Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Dream & Scripture From Last Night

I decided to wear a lot of green today and thought I looked like "The Abdominable Snow Pea" or "Green Pea". After I had it on I thought about my son and how someone said he liked this color but I'd have to see him say this for himself because people tell him what to say and do. I wore different greens with black and white. And my jeans and pink socks and blue and yellow socks and black tights. And an apricot shirt too (put on later for extra warmth). And, I have a maroon rubberband for my hair but haven't put it in my hair and had it on my wrist for when I need it.

I wouldn't usually share my dreams, esp. when I know about things--about how people can try to project into them and sometimes it's just a mixture of different things.

But first I want to write about what I found in Scripture at random which I thought was really cool to read, esp. after having just blogged about the same thing. First I turned in one Bible to I John 1 about taking things you know to be true, and keeping them close and if you keep going there is a section about testing the spirits, which I had in mind when I was thinking about false prophets and discerning what it research attempts and what is from the Holy Spirit--not that research can't be neutral, but still, knowing if something is from I had just blogged about how it's wrong, for example, for a 700 club person or protestant (or any religion) to try to use something in the name of God when they know it's not God. Then I read from Isaiah and landed on a section about inflamed with wine, which I thought not to really be the kind of inflammation I had in mind when Rep. Frank came to mind, and just read a little of this section (I am not down on him at all, and think what TN did was atrocious).

The part that stood out to me was when I then went to my other Bible and prayed and opened to just read something before bed and I got I Kings about false prophets.

The best part was that it came alive to me, almost like seeing a movie while I read it. Instead of just reading about these 2 kings, King of Israel and King of Judah and reading a rote passage, it came alive like I was watching a movie. Which is imagination, you know, you read a novel or something and you form a picture of what you think the person looks like and how things unfold.

I landed right on the section about how God said he needed someone to put a "lying spirit" into the prophets. About how then a Spirit stood before the Lord and said, "I'll do it. I will put a lying spirit in all the prophets." I Kings 22:22.From there, I thought, ohmigosh, and then I went above to start reading from the point of these 2 kings in their royal robes seated on thrones at the threshing floor. I Kings 22:10. They were seated there and all these prophets were prophesying before them. Then this one brought forth these iron horns he had made and said, "With these you will gore the Arameans." All it says in the Bible is that he declared this but in my imagination I see him holding onto them with both hands, held high. Then all the other prophets said the exact same thing--you will destroy them. Attack and be successful. Then a messenger was sending for Micaiah the prophet and told him, "The other prophets are all predicting victory so do the same as you are only one man." He said, "I can only say what the Lord tells me to say." So he gets before the king and actually goes along with it. He agrees with them and says, "Attack and be victorious." Then the King of Israel said, "Come on, how many times have I told you to tell me the truth and not lie to me?" So Micaiah says (I was going to say, girds his loins and then I creatively thought, took a shot of whiskey, but no, true to the recollection he says...) "Okay then" (essentially), "I saw all the sheep scattered across the hills without a shepherd and having no master each went to his own home. I saw that the Lord said he was going to entice Ahab to go to war and lead to his death...that the Lord said he needed a lying spirit to go forth into all the prophets, so a spirit said he would and the Lord agreed and said it would happen and so..the Lord has put a lying spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours." Zedekiah, the prophet who had made the iron horns, went up to the other prophet and slapped him across the face, insulting him and saying Oh really, so tell me now, which way did this lying spirit go when he left ME to speak to YOU?

For Micaiah's willingness to tell the King the truth of what he saw, he was thrown into prison. (which made me think about throwing people into psych wards and injecting them with Haldol when they tell you the truth).

The King of Israel threw him into the prison and the king said, you can stay there until I get back from this battle victorious. He instructed the prophet to be given nothing but "bread and water" until he returned. So the prophet said to him, "As surely as I live, you will not return alive. Mark my words." (write it down so you can all look back on this). The King of Israel left with King of Jehosaphat (Judah) to go to war. And as the honest prophet had said it would happen, it did. You can read about the rest.

