Sunday, November 27, 2011

More Torture Tonight (8:20 p.m)

My parents are being subjected to worse torture.

I just went over there at about 8:15 p.m. and went to the back of the house and someone is directing some kind of technology to the back of their house there and I walked right through some kind of stream that causes severe pain or pressure to the entire head. It was right behind their kitchen. I usually go out late to check, like after midnight. But I just checked now, after being at my place and no one expecting me to.

Not only that, it's the same line that would have crossed right through to my place as well if it were to be cutting a straight line or stream. And that's if it's not directly above but I don't think so that time.

Then I went to the other side and the same thing, except this time directed targeting my head. It wasn't happening from 6-8 at my own house, or 6:30 to 8 p.m. It quit and then I went over there and it started up again.

Not only that, on the opposite end, facing south, where the office is, someone was using technology that causes benign fasciculations and twitching of muscles under the skin. It affects the legs, the arms, the head, every part of your body.

I also suspect there is something incredibly devious at play because I cannot tell you how infiltrated I think the media, even "christian" media is. I do not think they are all christians. It's like a bunch of people got in and said they were christian so they could get a platform, a job in media, or donations as non-profits when they're not even christians at all--some other religion or even atheist and just there for some other political gain.

It's been strange to notice.

I think the only type of person who will fully relate to me (I mean, probably most can in some way, because I have my heart on my sleeve and I share all kinds of emotions and ideas--some which are common to anyone in the world)..but probably, on a spiritual level, I feel some try to twist what I share about me or my parents and make it into a witchcraft thing or others who really ARE into witchcraft, do things to make it appear as though some things that happen which are cool, are actually bad "omens" or are matching mean predictions by false prophets who already know how to manipulate things.

The whole thing about "we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities..." is true, esp. on this level, bc if people don't want to allow you to breathe, they find excuses for turning opinion against you.

I feel it's also being turned into an excuse to keep torturing my family.

My mother just came to the door, when I was returning something, after I'd not seen her for an hour and it was like she got blasted in the hour I wasn't in the house next to them. Her eyes were all off-color again and she didn't look happy.

There is a lot of money and power backing the torture of my family. And there are people who look like protestant christians and they are not even close. So when a few of them jump in against us, and appear to be "protestant" when they're just infiltrators, it starts calling my family into question. And then people listen and it's wrong.

Whatever excuses someone has come up with for torturing us--they are wrong.

I've seen enough lies about myself to last me 9 lives.

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