Sunday, November 27, 2011

UPDATED What Parents Can Do (RD harassment)

Small examples from today:

1. Oatmeal Bars (but mine are cookies)
I didn't realize my Mom had a recipe out for oatmeal bars. Which is what I ended up making last night. I know I stood there by the counter, right where it was but I never even looked at it. I got the idea to make them when earlier in the day, I had seen the deer. I thought, "What would they like?" and since last time they liked this fried corn tortilla I wondered if they'd like fried oatmeal since I didn't have other grains. So my idea was totally from getting a spontaneous idea to fry oatmeal up for the deer.

So I did this, actually, one day before and they were there on a plate for the deer on the back of a trailer, overnight. The next day, I still had some fried oats in pan, just a few, and tasted it, and then I made cookies, but they were totally different from this recipe. No pectin at all in the recipe, and different ingredients. I didn't use any spices at all in what I made either, and they were cookies, not bars.

Also, I don't think it's my mom's idea to be printing out these recipes. Someone is making her subscribe to this one that uses recipes as a basic shell cover for psychic guessing. I'm not kidding, and with some of the recipes, they were totally harassing my mother after she appeared to have been assaulted. So when my mother is still subscribing after they send mean things to her, making fun of and mocking assault, I know someone bad is behind it and is forcing her to take this stuff and report on it. It's called "taste of home".

Well, WHAT do you know? I just looked up "taste of home" and it's owned by Reader's Digest.

Do you know what that means? The same editors of Reader's Digest who have had so much fun making fun of my family and harassing us, are the ones forcing my Mom to subscribe to their crappy recipe-a-day online subscription. And not only that, they've mocked assault of my mother which implies they, or someone at their publication, knows what happens to my Mom over here.

Jeanne Ambrose was named Editor in 2011. And something about Catherine Cassidy.
She's blond in this photo but all her other photos she has red hair (jeanne).
My guess is that both Jeanne Ambrose and Catherine Cassidy are Roman Catholic and if not, they are working with someone in Reader's Digest. Not sure about Jeanne positively, but pretty much.

Do you know what recipe they sent my mother on the day she was assaulted? the day before, something about bagel spread and then it was a recipe for honey mustard dressing after someone smeared mustard seeds all over our house. When I was copying down some of these things, someone literally deleted one of the recipes from the inbox. They didn't want to get caught. I was reporting assault of my mom on my blog already and these people were MOCKING the fact. I had been next to my mom's laptop when she went to the bathroom and I forwarded a bunch of things to my own account for evidence that people are assaulting and making fun of my family. And when I was trying to forward one of them, oh! it just "disappeared" without a trace. It completely disappeared but I had already written down names of some things and I was so shocked to see this one that I wrote it down, because interspersed were mails from people like Kathy Hathaway, Debbie Sweetwater-Burt, and a "pastor" who basically wrote threatening email. A military pastor.

This was when I walked into my Mom's office and found a broken padlock on Debbie's desk, matching the broken door at our house. And all of this happened around the time I had written to the UN and was trying to get my son back.

This editor Catherine is from Pennsylvania and is of Irish descent it says. So yeah, really great to see it's mmmm...NOT catholic religious hate crime of great magnitude.

2. Keys and wood.
I sat by the fire and wondered about the wood laid out, in 3 pieces with one that's rectangular and longer on the top and then I noticed how my keys are, to my other side, and not same side as wood, and the first time I dropped them, I noticed they looked this way...slightly different but very close, and my Bible was on my laptop this way too, with a piece of paper sticking out the same way. I don't usually bring my Bible over but did today.

There are 3 keys and then this yellow tag thing and both times, it sort of looked like the wood to the side (not exact of course, but close and I don't always throw my keys down either, last night I had them in my coat pocket all day and night. Today I don't have coat pockets so I didn't put my keys there. The first time I dropped them it was the rectangular key over the yellow one and this is the USA one. Second time, it was like this.

3. Shoes by the doorway.
First time I took them off by the fire and second time in I took them off at the door and plopped them off, threw them off, you know, casually as you do with shoes and then I noticed they had landed on eachother, matching the inverse of the black flip flops there already. Pretty much exact inverse. Took a photo.

The shoes to the left are mine, with the toes pointing forward, and crossing at the heel, and the shoes to the right are the flip flops and they cross at the toe. Both are black. So this is a very small example of what happens a lot over here and it's really small. But it shows someone could even see how I would randomly throw my shoes off and they'd land like this. Or make an inverse relationship with it. I don't know. The point is that it's pretty much the same thing and the same shape and length where they cross over too. Usually, I throw them off and they're separate, I don't know, they can do this a lot.

