Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Boycott Bill Gates: Top Fortune 100 Criminal

As soon as I can, I'm getting a new laptop and one that doesn't require Bill Gates products.

I don't appreciate how the Gates attempt to monopolize everything and then get away with everything too. They pass themselves off as "philanthropists". Ha.

How is it possible to be a "philanthropist" and a criminal at the same time?

Bill and Melinda Gates should be in prison.

They have committed corporate crimes that no other business owner would EVER get away with. HOW have they gotten away with it? They're Catholic, and the FBI people in charge of supposedly prosecuting them, have been...let me guess, Catholic? I guess I'll research that one and find out if I'm right. All the FBI fellow Catholic member has to do, to let the Gates off easy and make it appear like justice has been served in court, is drop the ball on a few things and know how to provide a loophole open for Gates' lawyers.

In reality, the Gates are some of THE biggest criminals in modern history and they and their business have done FAR more damage than Exxon ever did. And they get away with it and THEN, try to spend a few million which is like pennies to them, to help people in Africa and make people think they're good people and have done favors for our economy. America is SUFFERING economically because of people like THEM.

They have far, far worse than Exxon, or some of the investment firms or banks and have completely destroyed any shred of hope for normal competition, fair competition and have made trillions off of people stuck with monopolists that pushed out and probably tortured and killed off, any of their competitors.

Before I was ever tortured, along with my SON, I had done some research into Gates. Why? because I happened to come across some anti-trust lawsuits while I was still involved with the Abbey and Willamette Week lawsuits and when I was having problems with the Oregon State Bar, I found information about what "monopolistic" practices are.

That was all the way back in 2001 or 2002 and then I did more research later.

If I had been in the FBI as an attorney, as I had planned, I would have gone in and WHOOPED their ass.

The FBI is totally corrupt and has agents and lawyers working for big business, the mafia, and the Catholic-Episcopal church and very little else.

I had my eye on what they allowed with kids getting sexually molested and raped by clergy and letting clergy get away with it, and things like Bill Gates and Bar Association monopolies that force lawyers to work for large corrupt law firms to pay back debts because they're enslaved to the Bar and have legal loans that are too high.

I researched lawsuits filed against the Gates a long time ago and I can for certain: they are not my friends.

They have used their religion, Roman Catholicism, to get whatever they want and sneak past going to prison for LIFE. They should BOTH be in prison on life sentences for the amount of damage they've done to this country and the FBI lawyers who supposedly finally did something about it and "prosecuted" them should also, some of them, be in jail.

And guess what. Bill Gates has been lurking around Coquille, Oregon from what I've heard. Fascinating. I've had SEVERAL people who are here locally, tell me that several years ago, Bill Gates was coming into town over here.

There is just reeeaaally big business in Coquille.

He and Melinda are religious hate criminals just like a bunch of others, and they get PROTECTION rather than prosecution, from the FBI.

The cost, to this country, for what THEY and their business have done, greatly exceeds the cost of all the banks and mortgage firms that went bottom-up.

There was even a son of one of those guys that committed suicide from the stress and probably, harassment he got. No one is going after Bill Gates and HIS kids.

Bill and Melinda Gates are criminals.

That's not slander--the courts already established this as a fact. They were found guilty of crimes and penalized for it.

However, they were prosecuted way late in the game, and they got off incredibly easy for what they've done, which means they found a way to get friends in the FBI assigned to the case to make it appear like something was being done and make someone think the FBI was doing their job, and control the lawsuits and ensure the Gates stayed out of jail and got off easy.

Now Steve Jobs is dead and I'm sorry, but I don't think his "cancer" was a naturally caused cancer.

Bill and Melinda Gates are criminals, on the record, and they are criminals who have made trillions. Not billions--trillions. When you allow criminals to stay out of jail and continue to profit from the very crimes they committed that got them where they are in the first place, you can expect some of the trillions to be hush money and find out they have friends in high places and snakes in high places.

They will do whatever it takes to stay out of prison, including murder and torture of children and other business owners.

Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day; teach a man to fish, he'll eat for life.
Give a rich criminal jail-time, he'll learn a lesson; give a rich criminal freedom, he'll spend his money committing worse crimes and paying to conceal them.

Thank you Bill Gates, for some of your contributions. And some, which you stole from others who are now dead or barely making it in some other business to this day. You should have been in jail, along with your wife, by 1986.

The entire State of Washington is corrupt and the person partially running it is Bill Gates and I am not kidding. He and his employees do WHATEVER they want and it's all Catholics. I mean, all the politicians are, all the lawyers are, and he has the biggest business right there in Seattle, next to Google headquarters.

The FBI he made sure is in place in Seattle is Bill Gates fans.

You can't afford to have anti-Gates people in the FBI when you're running the world's biggest criminal enterprise.

I should find out exactly HOW much money the Gates actually cost this country, and how much they got away with.

In the meantime, I encourage anyone and everyone with a conscience, to boycott everything that Microsoft makes, as soon as it is possible.

People just buy this stuff, partially because we have to and partially because it's become a fact of life. He's used money he made in criminal enterprise, to get ahead leaps and bounds over other competitors, and only after he'd made enough high level friends and trillions did the FBI "have" to go after him. By then, he'd sealed up his own fate, air-tight. Made it look like nothing was dirty when all of it was dirty. And then he accepts, after mid-life, consequences of being recorded as a business "criminal" and doesn't even care because by then, he has more money than EVERYONE.

Hmm, let me think. How painful. I mean really. His family must have really suffered. They are ordered, by court, for their incredible crimes spanning decades, to give to charity. What a penalty. Please, keep tithing to The Vatican and United States Bishops and Catholic church, and at the same time, give some money to Africa and we'll let you off the hook. Let you off the hook.

Why was Bill Gates in Coquille, Oregon? He had an interest in Bob and Dicksie-dael Garrett whose daughter was looking up lawsuits against him and asking questions back in 2001? So, if Roman Catholics who control government agencies already knew my parents were gifted, they got their trillionaire dogs to go sniff out my family because they wondered why I was poking around or something?

The Roman Catholic church has monopolized the United States. They hardly care that Bill & Melinda Gates have put the economy into the crapper. As long as Catholic profit from it, "it's all good."

I don't believe, for a minute, that Steve Jobs died from natural causes.

I think he was trying to investigate something and someone knocked him out. Yeah. Just looked him up. He was Syrian born and not very religious and definitely not Roman Catholic like the Gates.

So I guess that's good enough reason to poison him and kill him. It's good enough for the Roman Catholic church.

THEY "OCCUPIED" our entire country and have run it right into the ground. They occupied the U.S. on behalf of the authority they obey first, a country that is NOT the U.S. and which is The Vatican.

This country is only going to get worse.

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