Monday, November 28, 2011

Torture From Neighbors & Catholic "Good Name"

This use of technology to target metal or mercury is coming from neighbors.

Neighbors that live right next to our house.

It's stronger on the one side of the hill, and then it's stronger on the other side of the hill.

I know there are some military-connected and also other kinds of connections, but it's coming from neighbors on at least 2 sides of the hill, from what I can tell, so they must work together to rig it up.

I also know the "ink bursts out of pens" technology has come from certain directions in the neighborhood.

My problem with being tortured is a CIA problem.

But they allow military to use their technology for their own reasons, and the FBI covers for all of it.

If the CIA wanted to, they could bring torture of my family to a halt in an instant.

The FBI has gone along with torture because someone there tells them to, and because some of them have already made "mistakes causing agency embarressment" that they don't want to admit to. So to cover for their errors and for some of the crimes committed by their own employees, they have been more than happy to go along with what others want, because getting crime and embarressment classified makes them more than a little happy.

They used me.

The CIA used me and the FBI was skittish about it.

Ever slept with a CIA operative before? Oh, pardon. Officer.

All of a sudden, CIA gets involved and FBI is kissing you-know-what. MY ass.

We'd better do something or what if THEY get involved and find out.

Next time I go to the fair, can I get a ticket for the Ferris Wheel or something, along with one for a marriage with a Roman Catholic?

Where was I? Disneyland? CIAland, FBI counterintelligence land, or Wonderland.

I NEED a TICKET for a marriage to a Roman Catholic!

All I did last night, before I went to bed, was give a little scenario for the idiots who bug my house and think I don't know it's bugged.

How many people have been in this trailer illegally and I'm supposed to think they just come in and look around while parked in their SUV with 3 professional men who steal my chocolate?

Department of State deals with the CIA.

FBI just gets nervous and tries to come up with their own counterplan on how to protect the interests of some of the criminals in their own agency who tortured me and my son and supported it with gang money.

Who needs a gang if you're a member of the Catholic church? It IS a gang.

You can "belong".

You even get a license to kill and a license to torture others, in the name of Holy Mary, who, right, you're so zealous about you're willing to stop torture of a mother and child only if she's sleeping with a member of the Catholic church.

Virgin Mary doesn't give "burning hearts" courtesy of the DOD if Cameo Garrett is providing sexual good to one of the members of the Catholic church. Who cares if it's outside of marriage. The entire point is that if Cameo Garrett puts out for a member of the Roman Catholic church,

they'll stop torturing Oliver Garrett and her and her family.

Real nice church. I meaan, I reeeally want to join.

So nice in fact, they gave themselves a fantastic reputation and good name. The Catholic church did. They used their govt. officials and church members to halt torture of a mother and child ONLY while she was putting out for their man. The minute Cameo Garrett wasn't putting out for the Catholic church member, she and her son saw the "true" colors of the Catholic church.

All of a sudden, this nice good church that calls up U.S. government leaders to bring torture to a halt, as long as Cameo is giving sexual favors to a member of their church, called up their friends again and said,

"Yo. The mama's not giving blow jobs Mueller. Hey, Dempsey, she's not in a sexual relationship with a Catholic church member anymore...Panetta! Cameo isn't putting out for our church member right now...I say we BlAST her and her son and drive them into the ground.

HOW DARE she INSULT our Roman Catholic church! by refusing to continue to give sexual favors as our blessed mother mary wanted!!! BLAST her. Let's steal her voice and money and clothes and everything she has and make her WATCH us torture her kid too. You SEE TO it!"

What a great name. Roman Catholic.

Such a ring to it.

Proving themselves to be exactly what I had thought they were. They did it to themselves and proved it to everyone.

They don't torture women if they provide sexual favors to Catholic men.
If you don't, and they don't like you--too bad for you and your kid.

Every single house my Ex took me to had this enormous painting of Virgin Mary. Huge, in all the houses. And his little lover sent him email after obnoxious email about virgin mary this and virgin mary that. Every single other mail she sent was either swine flu or virgin mary.

What an OUTSTANDING example for the entire world to see.

Oh to be a Roman Catholic!

So for those of you who don't believe in freedom of religion and conscience, if you're being tortured, go find a member of the Catholic church and let them screw you. You'll lose all your dignity but at least you won't be tortured anymore. So you choose.

Self-worth and integrity or torture. Wait, don't put self-worth and integrity into the same side bc the FBI thinks they have the monopoly on integrity don't they?

They have so much integrity they support human trafficking on behalf of the Vatican.

Obstruction of justice, education, and travel for over 7 years. Then torture and kidnapping of my child.

All I ever had to do was marry someone "special"--A Catholic. No, not even marry. Just have sex and while they steal from you and degrade you, they temporarily suspend torture just long enough to keep you close until they get what they want and then sell you if you don't want to make their Catholic church member happy.

Torture them so they don't have any other options. Then try to use the attempt to not be tortured against them to make them look bad.

WHAT a GREAT name the Roman Catholic church has.

Torture until I give sexual favors and then when I stop, torture again!



Last night I enacted an entire skit between a mother and son, in a nasal voice:

Mother: Jr., no I don't think it's a good idea for you to go to America.
Son: Moom! Why not?
Mother: Jr., they torture people over there if they're not Catholic, and you're not Catholic. I heard this story about this lady and I don't know how this other lady from Guatamala knew about it, but she heard about it and it's true, and there's this lady and they tortured her after she sued the church and kidnapped her son and they they stopped if she married a Catholic but she didn't so they tortured her entire family again, and worse...!"
Son: Mom, I'm just going for college.
Mother: Jr., did you hear me? You can't go to the United States. It's NOT safe. Do you WANT to be in jail for no reason at all? if they did that to their own citizen, think what they could do to you.
Son: But mom! I could just go and not say anything and then I'll come back and it's the best place to make money.
Mother: You're not going to make money if you're not Catholic or had a family member who sued their church a Jewish newspaper. They'll make sure you don't. That American dream Jr., isn't a dream for anyone--you have to be a member of that church.
Son: Mom.
Mother: Did you hear me? NO. it's not a safe place anymore. It's not the same U.S.A. we had in the 80s Jr., it's changed. And if you don't "CHANGE" along with it, and go along with corruption, Jr., you could be tortured and arrested and your entire life ruined. They'll make sure. And you're too good for that Jr. You're too good for this kind of America.

What a great country this is turning out to be.

Sell your body to the Catholic church and the U.S.A. might not allow torture.

WHAT a fantastic church. SO holy. So...human rights advocate like. I mean, outstanding.

BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE WORLDWIDE to the Roman Catholic Church and U.S. government for colluding to commit crimes against women and children and torturing unless they're putting out sexually for a member of the Catholic church.

FREEDOM bells are ringing! Can't you hear them?


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