Thursday, November 24, 2011

Parent's Tortured Today by U.S. Military & possibly neighbors

My parents were tortured today, on Thanksgiving, by U.S. military. I don't really mean military, as insulting the regular military, but basically, Dempsey and Panetta.

I didn't know one of them went by the alias "Liberty" and the other went by "Peace." I had no idea.

Why does Obama even go through motions of pardoning turkeys, when it's not just one day they deserve the same thing they order against others, it's every single day that they have been breaking the law and colluding against my family in hate crimes, since at least 2004, and possibly earlier.

On Thanksgiving Day they were tortured. And I have someone outside messing around with the pipes right now. So just a minute.

Oh and guess what. One of the main correspondents for Reader's Digest looks almost exactly like the guy who stole my cell phone from the Post Pub in D.C. And I think he's from D.C. I'll check on that. It's the same face and smirk but I could be wrong--he might just look like the other guy, bc this guy who stole my cell phone told me he worked for the Dept. of Justice in the computer arena.

I just went outside because someone was literally messing around with the plumbing and pipes outside and you could hear it so I went outside and the lightbulb burned out and I can't see a thing. I went to my parent's house and told them I needed a bulb and someone was messing around with the pipes. They said do it tomorrow. They said get out and come back tomorrow and I have someone out here in my yard, but they're being tortured too.

When I went over there, their entire house, at 9:35 p.m., was basically almost humming with technology that causes pressure to the heart.

Last night, I went out to check their place later than usual, and when I walked out of my door and across the field, there was something across the entire walkway that caused severe pressure to my heart. It was the entire way from my house to theirs. It wasn't at my house, and it wasn't felt at their house but I figured someone might have stopped what they were doing when I got there. But it created a heavy kind of pressure over the entire body. It was some new technique the military was using, obviously.

And they are totally torturing my parents and allowing them to be tortured. There wasn't that much at first, until right after the Cowboys and Miami game was over. After that game ended, all of a sudden, some idiot, TOTAL IDIOT, got up from watching the game or doing whatever they were doing, and cranked up torture in our house.

And then I found out not only did someone do this to the entire house, which could have also been by neighbors, potentially, they also did this to my parents, immediately targeting just their personal space, so it was direct.

I know they can do this and they HAVE done this bc they have targeted me with something, on one side of my head or the other, specially assaulting with a small and narrow target. To do that, they have to use thermo-imaging in order to know where I am and get at where they want from above.

And that is NOT "neighbors". That is military.

I found it really interesting that after I started blogging about Panetta and Dempsey, all of a sudden, I published this and then a guy in the neighborhood started up his truck loudly and took off. If that's supposed to be a foil, it didn't work. They have it all figured out, to try to make me think it's "a truck driving off" when it's criminals in the Department of Defense.

After that game was over, someone did something throughout the entire house, and then they do things to my Mom and Dad singularly as well. Just like they've assaulted me on specific parts of my head, they've done this to them. And today, I was able to get into both my Mom's space and then my Dad's space when they were being assaulted and targeted. It wasn't happening to me, or to my space. But it was happening to them. My Mom was sitting at her chair with her laptop and someone had something like the ink bursts out of pens targeting her and then my Dad went to the kitchen and was working on the turkey, and I decided to get up and go in and he was being brutally targeted and after I walked in and stayed there, it stopped.

Then he was in his office and after being in the kitchen alone where someone targeted him, and then in just his office, his eyes turned black in the creases from internal bruising.

Not only that, they were doing something else to him that affected his stomach.

I think Anne Crane is connected to the Tanzer-Sterling family. Anne Crane, the woman who "supervised" my visits with my son. I'm not sure, but possible. And no one suggested this, it just came to my mind. If it's true, it would mean Anne Crane or Crain might have a connection to Gregoire's, who know people who worked as diplomats in Turkey, who live in Washington D.C. It also means that Dr. Crane might have a contact with Anne, and, if this true, it makes more sense when you then think about the Sterling family, because they are immediately connected to Wenatchee, WA.

Mike Tanzer is a Tanzer by his father's side, who is probably connected to CIA in some capacity. It fits. He's a Peace Corp guy. Some of the Peace Corp guys are just Peace Corp and nothing more, and others end up working for the CIA--just like Edward Howard.

