Wednesday, November 30, 2011

what parents can do (with photos)

I got upset tonight bc someone was repeatedly obstructing my ability to document what my parents did. It's like these people like to dish it, and have it served to them, but they can't take it. They have been repeatedly removing my videocam and jamming my laptop. I was photographing evidence of their abilities and couldn't even get it for hours bc of obstruction.

Then, in some of the ones I finally got, someone added something to the photo that wasn't even there. The webcam was clean and there was no shadow and someone inserted their own little stripe of a mark into the photo viewfinder. How, I don't know, because like I said, it wasn't in the photo and I also looked to see if it was caused by a shadow and it wasn't.

Then someone jammed my mom's laptop too. Someone called her up about business and my Mom has to use her laptop for real estate business and all of a sudden, someone jammed her computer so she couldn't use it when she was on the phone with a client tonight, at about 7 p.m. or so.

I said, "These cheap cheats. They can't take it. They allow me to take photos if it's something THEY want or that they want to use for themselves or if they think they're going to win something from it and then if they don't want it, they jam our computers, obstruct the ability to photograph evidence", and tonight, they obstructed competition by interfering with my mother's job which is her livlihood and way to make money. They try to capture failure whenever they can and want to omit anything that proves they've been beat.

Tonight I sat down at the fire and I was plugging in my laptop and noticed a v and also a spider and I said, "You know there's a dead spider here?" I had already set down my mail and keys and didn't move anything. I rearranged my mail a few times bc I was looking at it. But then I picked up this spider for some reason and my Dad was in the bathroom and I looked at it and it was the same color as this toy our dog plays with that was upside down. So I looked closer and it had one side of it's head burned off. The same side that I said the military was targeting last Sunday. So I dropped it, off to the side and didn't pay attention and then my Dad came out of the bathroom and I said, "What's that smell?" and it was something burning. He grinned and said it was the heater and it was sort of warming up, but I knew he did this bc he knew I had looked at the burned head of this spider. Which was the same color as my hair by the way. But it's not about me, it's about what they predicted bc then my Dad sat down and I started telling him about my dream and I got to the part where I was telling my parents about the girl who was about 5 or 6 and said she had dark brown hair and was white and then I met what seemed to be her older sister who also had dark brown hair and was white and she spoke in English first, and didn't actually have any accent, but somehow I knew she spoke another language so I asked what accent or what it was and she said Russian. My Dad then got up to do something and grabbed something, some white socks off of the shoes in an L shape, to take upstairs, and then when he left I noticed the layout on the floor. It exactly matched what was right next to my side.

By the coffee table, ahead of me, was a pair of shoes in an L shape to the left and then a toothpick at an angle behind it, and then above, a black rectangular box and to the right, a stuffed animal the same color as the spider.

Right next to my side, were my keys, that landed in an L shape, with a rope at an angle above it, matching the toothpick, with the black box of my computer cord matching the one on the coffee table ahead, and then the spider about the same distance away.

I was sort of stunned bc it was exact. Then, I saw the stuffed animal on it's back with paws in the air, and I decided to look more closely at the spider and sure enough, the spider had landed on its back with legs in the air. AND, facing the same direction as the stuffed animal.

It was an identical mirror image of what was ahead in front of me, already there. And the cord I had brought in myself, my keys I randomly dropped, and the spider I sort of flicked to the side and didn't even know I would be picking it up to look more closely at it when I entered the house.

And I had my 2 envelopes to the right side, where the rest of this was as well, but then set them to the other side.

On my other side, my left side, I didn't notice as much, but it probably matched something.

When I picked up the spider to look at it my Mom was on her laptop and then got out the book she's been reading "Engaging the Enemy" by C. Peter Wagner but I don't know if it's really her thing, like it's not something she'd usually be reading.

My Dad has been reading this other book, I Will Be Free When I Die, about a man put into a Cuban prison for 22 years and then he gets out. He got out in the 80s and then became a missionary and died in 2002. My mom said, "He got out of prison just to die?" My Dad explained again, but my Mom thought it was more like after all that time, he was released from prison just to die.

