Monday, November 28, 2011

Parent's Multiple Predictions & Torture

Well, more things happened but pretty soon I'm not going to share anymore. I'm only sharing enough in the hope that someone from the public who didn't believe before, will believe now for some reason, that we're targeted and tortured. I was going to wear all blue but a sweatshirt didn't smell good so I put it in the wash and then I was going to wear a black jacket but decided to wear my yellow and black and green braided shirt with my hair in braids, and my white tank underneath to pull down over my hips and then I had my cobalt blue jacket on. I was still cold so I put on a red v-neck sweater and then wore the jacket over--it has turquoise on the inside. In my hair were 2 pens hidden mainly and a maroon rubberband, also hidden. My levi's and black tights beneath. Wore the double braids. I almost put on my black but anyway. I am really loving these brown courderoys I have. They're too baggy but I love them.

Last night I prayed and asked if I was to watch any part of the movie "Lion Witch and the Wardrobe" and I don't need to pray about it but did (sort of a Granny thing to do). I've never seen it before. I started watching one night but was distracted cooking so didn't. So it was just before midnight and I prayed and fastforwarded to where I should stop. Then I pressed stop and play, not that (i know, i know, it means nothing but sort of fun sometimes to see...)it means anything. So it showed this sword and then started with "It is Finished" and then someone was almost dying and this woman Susan takes out or has someone take out a flask and pour it into the mouth and they live. I couldn't believe it bc it looked like the hibiscus leaf heart shape and I had thought it looked like a flask or perfume bottle (at one pt. it crossed my mind and I wondered if there was anything like that somewhere). She pours it in and he lives and then there's the end.

Then I read some encouraging scriptures and went to bed.

This morning I walked the dog around and then walked downtown to get ginko & yerba and more pectin for my cookies. Another batch.

While walking I went to the pet store for the first time and got a treat for the dog and walked out with this bag with 3 roses on it, just like my Mom had to the left of the table, I had in my left hand--same bag.

Then I went to the health store and got more ginko, yerba, and then some pectin for my cookies. She showed me flaxmeal as an egg substitute but the pectin will hold the oats together while I don't have baking soda, baking powder, or flour. So I have to have stuff that will stick! I am making pumpkin cookies tonight which I wanted to make last night but was out of pectin.

Super easy. It takes 3 ingredients to make vegan oatmeal cookies:

(oh, and oil to fry the oats in first)

And I think I could try wheat that I have with pumpkin too. They're very nutritious and even the pectin is good for absorbing toxic substances in your system. I'll try flaxmeal sometime when I have other ingredients to use.

Then I went to the post office and got envelopes. Was going to go to the library but forgot and wanted to get back to the house in time anyway.

I saw a new stamp while standing there, because I used to always get the madonna and child stamps at christmas over the other ones or I got a religious theme, whatever it was...usually because I like the renaissance style or something. I don't know. I noticed today for the first time because before I left the house I kept getting something about madonna, like the madonna and about how I was almost named this. So I looked and noticed I was wearing the same colors she's wearing in the stamp and that there was a candlestick that looks like the one from my lamp in my house, which I've photographed, so I was curious to see the title and it's "madonna of the candelabras". It was only interesting to me bc I knew someone was talking about this kind of madonna today, not madonna the pop star, and something to do with me. Something about the choice of name.

You can see how much this country likes to live up to the name they claim to stand by. As if one had to be of a certain religion to be safe and free from obstruction or torture.

My mom was wearing paisley today. I used to wear paisely all the time when I was younger and picked it out as a favorite pattern right before jr. high.

1. Blue Thread
I said I didn't have any bc I thought I didn't but I do. I noticed last night that my mom had put a blue towel in with the green one for the cat to make it warmer. And then this afternoon I was going to tie the door and forgot to and I had pulled out a blue thread, midnight blue like the towel, and set it on my kitchen towel which is just below where I set my laptop. And I forgot to tie my door and left it there and when I got back I thought, "Oh! my mom must have known I had blue thread still and that I would put it on top of my olive green towel!" It's not the same though, and I had thrown things around and this happened with a shirt but no big deal.

