Tuesday, December 13, 2011

United States Occupied By The Vatican

see my last post.

It's a fact.

All the leaders in charge of the top agencies are now Roman Catholic. The Supreme Court is fully Roman Catholic except for a token Jew. The lawyers and Judges and law enforcement are Catholic, predominantly. The FBI is mainly Catholic and is specifically recruiting new agents from private Roman Catholic colleges. The military has Catholics in charge. There are Catholics that have infiltrated Protestant churches, and called themselves pastors and also got into christian media when they are not christians. The CIA is predominantly Catholic. The Speaker of the House is Catholic. The Vice President is Catholic. The President does whatever Catholics want because he's from Chicago, which is mainly Catholic and he had to do what they want and prove it to get where he is now. Bill Gates controls who gets into the FBI in Seattle and he and Melinda are the richest corporate criminals in the U.S. at this time and are Catholic.

The U.S. population is increasingly Catholic. Our wars and little battles are being waged not in U.S. best interests, but Vatican-Catholic interests.

The United States and all leadership is 100% occupied.

By another country and a world-wide church with more terrorist cells and clubs than all the jihaddists put together.

And they are going to continue to increase the Catholic numbers. The Catholics in charge of the U.S. will continue to let in more Catholics as immigrants and illegal immigrants, but not others and they allow Catholics to procreate and increase numbers, and go to college and work, but not others.

It's going to get much, much, worse.

These are people who took over this country and tortured me when I began to notice. My first notice was with how they ran the FBI and how they were recruiting directly from Roman Catholic colleges alone.

I believe it is time to kick them out.

These are people that used their positions to torture their own citizens in the name of the United States. They DO not serve the U.S. interests first, they serve another country--The Vatican.

Theirs is the only religion, in the entire world, that puts a human figure in authority over the authority of the country they are citizens of.

And somehow, in the last several decades since JFK, they wanted everyone to forget what their religion really stands for and who their allegiance is with.

You cannot serve the U.S. first and citizens equally, and be Roman Catholic. It's a contradiction in terms. They know it, and they snuck in anyway, took over, and now we are occupied.

Roman Catholicsm, again, is the only religion in the entire world, that encourages mutiny of leadership and is two-faced. In the past, their Crusades and wars were all fought to take absolute control of a country and put it under the leadership of The Pope. Their religion teaches there is no government or country that is "valid" outside of the Pope and that The Pope is the authority all Catholics are required to obey.

You know, Muslims have a place called "Mecca" that they visit, all kinds of Muslims, from all over the world. But they do not have a living leader that they tell all Muslims is the appointed mouthpiece for God Himself. And Jews have a place they call Israel, but they are also all over the world, and they do not have a living person they tell all Jews to obey over the authority of the leaders in the country they live in. Neither do Protestants (of any denomination), Hindus, voodoo people, buddhists.

The Roman Catholic church is the ONLY church that states, in it's official dogma and as a CONDITION of membership to their church, you must put the POPE above any leader in your own country, and "Mother church".

So when you get Catholics to take vows to put the U.S. first, they are lying.

They can be Catholic and obey the Pope and church first, or they can be people who will put the country they live in first, above other countries, but they can't be both. Like I said, you can't sleep around and be called loyal or faithful the same time. Catholics sleep around and expect to be called loyal and faithful to the U.S. when they're not.

If anyone is likely to be a "spy", in any country, it's a Roman Catholic. Especially a Roman Catholic that has some kind of government contact within another country. Their religion commands allegiance to The Vatican, not the country they live in. So if you have a Roman Catholic in Iran that is in a government position of any kind, I would call them a spy. If you have a Roman Catholic in any government position in Africa, I would call them a spy. If you have Roman Catholics in China, yes, they would be spies. North Korean Roman Catholics? Spies.

Do I mean all of these people are going around committing espionage? No. But what I mean, is that if they took a government job for a country, they're lying about putting the U.S. first, or Africa first, or Russia, or China, or North Korea, or Iran or wherever. Any Catholic wanting government power is trying to access that power on behalf of the country they already swore allegiance to: The Vatican.

So you might have some citizens who are Catholic and they're not trying to get political power in any country, and I would leave them alone. Which is what Protestants have always done, traditionally, is to leave them alone and "tolerate" them.