When I was trying to take photos of the layout and how it matched up, and proves predictive abilities, someone kept shutting down my laptop after I lined it up with viewfinder, and then kept removing my webcam. Then when I finally got it back to line up again, someone had put their own little thing in there, of some black line, and it's not part of the photo at all. I thought it was the cam and it wasn't and it wouldn't rub off and then bc it moved with the laptop wherever I moved the laptop, it was obvious that it wasn't a shadow either.

To my left I had the envelopes set down, and they were a variety of ways so no perfect way. I mean, I had them on the right at one point, until I picked them up to read and then put them to the left, that sort of thing, but not trying for anything.

To my left 2 letters addressed to me and then this flap from a stamp tear-off thing that I use to put over my webcam. I randomly tore it off and it has 3 sections and was lying on the ground with the dog sniffing around at one point.

There was a lot more but I didn't walk around and look at everything.

I mainly felt bad for my Mom bc while interference with my laptop is not presently and immediately interferring with my business, it does with her and it's wrong.

Not only that, I think she gets very little credit and that they don't get the recognition they have deserved for what they know and can do, because they've been oppressed by some group. Someone has just been jealous and wanted to make them seem insignificant.

It's like this time when even recently, my Dad gave me a CD with songs and I completely randomly ended up on the Zion one just as I was making all these different calls, not even thinking about who I was calling, and ended up hearing this song come on as I had just dialed Zion bank. And what was weird, was that the communications were obstructed with. Someone had literally turned their phone system off or just turned it off, somehow, for my call because it was 4 p.m. PST and they were open and it was saying it was after business hours.

So I don't know what the point of that was, unless it was to make sure no recording system documented the fact this Zion song happened to come on at the exact moment I called, and it was the first time I had ever heard this CD, and I didn't know length of songs either. It basically would have proven my Dad knew the timing somehow. But someone made sure it wasn't documented by interfering.

So for whatever game some of these people play, they don't play fair. Actually, it's WAY beyond "not playing fair". They cheat to the point of torturing others, literally.

I had the same kind of telecommunication obstruction when I was in E. Wenatchee with my son and trying to call medical groups and medical insurance groups. It happened while trying to call Wenatchee courthouse and I had tons of my calls rerouted as well, which started in 2006-2007 when my son was with me. I would call for Fred Meyer and get a mental health clinic.

That's Hate Crime.

I had people with power to obstruct with telecommunications doing this just to make me sound crazy when I wrote about what was happening. "Oh, you just dialed the wrong number." I didn't. And I had vm recordings about how a business was closed, or corporate office in CA was closed (for Molina), all the time, and they weren't closed, and I got this when calling the Wenatchee district courthouse too.

I'll put up the photos.

Yeah, just looked at these photos. Someone was being so completely obstructive. I am not kidding. Not only did someone put a black line at the bottom of the screen to the left when there was no such line at all, these photos are totally blurry and they weren't when I focused the view finder. Whenever I tried to get more photos, the webcam disappeared. I will explain some different parts, but you can hardly see for yourself.

Okay. That black line on the bottom left, is not in the actual photo. It's not a shadow or something in the frame or something on the webcam. Now, to the left, a pair of tennis shoes and they are in an L shape, with the one facing to the right and the other in the back, toe pointed to the heel of the shoe you see the side of. Behind this shoe, was/is a toothpick, a single toothpick, lying at an angle that matches the rope toy you will see in the next photo. Then on top of the coffee table, to the right side, there is a rectangular black box and it's for a cell or keychain or something. Then to the right, on it's back with paws in the ear and head to the back with bottom part closest to the camera, is a stuffed toy.

