lot of Catholicism right there--hispanic and irish, and if there's a Mormon guy doing business with any of them or their families, they might not want the scrutiny. Therefore, to protect business interests and reputation and keep money flowing, if they thought that even though my complaint was about 2 guys, it could spiral out and encircle more, and start to look weird, if there's a Mormon friend to throw in for back-up, good idea. And wherever money is involved, lots of it, greed can potentially follow, no matter what religion you are.

Business relationships.

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