Then, his mother is from the Sterling family and they were a prominent family in Wenatchee, WA and have something to do with Iron something-or-other forests possibly, and the winery in CA.

The last time I heard from Mike, he tried to call me from Portland, Oregon, when I was already in Wenatchee. I never returned his call.

I didn't return his call because something was up. Something was "fishy" let's say, about my meeting some of these people at that point in time when I was trying to win lawsuits and others wanted to distract me from it. Probably money. And when did he call me? Right after I had been interviewed by the FBI.

So Daddy is CIA and the FBI covers for criminals. Ooops. Left my silverware in the wrong drawer maybe. Andy the Greek from Seattle, I had an idea, knew Forrest, Mike's Dad. And that Greek man, I believe, punched my son in the face. He showed up at his very next visit with me with a black eye. A full on black eye and there is no possible way it was an accident.

Mike Tanzer's connections are Eastern Indian. And what did the CIA do? Hoist a large section of India in a billion dollar deal and then try to keep the UN from helping my family when we're tortured.

MIKEY...DIDJA get that VISA??

Mike Tanzer has his East Indian girlfriends and politicians in his one pocket and then in his other pocket he has John Kerry playing host to Pakistanis. You know, how East India and Pakistan are supposed to be sometime-rivals. Well, if his family or friends had a problem with me and they wanted to use extra clout, they have contacts, powerful ones, in both India and Pakistan.

You guys still need someone typing up those diplomatic cables or you can fire someone now that I'm here?

How about this. HOW about YOU stop torturing my family, period. Because I will NOT cover for YOU.

Here's the rundown. Hillary Clinton at the top of the Department of State, overseeing all diplomatic relations.

Then, Tanzer's got his aristocratic white-bread East Indians working for him through his royal contacts there and girlfriends (he had a thing for saris. Not the game Sorry, he doesn't know that game. His game is Sari). He also has a LOT of medical field, steel industry, and celebrity contacts. Maybe not a ton of celeb, but people who know people. So he's pals with the Heinz heir (and more soft-lipped about the guy than I ever was)...

We've got some STUFF over here, at the "after party".

Oh greeat.

Now I'M the painkiller addict, right? RIGHT

It's a problem because Daddy's done coke and everyone in CA knows, and holds Swing rallys, with contacts in even Wenatchee. I was supposed to be one of the monkeys with a swinging tail maybe. So Dad is Peace Corp connected to the CIA and his son gallavants to East India for 3 months at a time on "business" for the __________?

That's ONE pcoket. He has East India in one pocket, and then he has his Heinz friend, who is the son of the woman who is married to John Kerry. The same Kerry that has tried to get Pakistan in his pocket.

So he's right in the middle. How convenient, with Hillary Clinton overseeing the diplomatic relations and having contacts with the Kerry's, to be so connected to everyone, including pals in the FBI that will do whatever is "necessary" for the jokes in the govt. offices that promote hate crime.


Cover for drug trade. Cover for government officials that fund the drug trade by buying direct. Cover for CIA operations.

Meanwhile, he's living right next door to the Catholic church and Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon and a few doors down from the Rabbi's synagogue.

I'm SUCH a "thoroughbred". Watch me run. Watch the horsies run all over Obama's daughter's shirt too. GO GRAPES.

What's really sad, is that Mike Tanzer ever thought to try to both date me at the same time he was degrading me and underestimating me.

So then it gets really touchy-feely with the Catholic church because the Heinz's are strong Catholics and involved in politics too. East India's got a hook-up to a billion dollar deal through their friend Mike and the CIA, because Panetta knows Mike. Panetta knows Mike's Daddy and ...let's see...I do believe Panetta was loitering in the CA region for some time, with the likes of Dick Whittemore and John Kaempf.

Yeah, that's right. It's what I read back then. I was figuring out Whittemore's contacts and I got too close to the fire.

He was raised in Monteray, CA. Panetta. And he worked in law alongside Dick Whittemore. These people are ALL interconnected. First Panetta was in with education in California--the entire University system of California. Which is fascinating to discover after realizing the reporter that defamed me was Amy Roe and she's from CA and went to Stanford University, which is part of the CA University system. Tanzer knows someone in the steel industry and then I later found out Roe's grandpa worked for US Steel for 45 years and was military.

The Roe that is in education in CA right now, who I recognized, is part of the same system Panetta was formerly managing. And Panetta was a lawyer there in CA at the same time that Dick Whittemore worked at a law firm, in, I believe, the exact same town.

