Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Torture & Fox News & O'Reilly's "Habit" & Origin of Migraine

It appears the FBI is passing on information they get from "surveillance" to mass media.

Which is nothing new, because in 2004, they were using surveillance and Patriot Act excuses for gaining information from my house about what my legal plans were, and then sharing this with my adversaries in the lawsuits.

It's a little out of control...a little more than "spin". I wonder when O'Reilly got the idea for the name of Spin Factor for his show. It's just funny, because I watch how people on his show get handfed bits of information from what is going on at our house, and I know I talked a lot about how the Mt. Angel Abbey lawyers and others were trying to "spin" everything about my character out of context. Putting a "spin" on things. Let me guess. I haven't even looked yet, but I am going to GUESS, this show name came up sometime after 2002. Probably after 2004. But I think I was talking about "spin" in 2002, after I was defamed by a newspaper.

Someone started up extreme torture at my parent's house at a specific time because I noticed, as we were watching Fox News, and I also noticed how the journalists got little smirks after it started up.

It started right after Beck talked about how George Washington suffered a lot longer than Lincoln. How you couldn't tell by appearance, but it was a lot longer period of constant suffering.

Right after that, a huge wave of torture hit my parent's house. And then the two female journalists who are connected to Dempsey got little smirks on their faces--Michelle Erickson smirks, after I had said something out loud about Erickson when Fox news talked about a fat kid getting taken from his parents.

It's Catholic hate crime.

There is no spin.

You know what I had an impression of? A rolled up wad of money up O'Reilly's nose. I thought, why would I see this? and then thought, maybe it was something else like an inhaler or something. But no, then I thought, it actually fits a mode of transportation of cocaine. Sniff. I mean, isn't that what some cokeheads do? Roll up a dollar bill or money or something and then snort through it? So maybe Bill O'Reilly just likes to put rolled up money in his nose and bribe his friends to keep torturing my family, or maybe he's a cokehead.

How would O'Reilly's female journalists even know to smirk on cue at the same time someone blasted my parent's with technology, unless it's true Bill has a little Catholic hate crime repoire with Martin Dempsey, who would be the one with the say in whether my family is tortured or not?

And how would they get information on my family, play by play, unless they have a rat they pay who works for the CIA. FBI, sure...but CIA has a delivery method that's quicker and gives you an instant buzz.

Play with fire, get burned O'Reilly. Now someone in the DEA can look over your shoulder. You see, the funny thing is that while someone may have locked my parents down into some kind of horrific contract, I am under no obligation to keep my mouth shut.

I was right, about what I got about the female journalists. So I am very likely to be right about seeing rolled up money in O'Reilly's nose. Just one side honey. Sniff, sniff. What's it like when you exhale? Your left nostril.

Crazy, to have a habit like that and a $2 million dollar a year job too. Crazy, to mess with me or my family.

And Shep. Darling, don't look so worried. Cat got your tongue?

Shep had a little segment, right before "The Spin Factor" about "everyone gets headaches."

Right. Yeah, everyone gets headaches so don't believe what I'm saying about being blasted in the head and my family being blasted bc people will say everyone gets headaches.

Everyone does NOT get "headaches" triggered to occur on hearing dates. And, everyone does NOT get headaches to occur as a result of horrific and illegal torture by the DOD. There was not even a close resemblance to headache on Sunday when I and my parents were assaulted on the head. It is like having a laser pointed directly at your head and then a sudden pulse or firing that causes immediate stabbing pain to almost the center of your brain. It's not headache, because there was no overall headache and I didn't have a migraine either. Migraine is totally different and I know exactly how they feel. You don't go 15 minutes with zero headache and then get a pulsed stab to your brain and then once or twice and then go another 15 minutes and the same thing, repeating for over 6 hours. Sorry, but no joint or cigar for O'Reilly's team. Not only that, there was a current of technology around my parent's house that any normal person could feel that night and after I felt it around the outside of their house, I was then targeted to be zapped on the head each time I went up against the house to see if I noticed anything. Each and every time, it was one side of my head, and NO, it wasn't migraine. A migraine is a constant pain on one side of the head, and sometimes affecting the eye. Getting repeatedly stabbed in the head with a laser on one side of the head every 15 minutes, with breaks inbetween, is military targeting and positioning of weapons against U.S. civilians.

"Connor Conelly" or whatever his name was, the journalist covering news about Pakistan and Iran, said tonight, before the "Spin Factor", "It is highly unlikely that the U.S. would fire on the Pakistani's without their firing first."

Yeah right. The U.S. fires on their own citizens.