2. Rose Sack.
Wrote about that above.

3. Something Else.
Something else I don't know if I should write about yet. I guess it was that I went singing to the trash can, to take something to the trash and then when I was there I saw some papers and poked a hole in the bag and pulled it out and it was the same songs I had been singing. The papers sheared when I pulled them out, with 2 sections in a v and this other paper in a ^ but I left the 1 paper there. I had several and on the page in the center, were songs, not exact at all, but close to what I'd been singing. I sang "he is exalted, the king is exalted on high, I will praise him...he is the lord, forever his truth shall reign...heaven and earth, rejoice in his holy name..." That one. And the papers that were there were not this song but a few were "I will lift your name on high" and "the king is exalted" and another king of names song or whatever. I'll keep the rest to myself. I left the 1 paper there and then looked, poking a finger in, and then at the last minute I decided to take it out too and look at it. It wasn't the one coming up on it's own though. Someone had left a bag of bear pellets or something, for BBQ at the far drive and I usually go in the other way but went this way and took it and the jam package to the garbage and then pulled out the worship songs. But that's about all for now. I don't do this, but today I did, and I was singing and they were songs right there. So I thought it's like proof someone knew I'd be singing something like this, maybe.

I'm going to make my cookies and that's it.

Also, it appears that it really is possibly the FBI obstructing me from going to college. My mother only went to work and to the post office and she looked like she was going to die. Her entire lower half of her jaw and face was green, and pale. Totally discolored and not normal and her eyes were completely black on the inside. It was obvious she was seriously tortured at either work or something happened at the post office.

I'm actually inclined to think something not very good happens with some of those federal workers there. I also have a feeling they've opened my mail before. I can't see how, unless someone is there to open it with someone watching, but a few times, I had a feeling it was the same day that I put something in the mail--at least once, but I am most likely wrong.

There were a bunch of horrible people in town today--like surveyors who just stalked me and watched my every move. I'm not saying there were not also good people, but some of the people were FBI and feds and not nice ones. All they did was mark out what I did and it was like the entire thing was a military or CIA stage set-up, with people watching to see if I did what they thought and following around.

I actually wish I'd not gone to town today. They weren't the really rude and harassing ones...these ones just mocked my existence. They don't care that my family is tortured--to them, it was most clearly a joke.

They showed me that they think I am a joke.

They're not interested in human rights, and they're the law. All they care about is their game and since they're not the ones suffering, they could care less.

Anyone who sees what is done to my parents and who knows my reports about torture are true, they're not laughing and smiling and feeling happy about what color I wear or which store I go to, or if they won some kind of bet.

When I see Holocaust victims, I don't start laughing.

Next time I go to the holocaust museum, I'll be sure to remember to laugh my heart out. I'll walk in with a friend and point to things and hahaha! that's just my _____, and nod in another direction, "This is right where I thought it would be!" hahaha...look at all of those kid's shoes!...Maybe they got rid of them because they were vegan. hahahahha! Oh my gosh, do you see how skinny that man is? ahhahahaaaa!

THAT is how "appropriate" the Middletons are. This is also how appropriate the FBI has been, and the military and Catholic church.

Marry a Catholic! and your family won't be tortured anymore! Come on! JUST DO IT.
My cookies. They are sort of bland. I am adding apples and rose hips to the pumpkin puree to see if it helps.

My parents read my mind tonight. Both of them did and proved it by things they said later. It's strange to realize one day they can do this. I get small insights into things, but nothing like that. I wasn't happy about it though bc I realized you can insult someone and be incredibly discreet and no one would even know except the person who you know can read your mind. Not that this is the intention, but if they know something bugs you or want to get a rise, they can do it and it's almost indetectable. I don't think they were insulting me to insult but to maybe even show me how this is possible, for someone to do to another. And I was thinking about old model vs new model stuff because it was on notes from church about their elders and leadership and I found it today...anyway...I wrote about next but won't go into it. I can't describe but related and my Mom made a point to be rude about my vegan cookies and I thought it was so mean and then I had tea and put the tea bags there on the plate next to the cookies and the tea bag tag fell over to where the bits were that my Mom took out, and the tag falling on it was "london" (twinning tea). I had both lipton and twinning together and the london tag fell on the spit out bits. I thought "I wonder if that's how some of them are there" (not all or most but some). My Mom ran to the sink and said it was disgusting. So it hurt my feelings but it's true, it's bland as is so I added some things to it. I thought why did she do this but I guess it was to show what would happen next or demonstrate how someone else is.

