Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Torture Of My Parents & Military Orders (Wenatchee)

I just went over to their house today and someone has the entire house targeted. I couldn't tell from the porch that much but I was asking to walk the dog and when the door opened I could feel it all around the doorway and it was the "ink bursting out of pens" technology that you can literally feel the hum of.

So it's not like anyone could live with that or stay there, and I'm sure they're doing the same thing anywhere else they think my parents would go. Because I know people at the trailer park do this.

My Dad looks blasted today, at 1 p.m. and it's obvious he got completely fried wherever he was this morning or maybe it was just all night last night. Then, I went over to his car where he was pulling away, and it hadn't been buzzing next to the car bc I'd just been there. Someone targeted technology over my DAD's car, I guess, after he started it up. So my Dad starts the car, and away they go--I mean, they started up this torture.

I was right there when it happened. My Dad had nothing in his hands and he wouldn't do this anyway. There was nothing happening until he started the car. So basically, it was happening throughout their house, and I had been standing by the car before he was there and nothing was felt. Then he walked outside and was next to the car and I stood there, and felt nothing. He got inside the car and started the engine--and there it was. Someone targeted this harmful technology on his car and I could feel it standing by the window. So either, he had to turn the car on for someone to know he was in it, and they did this, or when he turned the car on, they tapped into an energy source from the car.

Apparently, someone is trying to have my parents force me not to live here now too. Even though there has been torture here, it's been 80% better than everywhere else lately and someone is trying to have me kicked out. It's not for my best interests--it's because some group doesn't like my being able to live here and see what my parents can do and further prove how we are NOT "free" and that my parents are hostages. It also helps me prove my own case against hate crimes being concealed by the U.S. govt. and why they tortured and kidnapped my son. They also don't want me to be able to report when my parents are being assaulted and how often.

If they force me out, they're doing the exact same thing they've done the last 7 years to me and my entire family. It's U.S. military and CIA. The FBI doesn't like it when I write about what my parents can do bc all of a sudden, people can start asking questions about what kind of FBI is it if they are allowing this?

I said "What do you mean I'm not going to be able to live here?"

And that, by the way, was after I went to the back door a couple of times and then the front and I thought not to for some reason like it was bad luck and someone had left a blue PILL there on the ground and it's not my parents. I'm standing there on the porch and some idiot truck driver honks several times and I said to my Dad, "What exactly am I supposed to DO? The entire POINT was to go to college. You were going to pay the transcript off 3 months ago." He said they just discussed it, and I said "No, Mom was getting out the checkbook and pen and I said wait a minute." So what happened. If my parents can do whatever they want with their money, why am I being obstructed from college again only after the FBI gets FOI/PA from me and I file for injunction to get my son? That's illegal obstruction. I said, "There is NOTHING else that I could do. I'm not getting married and I'm not going to be someone's girlfriend and that's out of the question. I am a different person now and there is no way I would ever think about what I was trying to figure out before to desperately find a way to get my son back. And I can't get a job because I've been DEFAMED and being in college shows there is nothing wrong with me if I get straight As." My Dad did this thing with his mouth that reminded me of my Ex. I will NEVER be with any of these guys and I know my RIGHTS enough to know the U.S. military is SCREWED if they don't quit their illegal torture and don't return my son. I don't have to do ANYTHING for them and the FBI is going to be in bigger trouble if they keep trying to obstruct justice.

I'm not hitchhiking anywhere, and I'm not dating, and I'm not allowing hate crime groups to follow me around and laugh about how I try to manage with NOTHING. And then they attempt to call degrading treatment and torture "research".

I said, "When did this plan formulate? it seems like it was today, what? someone told you I had to move because they don't want me to talk about things?" and then I said, "They already have a place lined up don't they? They want me to be around a bunch of their military rug-rats. FUCK THEM."
My Dad also brought up my swearing from my blogposts and I said, "So what. You never said anything about that. I can't say what I want on my blog? It was a couple of days."

I don't feel bad about swearing bc the only time is do is in extremely horrific circumstances, like FBI allowing torture and trying to tell your parents not to help out with college after it was already a deal.

Sorry about the swearing to whomever it offends but it has nothing to do with my family unless someone is refusing to help us bc I swear occasionally. If someone is reading my blog, they choose to do so. I don't know if my parents are just hoping it doesn't detract others from knowing who I am or what I'm really like, or that it will keep them from reading about what's happening to us. Or, if they are just upset I cussed out Dempsey and Obama and Mueller. They should be doing something good. They should be paying me what I'm worth. They should be asking instead of taking without asking. They should be paying my parents what they're worth. They should be protecting us. They shouldn't be defending hate crime. They shouldn't be trying to create circumstances favorable to them. They shouldn't get ideas in their heads that if they move me next to someone, I'm going to date them or be a guinea pig for them.

They shouldn't be obstructing my free will for basic freedoms and liberties, like for one, going to college.

If you could pay for it 3 months ago, you can pay for that transcript now, and any reason not to is coming straight out of the FBI

My Mom's boss is part of the problem and she and Patty have contacts to Washington state. Washington State is the biggest problem right now, and the feds. Things started in Oregon, but WA is the State that has the most liability and then the feds from just FBI. And Debbie Burt and Patty Otterbach have coordinated a lot of things with WA.

By the way, whatever has been used that seizes up the heart and lungs briefly, with a pressure and causes a noise on the outside of the trailer, the exact same thing happened for the first time in Wenatchee, WA and Wenatchee police knew about it. I was trying to find an outlet to charge my computer and went upstairs on this balcony of a dentists office and I was sitting there while it was charging and got assaulted and at the same time it happened, noises like something hitting the outside of the building happened (I was outside). They are doing it harder over here, but I recognize it as having been tried out on me first in Wenatchee.

I blogged about it immediately and left, and when I did, Wenatchee police were all over, smirking and following me. It was clear from their expressions that they knew what was going on. They were informed and they knew.

The police there did some of the most illegal things I've ever seen police do. And it was almost all of them. I've never been around so many corrupt cops before in my life. Like I've said before, if you were secretly a good guy cop, I would be extremely scared. I can't even imagine being a cop there who is secretly good and finding out how bad the rest are--I wouldn't trust anyone and it is bad enough there where you know you will end up dead if you say anything bc the FBI is covering for a lot. I would have no clue who to direct anyone to over there bc it is that bad.

But yes, my mother's workplace and real estate try to control her and many of them know WA state policians and FBI. It's definitely collusion and it's definitely state-to-state. The people with the most to worry about at this time are military hate crime coverers, but probably they're not that worried about me so it really ends up being about WA state and what they did with my kid, and FBI. It would be hate crime people who know people in WA and in FBI or v.versa where WA or certain FBI don't want any connections or discovery to be made of who they know and how they're connected. And police.

Everything was fine until I tried to fight for my son. As soon as they saw I wasn't giving up, they decided they wanted to cut me out of college. If I had dropped it and let them win and take my son, I'd be in college by now. When they saw I was fighting for my son, they didn't want me to go to college or have any money to work with, when I would hardly even have money to live off of. They just figured the only way to obstruct me was to keep me out of school.

Prove me wrong. The checkbook was out, ready to sign, and what changed? Not only do I want my son but I'm asking for FOI?

OOOoooohhhhh scarrrrreeeeee. What are you afraid of scaredy pants. A little boy testifying against you? Or a "mentally ill" woman not appearing to be mentally ill upon admission to college.

You have spent billions on hate crime and you're still afraid of me.

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