When the U.S. fires on its own citizens, no country can trust one single thing the U.S. says and while O'Reilly smirks with his pals about how this country is going in the wrong direction and buy his book, he is supporting terrorism against U.S. citizens that is putting the name of the U.S. into the trash.

A lot of talk, and much ado about nothing. If O'Reilly and his pals were so concerned about the demise of the United States, they would be getting a kick out of torture of my family and thinking it's funny or great game when other countries are just about ready to BLOW THEM up.

Do you understand. It's not a joke. One minute you're laughing about how this country isn't doing too good, while you hypocritically support torture of U.S. citizens and while you say it's unlikely the U.S. fired on Pakistan unprovoked, we're being targeted. Your support of this torture of U.S. citizens is proof of your hypocrisy. You claim to care about the country and all you care about is yourself and your own religious group. I guess you figure you can all run to the Vatican for sanctuary or call up the CIA or FBI and go into an underground bomb shelter when something hits. I guess you rely on your Catholic channels to pull you though, but do you understand me?

You're done. You're through. How will YOU and YOUR GROUP repair the damage you've done to this country?

You are the very example of why enemy countries want to take over. Your church name is just demolished. You've turned your Holy Virgin Mary Catholic church into a Mafia that supports sexual assault of their own Catholic kids and military assault against your own country's civilians.

What a gripe about "leadership". YOU ARE part of that leadership and maybe we don't want Bill O'Reilly's "Spin Factor" anymore. Or any of the crappy media that only reports what their special interest groups want to report. And so much for "investigative journalism." You idiots put surveillance on people and laugh about it--You're not investigating anything.

I'M doing YOUR JOB.

Not only that, I seem to be doing the FBI's job because I certaintly haven't seen them taking any notes.

We just had some woman over here for a couple of hours and while my Dad is sending in a check, we have Patty Otterbach over here putting her hex on things.

1. Spots.
Here's another thing my parents did. They had this mat out with spots on it and today I was going to wear an apricot colored shirt but I noticed it had all these spots on it and I didn't know if someone had done something to it or what. So I dropped it and it landed next to blue jeans that also had some spots on them. So I wore something else, but my parents knew about the spots. Also, my Dad took out some orange handled tool, out of the truck right before I was walking the dog and pulled up a blue sack and put it in the trash.

2. Socks on Fire.
My mom's socks were wet, her b&w ones and she put them on the woodstove to dry for a moment and I didn't notice but they started to burn and then she said, "my socks are burning" so she was scraping it off and next thing on the news was Obama talking about something burning. She knew someone would be talking about burning before it happened.

We get tortured while others use religious hate crime to mock us.

Those responsible must CEASE and DESIST or suffer the consequences. Any small satisfaction you get from torturing a few of your own citizens, is not worth what you have done to our entire nation by denigrating and degrading the name of this country, making it subject to Religion.

A false religion at that. Because look at your "fruits" and how you operate. No good religious tortures innocent people.

If only I kept having sex with a Catholic man.

I could've been a REAL ESTAH.

All I had to do was sell my body for the Mary Freaks. I mean, isn't that what it amounts to? I didn't "sell" myself, but isn't that essentially what the members of the Catholic FBI were requiring. "Don't harm her" (if she's sleeping with a Catholic).

It's the most disgusting thing this country has on it's agenda. Sex trade in exchange for not torturing citizens who are never legally to be tortured in the U.S. anyway. And even if I didn't sell, that is basically what it amounts to. A forced conversion or performing sex acts for a Catholic.

What a SHAME to Dempsey. I saw a clip of him for the first time today on the Spin or the news before that I think and I haven't changed my mind. He is a mean man. I watched him talk and it's like someone paraded so many tortured people in front of him, he is completely out of touch with compassion. I don't even think he loves his own family. You'd think a man like that would at least have feelings for his family, but it's like he took himself way past what love was about a long time ago. Affection, or some sense of responsibility, sure. But not love. He doesn't know how to love. You get a man like that in charge of the military and they can't even see both sides of the coin because their mind and psyche has already been heisted. It's like he sold his soul to the devil and the devil gave us his ghost. A man with absolutely zero feeling in his eyes or behind his eyes and who only knows how to operate like a robot. So I look at him talking with a void in his eyes, and know he is capable of being mean, and it figures. He knows his way around a diagram but he can't find his way back to reality. I mean, reality outside of the IRA. First FOX shows Dempsey talking about the Pakistan strike and then this Conner guy is saying it's "unlikely" the U.S. fired first or unprovoked.

(and why in the world google just put up an article for 'transvaginal mesh' is beyond me)

I'm writing about Dempsey and they put up an ad for transvaginal mesh.