We talked about the guys my Dad knew when he first became a christian. They were on a phone call and I always heard about him because testimony is a big deal. It was a pretty big deal and I guess it was in Ephrata. One of the guys, my Dad always thought his name was James and it was actually Jerod. He went by JD. I guess he joined some weird cult after first being a christian and everyone in this cult changed their names. The other guy is still a christian. He was saying someone could change their name to something like Jeremiah and no one would ever know what their name really was.

4. My Mom's Colors Matching What I Saw.
I didn't tell my Mom that the last thing I had watched on youtube last night was something about 9-11 and questions about it, and featuring a book called "Family of Secrets". It happened to be RT. I thought, what's that? and it was Russian T.V. from a few places. My mom wore the exact same colors the journalists wore the next morning and I didn't tell her what I'd been watching. But it was about concealing evidence and some committee that wasn't allowing anyone to investigate. The one I clicked on before this was one my parent's knew I'd go to ahead of time somehow and it was about torture in the United States and had some committee for it...can't remember now what it was that made it clear they signaled I would watch it first, but I did. She just showed she knew the colors they'd been wearing and it was distinct too. One was wearing dark brown and the other wearing tan. That's as much as I'll say, oh, and I'd been reading my purple bible which is New International Version and she was matching this Bible there that was huge and NIV.

5. Mom's Prediction.
I don't know how she did this. She had taken a couple of oats out of her mouth and then spit the whole thing out. But the first couple on the plate and it just happened now...the exact same thing. I made pumpkin, apple and rosehip oatmeal cookies and then a batch of blackberry ones and a spoonful fell out and the exact same thing of 2 small oats fell onto a sweater and covered in blackberry but the exact same thing. It fell onto my sweater over one of the seats around the table. I mean, I thought it was about how the tea tag would then fall to the side, and I stared at these small bits and then it happened at my place and it was exact. I guess it made me feel guilty for spitting out onto the road when this man was parked in a truck. He was in a charter truck and the bits just fell on my sweater that says "charter club". I guess God is telling me not to be rude, even if some of these people don't deserve it--who knows. There was this woman to my side and obnoxious acting in a fedex truck and then she knew him bc he was watching me and was right there and I spit out onto the ground after flipping him off. I did an inverse relationship flip off. First I flipped her off with my left hand, from the back and then I saw him staring and flipped him off with my right hand from the front. I did some good things tonight and some not-so-good things (this being one of them). let me tell you though--there were witchcraft kinds of people around and I shouldn't have gone out at all. But I saw him after seeing her mocking me in her fedex truck and then I figured he was another U.S. govt. employee and I flipped him off. She was harassing and mocking me and then he was watching for my reaction and I didn't like it. So when I saw she was looking over at him and seemed to know him, it didn't make me happy. The tag that fell on the bits in my parent's house though, got the london tag. I wonder if that man had something to do with london. So I was cooking and saw my "charter club" sweatshirt on the chair and thought about him in that truck. So my mom, without knowing I'd done this, I guess, knew. I guess I could not write about this, but it's a credit to my mom to know, and also I don't think I've ever written just self-flattering things about myself. I sense a sad feeling with writing this one though. Like I should erase it. Not to protect myself but bc it makes someone else sad. The local fedex people have done some strange things. I wasn't happy to see her mocking me and trying to get a reaction, because the last time a fedex person came down our drive, it was the same thing but it was a man and this guy came charging down after dropping off a package with writing that really upset my mom and this guy somehow, I knew he was either a psychic or got directions to do something because I was trying to pray and I had been prostrated to pray for a minute after he was there and he came charging down the drive gleefully but I had stood up first. Actualy, it was at the entrance of our driveway or something. I don't know how to explain it, but I knew he was trying to get a kick out of the idea of my bowing in his direction. It was a game and somehow, I don't read minds, but I'm kind of intuitive. He was laughing his head off at a time my parents were suddenly showing up brutally tortured. I was being lasered and they were showing up drugged looking and beat up. And this guy was laughing, and came down the drive within one day of the 3 guys who came out to "mark the memorial"...