This is the same shot but totally blurry, however, see the rope toy to the right hand bottom of the frame. The angle of that rope, straight like that, and this angle, matches the toothpick angle that is on the floor, on the rug, next to the back left leg of the table and you could put a straight line between the rope line and the toothpick. Sort of where the shadow line, the first one closest to behind the side shoe, is approximately where the toothpick is lying. The rope toy will also help figure out the position of this first photo in relation to the next one. I should have stood up and gotten one shot with all of it together, but I had HUGE problems with the webcam and internet connections. Someone kept removing the camera, and jamming the laptop so I had to restart it probably 60 times within the 1 hour I was trying to get photos. It was bad. Some of the photos are not even showing up on my laptop as saved either, so I can't access the ones with better angles.

This shows how the keys are sort of in an L shape, like the shoes were. I dropped them there and that's how they landed. Then there is the rectangular black box there, from my laptop cord, which I didn't position. The rope toy in front, to the right of the keys, like the toothpick is to the right of the L of the shoes. Then, to the right of this black box, is the spider on its back, matching the stuffed animal on its back which is to the right. However, it's not in the photo. If you see the leg of the rocking chair there, you see almost the first half of it or 1/3. The spider is right across from the keys. As the shoes are to the left and the stuffed animal to the right in the above photo, so the keys to the left and the spider to the right matches. It's up farther to the right, about 1/2 way across from the rocking chair leg. I would say, that black box there on the floor, matches the distance of the black box on the coffee table in above photos. It's slightly closer to the right, to the stuffed animal. As is this computer box, which is slightly closer to the spider which rrandomly landed on its back with legs in the air like the stuffed animal.

The stuff up above by coffee table, was positioned before I got there but I didn't know. I just picked things up and dropped them down and then realized oh my gosh, exact layout and realized my parents had accurately predicted where things would land. The spider was off in a far corner and I picked it up to look at it and then sort of flicked it back, and it ended up in the same parallel spot as the stuffed animal above is in relation to everything. Truly, fantastic. Which is why I feel whoever was obstructive with my photographing this, is horrible because they're trying to hide what my parents abilities are and my own credibility. It's like they're scared or never want to give credit where credit is due.

I should add, in the first photo, you can see the black box on top of the coffee table is to the right, and in front of a maroon book. Well, my black box from my laptop which is on the floor, is in front of the rockingchair which has a maroon blanket across the seat cushion for the dog.

If you see a tiny brown speck closer to the keys, that is teeny piece of wood I brought in on my shoes I think and absentmindedly looked at and broke off and a little piece fell there but it was done before I realized the layout in front of me. So I was sitting so that these keys were to my right side and sitting back with my bottom parallel to the black box almost so from my view, the angle of what was in front of me directly lined up to how things were placed before me above. In this next photo below you can see a little speck to the right top corner and that is the spider. I guess it's not closer to the black box but is about parallel to the stuffed animal in a diagonal. I will sketch something to show relation. But for now, here is the next one showing the L keys and then the spider on its back.

Ohmigosh. I just realized something new, but I'll write about it at the end. So next, I'll post a close up of the spider (the only photo that's not blurry). You can't see it really but I tried so, so, many times and my webcam kept disappearing. This is as close as I got. This spider had one side of its head burned off. If you looked at it right side, with its legs down, it was the rightside of its head. On its back like this, the burned off part would be to the left of course.

Here's a closer shot of the spider, matching close in color to the stuffed animal:

The next one will show the burnt part of the head a little bit more. You can see, at the top, a tiny bit of black and that's because it sort of charred. The angle is right of the head at the top like the stuffed animal, and it's still on its back. If you see the wall to the left bottom corner, this is the direction, up against the wall that I found the spider and looked at it.

This next photo shows the rope toy and then to the right upper corner you can see the color of the blanket. It's only showing that corner, but it's across the entire seat. So, looking at the rope and then knowing where the laptop black box is, you can see the laptop black box is in front of the crimson blanket, just as the black rectangular box on top of the coffee table is in front of a crimson Bible or book.

