Monday, November 28, 2011

Technology @ Parent's House Still

There is still technology happening at my parent's house. I went over to check and either I'm being followed with thermo-imaging or there is something else going on.

It has to be thermoimagery because I had nothing happening to the right side of my head until I walked over there before 12 midnight. Just as I wrote this, they did it again.

This was done the entire time I was at my parent's house today. From the time they got out of church I was there, and it was repeated assaults to the right side of my head.

I noticed my parents flinching too, like they were also being targeted but they'd never admit it.

Then, I have been back at my place since 6 or 6:30 p.m. and it was done at first and then quit. I stayed over here and nothing. Then I went back over there, after first checking around 8:30 p.m. or so and watching this smaller plane fly out of the area.

I got back and nothing. Until I

(why is he awake right now. It's midnight--sorry, tangent about something else real quick).

I got back and nothing until I went back over there and when I did, I was basically zapped on the head at each point of the house I went to. It was a wavy thing, something with an almost tangible wave and a sudden sharp pressure to my head. You could literally feel going in or out of this wave of some kind of energy and then I tried to walk out and back into it and it didn't happen, but it is 100% technology and I believe it's specific and directed hits.

Welcome to my life.

Daily assault. DAILY.

What do you think it does to my Dad? I know someone is trying to break him down. As if his daughter, ME, can help us when he's the one with the gifts and who knows who is responsible. They torture his own kids and grandkids to force my Dad to do whatever they want him to do.

And the entire time they know that a man's motivation is usually to protect his own family or try to protect them and here we are, with talents and gifts and not asking for anything but our basic freedoms and we're tortured to get to HIM. They even assault my mother to get to him.

I guess it's an old hate crime tradition. Because they assaulted MY son in front of me and I saw the marks from torture on his body. They did this to a BABY and TODDLER and to my face, with government people backing it.

Do you know what it amounts to? Generational crime by the federal government against my family.

My Grandma Dolores never even got to raise her kids, my Dad, Aunt and Uncle, because the U.S. military forced a separation to traumatize the kids for then using them. My Grandpa Garrett attempted to investigate the assassination of his brother and the U.S. military used his unauthorized leave upon hearing of his brother's death, as a tool for coercion and blackmail. They told him he was going to jail. Why didn't he go to jail?

Next thing you know, he and his kids had split from their mother to enforce a traumatic split that the U.S. wanted. That was the 50s.

They allowed hate crime to run me over or "knock her out" and then KIDNAPPED MY SON after knowing we'd been tortured.

If the U.S. thinks I'm crazy, why did they arrest me in Nashville, TN to put me in a glass room where a govt. psychic could use her skills out on me? Why me? The U.S. doesn't care about getting into the heads of "crazy people". They don't care about trying to make predictions about "crazy people" either.

They KNEW I was being tortured and THEY falsely arrested me claiming I made improper 911 calls when the entire JUSTIFICATION of this hate crime is IMPROPER. THEY should ALL be in jail.

(There's going to be a riot by the way, and I don't know where, but last time England had a riot, I knew the night before and I knew it was England too. I don't know where this one will be. But I knew about the last London or England riot before it occured, and then it occured and I thought, "Oh, and I knew this ahead of time.")

So this is the U.S., falsely arresting people they VICTIMIZE and KNOW are being victimized.

They did this to MY SON.

How can the FBI even stand to be next to eachother or work with eachother? They're working for people who tell them NOT to investigate crimes when that's supposed to be the entire point of their job.

I'm so "crazy" I am privileged enough to have to wait in a van for hours while they round up some govt. psychic who wants to see if she can get inside my head or predict things about me--and they did this on federal govt. property, and put me in a glass room with people watching. It was like I was a labratory monkey and she was supposed to be Jane Goodall.

The U.S. is not ignorant. They know this is happening and the most shocking part is that PUNISH a mother for speaking up? Um, yeah, I'm being tortured and you guys already know about it so before you handprint my entire hand and wrist and put me in a glass cage and inject me with a drug or vaccination, I'd like know why you think you have the right to TORTURE children.

Maybe that's what did to those Cambodian kids.

Maybe the U.S. blew up their arms and legs and then had visitation monitors and psychogists document how they "coped". They must have been recruiting amputees for mind control research. Maybe some groups like to jointly blow up little kids. Here, you take the leg and I'll take the arm and we'll use these for stem-cell research and we might even be able to graft one of them on to a richer family that needs one and will pay for one. Maybe, hey! let's get the Red Cross in here guys! We'll have the Red Cross give them shots while they write reports on the psychological effects having no arms or limbs has on a child and then we'll use it for our vets around the globe, or Aunt Mildred.