Another thing I'd like to know, about Karl Rove. Isn't Karl Rove some kind of supposedly conservative White House man? I'll have to look him up, bc for some reason, I had thought he was a christian. He got on Fox News when I was first blogging about my parents coming back with bruising all around their eyes, and Rove was making some kind of comment about being in "battleground" zone or something. Basically, then they showed a map, and I had been looking up what kind of bruising my parents had and there is a name for it, something about battleground, and that's if we're not including the lasering of my parents eyes. So I thought, why is Karl Rove making a direct allusion to bruising re. my parents--he looked pretty healthy and he's a White House guy so why isn't HE standing up for me and my son and parents?

It sounds sort of crazy to just say he was talking about battleground and then to equate it with bruising, but if I saw the segment again, I could better explain it and I might not be a mind reader, but I'm still sometimes intuitive.

I'm not delusional. Period.

FOX had some by line about a Russian woman who had an affair with a married man who was British, being accused of espionage and I have to say, for the record, the U.S has NEVER thought this about me.

They didn't torture me after I knew the military guy. They tortured me long before and when I didn't have a boyfriend and had only kissed 2 people in my entire life. So no, it's not even possible that I have been attacked and assaulted because of James Cartright or whatever. That's impossible. Maybe someone wondered about me for a hair of a minute or took liberties to make a huge deal out of it in order to keep up the original hate crime, but I never even had anything to share with anyone. And the U.S. has always known this and always known my activities and whereabouts becasue they have had me on surveillance since at least 2001.

Why? Because the Catholic church people asked the Catholic officers to do it. It was possibly even before 2001. Any excuse they could find for blowing something out of proportion they used, and since I was raped, I'm sure someone tried to develop a cover in case I talked even back then.

The first time I ever had migraines was, I believe, at the Italian family's house: The DelBalzos.

(someone is repeatedly deleting what I post and interfering with my blogging so this is taking longer than it should to write).

I had thought I first experienced a migraine at Ed Israel's company, CTR, but I think it was earlier. I was having migraines triggered in the early morning a.m. hours and waking up with them then and almost always on a Friday. That was 1997. I wondered why my migraines were always landing on a Friday and then joked to some people that it made me feel, when I had to call in sick, like it looked like I just wanted a 3-day weekend.

But the first time I ever got a migraine and had to go home because of migraine, was when I was working as a nanny for an Italian family called The DelBalzos, and I worked for them in 1996. 1996-1997. I didn't have them at first, when I was first working for them. But about a half year or more into working for them, they started. It was right towards the end of my employment with them, that I started having to go home or get someone to cover for them because of migraine. I know they said it worked out because both she and her husband had enough flexibility to come home, one or the other, if they had to. At first I was still in a neckbrace

(someone REALLY doesn't want me to post this information right now because it's being repeatedly deleted)

I was in a neckbrace and it was discussed that if I got sick or needed to go home it was no problem because one of them could come home. I said it shouldn't be a problem because I only had about 1 cold a year. Then, sometime in their employ, I started having migraines. It was 1996, and they introduced me to their next door neighbor, who was Jewish and had a daughter studying to be a rabbi in Israel.

Which is sort of interesting, since the DelBalzos were Catholic and their neighbor they wanted me to meet was Jewish.

I am positive I never had migraines at the Thebaults. I'm not saying someone connected to them didn't later do something wrong, but I know that while I worked for them at least, I never had a migraine. Then I worked for a Catholic-Jewish couple, the Kargmans, in NJ and actually, for the first time tonight I now know why someone took a photo of my newborn son crying and put it up for the public to see without my consent.

It was revenge for an imagined offense. I had photos of Danit Kargman when she was a baby, which were okayed by the parents, Marylynn and Ken Kargman, and I showed all of them. I took a few of the Thebault kids and showed Lisa all of them and it was okay with her. They were cute photos and Lisa thought they were very cute. They were. I didn't take a ton, actually, just a few. Then I did the same with Danit, and showed Marylynn and Marylynn was also fine with them, even though in a few of them, she started to cry and I didn't know. Not cry-cry, but a teary look sort of. I told Marylynn what we'd been doing and what happened and it was no problem. I never published any of the photos of the kids ever, except later I put a couple vague ones of Thebaults on my blog--don't remember. If I did, they're still there and are nothing bad. However, I think someone got these photos later and attempted to punish me and my son and get revenge, imagining I'd taken a photo of some crying baby Danit so they were going to put up a photo, without my consent, of my crying baby son. Not totally crying either, they wiped away a tear to have it match the photo of Danit (who had been laughing and then something happened and she teared up and I didn't see it or notice--like I said, I showed her parents everything).

