Friday, November 25, 2011

We Need Help (what my parents can do w/photos) UPDATED

(To be updated tomorrow a.m.)
I will write about a couple of other things, just to prove my point. I am not writing about everything, but if anyone wants to know why we're tortured and why we might be forced to work for others, this is why...

1. Tree and Puzzle Shape from Foil.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving and while my Dad was being tortured in the kitchen, I walked in and felt it and caught this group in the act of torturing my Dad.

He was taking meat off of the turkey for leftovers and there was a silver piece of foil to the side, and it was a triangular piece and it was folded in the shape of, I thought, sort of a crane or bird.

This edge is actually more exact than it appears to be. The lighting whitens the edge so it looks like it starts out farther, but the edge where the curve is, fit perfectly. It's the other side that had a little overhang and I photographed from beneath to show this, for integrity of what is actually there.

Then today I read from the Bible and someone might have known which passages I'd read because it talked about taking olive and myrtle branches for a wreath or booths in the house. And my house smells like odd spices and needs oxygenation so I was on a walk and before I read this, I came across a huge myrtle branch. I passed by it and then read this passage in the Bible after seeing it and I went back and dragged it into my house. It's as big of a branch as a whole small tree almost. I got the idea from the scripture I read but also thought, "it will make my house smell better and be good for oxygen exchange."

Then I tore off some branches and after I did this to one branch, I recognized the exact same shape as what had been left on the counter yesterday. I had randomly torn off this branch and other ones and then left it this way, and instantly recognized the shape.

So then I was back in the house today and the piece was still there. So I took it tonight and when I got to my house, I laid it out against this branch. It fits.

It is the perfect puzzle shape.

It's like when I was a kid and my Dad used to work on these jigsaw puzzles. This is a perfect match. And I know that they knew ahead of time.

They did this with several other things and then I witnessed them coordinating something too, with eachother, but I feel they're being tortured, obviously, and what kind of work is freely done when the U.S. military or FBI is torturing us?

2. Reading Minds.
My Mom was looking at this computer screen of washer & dryers and there were 2 black round circles and I used the bathroom but didn't flush, and instead of announcing a flush first, I just thought to see what my Dad was doing. He was looking at a box of black light bulbs which had the exact same shape of the objects on my Mom's computer. They were matching what the other one was looking at or doing, reading eachother's minds on what the other was doing.

This is the problem: hate crime groups have attacked us. And the U.S. has these guys, with their best buddies, trying to bribe others with billions (not millions, billions) of dollars to keep others quiet about how they are using us and torturing us.

My son is 100% kidnapped and redesignated U.S. property. And my parents are 100% forced to work for people in government who have allowed horrendous hate crimes against my entire family.

This is what they did to me in TN. They forced me to work for the U.S. and tortured me and then I was thrown into a psych ward when the U.S. and hate crime groups knew there wasn't anything wrong with me. They are using us like property and torturing my entire family to pressure and force my parents to work for them. Then they used me too--they tortured me and my SON and covered this up and used it as an excuse to steal my son. Then they prevented me from proving what was going on. This country has LITERALLY allowed hate crime groups to torture me and when I called for HELP or called 911, they put me under false arrest, they injected me with Haldol, and they even used the opportunity to detain me for more controlled experimentation and research, against my will and without my consent--they have totally violated every single rule and law of the Geneva Convention. They've broken all domestic and international laws and this is the U.S.A.

This is actually the U.S.A. being driven by hate crime and leaders using their positions to do favors for hate crime to oppress us, harm us, and control us. We are assaulted, physically, daily.

This is federal government allowing hate crime groups to torture us and oppress us, and then profit from it while we suffer.

And now I have someone using the technology that hurts me by targeting metals in my teeth and neck. This is hate crime, and it amounts to acts of terror. It's Hate Crime and religious hate crime.

They torture us.

They torture their own citizens and haven't even asked. I didn't sign up for CIA or military. I didn't sign up to be ignored by the FBI either, and defamed so I could be thrown into a psych ward and damaged and have my parents worry and devastated.

They tortured my own son in front of my own eyes, and made sure I noticed.

RELIGIOUS HATE CRIME and they are being backed by taxpayer's monies, which are being unlawfully used at the directives of leaders who are in charge of U.S. organizations in federal government.

It wasn't even sanctioned military research with me. I mean, when I got targeted, it was Hate Crime and there was no privilege or govt. agency backing it. It was illegal obstruction of justice to kick me out lawsuits for special interest groups. I have never heard of a U.S. authorized program that "tests" results of triggering migraines and using FBI and police and Judges to give someone false citations, and then harasses and tortures parents, to get rid of someone and knock them out of lawsuits.