The Roman Catholics have not been as kind to Protestants when they get the upperhand. Because unlike Protestants, who preach to tolerate others even if you are wise enough to know not to give two-faced people political power, Roman Catholics are always attempting to take complete control and their allegiance will be with The Vatican.

Roman Catholicism has an incredibly long history of torturing those who refuse to convert to their own faith. They never try torture until they already know they've got their bases covered and have occupied a territory.

They proved exactly what they're up to, with me and my son. And they showed the world what they're capable of too.

If a Roman Catholic decides to be patriotic to the country they live in, to the point of wanting political office, they can renounce the religion they're agreeing to which states they must give allegiance to another country, The Vatican, and the Pope. If they don't want to renounce, it proves they are trying to be two-faced and get an exception that NO OTHER person or citizen would get if they were member of an organization that demanded allegiance to another country first.

When the United States was founded, it was BECAUSE of persecution by Roman Catholics and Anglicans that were starting to act like Roman Catholics. So the U.S. Founders made this a place of free enterprise and tolerance. We allowed Catholics to live here and other religions. But since we knew our history and our religion back then, we knew it was STUPID to think a Roman Catholic could take any kind of government job or office. They can't commit. They can't commit, because they're already married. And unless they get divorced, it's a mockery to the idea of loyalty and faithfulness. They don't get to commit to The Vatican and "Mother church" and then think they can treat the U.S. like a hooker.

Roman Catholics want to be married to The Vatican and then take on the United States to be their second wife.

They are trying to be polygamists. However, they're not even political polygamists in the sense that some religions have polygamists.

Some Muslims and Mormons teach you can have more than one wife if you treat all them fairly or equally (and try).

That's not the case with this kind of Political Polygamy. Roman Catholics are specifically told, as condition of membership, to obey The Vatican and Pope first and over all governments, leaders, and kingdoms.

So after they already married their first country, The Vatican, how is it possible to stand before the American people and take an OATH to swear they are going to put their second country, The U.S., first?

They can't. It's impossible.

The Vatican and Mother church membership doesn't demand you treat other countries with "equality"--it states you must put The Pope, the church and The Vatican first.

And how does The Vatican and Roman Catholic church describe itself? As a body. A body, is what their dogma teaches, composed of different parts but all the same body. So the Catholic "cells" in Egypt are part of the Catholic "cells" in Africa, which are part of the Catholic "cells" in Russia and all of these members of these cells and churches are required to identify themselves as members of ONE body, whose "Head" is the Pope. They don't say the Head is God or Jesus, in heaven, they say it's the Pope.

So when they are members of the Roman Catholic church, agreeing to allegiance to their church whose head is The Pope as president of the country The Vatican, they are agreeing that just as The Pope is "head" whom they must obey, he is not separate from the body (their fellow members). So when they agree to allegiance to The Pope above any other government leader, that Pope is attached to "the body" of Catholics who call themselves members of the same church.

Which means, they will not EVER treat a "non-Catholic" the way they treat their own members. They will torture non-Catholics in their own country, because it's not "country first" it's Vatican first. And if they feel you've "offended" their church or a member or that something you say could be damaging to their faith, they will ignore all laws and commit crimes on behalf of the country they agreed to put as #1, their first wife, the Roman Catholic church.

So when a Roman Catholic like Nancy Pelosi or Christine Gregoire or Susan with CPS or Anne Crane stands up at the podium with her palm out and swears "oaths", or takes government jobs agreeing to be fair and impartial and serve the interests of the public at large, they're liars.

They don't serve you, unless you're Roman Catholic. They serve The Vatican and their fellow members who are part of that "body".

And when they get into secret and confidential files and state secrets and cables, they don't give first priority to the country they live in, the first priority goes to The Vatican and the fellow members who are part of that "body" and other country. Confidential information is going to their own church members and The Vatican.

This is why Roman Catholics are more coordinated in their crimes, high and low, than any other religion. Culture or country doesn't matter. If you have an Irish-Catholic, a Protestant-Catholic, and a Mexican-Catholic, the Irish guys aren't going to base priority on the country they're from. The Catholic will always put religion and their first country, ahead of culture and country. So the Irish-Catholic and Mexican-Catholic will work together for their own interests. Nancy, Anne, Susan, and Christine are not going to work for U.S. interests and citizens--they're going to work for their church first.