So yeah. It's Jewish and Catholic hate crime. 100%, no doubt. Marylynn was Catholic and Ken Kargman was Jewish. The photos taken of my son without my consent, which went up for all the world to see, were arranged by someone with a motive for exacting revenge for some imagined offense. The Kargman's were from Jewishville, NJ. Livingston, NJ, but Marilynn was some kind of Italian Catholic.

The photos of Danit were in 1994 and the revenge photos of my son were done in 2006 so I'd say that's holding some kind of a grudge. What's strange, is that if the Kargman's had an issue about it then, they never said so to me. I showed them the photos and explained how she got upset after first having fun and Marilynn laughed and thought they were cute. I think it's possible someone else saw them and assumed something different when I had already explained to Marilynn. I don't remember what it was--waking up from a nap or getting tired then after playing...something. But yeah, it was definitely done with a motive for revenge of some kind. Maybe bc Ken Kargman knew Josh Gastov or something. Some kind of Jewish circle or Catholic alliance with a Jewish circle. I quit working for the Kargmans because Ken flew off the handle. He had an anger issue. If you look at the photo of my son, though, all the babies look content but my son had his photo taken while he was crying and looked miserable. They even left a tear next to his eye. I just knew, intuitively tonight, it was taken this way deliberately, out of revenge. And if you put photos side by side you can see what I mean too.

I remember I then was in a car accident in 1995 and after this, I worked for the DelBalzos. I started having migraines, I believe, when I worked for them because I had gone in thinking oh I might have a cold or get sick but probably not bc I never get sick. And towards the end I was getting these headaches starting while I was there at their house. I think once in the middle of the night.

From there, I went to work at CTR in early 1997 and I noticed I had a strange migraine pattern and joked to coworkers that I felt like no one believed me because it sort of looked like an "I want an early weekend" excuse. And it was on cue, every single weekend and interfered with my work, actually, to the point that since the administrative woman was having to cover the desk, they hired "Sarah" to work PT in case she needed to be called in. It was my FT job and because someone was triggering migraines that I didn't even have naturally or organically, I was forced to share the job with another temp.

I was then still offered a position in sales, FT, but I wanted to go to college and do some volunteer work so that's what I did. My migraines were being triggered at 1 or 2 in the a.m. Sometimes I woke at 3 a.m. with one and the doctors said it was unusual to have them start after being asleep and be wakened from one. They said it was odd because usually headaches will come on from stress, not while you're sleeping when your body is not stressed.

And come to think of it, I had those blue shoes before I even went to court. A different pair, but I had pumps just like that, which I sometimes wore to work at CTR. I saw the ad and of the guy in the office alone and thought, "it's like me under the rock and then Billy laughing in his office. The copy machine or water cooler was even similiar, as is the hallway they photographed.

I started having migraines triggered by someone in 1996. Then, I remember, I was talking about how the doctors (who knows WHO I told but I just babbled about stuff)...said it was strange I was being woken in the middle of the night with a migraine because that wasn't typical. I would go to bed feeling great and wake up with this weird splitting migraine and it got worse and worse.

So someone moved my migraine schedule around a few times.

Isn't this GREAT?

I mean how great to hear a story about deliberate cruelty.

My migraines have never been organic migraines and natural. I think, now that I've considered when they started and what the pattern is, it's safe to say my "seizures" were triggered only at Sherwood High School in 1992-1993. Everything quit until 1 time at the beach after I returned to Oregon and then 1 time at Lorraine Rose's house. And then here in Coquille. All of it in Oregon state. What happened in WA state was different and caused almost blackouts but there was no drooling or anything. It was a different form of technology.

It's almost looking like Mossad collaborating with Catholic hate crime. I mean, okay, maybe not Mossad exactly but definitely some sort of Jewish group-gang.

This Jewish woman visited with me a few times and then while working for the DelBalzos, some horrible, horrible blond woman had me babysit her kids once and pick them up from a soccer thing or maybe I went there with the Delbalzo kids and then this blond woman neighbor was there. She was a tramp with an FBI stamp. Nosier than all get-out and just fishing fishing for me to say anything bad about the DelBalzos so she could be the proud Tattletale. I didn't even know I was intuitive then and I knew what she was up to. She was a gossip who wanted to be rewarded for disseminating dirt.

