Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Barney Frank's Heart Condition

The other thing that came to my mind while watching Fox News was when Barney Frank footage was shown. I think it was on the Spin but maybe it was before this show. I saw footage of Frank and saw something about his heart.

He was walking by in a clip and just walking in some video clip and while he was walking, in that clip, I saw his heart.

I guess it's the first time I've seen something actually on the person in the clip but maybe it's something else?

For example, when I saw Obama's femur, it wasn't by t.v. or any assistance. It was one very rare occasion where I knew no one sent me this either, because my vision was taken past his pants, to skin, past muscle, to bone. I mean, I really had this x-ray vision when I was praying that day. It's the only time I've ever moved through layers like that.

And then the U.S. tried to ruin and destroy my brain with Haldol. They tortured me and drugged me repeatedly.

However, with this Barney clip, it was on t.v. and he was just walking by and it was like I saw his suit, but I saw a heart too, like something inflamed or something I thought. I think in this case, it's possible to have a sender where they are on the other side, playing the same thing but with a light or heart design lit up and then try to project it to you while you're watching t.v., like trying to overlap something. Or a light pointer on a screen someone else is watching. If so, it was more than a dot, it was a whole region.

I know for sure this wasn't the case when I saw Obama's femur. It was very real and I'm sure it was God answering my prayer. Positive. And I'm not a remote viewer either, or gifted naturally in this way. I feel God answered my prayer in that instance.

This other thing--I think reasonably that someone could try to put a second track over the one a person is actually watching. But, if someone did not try to overlap something and project it to me, if it wasn't a sender trying to send the overlapped idea over what I was literally watching, then I guess I intuitively picked up on something.

I saw him walking past and then it was something I could sort of literally see, on the screen, following him and radiating in the chest region. SO I thought, "I wonder if he has some kind of inflammation or heart condition?" and I looked it up and it says he had a mild heart condition in 1990. Or heart attack then. I typed in, "Barney Frank, heart condition" and I found a link that said, "Rep. Frank suffers mild heart attack" or something like that. So I guess he might have some kind of heart condition.

However, like I said, on something like this, I "test the spirits" or think about technology and programs and also think about the holy spirit and where I know 100% it wasn't anyone but God showing me Obama's femur, I am not totally sure about why I saw Frank's heart like that. So I guess I am thinking it is possible that some research group tries to send something to someone and project it, and overlap what they guess someone is watching. I'm just thinking it's possible??

If it was all just part of the Holy Spirit, all credit to the Holy Spirit then.

Like I said, I feel slightly dubious...

I mean, did God show me something in a kind of vision? or something? OR, for example, is there someone in an office, who is a gifted "sender" trying to project the exact same screen of Barney except with a lit up area over his heart-chest region? You know? I mean, clever, and I know enough to know the military or other groups can try things like this.

So I am careful to sort out what is really a gift from God of insight and sometimes too, I know I'm just picking up on something from a sender.

First Barney was standing there facing forward and I saw this and then he was walking to the right of the screen and I still saw it.

It is very possible for someone to send an impression like this, and it's just research and then to also be the recipient of visions or gifts from God that have nothing to do with mind control or other programs. So one is not mutually exclusive of the other.

The part to be careful of is knowing, if it's not God or the Holy Spirit showing something, then who is it and what is their motive and intent?

I am not like some "christians" who don't care what the source is, they just think end justifies means and don't care if they deceive people. For example, if there is a christian who is part of the 700 club or something and knows there is a program about trying to control or project ideas into dreams, is it morally ethical, in God's eyes, to try to convince someone that "God gave you the dream and wants you to be a christian" if they know it was a research project? Not in my opinion. It's true you can use things like this for another purpose, but I don't believe God honors this. It's like false prophets.

You could have a 700 club person who works with a govt. agency and they are telling someone, as a false prophet, "You had this dream bc God is telling you _______." And all along they know the person had this dream as a result of some project that sometimes produces decent results.

To be a christian and attach God's name to one's own missions or motives, is being a modern-day false prophet.

And that's not saying God doesn't really give dreams, miracles, and signs.

But anyone taking the Lord's name in vain for their own agenda, is a very scary person. They are a false prophet. And I sure wouldn't want to be in that position of having govt. people know what's really going on and then being a horrible testimony of the christian faith.

(also, I'm not saying I always say, do, or get the right things either or that I'm always nice after being tortured and provoked but I don't try to deceive anyone for my own reasons and use God's name in the mix)


  1. XRAY vision? Cameo, please. You are nuts. And you need help. If you spent as much time addressing your mental health needs as you do babbling about technology, lasers, xray vision, conspiracies, etc. you could lead a functional and much healthier life. You are young and vibrant. Get some help and realize your potential. I mean, this is some crazy stuff that you are writing. Everyone that experiences your insanity ... you fit them into your conspiracy theories. It isn't the world, Cameo. It's your insanity. Get help. Please.

  2. No, I'm not nuts.

    Yes, x-ray vision. People in the past have had religious visions amounting to the same thing, and different govt's around the world use people who have a gift called "remote viewing" where they can do the same thing.

    They are able to see through metal, aircraft, and military things and find exact coordinates on a map for missile construction.

    I am not one of those "remote viewers" that just has some kind of God-given gift (which doesn't mean you're a good person anymore than having a God-given gift of being beautiful means you're a good person--it's just a gift and you can use it for good or bad).