In the RD ads, for the time when I was forced to withdraw, the ads someone came up with show a woman in a legal or business suit like the one I wore to a hearing, with the exact same shoes I was wearing, and same color.

And it's a big rock over here, like the rock from the movie Les Mis from 1978, and the pun is having people in an office walking around laughing and talking like no big deal, while this woman wearing the shoes I wore to court, is pinned beneath a boulder, and it says, "Don't let migraines knock you out". I saw that ad and knew instantly what it was about. And some group came up with this idea after I was being illegally forced out of lawsuits to simply protect my reputation. I'll put photos of this here.

I wore Navy shoes the same style, height, and shade for a hearing that had an entire courtroom packed, both sides. It was a big hearing for The Willamette Week case. I wore a solid navy blue suit, and a small silk scarf with red, blue and yellow in it around my neck and these shoes. This ad came out right after I was forced out of Oregon and forced to lose my cases. The caption reads, "Not many things can knock you out like a migraine" and then at the bottom in smaller print, "don't let a migraine keep you down."

I still have to put the photos of my Mom's card next to this Lisa too.

I think that the U.S. almost wants me to write about some of it, to then attempt to create a rationale for what their doing and use an "end justifies the means" argument with even the public, as if they should be allowed to torture, bc this is why and what's it's for.

That's where they're at now, because I've already talked about what's happening and too many people know something isn't right. But then others wanted to use my parents too, and call me crazy and then profit themselves while they harm us. So I decided to write bc there is a balance to explaining what is being done and what kinds of excuses are being given.

Now, they want to get a cover and call torture research but that's not what they were doing to me, my son, or family. They weren't allowing religious hate crime for "research" reasons. They were colluding and committing crimes and then wanted to use something else as an excuse for their cover. It's hate crime.

What they did to me didn't have anything to do with research. They later tried to turn it into this, because all of a sudden, I'm noticing what's going on with my parents and reporting and taking photos of evidence of torture. So what else can they do? Best case scenario for hate crime groups at that point is try to justify it by attempting to tie it in with "don't ask, don't tell" or the idea that oh, it's just torture for science and research to help the country.

It's not helping--it's harming the country and has already harmed the country because some hate groups are vicious enough to have spent all this money stirring up animosity and trying to oppress us. It's ruined the image of the country, the trust relationship with other countries, and it's dragged the economy down while a small margin profitted from this.

I was reading different news today, from Thanksgiving and one was an article about Russia and how some politician there said "Don't ask us to 'cooperate' against ourselves and our own interests."

How do you know that someone doesn't even think about how the U.S. promised if I'd only "cooperate" with the government, they'd return my son. Did they? No, they screwed us all over harder. And that was when I was going to give them an easy out too, something to excuse them for what they'd done--they kept saying to admit I was nuts when I wasn't. Why? bc they wanted a cover for their own hate crimes.

In order to give some of these criminals an easy out, I finally said I would even agree to being mentally ill and go through the routine of "counseling" if they would increase visits with my son.

I was never uncooperative.

Every single time that I gave them even a little more slack they were not justified in having at all, when I never asked for that horse to begin with, they were taking off through trees and brush and bucking and knocking me off and then trampling me underfoot.

That's what the U.S. gives in return for "cooperation".


If hate crime is allowed to RUN the interests of the U.S. into the ground, and political and religious criminals are allowed to steal and torture and trample promises of returning what they stole, why should any foreign country believe a word they get from the same politicians who all go to the same churches and work in the same agencies.

If they're going to torture their own citizens, guess who's next?

Russia's next. Maybe Iran is next. Who knows. Any country that doesn't have a Roman Catholic majority through a European commonwealth or outright solid allied interests, I mean, tight ones....Why wouldn't they be next?

China....the U.S. keeps this together with trade allowances, and now with E. India, but why would any of these religious hate crime groups think they're doing the U.S. a FAVOR by torturing American families.

Hate Crime escalates into War.

That's what happens.

Those allowed to torture their neighbors and fellow citizens one day, mainly because we're not Roman Catholics, are torturing others the next day and ruining the trust our country had with other nations. Then, it's full-on war.

First, for me, it was being followed at a distance.
Then it was slashed tires repeatedly.
Then my friends were targeted either by those trying to marry-in for money or those trying to get rid of those without money and chasing them out to another state.
Then it was using friends who work in govt. offices like post office and police stations.
Next, robberies and "friends" appearing to be informants.
Then it's triggering migraines to obstruct justice.
False arrests next
Refusal to give FOIA so I can protect myself and correct defamation.
Then it's threatening my family to recommend I drop lawsuits. Torture of them.
Obstruction of travel so I couldn't even visit my parents.
Then, I'm being blocked from work.
My car starts getting totalled.
I have multiple assassination "accident" attempts.
Finally, it's full blown torture when I figure out crime has been commited with triggering migraine to keep me out of lawsuits. Full-blown torture.
Torture of my baby.
Defamation to another country and torture even in another country.
Then they want their mind readers and govt psychics on me bc they're still worried about me. But they don't throw me in for Haldol until they defame me more and allow further hate crime.