So being provoked by this woman in the fedex van, after what this other man did, was a trigger esp. when they had been doing so many CRAZY things around us at this time. I mean, luaghing jubilantly when all of a sudden, I see my parents shaking and devastated and with black eyes and tortured. And these guys were laughing. I didn't forget. Right after they marked the memorial, about that time, my Mom was poisoned or forced to drink something toxic and then my place was fumigatted and one night I felt I'd been totally drugged all night and I woke up the next day to find this chemical specialist was visiting our house, the next day. I went back to my place and it reeeked. I didn't know what it was, but it wasn't natural. And my parents were on edge and being tortured out of the blue again. So yeah, having a gleeful fedex person drop 2 tubes of wallpaper off at our house and then hope to be driving past when I'm bowing down to God was a little too much to take. There was nothing funny about any of it.

So when I do something like flip someone off, it's very rare actually. But if I do, it's usually for some halfway provoked reason, even if it was wrong of me,in general and should have refrained.

I guess I flipped them off with my left hand and right hand just bc she was to my left and I used closest hand and he was to my right so I used the right hand. I didn't think about it. I flipped her off, sort of justly (but not really I know) and then I saw I was being watched and I felt upset by it so after flipping her off with my left I just used my other hand to flip him off. Then I thought, "That was the perfect inverse flip-off." For all I know, it may have been well-deserved, after these military zapped me on the right side of my head repeatedly--I mean, all day yesterday.

After what they did to me yesterday, I couldn't remember different things the same. The U.S. literally allowed people to zap me so that it caused enough damage to where I noticed it today.

I think they did it to my parents too.

This is how often it was done...I would say about every 5 minutes I was being assaulted to my head by the U.S. military. It was actually sometimes several zaps or assaults, a pressure. It was a sharp pressure that was caused and it was technology. Then they'd wait for about 10 minutes and zap me again. I am not kidding. To my HEAD. THIS IS MY "MARRY A CATHOLIC OR BE TORTURED" country. It was done to me, about every 5-15 minutes, without cessation, from approximately 12 noon when my parents got back from church, until 6 p.m. when I left. And then it was done at my place a few times and then stopped from 8-11:30 or so and I then went to my parent's house and got zapped on every single corner of the house that I stood up against.

It was targeted, deliberate, and without mistake.

Imagine being zapped on the head for 6 hours, repeatedly. SIX HOURS of assault to my head. By the U.S. Military.

So when I later went "off" about the hypocrisy of this country and how all I had to do to escape torture was marry a "catholic" or sleep with one, I think people need to know what framework I'm coming from.

All they want the public to see is my reaction. They don't want anyone to know what they're doing to us in order to get these reactions.

So yeah, yesterday, on Sunday, I was assaulted repeatedly in the head for six full hours. Then I was still assaulted at my place for good measure a few times and whenever I moved beneath the skylight. Then they quit for awhile until I checked on my parents house and every single post I made, I was then zapped and I could feel the technology.

That's just me and that's not including what they're doing to my Mom and Dad.

It wasn't as bad as when the military burned me since 2008 after I broke up with my Ex. They didn't even try this technology until that time, after I was with Chris Rozollo it started right up and they never gave it a break until about a few weeks ago.

They've been using other technology now.

They're criminals and they're covering up hate crime.

I want to go to college and what is the Vatican & Israeli run U.S. govt doing? They are assaulting me repeatedly in the head until it affects my memory and then they watch to see if a little brain damage causes me to use my left hand more than my right hand.

