Sunday, November 27, 2011

Torture Today at Parents (Hate Crime In America)

They are being tortured here today and it started at my house this morning again.

Not only are they using technology that affects metal in our teeth, the military is also targeting metal in my neck, and has done several things to the top of my head. And they started doing that last night, to the top of my head, after I wrote about my Mom and the Reader's Digest harassment.

Last night, several times when I was cooking late at night, I moved from my laptop to the stove and someone kept doing something to the top of my head on one side mainly, every single time I passed underneath a skylight. For whatever reason, it was always being done when I was moving under the skylight. I already know a skylight isn't necessary though.

This morning I woke up and read the Bible and while lying there, it was only when my face was turned to one side of the property, my teeth hurt. If I turned my head the other way, it quit instantly. I did this several times and it was the same every single time. If I turned my head to the West, my teeth and the metal in my teeth were instantly hurting, with that left side of my face to the sky, and if I turned my face the other way, with the left side down into the bed or pillow, there was nothing. It stopped instantly.

It's not a toothache. Toothaches don't stop and start exactly dependent upon whether your face is turned to the sky or not. And then they started up the technology that causes twitching and heats muscles and that' separate, and then they also started zapping me in the head but it was more through use of some kind of a wave that can create this. So basically, 3 completely different forms of military and police technology were being used on me this morning.

And that's not even something new. I'm just reporting it.

They haven't even been using the burning sensation technology lately. It's like they pick and choose and alternate. The U.S. military and Department of Defense, with cooperation from others in FBI and local law enforcement, have used at least this many different "less-than-lethal weapons on ME alone":

1. technology affecting mercury in tooth fillings, creating severe pain in jaw, and mouth and sometimes to neck.

2. technology affecting titanium and other implants in the body, creating severe pain and using strong magnetic pull to cause vibration and movement of the metal in the neck,

3. Lasers used that create burning and blistering on the surface of the skin,

4. Infrared and other technology to create severe and excruciating burning sensations in chest region,

5. technology that creates a pressure inside the body, strengthened with concurrent use of generators or tapping into power supply, which is strong enough to cause ink to burst out of pens. First used against me in Nashville, TN at my workplace at Logans. Then used against me and my parents here in Coquille, Oregon,

6. technology causing sudden and narrowly targed zaps to the top of the head, or surface of the head most directly parallel to sky,

7. technology causing strong and severe and painful wave sensation in stomach, first used against me by military in Wenatchee, WA, after I split from my Ex, again used in Coquille, Oregon, even today, and it only targets the stomach and it's obvious it's not indigestion. It causes an uncontrollable waving inside stomach, and has an electrical feel to it and a vibration of some kind with it as well. It's not a stomach ache, and anytime it's happened, I've been on or next to my laptop,

8. technology used to warm muscles and create benign fasciculations, used against me and my son in Wenatchee, Wa, and on me ever since,

9. technology like extremely strong ultrasound, targets the lower back and bone density of the pelvic region and lower back, and creates extreme and severe pain and aching, happened to me and my son without any break, (administration of ergotamine after this and the above (#8) technologies, created extreme burning sensation in my stomach and the release of enough internal body tissue, about one full handful, the nurse asked if I had miscarried, but it was all white and blanched tissue that came out of my body after the searing of the solution they gave me in Penticton, B.C. when I escaped (I thought) with my son); (also, causes bronchitis whenever it's stopped bc of the sudden cooling of the body after being artificially overheated so long, so the body shuts down and kids get a whooping cough effect and bronchitis for all),

(almost all of these technologies, affect different parts of the body according to wave or signal or whatever, and density of the fluids in the body or of the bone in the body)

10. technology creating spatter-effect of marks across skin, like face, whitening the skin where the target hit, happened to me, my mom, and dad. I've seen these marks appear on all of our faces. Our faces,

11. poison that causes changes to nails, and internal bleeding, along with permanent hypopigmentation from the poison,

12. technology that causes internal head pressure and occular pressure, leaving bruises on the insides of the eyes (witnessed on my Mom and Dad but it hasn't happened to me), also caused yellowing of eyes once in my Mom and an entire layer of the membrane over her eyeballs wrinkled up like a film that had been burned--she didn't go to a doctor for something as bizarre as this, I guess, bc as you can see, the FBI and military are taking really good care of us and we can turn to the local doctors and nurses and police,

13. technology that triggers severe migraines,

14. technology that triggers epilepsy and seizure and is different from migraine triggering technology,

14. technology that causes extreme tension headache and a pressure over the entire body and sort of a compression effect on the head, so that it's a tension headache, across entire brow,! you just step over to a different part of the property and it's gone! And then you step back over the region next to the house, and your headache is back instantly. Then you walk out of the area and wow! it's totally gone again! Just cross the line, and you can either "have a headache" or "not have a headache" and it has NOTHING to do with natural body functions--it's technology used as a weapon.

