Sunday, November 27, 2011

Bible Stuff

Last night I got passage after passage about not ever needing anything because God will supply every need.

It was RIGHT after I blogged about not having flour so I made cookies with blackberries, pectin, and oatmeal and I was writing about how I made do with what little I had.

So right after this, I prayed for a moment (not long) and got my Bible out and it was the section about Elijah being instructed to go to the widowers house and how she said "I don't have very much."

He asked for a piece of bread and she said, "I don't have enough for that" so she made something else out of what she did have. So then Elijah blessed her and said your oil will never run out and you will always have flour (the same things she provided for him to make something small for him) and then he raises up her son.

Then, it was a section from Matthew about how the disciples said we don't have enough food and he says, take what you have and you will feed the 4,000.

I had been listening to music all night and then didn't know what I wanted so I turned it all off and prayed a minute and then read this. Actually, first I decided to sing something a capella myself since I didn't know what to sing that would be worshipful so I asked God to help me find something and I got Psalm 119 and sang the first part, from Aleph. Then I asked God to show me whatever he wanted that he wanted me to sing even if it wasn't from Psalms and that's when I got the section about making something with what you've got. So I sang the whole section. I Kings 17:7. Then I was thinking about why did I get this right after blogging about not having very much to work with and as I thought about this section I next turned at random and ended up on Matt. 15:32, where Jesus says he has compassion on the people and they shouldn't be hungry, and they say, how can we possibly feed them? and they do, with what they have.

Then I decided to pick something out of Song of Songs but didn't know what I would find and I got Song of Songs 7:7. I thought, of all the verses, this one is about stature like a palm tree and (cough) something else. I thought, "like a palm tree?" I tried to imagine stature like a palm tree and thought, "my pants right now are brown and my turtleneck is green but I'm not very tall" hahaha. Not that it's about me yeah I know. So then I went to bed and opened up at random when I had earlier chosen something from Song of Songs. And randomly I turned to Song of Songs 6:4 and read until 7:9. Went to bed.

Woke up this morning and was lying there and thinking idly. Then I read the section about delilah tricking Samson. Right at the part where he is sleeping on her lap and she takes out shears and shaves off 7 braids. He had 7 braids! I never thought about how his hair was done. You always see paintings or ideas with his hair down, not braided up or around or anything. But he had 7 braids and she cut them off! I know I've read this story before but I never thought about hair adorned or dressed in braids. And he lost his strength and was led away and then I read to the part where he puts his hands on the pillars and brings everything down.

My Dad just said loudly to my Mom, "I think I'm gonna have supper with Marie."

My Mom said, "Oh really?" and he said yeah and I said "Who's that? a little old lady in the hospital?"

And he said, "It's my girlfriend."

I said, "Dad!" and he went to the freezer and brought out a Marie Calendar dinner and I cracked up laughing.

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