To me, reading this right after writing about false prophets and an example of a 700 club person working with govt. and trying to use govt. research to attach the name of God, if it's not true, is wrong. It's being a false prophet. And when I read this passage, having been thinking about how I had prayed and asked God to show me something about our "king", to convince him my son should be returned to me...I related to the part in reading about how, after I told the truth and did not misuse the name of God, I was thrown into prison and also thrown into a psych ward and assaulted.

I told the truth.

I feel that if God didn't agree with me, that my son Oliver is supposed to be returned to me, He never would have let me see anything.

I told the truth and it wasn't the result of mind control or research, even if yes, it's true I also pick up on other things. I know that you can get all the leaders, Judges, lawyers, politicians, VPs, and religious leaders to lie and say don't worry about it, but I know God wouldn't have given a plain and ordinary woman a vision like this, unless God believed in my petition.

So here's the other caveat. You can have God give a message about what SHOULD be done and what GOD agrees with, and you can still have it not happen. You can have other prophets say, "It's not going to happen, she won't get her son" and they can be right. This, however, does not diminish the fact that God did listen to a mother's plea and grant her request for a sign to give the highest person of authority. And it doesn't mean that there will not be consequences for refusing to do what God wants to have happen. So sure. Maybe prophets see I won't get my son back, and yet, I got the sign from God that this is what HE wants. So if anyone chooses to ignore this, you will also be taking the accountability upon yourselves. You are in opposition to the will of God.

God can speak to anyone like this. Man, woman, or child, who earnestly asks. Usually, yeah, it doesn't happen but we can still believe it's possible and sometimes God honors that. If you look through the Bible too, you see examples of simple heartfelt pleas from women that God hears. Hannah. Hagar. One woman on her knees is not a small thing to God. God hears, I believe, everything and he pays attention.

My dream is, I think, probably a jumble of projected things. I feel it must be projected stuff, but it had some interesting parts. I don't remember all of it. I woke up without very much torture this morning, or there wasn't a lot of use of technology. I slept well enough, and late into the day. Now, someone is using technology again but not this morning as much.

My dream was full of Russian speaking young women, babies, and church. I don't remember how it all played out, but I was trying to go to church after staying the night somewhere. I remember wanting to go for a run and asking if I could borrow a pair of shorts and I had a long sleeved shirt on. They said sure (american people) and then I went to a drawer and looked and pulled something out and it was a barbie doll article of clothing. I had thought they were shorts but they were for a barbie. So I pulled something out again and they were short hotpant shorts for a little kid. Then they said they'd find something but I left the house and went to this church. I was trying to go to church and then then 2 different times someone interfered and tried to provoke me and I suddenly realized "They don't want me to go there for some reason". I realized I was being provoked to get upset so I didn't go to this place. On one occasion, this little girl came up to me and she was Russian but I don't know how I knew. She was 5-6 or something and then she had a big sister maybe or it was a different young woman. She had dark brown hair. I said what is your accent and she first spoke to me in English, in this high voice and then she said this whole phrase in Russian and in my dream I heard it word for word but I have no idea what she said. And what changed is that her voice was lower when she spoke Russian. I thought, "Why is her voice higher when she's speaking English and lower when she speaks Russian?" In my dream I thought it was maybe to have a more seductive or appealing voice for being able to get close to someone or information. I asked her, not knowing if it was Ukrainian or Russian, I said, "Is that Ukrainian or Russian?" and she said, "Russian". She was nice enough. Then she left. She wasn't an adult woman yet. She was a teenager. I think in the dream she was kind of checking me out and then liked me but in the background. Then the little girl was still there with me but then I didn't see her I don't think, or can't remember.