Tanzer doesn't have a religious connection that I'm aware of. His connection would be drugs with the Catholics who work in the military, in the CIA and FBI and anywhere else there is a govt. office with a U.S. flag.

So maybe for him, and a few others, it's not religious hate crime as much as wanting to be a part of covering for others because of certain unsavory contacts.

Sure it would go federal.

Of course.

And who is handling the UN matter and who got handed off a big deal? Sort of like some of these people don't want to admit how bad the problem is and face up to the fact that they've been lying to the American people.

Pardons for turkeys. They get pardoned every single day and some of them think it's all happening in the Roman Catholic church.

I didn't call Mike Tanzer back because I figured he was calling me because the FBI in Portland, Oregon put him up to it. Next thing I know, my entire family is brutally tortured by senior officials with serious contacts and then I'm, years later, flipping through a Reader's Digest and finding ads that make fun of me and my family, and articles, by people who are connected to eachother.

I'm sure Mike could name about 60 people he knows personally who work for the U.S. government and buy drugs.

Can I see the list?

If you want to see my "separated by 3 degrees chart" anytime guys, let me KNOW. What's Mike been up to? analysing DNA for his pals?

SO, I guess the FBI obeys the rules and the law, as long as "the big people" aren't involved.

Because no one likes to investigate a former President's contacts or get into who took leadership in this administration and last, for the CIA and DOD. No one likes to investigate religious hate crime committed by Catholics and government officials.

They only do this with the Muslims they can't bribe.

The FBI is using MONEY to investigate a group of people having their cut off, while they allow my entire family to be TORTURED.

Real wise spending.

I mean, nothing against the Amish and their right to grow their hair, but the FBI is literally devoting time and energy and MONEY to THIS, while they ignore claims of daily assault which they already KNOW to be true.

It kind of makes me want to throw up.

This is the equivalent:

FBI gets confirmed reports about 2 boys:

1. One little boy is named Roger and the complaint is that he's Jewish and was forced to cut his hair against Hasidic regulations, in violation of his religious beliefs, and

2. One little boy is being assaulted repeatedly, punched in the face by State workers, tortured by military and gangs connected to the FBI associates, forced to drink toxic substances, and was illegally taken from his mother.

And by the way, someone has been using technology that targets mercury fillings for the last hour, ever since I wrote about Tanzer and it's military and FBI. It's coming from the Northside of the property, where the PA people live, and then we have a guy behind me, and some on the hill behind my parents. Actually, I think I'll lay full blame on the DOD right now. It's FBI that live around us, and former mlitary, but DOD is partly responsible.

Because it's never the left side of my body.

They use technology that basically sets off the metal in my neck which only affects the right side of my body.

I'd like to know why it stops when I write about the Mormons in the FBI though.

Maybe it's just that the Kerry's and Heinz's and Clintons don't like to think about getting in trouble for anything. Wouldn't want anyone to really figure out why some Methodist woman named Mykal Holt was involved in defaming me in Wenatchee, WA. She was a great contact for them and the Messianic Jews and I always wondered why she went to Brazil all the time and then wanted to come between me and my Ex from Colombia.

Why did she position? And then why would she deliberately defame me and try to say I held a knife when I didn't, and try to ruin me? She was a "messianic jew" who went to the Methodist church and her brother worked or partly owned a bar.

Whitewater. How about that one? Because I met a man named "Vincent", funny enough, right at the same time I got interested in Whitewater news, when I was still living in Portland, Oregon in about 2002-2004. It wasn't Vincent Foster by any means.

It was a Roman Catholic "Vincent" who is a lawyer, and most likely, who knows Robin Bechtold, Raul Bujanda, Armando Garza, and Mike Tanzer.

People wonder why Protestants can be mean, and I guess what happens, is if ex-Presidents or Presidential hopefuls get worried that a drug complaint against their kid will ruin all their political hopes and dreams--all you have to do is look at who intermarriaged into what group.

Kerry was a Presidential hopeful and in the running when I was talking about his wife's son having drug-related "after parties". The Big V, vagina man.

All of a sudden, you have Kerry with Clintons backing him and anger over my comment about drugs at the same time that I'm attempting to fight defamation of my name by some Jews and the Roman Catholic church.

What WINNING odds.