Then, it's an excuse and no big deal to just torture every single day. Like nothing is even wrong.

Do you know what happens next?


First of all, you're allowing leaders to provoke and incite and use hate crime against your own citizens. No country thinks this is admirable. They see it for what it is. And if you can't treat your own citizens with respect and safety, on their own soil where they were born, why do you even THINK another country or nation is going to trust YOU?

You torture your own citizens. You kidnap kids from their parents, knowing they were tortured and that there's nothing wrong with the mother and then when you ask for "cooperation" to your illegal activities, you take even more. You demonstrated you do not give up and let well enough alone with "cooperation". If you get "cooperation" you take it as consent to intrude further and then the next thing you know, after you get your foot in, or got your enemy to set THEIR foot in, you have them in your trap.

Try pulling out of a CPS bear trap. Or try setting a trap for a bear, when CPS is the bear.

So first of all, you blew it with your own reputation. While Bullivant kids and religious groups are feeling giddy, you just put our entire nation on a track to Hell.

So, other countries see and hear about what you're doing to your own citizens on their own soil and they don't trust you like they might have. Thanks to YOU, you just blew it for the security of the entire nation. Economy is in the dumps too, because you refused to crack down on crimes on your own turf.

Now guess what other countries are thinking? they are not only thinking that vicious people are now in control and cannot be trusted, they are thinking, "If they're torturing their own citizens, they are planning to do this first here and then they'll use all of this on us."

They already suspect the U.S. Crusaders are plotting War.

Right now, who is in charge? The Roman Catholic Church and some smaller other interests. But if you've noticed, if your country is majority Catholic, no one from the U.S. is picking on you. In fact, even if you're a terrorist organization, as long as you're Catholic, you're safe. England is supposedly Protestant, but the shield Panetta and Dempsey have planned isn't just with England. It's for the "european commonwealth" or whatever and when you put them all together, it makes for a very tidy sum of tithing Catholics--Australia's largest church is Catholic. Ireland, I guess 1/2 Catholic but I don't think they're in the commonwealth though I dont know. France majority Catholic. Belgium. Switzerland. Even Germany had a large segment even if the main leaders are more agnostic or Protestant still (and I don't think they're part of the commonwealth actually). The Caribbean commonwealth countries are predominantly Catholic mixed with voodoo. Canada's leadership is almost fully Catholic.

It's a big shield for the Catholic countries in Europe and then with Mexico, the first gangs the U.S. targets, are Protestant ones (or mafias, whatever).

So yeah, if I were Russia I'd be a little concerned.

Which means, Americans should stop thinking about games and how to get petty revenge or how to illegally avoid lawsuits, and start thinking about how their actions to benefit those in lawsuits, might come with a more hefty price tag than anyone has thought about. With all of the bases and people in military already who signed up, or those detention camps OUTSIDE of the U.S., no torture is ever justified, but you'd think someone in the U.S. would have thought there are enough people to research on out there.

But no, they're stabbing themselves.

This country has leaders who are stabbing inwardly, and asking U.S. citizens to be "Living Sacrifices" while the UK jokes about it, and we're supposed to think it's no big deal that our leaders are stabbing us, their own country, and they are forcing us to stab ourselves and then say, "Oh no one is hurting us. We're not tortured at all."

It's like the Catholic and some kind of other marginal religious groups, united for a jihad against their own citizens.

A Roman Catholic military and CIA jihad. With FBI protecting the interests of anyone who joins the milita and govt. in this crusade, and pays off and bribes any non-Catholic person who cares to discard morality for a quick buck and a raise and private schools for their kids.

And no, I'm not a bigot. I didn't hate any Catholic or Jew or try to get revenge. I filed lawsuits to protect my name when I was slandered and I didn't lie about anyone, harrass anyone, or torture anyone. My parents also never had any problem until sometime in high school maybe when someone didn't like how I wouldn't date this guy bc he was Catholic and not christian. From there, all downhill, but most especially when I was forced to file lawsuits I never should have had to file to begin with.

It wasn't my problem.

You can take your hate crime and keep it for yourselves. And that's all I tried to do, was to return the unwelcome gift that was a gift-wrapped bomb.

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