    I am a sort of intuitive person who picks up on some things, and then, a few times in my life, I've known God has really done a miracle or answered my prayer. When I had an x-ray vision that went from layer to layer to see inside of Obama's leg, what else do you call it? It's basically like having x-ray vision.

    However, because it's not my "gift" or natural ability, and bc I was really praying to God to show me something, I believe the only reason God answered my prayer and gave me this insight, was because he agrees with me.

    I have always known it is not God's will for my son to be raised by anyone except me and I have always known the truth about the lies and corruption involved in stealing him from me.

    So yeah, it sounds sci-fi, but so what. That's pretty much what it was, except that I was praying earnestly to God, first asking forgiveness of all my sins to clear my slate before Him and then asking him, if it is His will, to please show me something.

    Then, after I got a few things and I was shocked to see what I had seen, I later went to my laptop and found out it looked like it was TRUE.

    To me, the most shocking thing I've ever seen in my life, and about the president.

    No one could "send" something like that or project such a vision to me. It happened, and it did not happen outside of prayer but within my prayer request to God, as a person who is fallible and has horrible faults like anyone but asked God for something.

    So God showed me. It's not my problem if you're a Doubting Thomas. It's also not my problem if you think I would dare take God's name and throw it into the mix rashly just because "she wants her son".

    Do you think I want to kill myself by dishonoring God in that way? I do not believe anyone can make such a claim falsely and escape the wrath of God.

    I told the truth. And, I then prayed later about my Uncle Howard and spent only a fraction of the time doing that, and I saw things about him that were not online and there was no possible way for me to know what was happening in Idaho, and no one was calling me or emailing me.

    I didn't lie just because I want my son. The truth is that I know, without any shadow of doubt, this is God's will.

    That was over a year ago and for my honesty I was tortured, jailed, and thrown into a psych ward and injected with Haldol.

    I think it's bc if the Govt. or hate crime groups think they can control you, they like for someone to have such an insight or gift. But if they get worried it wasn't a 1-time thing or is a gift, and know you're not locked into blackmail or a confidentiality agreement, they get nervous about a gifted person with free will to say whatever they want.

  3. No, I'm not nuts.

    Yes, x-ray vision. People in the past have had religious visions amounting to the same thing, and different govt's around the world use people who have a gift called "remote viewing" where they can do the same thing.

    They are able to see through metal, aircraft, and military things and find exact coordinates on a map for missile construction.

    I am not one of those "remote viewers" that just has some kind of God-given gift (which doesn't mean you're a good person anymore than having a God-given gift of being beautiful means you're a good person--it's just a gift and you can use it for good or bad).

    I am a sort of intuitive person who picks up on some things, and then, a few times in my life, I've known God has really done a miracle or answered my prayer. When I had an x-ray vision that went from layer to layer to see inside of Obama's leg, what else do you call it? It's basically like having x-ray vision.

    However, because it's not my "gift" or natural ability, and bc I was really praying to God to show me something, I believe the only reason God answered my prayer and gave me this insight, was because he agrees with me.

    I have always known it is not God's will for my son to be raised by anyone except me and I have always known the truth about the lies and corruption involved in stealing him from me.

    So yeah, it sounds sci-fi, but so what. That's pretty much what it was, except that I was praying earnestly to God, first asking forgiveness of all my sins to clear my slate before Him and then asking him, if it is His will, to please show me something.

    Then, after I got a few things and I was shocked to see what I had seen, I later went to my laptop and found out it looked like it was TRUE.

    To me, the most shocking thing I've ever seen in my life, and about the president.

    No one could "send" something like that or project such a vision to me. It happened, and it did not happen outside of prayer but within my prayer request to God, as a person who is fallible and has horrible faults like anyone but asked God for something.

    So God showed me. It's not my problem if you're a Doubting Thomas. It's also not my problem if you think I would dare take God's name and throw it into the mix rashly just because "she wants her son".

    Do you think I want to kill myself by dishonoring God in that way? I do not believe anyone can make such a claim falsely and escape the wrath of God.

    I told the truth. And, I then prayed later about my Uncle Howard and spent only a fraction of the time doing that, and I saw things about him that were not online and there was no possible way for me to know what was happening in Idaho, and no one was calling me or emailing me.

    I didn't lie just because I want my son. The truth is that I know, without any shadow of doubt, this is God's will.

    That was over a year ago and for my honesty I was tortured, jailed, and thrown into a psych ward and injected with Haldol.

    I think it's bc if the Govt. or hate crime groups think they can control you, they like for someone to have such an insight or gift. But if they get worried it wasn't a 1-time thing or is a gift, and know you're not locked into blackmail or a confidentiality agreement, they get nervous about a gifted person with free will to say whatever they want.

  4. (continued)
    Which is why they stole my son from me, because they have tried to buy and trade and sell my family members for years because some of them do have incredible gifts and hate crime groups and some govt. don't want this to be a freely held gift. They want to use it, control it, and control the people.

    It's not theirs for the taking.

    God wants my son to be returned. Plenty of "prophets" and others might foresee hardness of heart and corruption and see it will not happen, even if there is a clear sign it's God's will. I can't help your unbelief, and I am not responsible for the consequences if you choose to go against the will of God.

    Do I know what will happen? no. I didn't get a vision of what will happen if he's not returned to me. I got the answer to my prayer and I know God wants him returned without delay. As to what is going to happen to those who stand in the way, I have no clue. That's up to God and he didn't show me that.