When Pelosi took an oath to the people she lied. Just like those Roman Catholic Judges all in The Supreme Court also lied. They are members of The Vatican first and U.S. second. And they should not have ever been admitted to office at all.

It's not possible to be married to Wife #1 and promised to allegiance to her first and then take an oath, while still married and tell Wife #2 she's going to be first. They never divorced the first wife and the conflict of interest.

Basically, Wife #2 is like an invalid marriage that they tell everyone to believe in and to "trust" them at the same time.

This is WHY the United States did not allow Roman Catholics to have government jobs. They could live here, have business, be prosperous, and were entitled to rights and privileges, but because of this conflict of interest which CANNOT be overcome with any kind of rational argument, they were not permitted to have access to matters that affected the entire nation.

Protestants were the nice babysitters. Historically, Protestants have been the nice babysitters of the Catholics and whenever the Catholics have managed to get ahead, they turn every single government into a torture chamber for non-Catholic members.

They don't even TRY to use or abuse their power until they've already occupied a territory.

So they might use another group, even another religious group, just to exchange something or trade for something they want, but it's always with the motive to get ahead of everyone, including those they once supposedly worked with, and they will turn around and kill, torture, and block assets in order to keep their Catholic regime growing.

Any Protestant, Muslim, or Jew who thinks they have a great mistress or coworker and they so-happen to be Catholic (and think, no big deal) is an idiot. That person who caught your attention and seduced you without your knowing, or who got tapped to work against you after you picked them out, is going to ruin whatever is good in your own country and for your own family.

There is no such thing as a healthy relationship with a Roman Catholic if you are not also a member. There is no possible way to integrate or compromise with a member of a church that is affixed to a Beast.

And historically, yes, The Roman Catholic church has been the group most often referred to as "The Beast" because it's their church and faith that demands worldwide allegiance to an earthly person, above all other governments and that is The Pope. So I'm not saying that's what I think or I know what the Bible means specifically, but it talks about a leader that demands one-world government and one leader alone and the only group that believes in that is The Roman Catholic church.

What are you, if you're a Jew and intermarried with a Catholic? Or have such a mistress? You are a wart on "the body"? Because you're not "part" of that body and never will be unless you become a member. And yet you married a traitor to your own people. You married a traitor to your own country. And while they may claim that by marriage you get "benefits" and are "assumed" into their "body", that's lies. You're a wart and nothing else. And if they DID treat you as if you were a member of their "body", are you going to change their dogma? The one that says you swear to give allegiance to The Vatican first? You will never change their dogma and you will never change your spouse and their connections and why would you even degrade yourself so far as to be part of a pack of wolves. Your "children" get to be counted as "members of the body"? Great. Members of the same body that is a traitor to your entire nation and your own religion. And that's what you want for your kids.

It's like having a Jew marry a skinhead. Who ever HEARD of such a thing as a Jew marrying an active skinhead whose group preaches hate crimes against Jews? Do you think you will ever be accepted when you are the very thing they hate?

Or a Muslim, marrying a Catholic or having a mistress. Any Muslim with a Catholic mistress is getting ready to set up his entire community to be ruined. Just as any Protestant who has any kind of political position.

These people have betrayed our entire country and deluded an entire nation that doesn't know it's history and can't remember the past and has already condemned itself to repeat their tragic mistakes.

This country and the general population has been deceived and occupied by people who DO know what's going on and want everyone else to stay in the dark. They took advantage of a public that is illiterate when it comes to religious education.

Not only are they traitors to this nation, they are criminals and torture their own citizens because the only citizens they support are citizens of the Vatican, as members of the Roman Catholic church.

Meanwhile, they lay on the horn and claim to be all about "democracy"--The Vatican does, and the Catholics in government. Their own religion doesn't support the concept of "democracy". They might want "democracy" as their battle cry, but they're liars. There is no such thing as democracy under Catholic leadership unless you're a member of the Catholic church. And that's not democracy.

You can see some examples of how they support free enterprise and competition by looking at Bill & Melinda Gates. Is that our example of "democracy"? Look at our government leadership.

Here's what The Vatican and Roman Catholic church believe in:


Can I have a pair of knickers in that please?

I guess I should add, it sounds more extreme to write this today, in 2011, but it's only because most people do not know their religious history.