I'll write about the part I just realized, and then draw a sketch and add it. What I realized, just within the last 1/2 hour or less, (it's now 12:40 a.m.), is when I wrote to explain the little brown speck closest to the keys, of the little piece of wood I broke off. After I wrote to explain what it was, I remembered how it relates.

When I plugged my laptop cord into the wall, there was tiny piece ...hmm? well maybe not...I don't know, there was a little ^ shaped straw or tiny thin piece of wood to the left and then to the right in the corner, the dead spider. I left the ^ there but I picked up the spider to look at it and noticed the head and that's when my Dad came out of the bathroom with a smell of something burning, and he said it was the heater. But now that I think about the ^, I remember how I found this tiny rectangular piece of wood on the bottom of my shoe or something and I looked at it more closely and then absentmindedly broke it in half. Sort of like the ^ might have stood for the fact I'd break something in half and then leave it to the left. Which is where it did end up, to the left side actually.

SO I'll draw a diagram to show relation.

But it shows that while I didn't even plan or know what I was doing, it happened and lined up to what was laid out ahead.

There's way more than that. I'm not kidding about reading minds. How did my Dad know I was looking at the burnt head of a spider when I didn't say anything out loud and he was in the bathroom with the door shut? When he came out, I'd already dropped the spider again and it wasn't in my hands but he left the burning smell to signify he knew.

Shep. Hey. Not everyone gets "headaches" like we do. My family is tortured, literally.

I was just thinking, maybe the wood piece is to match the wood coasters on the table to left corner. I don't know. Then the rope for the long candle thing in the center of the table? My parents would know better how to explain what lines up. I made a fast sketch and I'll explain it bc it's bad.

Okay, to the left the doorway entrance from kitchen to livingroom. A wall that leads to a corner where the woodstove is at an angle. Looking at the bird flies, down on this, to the left of the woodstove the stack of wood and to the right a fire extinguisher and the outlet along the wall, near the rockingchair. My legs drawn extending out from the woodstove as I sat with my back up against the woodstove, in the middle. The "L" for the keys next to my right leg, then a speck of wood, then the black box from my cord for laptop and then the spider to the right of this. Parallels to the crimson book from the crimson blanket on the seat of rockingchair, from the spider on its back to the stuffed animal (same color) on its back, from the rectangular black box on the floor from my laptop to the black rectangular box on top of the coffee table, from the "L" shape of my keys to the "L" shape of the tennis shoes, from the straight toothpick to the straight rope toy, and from the broken off piece of wood to the wood coasters on top of the coffee table at the upper left corner. At least 6 lines of parallel and I'm sure I missed some. Not only that, my L keys, the piece of wood, the black box angle and position of the spider were all randomly placed or dropped by me and I never thought a thing about it until I looked over and saw the match-up. The spider had been in the corner up next to the right side corner of the woodstove. The ^ of the wood or straw or whatever was to the left of the outlet in the wall and the spider to the right corner right up tucked next to the wall. It ended up getting moved out bc I picked it up for some reason to look at it. I guess it's possible the small piece of wood was just an accidental or possibly to parallel toothpick with the rope parallel to the straight line of candles on the table. I don't know.

Pretty good though. Shocking, to me. I never rearrange or touch a thing once I figure it out bc I don't want to alter what's there. So if I'd wanted to, I could have made more of an L of the keys but I didn't touch them. I left it as it was found when I realized how it matched up.

If I wanted to draw a line from the dead spider to the book my mom was reading, when my mom's chair was to the left of the woodstove, it would make a > I guess. I could probably think about the lines of parallel on the other side too.