I saw her several times and she was always digging for something. Finally, after all her persistence I said one thing about well maybe I'd like to be paid a little bit more bc they wanted me to cook for them too. And she took this to Mary and Mary felt insulted and humiliated and I never discussed finances with anyone, but this bitchy woman wouldn't let go. I never liked her and I always knew she was a beady-eyed varmit with good blond highlights and a saxon posture. She followed me around nosing in like a reporter. She was something else. What's weird is that I knew what she was up to. I finally thought, well maybe it's not a big deal since she keeps asking how much I am paid. I always said it was personal. I never told people how much money I made.

At any rate, I am not sure when I was getting the migraines at the DelBalzos but it was at their house I think, or the night before and I'd take a couple of advil. Then at CTR, I worked there and at first, no problem and then all of a sudden, I was being hit with migraines almost every weekend, in the middle of the night. 1996-1997. It wasn't like this to start with. I actually think I went to the gynecologist for the first time, since I had health insurance through CTR and it was after I went to her and she knew I was a virgin. Because they wouldn't have hired me on if I'd been having migraines all the time. They hired me after 3 month trial and then I had health insurance which I used and then I started having all these weird migraine hits in the middle of the night and early a.m. And after awhile, they hired another woman back on PT to cover if I needed it.

So I went to doctors and they said "not normal" for migraines to occur early a.m. without warning. If I didn't go to a migraine doctor immediately, I called and then when I went I explained when I got them and they said it was odd. I said, "Well I don't know, I broke my neck and had a head injury but they said no problems then..." and the migraine doctors still said something isn't adding up.

I DID think it was strange that they always occured on Friday. In the middle of the a.m. on Fridays, or actually, Thursday night, so I couldn't go in to work on Friday. After I was commenting about why every Thursday night, I noticed I then had 1 or 2 on Sunday night instead, still taking up my Monday. But always triggered in the middle of the night after I'd gone to sleep.

Then, after it was being documented in medical records, they said maybe they're correlated to my menstrual cycle and I said maybe and then all of a sudden, they were.

Right up until the month when I was back in college for the first time and got 15 migraines starting in the middle of the night, in 1 month.

Then I tried to get a disability waiver or allowance for extra time to complete assignments and the PCC Sylvania disability person in charge "lost" my file. There was something wrong with him. He expressed instant dislike and I gave him documentation and asked for disablity waiver just to accomodate a strange cycle of migraine and he refused to process my request at the PCC-Sylvania campus and then he "lost" all of the records. They were never found. I still had my own copy of personal medical records, but the PCC disability person I went to lost them. I didn't see the head person but I had several meetings there and they were obstructive and mean and I couldn't figure out what their problem was.

That was my wonderful experience with PCC-Sylvania disability coordinators. Even without the allowance of extra time, and even though that man hoped and wanted me to fail, and many believed I would drop out or fail, I didn't. I got all A's and B's. That was working with a fraction of the time other students had to do the work in.

From that point, no one blasted me with 15 migraines in a month again, but then when I filed my lawsuits, at some point, later, I realized hearings were being scheduled around the time people thought I had migraines and then, I started to suspect I didnt even have true migraines so I lied about my period dates, and sure enough...the migraine schedule wasn't matching my periods or menstrual cycle. It was matching the schedule of litigation.

Which I was then forced out of by the FBI and police and corrupt Judges.

So Shep. Everyone gets headaches and not everyone gets headaches triggered by hate crime and obstruction of fundamental rights. Not everyone gets tortured. And not every headache is a natural trait or organic headache.

I had people who were so incredibly jealous of me they used assault and triggering of migraines to try to force me out of college, out of my good name, out of competition, out of lawsuits, ...out of freedom of travel.

Then I had people attempting to control not just me but my son. It is collusion. I always thought conspiracy sounded so ...dramatic. I am a victim of conspiracy. I remember once I mentioned the movie Conspiracy Theory and Christa Schneider got weirded out and edgey.

So I just looked it up. It was released in 1997 but I don't remember when I first saw it. I know I rented it sometime between 1999-2004 and I mentioned to someone and they had such a weird reaction I never forgot.

If I had only known then what I know now. I just looked it up, out of curiosity, on wiki. I know I saw it before I mentioned to someone like Christa (pretty sure it was her) but I remember the weird reaction of someone more than the movie even. Also weird, was before I thought to look this up, I was just sitting next to my pizza pan where I am drying more ginko and yerba. I sat on the edge of my bed and had brown rice with peas and a marinara leftover from spaghetti (beet marinara bc I'm out of tomatoes). You know what's weird, is reading that this guy says he's going to take her where they're playing music. My Uncle Howard that was killed flying planes in Seattle used to say he heard beautiful music when he was flying. It would be interesting to see this movie again now that I know more about MK-Ultra. It's true that this many different groups can all collude and conspire against someone if they want to.

They have with me.

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