If you don't religious history, which affects politics and governing of a nation, how do expect to run or contribute to the development of a country or be in a position to make wise choices about which new laws to allow or refuse?

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

This country is based on religious freedom and separation of church and state.

Do you know WHY there is "separation of church and state"?

Separation of Church and State is the other side of the same coin as not allowing Roman Catholics to hold any government position.

In order to hold office in this country, or a state or government job, one is accepting the laws about separation of church and state, that putting the interests of the country takes priority over any particular "church".

Catholics cannot do this. They not only cannot give an honest oath to give their allegiance to this country over all other governments, their religion, which obligates them to allegiance to another country and their "church" attempts to combine a Church with the "State".

Separation of church and state means no church interferes with the operations and government of a country or takes precedence over another persons rights.

When they founded the United States and established that there was to be "separation of church and state" this was based, again, on history which proved a combination of the two was dangerous and would lead to discrimination of the rights of some, false arrests, crimes and persecution, and torture and murder of whoever was not a member of the majority church. So when Catholics made The Church the #1 authority, and tried to combine this with "the state," they then tortured and invalidated the rights of anyone who was not a member of their church.

When "The Crown" was then the overriding authority in England, which was at that time tied to the Church of England (but went back and forth between Catholic and Protestant rule for centuries), this made all English citizens subject to a "church" that was acting, as liason for the Crown, as head over all. So anyone who wasn't "Anglican" was being persecuted and discriminated against.

When people escaped from false arrest, obstruction of justice, defamation, torture, and assault, in England, they were escaping a country that made one single "church" co-leader with the government.

So anyone with any brains at all, and any common sense, and any clue about religious and political history, was not so ignorant as to think history would not repeat itself. They therefore, not being so conceited as to think they were more "evolved" than the last generations, set down rules and laws and a framework for a country that was putting the country first, under God, and allowing each person to think for themself and pray and worship as they liked, but not giving ANY church "authority" over another church or co-partnership with this government.

This is why they established "separation of church and state" and also said, because we need separation of church and state, and to put this country first, it was impossible to allow Roman Catholics, who agree to obey the authority of another country and The Pope, in any kind of government position. Not only were they giving away their allegiance to another foreign country, The Vatican, they were giving their priority and allegiance to a "Church" and this was NOT conducive to true democracy. Just as it was against the law for an English citizen to hold a government position while retaining his allegiance to England and the Anglican church, it was against the law for a Roman Catholic member to hold a government position while retaining allegiance to The Vatican (foreign country) and the Roman Catholic church.

Roman Catholicism is not a "democracy". It's a monarchy, or a dictatorship-theocracy.

Roman Catholicism loves to blare the trumpet of "democracy", (from their posts within the CIA and military or otherwise), to try to rally Muslims to think they're good people and supportive of their cause and rights. Really, it's an excuse to get their foot in the door and start inching their own members of their church into politics there and into favor, and before you know it, either killing them off or then reforming the "so-called democratic revolution" back into a monarchy or dictatorship or plutocracy, but this time, one that FAVORS or is RUN by The Holy See (The Vatican) and the Roman Catholic church.

What a GREAT game plan.

Not only is Roman Catholicism in direct opposition to democracy (and we all wonder what's happening to this country and haven't bothered to look around and who is running it), it is in direct opposition to free market and enterprise and healthy competition.

If Roman Catholics wanted "healthy competition" they'd join The Olympics. They have NO concept of what promoting free enterprise and competition is because the religion they choose to be members of is monopolistic. And when it comes to "accountability" don't expect to find even one their leaders in jail because when you're a member you get these cards that come with the game of Monopoly that are called "get out of jail free" cards and work like indulgences. In fact, they're trained even as children that they can get away with anything and if they happen to feel "guilty" about it, all they need to do is talk to some priest who will promise to never tell and that priest will give them God's "forgiveness" and permission to go out and commit more crimes, as long as it's in the name of promoting their church.

How can they EVEN point a finger at ANY of the Muslims? They are THE worst terrorist group in the United States today.

And they didn't just "occupy" The United States, they've gone after England too. Like THAT's hard to miss.

Their goal is to kill off anyone from older monarchies and political power, break the structure of all these countries down, with the "help" of the Vatican-occupied United States, and to shift the power structure in order to get more of THEIR people in position before recreating a new power structure that the Roman Catholic church can control, from any angle and any country. Just, if you get mad about "America" don't blame America and the United States in general.