To the right side of my me, and of the fireplace, looking down on this diagram, there was also 1 log of wood on the hearth. To the left side, all the logs and then all the lighters there to the left. There was also an L to the left side, and I set my mail down there and then a little 3 left clover sort of, from a stamp thing I have and use for my webcam cover appeared when the dog came over and snuffled around and moved it a little. I had 2 pieces of mail and they ended up across, parallel, to my mom's black business bag. I guess I could make a line of that. The letter on top was from "The devils' kitchen", addressed to me, and I could have drawn a line from that letter to the book my mom was reading called "Engaging the enemy". Also, she had papers folded in her bag, but peeking out, that were folded exactly like the guy from Eastern Oregon University folded it, which was atypical and I opened the letter in front of her so she couldn't have known ahead of time. So I could draw a line from the left side from the letter to the identical way she folded her paper and left it peeking from her bag. Hmm, at least, then, 2 more lines so that would make 8, and then the lighters on that side formed a ^ pointing, actually, if you drew it out, and exact inverse of the invisible lines that could make a > one way would make a < the other way, but to a diagonal.

My Mom had her papers in her bag folded the exact same way this man from Eastern Oregon folded his letter to me. It was unusual because it was folded 3 times but instead of a perfect 3 times, there was a thin overlap which was then folded, the long way, across the top. And that's what my Mother had in her business bag and I took my mail and sat down there and opened it up in front of her so she didn't know ahead of time.

I moved the letters around a few times, so things could have lined up to match different things accurately and then I moved them.

But yeah, I could draw another diagram and include my mom's chair and her bag. I should have photographed the way her papers were folded in her bag but I'll draw it out.

Trust me.

They are gifted.

And believe me. We are tortured and oppressed by some group jealous that uses some kind of govt. friends.

I'll add the lines coming from the left side tomorrow and upload.

There were a few other things going on but I first noticed the most obvious. But yeah, there are other things I can draw out to explain and show and I'll remember tomorrow. And actually, if the lines were exact, and in proportion, they would probably not be all straight to the left sort of, but in more of a "v" and to and angle, because the objects close to me were smaller and closer together and then the objects in front were larger and farther away, making more of a V of lines from my right hand and I could make another from the left tomorrow. The engaging the enemy book was set down on the right arm of my mom's chair, whatever that means, but across on the left. There were some lines for the left I guess.

So that was in 1 hour. More on that tomorrow.

I looked at what I drew and thought, "I look like spiderwoman" and after seeing the rust colored spider there with it's head seared, don't want that to be me of course. I don't think it means anything. There is more from the left and then here's something else.

1:45 a.m. I walked over to check on my parents house after I turned on heaters for my bedroom. I went over to the radio and it says "No". It's just what it says when it's turned on and I hate seeing that--"no". So I thought "No" and didn't like it and tried to turn it off and it wouldn't go off when the radio wasn't on so I unplugged it.

Then I walked over to my parents house and checked different points and when I was underneath their bedroom window, one of them said out loud, loud enough for me to hear, "No". They're in bed. They should be asleep. But someone isn't sleeping and they knew when I was under the window and what I had just been immediately thinking bc they made a point to say it out loud in the middle of the night.

They didn't say it like "No!" but more like an answer to this kind of question, "Are you a bad person?" and the response is, "No". Or when you ask someone, were you in my file? and they say, "No" in that certain tone or whatever. So it was sort of muffled but I heard it and knew they'd read my mind.

I had just spent 5 minutes, before going to their house, figuring out how to turn off "No".

Then I went to the south side of the house and there is still some wacked out technology over there and it affected the right side of my head ONLY when I was standing right there. It was like a weight of a pressure of some kind standing along that side. Like an atmospheric pressure but different, kind of walking into a wave thing where there is pressure and then my right side of my head was deliberately targeted again, 1 time. I don't want my parents to be tortured. Or my son, or my family. Just let us be left alone please.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some suggestions: 1. Get a better camera because (a) these pictures are all blurry and (b) they don't show anything other than what you filter through your insane eyes. 2. Get a better computer because I think you have a virus or viruses; I think that would explain all the problems that you claim to have with your computer. 3. Stop paying attention to all the inane stuff around your house as you try to fit it into some conspiracy theory or other. For example, the keys in an L position. Keys are keys. If you throw them on the floor they will land in whatever position gravity makes them land in. 4. Get psychiatric help as you are six degrees south of crazy. May you someday seek the psychiatric help you need.