Suddenly, you have the template set for murder, mayhem, and torture. Systematic torture, with Hillary keeping her eye out on all diplomatic channels for the Kerry's and then Lewinsky with her eye out for the Jewish I guess, and then we have the Roman Catholic church.

Like I said, what winning odds.

So, you've got half the white people and half the dark, working through their own little mafias to coordinate and pre-approve torture of their own U.S. citizens.

And by the way, some group is torturing me, severely at this moment, and has been for the last hour or more, and I am still writing. You can do whatever you want, but you can't change the past Clinton. Or Kerry. Or Biden. Panetta. Dempsey. And if George Bush also wants to give my family the bird, I guess he did. By now, I know these Presidents know my parents and have known who I am and they concealed that from the entire country and then let groups promoting hate crime TORTURE us.

So the FBI feels safe with anything they refuse to do, because over in D.C. they're joking about not allowing panhandlers over there because half the people working in that town are criminals and pocketing what's been stolen from citizens. Who they use and exploit to hate others who actually care about doing the right thing. Like my family.

We are not "the bad guys" but it's interesting how a lot of money and a lot of power go a long ways.

Criminal conspiracy.

Some of these people knew what my parents could do, and probably thought THEY were filling me in on something when they never did. Ever. I just noticed things, like a normal person would, when things came up.

Any one of the leaders could have put an end to crime instantly.


Instead, THEY were greedy and jealous and had petty concerns about their reputations. So they chose to get themselves in more hot water, and tortured my family and allowed and knew about torture and refused to investigate.

What does Mykal Holt DO exactly, besides work for the government?

And Panetta worked on Marine Conservation in CA.

I have someone continuing to mess around with my computer too. It's now 11:35 p.m., and I have someone who is redirecting my page selections and putting me on pages I didn't click on, and then refusing to connect me to the pages I'm trying to look up.

Right now, I was looking up Panetta. Not only did Dick Whittemore sponsor the exact same charity, he dated a synchronized swimmer from, I believe it was, Monteray, CA. He went between his offices with Bullivant in Oregon and CA. AND, Raul Bujanda would likely know him because Raul got a degree in Marine Biology and lived there and it's where his interests were.

Dempsey was in on everything. He went to England or some part of Europe for awhile but he was still involved. It's like basically serious religious hate crime, and then throw in concerns from a few others who just have business connections they thought might be affected.

But it's religious.

And I should be able to get the FOIA and access who Bechtold's contacts are, who Vincent, Mike, Raul and Garza knew, and everything else, including Gatov's contacts.

It's kind of like someone thought I was "too good" or "better than" others and in order to spitefully use me or tear me down to make another look better, they panicked that I wasn't rushing into scandalous activities and had to think of something fast. Oh, and my goodness, she can't be going to college too, and be an educated, professional woman who has things together, is halfway attractive, fertile, and a virgin of all things.

It's hate crime.

I want those FBI records.

And I'm not going to write about all the things my parents did and got right tonight, because I don't think we're being paid. I KNOW we're being tortured. If I want to share something, I'll share it with people who are actually going to help us, not just exploit and use us.

If you keep exploiting and using us, and torturing us, and keep my son illegally from me instead of correcting this matter, and continue to be obstructive, it won't be good for you in the long-run.

You thought they were watching you before?

Now they're really watching you.

I've got an eye on this Thomason thing too. You never, EVER disrespect my family. I don't care what kind of religious or european or other cover you have.

I want the records and I have a right to know more about Bechtolds' connections too.

Don't tell me Janet's family or Lund knows Panetta or Whittemore, from CA. That would be fascinating actually. Or Dempsey.

Bechtold's parents had been trying to assist their son into my pants since 1992.

(someone stopped what they were doing at about a half hour to an hour after I wrote about it)


  1. Can you explain why the Secretary of Defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff would take such an interest in you and your family? Would it not seem that they have plenty to do what with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The conspiracy you allege would involve incredible logistics and people power to carry out. What would be its purpose? Thanks.

  2. Will you try to wrap it all together? Why would the U.S. government conspire against you with various religions, the royal British family, the States of Washington, Tennessee, Texas, Oregon, etc. I just don't get it. Although I am sympathetic for the loss of your child, I have problems trying to figure out how this all fits together? Have you ever thought that perhaps you are mentally ill and in need of psychiatric or psychological help? Maybe a psychiatrist can help you with medication or counseling or something?