The Roman Catholic church members are the ones to blame and The Holy See. And THEY are the ones in control and while things feel so exciting now, just wait until you find yourselves suddenly occupied as this country is, by The Pope.

They don't believe in "democracy" for a minute. So they're going to kill off people they used to work with, because they got what they wanted and now they just want you out of the way. Notice The Taliban and Afghanistan history. There WERE decent people around and now it's completely occupied by a country that's not even the United States and The Holy See is calling the shots. "Democracy" to people like Panetta and Dempsey and Biden, is a means to an end. They'll blare the democracy trumpet and give you arms and ammo just to get rid of rulers they want out so they help get the ones THEY want in.

And it won't be a democracy after they've smiled and worked their way in and up and then start blackmailing you and controlling things.

So yeah. We have a huge problem in this country right now. HUGE.

And how do you get the enemy OUT when they're already IN. They have occupied and taken over every single agency and government group and have their soldiers standing by as the majority in law enforcement and the justice system. This is the state of America.

Next time you see anyone who is Roman Catholic talking from a government office, agency, or position, start thinking about what a double agent looks like. And anyone who is romantically involved with someone like that, while having any proximity to politics or government, is steering what they supposedly care about into danger out of carelessness and ignorance.

No. I will not ever marry a member of The Roman Catholic church. It was against my better judgment to have ever been involved with anyone who was connected to that church in any way, shape, or form. It was an enormous mistake that I regret except for being able to prove my son and I have been victims of religious hate crime, including torture, by members of that church. So thank you, for helping me to prove my point about motive for being tortured in this country and motive for kidnapping of my son and obstruction of justice to this day. Thank you.

I respect myself and my country (the non-Catholic U.S., not the current U.S. that's controlled and occupied by Catholics) too much now to even consider such a thing. Also, I would not trust everyone who says they're "not Catholic" or converted to be telling the truth. I am witnessing too many things to think some have not also tried to infiltrate by pretending to be Protestant and then stir up misinformation.

How do they get where they want to go unless they convince Protestants, through other Protestants, to trust the wrong people and be suspicious of the ones that will thwart their objectives?

I have just looked up articles and history about this country and its basis for refusal to allow Roman Catholics to hold elected office and ran into 2 different articles--both which were incorrect and misleading. One was from a Jewish publication and the other was from an article for The Smithsonian. All I had to do was read the wiki byline for "separation of church and state" to know that one was wrong too.

The problem is that a LOT of history has been written over. In order to cover up the past, so no one is able to learn from it or figure out what's going on, there are people writing books and articles and from educated positions who regular people would assume they can trust. You can't trust anyone these days on something like that. You have to go to the original text and source, and check and compare even the footnotes for the references in order to get the accurate context. The wiki said all "christians (including catholics! it says)" were allowed to hold office by a certain date, and then the Jewish paper claimed Catholics couldn't hold elected office but the reason why there were no laws about Jews was because there were so few of them. That Jewish publication is incorrect and misleading in this statement because the reason there was no law preventing them from elected office was because they didn't have to swear allegiance to another foreign government as Catholic membership requires and is taken as fact (which is why they called them "papists"--Pope People). Then I went to the Smithsonian article and it claimed certain states were allowing people to hold office and I just read from the jewish paper they weren't, so which one is right?

It means you have to go to the original history-- law and rules, literally, to find out what the truth is, as it was written back then, and not through the shady circumspect glasses of the modern interpretation or wishful thinking.

Basically, it does confirm as true that Roman Catholics (Papists) were not allowed to hold elected office.

This is why it was a big deal, in the 60's, for John F. Kennedy to win a Presidency as a Roman Catholic. It wasn't because the country was prejudiced--it was because the laws this country were founded on did not support anyone claiming first allegiance with a foreign country and/or church.

It seems like after JFK it's been all downhill, but slowly. Oh, definitely up the ladder for The Holy See and members of the Catholic church because a few generations later no one even knows what the Roman Catholic religion is about anymore and the entire country is now being owned, run, and controlled by them and another country.

So it's like Obama is our U.S. Man and Biden is our Holy See man. Except it's way worse than that because the general public doesn't even know what the numbers look like in all the other offices that run this country. So it's high times for the Catholics. Definitely.

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