Tuesday, November 29, 2011

article about vegan dangers and my mom

1. "Are you cold?"
My mom asked if I was cold when I was outside a few hours ago. I didn't know she was already out there with Scooter and she never asks this. I mean, I was bundled up and of course it's cold outside. She wouldn't state the obvious. So I then looked up rare spices and herbs and, thinking about how I'd said to my parents I thought most vegans or vegetarians are probably more sympathetic to animal and human suffering but that I thought some of them were probably "wackos" and mean and cared more about animals than humans or something. My Dad smiled a little and then I was thinking about vegan diet and typed in a search for 'dangers of vegan' and I saw this one title and started laughing before I even opened it. I laughed at the idea of death threats to someone by the vegan community.


I just saw that byline and it cracked me up, thinking of vegans sending death threats to someone for not being vegan anymore. Looked it up at 10:30 p.m.

It's exactly what kind of thing came to mind when I was thinking of some "wackos". I also thought the title of a vegan blog: Tasha of Voracious Eats, was hilarious.

Anyway. Nothing much to write about bc I didn't see my Dad almost all day or my Mom and Scooter just chewed up a bunch of pine. Or fir actually. I guess it was fir. Then left it there at my feet. He played with all his toys today and has a monopoly on that.

(My dog is smarter than your dog.)

This dog here...lots of suffering and total trooper. 8 years old and acts like a puppy. You'd never know he's older. He knows how to play dead, learn new tricks, deciphers different accents, chews up ham bones that are "too rich" for him as a living sacrifice, knows if you're asking him if he's a good dog or bad dog, knows words in another language, chases off animals that are bigger than he is, even when he's small and outnumbered, gets along with a species that he wouldn't have to get along with (the cat), endures pain and torture with long-suffering and patience, and he looks much younger than your dog. Oh, and he's psychic with God's gift of word of knowledge. Scooter should have his name and face on the latest football jerseys, for the winning team. He's more than a mascot. He's an icon.


(crowds go wild)


I don't like the Google ad of painting the fence with 2 boys by the way. It's glamourizing and supporting bullying and exploitation. I'm not sure why Google would even choose to put something like that up.

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