Then I got a photo of deer but they're far in the distance right now. Pretty tame though, coming up within a few feet of me even though I walk away and don't approach. Their coats are all fuzzed and fluffed out like the cat's fur now--amazing how quickly they get this thicker coat of fur or ...what do you call deer hair? noooo, not deer. I took a photo but it's kind of blurry. The deer got really close to the window after this and I should have taken another photo. I got one where everything is blurry. It's really pretty over here right now though, and has been this waterfall-mist kind of day. My favorite kind of Oregon rain, very misty. It's really great running weather.

We are still being targeted with this technology. I think my parents are and I know I am. Repeated attacks on the head and same side over and over.

4. Cream.
My Dad put his shoes on before I started taking photos of the keys and I said where are you going? and he said to get "cream". And then I took these photos and realized I had my cream colored sweater (different from my cream fleece jacket yesterday) in the photos and deleted them and then put the one in that doesn't have me there but I thought, my Dad might have known I was going to take these photos with my cream sweater in it.

5. Silverware.
My Mom had silverware laid out on the counter to the left of the sink that matches how I had a few things. My place is a huge disaster right now and I'm sure no one is going to try to match my mess right now but to the left of my sink I had 2 pieces of silver on a pot holder with checks on it and my Mom has the same thing but on a towel, just 2 pieces and I have a variety of kinds of silverware and she has the right ones out. Instead of a spoon she has a ladle but with the same kinds of marks on it and I had been using the spoon (I think, as a ladle). I would have to check again. I've moved things around many times. One thing, is that last night I was making blackberry stuff and used a large spoon with inscription like this ladle, and I used it as a ladle to scoop things out (bc I don't have a ladle) and then I was setting it on a towel. At one point, I had a fork and a spoon for a ladle in the same bowl when I was making marinara and a beet stock the other day--yesterday I think or day before. I don't know.

I made my noodles (fine spaghetti or angel hair) in a beet stock with mild red pepper and then put spinach on it and it looked like some kind of asian dish.

6. Pits from Beets.
I made a pure beet juice not today and not yesterday but the day before. First time in my life even though I've had my blenders for months. It was right after I took photos of different things and of spices. I made a beet juice even though I've made V8 before and chopped up a beet and put it in the blender and drank it straight and ended up taking 2 tiny round beads from my mouth. They looked like cherry pits. Since I'd just taken photos of the "jewels" from the hibiscus petals, I also thought they looked just like the little round red gems. So I set them on the toaster oven. 2 of them. Then they turned color and browned and looked like either cherry pits or olive pits. I don't know why I left them there but I did. Then, I made another drink and tossed the few bits I got from it (different shaped small beads, maybe 5-6 or so that I tossed). I got them from a V8 drink I made with a beet and then I blended up another beet the next day, yesterday I think, and I ended up with 2 little round beads again at the bottom of the cup. So I set them next to the other two. The first 2, one was slightly larger than the other but it was a pair. The next set there were several and all different shapes and I just tossed them and then the next time I got a pair, they were identical and perfect little round beads or whatever. They looked just like the "gems" from the photos, the photos, not how they looked in person bc in person, they were sparkling and these weren't sparkling of course. So I set them out as well. I DID take a photo of the 2 of them. It was on my laptop. But I did not tell anyone about the 4 and I didn't take a photo of them either.

I went to my parents house this morning, and inside their garbage can, was a folded up gold triangle with 4 pits lined up in the crease. I had not said one word to my Mom or Dad, and I opened up the trash lid bc I was going to put my teabag in and I saw this. A creased gold colored paper or cardboard, folded in half with the crease in the lower half and sides out to right and left, and running down that crease, were 4 little pits or something that was a little larger than what I had, but lined up, and I knew my parents had somehow known I had them on my toaster oven, sitting right next to a triangle that's imprinted on the top of the toaster. It's a triangle with 3 wavy lines and underscored with a solid line at the bottom. Like a warning sign for hot surface. So my parents knew and I saw that they knew. They never put trash in like this.

By the way, I just took my pan off the toaster oven, where it was sitting and looked, and the shape of the perfectly round beads turned to more oval and wrinkled brownish red pits. I didn't even know they'd changed like this, but the pit shape is what my parents had in their trash.

This is before they were moved and then I had the other 2 on the right, at this moment, 2 to the right of the triangle , 2 to the left but they've been moved by me. I should have taken a photo of what was in my parent's trash this morning to prove it. They haven't been in my place in the last couple of days at all. They look like olive pits. Not cherry pits now. They definitely look like olive pits.

So once again, this is why people want to torture my family. Because of a God-given gift, like Mordor's ring or something, except the only people who have been corrupted are those trying to control us and steal from us when God intended it for good and as a gift.