It's U.S. military but it wasn't before. It wasn't sanctioned and all it was was hate crime. They forced my parents to work for them while torturing all of us. And they've allowed me to be under their boots since 2004 and were working on devious things even before then.

It wasn't migraine and it wasn't headache. It was targeted assault by the military which is being run by Roman Catholics. I didn't have any kind of headache at all. It was no headache and then having someone zap me to create an instant extreme pressure where they targeted me. It wasn't psychic work and it wasn't voodoo. I could FEEL this wave of energy when I was outside and they did this again.

And yeah, some of the neighbors do bad things. But they are not doing this. This is nothing that a neighbor is able to do. What? they're monkeys hanging from invisible trees that hang over my skylights? No, the targeting of our heads, of my mom, dad, and me--it's not FBI or police or anyone except those with military equipment.

I can't go to college because of hate crime.

7 years of direct assaults and being targeted because I am not Jewish or Catholic. I sued them. I didn't do it because I'm mean or I had a vendetta. I was innocent and I had been trashed. So I stood up for myself to protect my name bc otherwise, incredible damages would result.

They did result. It's obvious. The damages occured and some of the damage is irreversible and irreparable. They committed crime by blocking me from access to court.

Then they call it military and CIA projects and the FBI has been all too happy to go along bc they and their police friends defamed me too, and they don't want me to know who they're all connected to.

All I had to do was have sex with Alvaro Pardo. WOW. Just have sex with a Catholic and we won't torture you. Make sure the Catholics keep you out of the way of the goals of some of the Jews and we're all happy. If I had even been having sex with ANY member of the Catholic church, I wouldn't be tortured.

Convert to Catholicism or have sex with a member of the Catholic church.

Look at what this glorious church does if you don't.

"It's political" someone said. BS. It's religious. Obviously.

And in America now, if you try to file a lawsuit to protect yourself, you can expect the entire U.S. govt. that's run by Catholics, and a few Jews and bribed Protestants, to put you on the block to be sold for torture.

Tortured because of jealousy and fear that I could have done something with my life. Fear and jealousy and the desire to control my parents.

Just have sex with a Catholic. If you're a sell-out, have sex with a nice Jewish boy or a Catholic and you're safe. I refused to put out and degrade myself, so they did the degrading for me.

I refused to put out, and degrade myself, so they degraded me by force.

What do you still think is happening? Is it dignified for me to feel forced to write about how we're all tortured? Does this make me sound attractive in any way? Do you think people are just clamoring to be friends, honest friends, with me? Part of the point has been to take away any kind of human decency or dignity and make me sound like an unappealing lunatic who harps about torture all the time.

Why do you think they take clothes off of prisoners? It's to degrade them and rob them of their dignity. Why do you think someone would kidnap a child from their mother after torturing them? it's to lower them, damage, and degrade them. To have my parents pushed and tortured, while they work for others, and assaulting them so that they are even punished with loss of appearance, to mock me and remind them of their own daughter. They took everything from me, including my right to defend my name and then my ability to even protect my son. Why? to degrade me so then I'm writing and sounding like an abnormal squalid person.

I sound reeeeally dignified, don't I? talking about being zapped or assaulted on the head for 6 full hours? And here's the sad was only about 25% the strength of torture that's been used on me in the past. Even though I was being repeatedly assaulted and it affected my memory, it wasn't constant ultrasound or laser or infrared at highest possible levels.

Imagine that. Being assaulted in the head, repeatedly, every 5-10 or 15 minutes, and then feeling thankful it wasn't worse. And realizing the next day that not only did you have an angry outburst about this, after being assaulted, you notice your memory is not the same and people from the govt. are watching to see which hand you use now that they've zapped the one hemisphere all day yesterday.

My family is being tortured.

The motive is not national security or national interests. The motive is pure hatred. I had nothing to do with anything remotely touching on national security or interests, ever. And when I was first harassed by police, in 2001, it was because of litigation against the Catholic church and then they came out with an article about me that made it even worse.

It's hate crime.

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