15. use of airborne substances that are going to obviously be inhaled, happened in Nashville, TN at my workplace at Logans and also in Coquille, Oregon, around my parents "friends",

These things were used to obstruct me from access to the courthouse and to keep me from preserving my own good name. It wasn't a military project. It was hate crime groups using their religious connections and tapping into people who knew others in FBI or military and police. Then, when I refused to marry the guy they wanted me to marry, they turned everything into a "project" for their cover, since they couldn't easily defend against "Hate Crime".

After they turned "Hate Crime" into military research, to cover for criminals that have assaulted my family repeatedly, including a baby and toddler (my son), they started trying out other things and techniques just to make it look like, oh yeah, it's govt. research and justified when it never was.

This is how criminals "win".

Do you think the "best man" wins or is even able to work or have a semi-normal life with this kind of torture? No, they knew. They knew they had to come short of killing me and make me sound crazy on top of torturing all of us.

Then they try to "classify" information about Hate Crime. Which is totally illegal and there is no classification for hate crimes. Supposedly, information is only priviledged or classified if it's national security interest, not for reasons like:

1. obstruction of competition (ability to work or do well in business or blocking lawsuits that would reasonably interfere with competition and ability to work or have a business),
2. cover for administration or govt. embarressment (making an error),
3. cover for criminal activities,
and there are some other reasons. I'll find that link and post it here again because I want to read it again.

Oh, by the way, I'm listening to football in the background, and this information should be helpful to others besides myself. I didn't know I was that important to anyone but clearly, I've been worth the effort, to some, to commit crimes for keeping me down. I think about everything differently now. Sometimes, it really is nature or accident or fate or hard work vs less than hard work. But if you're an athlete or competitor in any kind of arena--athletics, law, business, art and entertainment...if someone is jealous of you or doesn't like you, or you have a child like that, I wouldn't be paranoid, bc it's most likely rare enough to have happened to me and my family, but...test it. You think the headaches or toothache is just natural...of course, but you might want to try to test these things out and start noticing when you get the migraine or seizure, who you're around, what kind of technology you're around, and walk in and out of zones, seriously. If a military or govt. doesn't like you, believe me, they can follow your every move. Start up your car, walk from house to house, they're on you. But you might be able to figure some things out before I did. However, yeah, proving it is different...which is why more Americans need to be demanding that this technology is not going into the rich and powerful or criminal hands and it must be available to the public, and methods of detection and proving these crimes must be available to the public. The whole point of bearing arms and right to bear arms, is to protect against unreasonable intrusion and defend oneself or their property. People have to have means for proving "invisible" crimes or crimes that don't leave marks. It should be available like mace.

It's under Section 4. Go to Section 1.7 and it lists what reasons information cannot be classified. If you want to request info on historical persons too, the allowance is under 4.4 (i.e., Edward Howard, Princess Diana, Herbert Hoover, whatever you want).

The other section you might want to look at to see how Hate Crime tries to get a cover, is the Section 1, 1.4. Here it explains that anything involving use of secret development of weapons, is classified, and that those who are working in this category get a cover.

So basically, you have some lawsuits and someone doesn't like you and they say, get your guys to knock her out. Then, oops. Might get caught so hurry and get a pal who will put a targeted person under this under a nice cozy military blanket. No one gets to know about the hate crime now because all of a sudden, criminals are calling it research. So they're relying on this cover and classification and this gives them the confidence to tell all the hate crime groups go ahead and target away and assault because the FBI is backing the military and CIA/NSA now and the military will cover for you.

It works out great as an excuse, until someone provides a good argument about how it wasn't a military project to start with. Someone makes the argument that it's hate crime getting an illegal cover, and they show what the damages have been, and WHEN it STARTED, proving obstruction from competition, and an agency wanting a cover for embarrassment, or to conceal crimes for certain persons.

So yes, you can conceal use of non-lethal weapons against civilians and citizens in their own country...until someone like me or you, goes to section 4 and brings up ILLEGAL classification attempts.

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