I also realized a certain point the other day, that people can sometimes read other's thoughts and what one person is thinking can be translated to another incorrectly or someone can get so worried about it, that they want to counter something by putting in a replacement instead of the original.
I'm making lentil soup and had some white ties in the cup and took them out and then looked in before pouring it into the pan and there was a black tie left and I took it out and set it on the counter. I found this black twistie tie right before I recently watched "The Karate Kid" for the first time in almost a decade or more. I had the black twistie out on my counter and then saw this movie. There were a lot of things happening when I saw this movie. I went from watching "appointment for a killing" at the part where a woman says, "who would believe this? he's a professional man who goes to the _____ and lives in a family neighborhood." or something like this. It was right after I blogged a post about FBI and sending out my requests and how no one ever thinks about the "professionals" like lawyers and others. So I had just written about professionals getting away with crimes against me and my son and I fastforwarded to a random part and watched from there and it landed on the part about no one suspecting professional people. And then from the end of this movie, I was digging through a drawer and taking things out and put this black twistie on the counter that I didn't even know I had and then put on the movie Karate Kid and there is a scene where he's given a black belt, and it looks like this. Kind of interesting.

BUT! I'm not suspicious or whatever...I asked to have a few nuts today and they said okay and then my Dad kept saying something about "nuts" and they'll think you're "nuts" and whatever and finally I said, "What?! I have a handful of nuts and suddenly I'm nuts or everything is about nuts? what if I call them leGUMES?"

I mean, they know I'm not irrational. I take it with a grain.

Reading something into something is one thing. But reading others' thoughts and actions before it happens is real and can't be argued with. The only thing that can happen is someone is slightly off or another jealous person attempts to get ahead of the future or tries to put in a replacement for the original.

Anyway, I just threw the 4 pits out and they landed on leaves, because I'd tossed out a bunch of loose myrtle leaves scattered around my place. I tossed them out onto leaves, where there was a swirl of different colored threads I'd torn from a screen while cleaning tonight. They are altogether in a swirl. I don't have blue in the swirl bc I've used it for sewing up my jeans. It's other colors.

I'm just saying, why are we being tortured? THIS. This is part of it. Gifts that others' are afraid of. Because probably people worry if my parents can read minds or predict things, what if they know about crime? or it's too much power if others want something that has been foreseen to happen for their own family. It takes a military and police, FBI, internationals, a lot of gang hate crime and govt. to keep a family down like this.

That's my opinion. And I have seen "nothing".

7. Montana & Adidas & Triangle.
My Dad knew I was going to watch a video with Billing's, MT in it. He took me out to my trailer wearing an Adidas hat, with the triangle on it. Either he knew Montana or he knew I'd write about the triangle on this toaster oven. He never wears a hat, my Dad doesn't. But he put on a baseball with an Adidas triangle bc he knew what I'd watch and do next. Adidas is associated with a guy from Montana and then I wrote about this triangle and they didn't know I would. My Dad said, "Get in" and that's not usually what he'd say either. But my door was shocking me and my Dad opened it and then said okay, now get in.

It's kind of like Hate Crime hired the military to put us under false arrest and keep us in jail out in the open. I wonder if someone in the Pentagon got paid a lot of money to put us under project category, or FBI or CIA or something. I mean, there was zeal I'm sure, but I am sure there was something like money involved somewhere. Now the NSA has messed with my laptop again. They omitted my first webcam and tried to have me use a second one and made a little green and black flag out of the screen.

Guess what heroes who are actually hate crimers--I didn't ask for any of this and I asked for the same normal rights everyone else has. Not to be tracked and tortured and obstructed from every normal right, and forced into oppression since Kate Middleton was born. It really wasn't my idea but some other group's jealous worry that has created the problem. It has nothing to do with me so leave me alone. Had to kill Diana first, bc probably, the Middletons were on her "worrisome" list. The dossier was burned in England, not the U.S.A.

How about getting molested for the military? How about not having any clue all your life why others are attacking you or oppressing you and then finding out, after age 30, of all things, it has a connection to England. And then you find out why your parents are the special ones that people in their own country have tortured. TORTURED. And continue to torture.

Why are any of these other people getting credit at all? Even if they have gifts themselves, they're criminals. I mean, the people who have tortured my family are absolute criminals. It doesn't matter what they're position is, or where they're from or who they know, there's something wrong.

I was made clearly aware of torture in 2005, after I reported to the FBI about obstruction of my lawsuits and interference of FBI agents connected to adversaries. I said I thought it was a religious interest and the FBI, mainly Catholic, pushed it aside and said no.

It's not true? I clearly told the Portland FBI offices that I believed what happened to me was connected to my litigation then filed and current and to religious hate crime. Instead of investigating hate crime, they put more hate crime on my entire family, using Jews who wanted to cover up what some of them had done and then what Catholics did. I guess I will erase some of this bc I'm venting, and I've said it before, but it's the truth.

I am STILL, right NOW, being tortured. So I want to know why Fowler with the Portladn FBI is allowing this in his own jurisdiction. I can't even stand at this computer without a surge going down my leg, the one that has metal in it. not the other one. And then I walk away from this laptop and it stops instantly.

These people are CRIMINALS.

I'm sure some in the U.S. were also involved. I don't really care. The whole reason they started this was over religion and "mary".

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