Let's blow up Oliver too, but instead of blowing him up, like a blow up doll, you know, that you put in a passenger's seat for a dummy,, yeah, we don't blow up little baby dolls anyway, let's blow Oliver up, internally so he can't talk, his brain patterns are disorganized from the technology and he's injured inside. We'll follow him for life, just like the other kids we like to torture.

Oh! someone looks like they might want to run away?

Can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man?


You're sick, disgusting monsters with govt. jobs that TAXPAYER money supports. Why do we even HAVE an FBI?

Blowing up kids in Cambodia, and poisoning kids in Somalia, is no big deal. Blowing up kids on the inside through vicious technology, and traumatizing them and then exploiting and coercing them under threat of worse harm, is DISGUSTING.

The U.S. official stand on me is "she's not mentally ill."

However, hate crime does whatever they want and call me mentally ill falsely, and in the meantime, they use us and torture us and completely degrade us.


YOU have degraded my entire family. You degrade my father by putting him in a helpless position, you degrade his children by using them without their consent and oppressing them. You torture little kids and degrade my son by harming him and then lying to his face in CPS offices telling him, as the adult authority, "You did it to yourself."

They tell my parents to harm themselves.

So they can get a free ticket out of jail.

Did my fingers look long and slim enough for all of you in Knoxville, TN? How about England? We should have tried for better elongation of the thumbs. They say long thumbs really mean something.

How do my fingers look? Ring size 6?

Let me know when you want toeprints. I'm suprised you haven't tried to match them up with the footprint on my birth certificate when I was a baby. You know, since you were so supposedly "confused" about my "identity".

Nice "sheath" that Kate Middleton was wearing in this one photo by the way. The white one I saw weeks ago bc I haven't cared to look since. Like someone hasn't been going through my drawers and photo albums. Where's the silver lining? in her panties? or in Santees.

Deliver MY SON.

It's not a joke, my Dad says. I want to say it's a joke, but no, it's really not a joke. In case someone from a foreign country thinks I'm saying oh this is all just a joke, and they had a bad translator, I shouldn't be sarcastic and say things like it's a joke. Because it's not a joke.


MY MOM, my DAD, my brother, and my son and me and I really don't know who else bc I'm not around others and can't be a witness to it. But these things I know for a fact.

I'm tired of Hate Crime getting in my way of anything decent. There is absolutely NO excuse for what has happened to me--NONE. There is NO excuse to what has happened to my son.

They traumatized my son his entire first 5 years.

They do most of it before age 5 hoping they won't remember later. It wasn't all done for military bc some of it was sheer hate and trying to get at me and my family.

"Marry a Catholic!"

What an INCREDIBLE solution.

The STRIKING thing is worked.


Since WHEN does "marrying a Catholic" solve torture against a whole family?

Right there, is clear and convincing evidence of religious hate crime. If I marry the "Catholic" I and my son don't have to be tortured anymore.

Which proves it's about members of the Catholic church using connections in government for religious hate crime. They just bribe anyone who isn't Catholic, with money. And it was some Jewish too. All of them, they were all so friendly and workable and backing down and nice and yes ma'am and whatever you say now when I was engaged.

Funny how torture started up, along with defamation, almost the very next day I said I need more time.

Religious Hate Crime. Hmmm, who could I nail on that? Who was really nice when I was engaged and then turned vicious when I wasn't...hmmm...

Oh! my goodness. I almost FORGOT! Panetta was running the CIA then! Ahhhh...yes, the Italian Catholic and...Oh yes! Look who was running the DOD...Dempsey the Irish Catholic. And they all answered to Biden. Then we have a nice list for FBI agents in Oregon and Washington, and police, lawyers, and Judges.

So interesting how all I had to do was Marry A Catholic.

Can we make a modern movie about this? Or would we be in B.C.?

"Woman viciously tortured with baby is rescued by noble Roman Catholic in a country where there is no place to turn. As the last sincere Protestant christian with a backbone flees with her baby, for her life, as her parents and family are tortured and brutally beaten unbenownst to her, she asks for time after sensing danger and her entire family is thrown into Panetta's Den once again, to be torn at limb from limb."

Real nice country.

Oh yeah, and I reeeeaaaaally want to be a Catholic now.

Great church.

I mean, the BEST people EVER.

You're criminals and you're running this country into the ground.

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