I tried to go to this one church the first time and was rerouted and left. Then I tried a second time and left upset and reacting to harassment or something. Then it dawned on me, "They are trying to provoke reactions bc they don't want me to be there for some reason--bc I think I'm supposed to be there or go there." So I was curious and went a third time and got to the church and saw different chairs and it was a small gathering with all different kinds of chairs, not pews. Chairs throughout the church but maybe only 50 or fewer, maybe only 30 chairs. It was small. Maybe chairs were taken on other side, just went to where there were empty seats. I walked across the way and there were 2 chairs side by side and they were different kinds (one with high back, one without high back) and they were to the right of the church, but it depends on what angle you looked at it. With chairs facing forward, these were to the right and I sat down and all these adults looked back at me and some weren't happy and some were fine. And then I ended up with 3 babies on my lap.

This one little girl, maybe the one I had seen earlier, or maybe it was a baby, I can't remember. It was a child, and they crawled up onto my lap and then another wanted up so I put them on the other side, on my other knee. Then, a third one wanted to be held, so I ended up holding all three, with one to the left, one to the right and one at the front of my knees. I don't know how I held them all, but if they were small children at first, I think by the time I was holding 3, they were babies maybe. Somehow I had a good hold on all of them.

Then all of the kids or babies I was holding fell asleep. I was able to get them to all relax with me comfortably and feel safe and they nuzzled against me and all of them were asleep within a few minutes.

Then I think I was sitting there with these happily sleeping babies and as I watched each one doze into sound slumber I thought, "I wonder if these adults realize I am a good mother" and I wasn't surprised they liked me because I already know what kind of mother I am. And I thought this in the dream and then woke up. I guess I had the dream sometime between 11-12 a.m. bc I slept in as I was up very late.

It was just a dream. I walked into that church and sat down into a chair sort of like, "Okay, let's see what's going on here." I was walking away and then I turned back and thought, "No, they don't want me to go there for a reason so I want to know what's there."

They didn't look happy when I showed up. Then I sat down and child by child they wanted to climb onto my lap. Which wasn't what I expected.

So dreams, you just take dreams with a grain of salt. In my opinion, that's how dreams are.

For me though, I know God answered my prayer when I asked for something to see about Obama, to prove I was supposed to have my son returned to me without delay. That was over a year ago. I can't help it if he doesn't believe me or has people lying to him. I saw what I saw and didn't read about anything first, and I wouldn't lie about it. And then later, I saw my Uncle Howard with his eyes open after people said he was in a coma and as it turned out, he opened his eyes. I also knew it was a drug induced coma, or had a feeling. And that was true as well. And I know no one sent me the color of what William of Wales was wearing to his wedding day. God showed me when I was sitting on the toilet. It happened instantly and no possible way some sender grabbed material that color to accurately flash this to me within seconds.

The only thing I ever asked for a "sign" about, though, was getting something about the President that I could take to show him God was on my side and that it was God's will and desire to have my child returned to me at once.

So God answered my prayer, and showed me something in a way I'd never seen before and never since. It affirmed, to me, that God does agree with me because if He didn't, he wouldn't have given me anything at all. And definitely not in such a dramatic way.

Some things I say recklessly or just as a human with opinions and making commentary--not "prophetic commentary". But I know about this one thing and I know I was repeatedly thrown into jail and into a psych ward and tortured after this too.
I just saw my Dad for a split second and he said he was taking a nap and looks tortured. He has new black marks around his eyes. I said I'd go over later and he said "ok, see ya later."

See ya later reminds me of Chris Rozollo, who put down little notes with see you later or "c you later". He was into my laptop and so many people made reference to him. I always thought he did something to my laptop bc after I didn't see him, I had all kinds of problems with it and in general.
I looked up a baby r us thing today but need to get rid of my toys r'us ads. One day they sent me 4 ads in one day. I looked at this one and it's was about kids' apparel but nothing like what was in my dream. It doesn't matter. The dream, to me, means nothing. It was mainly interesting bc of the russian part and the language bit I heard. And the babies in a 3 leaf clover pattern on my lap (one to the right, one to the left, and one at front of my knees). But it means nothing and people project stuff. What I am POSITIVE means something, is what prayer God answered in real-time, while I was not sleeping.

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