  3. Dempsey and Panetta probably sit in a war room together wondering aloud whether they should spend less time on their conspiracy against Cameo Garrett so that they can then focus on the Iraq and Afghanistan situation. It's a tough call but someone has to make it.

  4. Oh, someone made that call? When was this? Because I'm sure about the conversations, but I don't believe I know who "made the call" because as far as I know, they don't allow calls from the Vatican to the Pentagon.

    Looks too fishy.

  5. (someone is posting these comments out of order of my selection and I don't think my comment will show up with the right comment but this is for the one starting with "will you try...")

    first of all, you're military. secondly, if you're articulate, why bother writing in now when it's clear my parents are talented and that there has been a major concern between govt. agencies controlling these kinds of gifts and hate crime groups wanting things to go their way. Well, things have been going their way. We're all tortured and no one does anything about it. So the BAD guys won. They're still winning. The bad guys won, have been winning and are still winning.

    No, I'm not mentally ill and have never been, aside from some panic attacks at the shock of what others have been allowed to do. And some minor PTSD of avoidance re. issues traumatic having to do with my son or legal persons that harassed me and assaulted me.

    How am I supposed to "wrap" it altogether when the FBI and military keep crucial information from my family that would protect us and allow us to protect ourselves? I can't 'wrap it altogether' when I don't have all the information yet.

    The various state issues are all part of the same religious hate crime problem that has used federal govt. agencies that are based state-to-state.

    I never thought any of this had anything to do with british until a few years ago, some things came up and then in hindsight I began piecing things together more.

    It's not "various religions" either. I appreciate how you want to spread out the blame, but I know what it's about.

    Torture stops if I marry a Catholic. Not marrying? Oh, torture starts again.

    Pretty clear there. It's been a Jewish group, the Roman Catholic zealots that run every single major U.S. office anymore, and then a few others who are just bribed by the main religious groups.

    Wow. All these "various religions" ceasefire if I marry a Catholic?

    Sure, like all the "various religions" even care about Roman Catholicism.

    What they care about, is not getting tortured themselves, by the Roman Catholic leaders who have colluded with some Jews to TORTURE us. Including a young child.

    Sue the Catholic church and jewish group connected to the newspaper? Oh boy--torture for the entire family. Unnnlllesssss...I marry a Catholic. YEAH! Peace baby. Just marry our Catholic man and the military, FBI, and fed agencies state to state, and the police will be normal! Hey! you're not tortured anymore! not even crazy...It must be MARY. It must be that Mary cured her of her "mental illness" that happened to both her and her 1 1/2 yr. old baby bc she was sleeping with a Roman Catholic man outside of marriage.

  6. ...clarifying, Mary and all her knights of colombus honor those who sleep with their Roman Catholic men.

    Who cares if it's outside of marriage--no torture for Cameo Garrett because she's sleeping with someone who is "special"--a Roman Catholic.

    The message is clear--we live in the Crusades.

    An entire family gets brutally tortured and harassed, and targeted, and all of a sudden, the torture stops if Cameo Garrett marries a Roman Catholic man.

    The real miracle was how all of a sudden, no mental illness. I guess it was part of the "blessing" for having sex with a Roman Catholic man.

    Roman Catholic men are SPECIAL.

    SPECIAL with a Capital K, I mean, S.

    They are SO special that they might tell their boss not to torture someone if someone is sleeping with them.

    The jews and Catholics that tortured and harassed and oppressed me are allowing me to breathe! Why?

    Oh yeah. Dempsey and Panetta believe in protection for any woman who has sex or provides sexual favors for a member of the Catholic church.

    Even the enemy. Don't have to convert honey! We just want you to have sex with our Church.

    That's good enough. If you will sleep with a member of our church, we'll tell the FBI and military to back off.

    Don't want to? WELL then. It looks like you want to be TORTURED!!! along with your SON!!!!!

    Middle Ages.

    Where Middletons rule.


    Woman and child brutally tortured for pausing on marrying Catholic man who will also protect interests of whatever Jews the Catholics worked with to oppress us.


  8. U.S. Deals As Low As $49!

    Get our lowest ever rates on a first class ticket out of HELL on EARTH!

    (Offer applicable to citizens who profess membership in the Roman Catholic church only.)
