Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Catholic Judges

These people are trying to prompt me to file a case when they know I have no financial means for maintaining a case.

They have obstructed not just one matter, and not a few things, but my entire life and my son's life.

This is exactly my point. My life and what they have done to me, proves the point to my last blogpost about this country being occupied by The Holy See. They allowed religious hate crimes and obstructed justice and did everything possible to completely destroy my life. They spent 10 years doing it.

Which doesn't mean others should be afraid of them and that this could happen to them. It means those who never grasped what is happening might recognize that this is the truth and help me GET RID OF THEM.

I mean, OUT OF OFFICE, OUT of the courthouses, and OUT of the FBI and CIA. OUT of the Pentagon and the DOD and the OIG.

THEY need to get OUT and be forced out with the refusal of people buying products they sell that are promoted by monopolistic practices, filing of just complaints until THEY are the ones buried in paperwork and litigation costs forcing them to at last be accountable for THEIR actions and crimes, and no one should be voting in more of these people into office of any kind.

Which means no one who really cares about the direction this country is headed should be electing or nominating anyone that is running for office with a running-mate or helpmate that is Roman Catholic.

They own this country and they control it and look at what they've done to it

Even this whole "Defend Our Country Against Terrorists!" campaign, of wars and invasions of other countries, and excuses to allow the Patriot Act to let more Catholics into our private lives without even a warrant...what's it about?

Because really, it's looking like nothing more than a "Revenge For The Holy See" program. Most of the people who died in the 9-11 thing were Roman Catholics. It was a horrible thing, yes. And about 80% of the people who died were Roman Catholic. They were Merril Lynch and banking investors and stock exchange or something. I looked it up once and they were almost entirely Roman Catholic.

So our entire country goes into this huge panic and we lost all of our civil rights to a domestic "Patriot Act" because The Vatican got mad.

I mean, invasion on homeland, yes, it's a big deal. But it was used to turn all the citizen's attention away from domestic problems and the fact that now Roman Catholics can win any lawsuit they want to win, criminal or civil, because their buddies are bugging your house without a warrant.

I just got a bunch of mail from the FBI and this Catholic Judge Quackenbush, and they're the ones who obstructed me from even being able to respond as needed, because they had fellow members of their church cut me off from an income and college for a DECADE.

Guess what tricks they pulled most recently?

Here was their strategy...

While this huge complaint against Catholic Judge Warren was filed by me, they hoped to distract me by having my son adopted out from me. So hopefully, I'll be so upset about what they've done with my son, I forget all about Judge Warren and the Judicial Committee complaint.

In the meantime, they cut me off from going to college because the Roman Catholics in the Dept. of Justice in Chicago, Illinois decided to make sure I didn't get any financial aid by January because they want to block me from contesting what's happened to my son or have financial means to file any kind of case against them, or pursue FBI FOIA. So what did they do? they took my loan consolidation process and make an intentional "mistake" on their part, and claimed they didn't get paid the right amount after they took the check and had already verified that they DID get the right amount. Then they put a flag in my student loan account to say I was in default when it was their mistake and they were supposed to let the other department know and have it fixed.

They didn't fix it because they are deliberately obstructing justice again.

Then I get this letter from Catholic Judge Quackenbush who shouldn't be presiding over this when he answers to the Holy See and The Pope and his fellow Catholic members before anyone else.

He wrote to me telling me to "amend" my "complaint" in a "motion" format.

I didn't FILE a CASE and I told him that so there is NOTHING to "amend".

What I filed was a request to access for electronically filing and being able to look up cases. And I filed a "cover sheet" just to indicate what kind of matter it was going to be for, in anticipation of and I filed a document with a signature which was only as a reminder that I asked for Preliminary Injunction years ago, and I was told it would go back to the date that I filed, when I wrote in by person.

In the meantime, their friends and fellow members of their church tortured me, drugged and medicated me, assaulted me, defamed me, experimented on me, broke my hands, chased me all over Tennessee and Wenatchee and forced me to work for them. While they did this, they managed to obstruct me from justice in several ways.

Now they want to prompt me to file a case prematurely.


I didn't file a case to start with and I expected my injunction to be taken seriously. I also notice that this "adoption" of my son took place AFTER I filed again, asking for an injunction.

So I filed to remind them of my preliminary injuction and also to give me access to electronically file in the future and they managed to
1. kill my Uncle, and then
2. told someone to get my son adopted, while
3. they never responded to my complaint against Warren until after they adopted out my son, hoping this would distract me and distress me from pursuing criminals. All this time no one called me or wrote to me until a couple of days ago, like last Thursday. A woman called right before my parents left for this wedding in Wenatchee.

So now after the Catholics in the Department of Education blocked me from college this term, and having any money, they have their Catholic Judge Quackenbush asking me to amend my motion for a "complaint".

I already told him I had not filed a case.

One does not "amend" a case that has not been filed.

So basically, he's trying to make the idea that I DID file a "case" stick. I already told him what I filed was for my former request for injunction. Given that information, he should have corrected his misunderstanding in thinking it was a case I filed and not asked me to "amend" by "motion" a case that I just told him is NOT a "case".

He's Catholic.

That's all I have to say anymore. I don't need any other words or justification to explain anything that's happening. "Catholic" does it.

He expects me to "amend" a case that's not even a case and then he wants to treat it like a case and hand down an Order about a "case" that's not even there. An injunction or attempt to go back to an original injunction is NOT a "new case". It is an attempt to go back to the original injunction that was filed which another corrupt Catholic Judge, Cynthia Imbrogno, misclassified deliberately as a 'restraining order' request so she could dispose of it in a tidy way.

Also, this Judge AGAIN brings up "frivolous, whatever...et al" stuff about filing a bad faith case when that's not what I did. I did not FILE A CASE but HE wants to try to twist it around and if I again attempt to cancel it, he wants to say I filed frivolously, because HE is STILL trying to say I filed a CASE I did not FILE.

They are desperate to find a way to get rid of any possible future lawsuit against them. Clearly, extremely desperate.

They already know I have no money for maintaining an actual "case" at this time, so they would love to prompt me to prematurely file and not be able to keep up with it, or to get rid of it by claiming I filed a frivolous case or hoped I would default and not open my mail and fail to respond in time.

He gave me until January 3, 2011, to "amend" my "complaint".

I already told him I didn't file a new case and I attached the case number for the injunction that it was in reference to.

I think they hoped that, if they argued they had already dismissed my request for injunction (which they did improperly bc they never treated it the way they were supposed to from the start), if I was then filing to go back to it, they would get my son adopted out.

I was telling the Judge that I didn't file a new case and referred to injunction, so in the meantime, they had someone prompt my Aunt and Uncle to adopt my son and then came back at me, after they were sure I knew this happened, and hoped I'd feel desperate and try to keep the so-called "complaint" I filed before he was adopted. They blocked me from having any money so now they are hoping I'll jump the gun.


I am preserving my right to file a timely lawsuit and not prematurely when I have no money. When I sue, you will run. So start looking for a GOOD pair of fucking shoes or your OWN ticket out of this country and go take your seats in The Vatican City where you belong.

And no. I don't want Judge Quackenbush to preside over ANYTHING.

He is Catholic and has a conflict of interest just like his friends and he proved it the moment he wrote back and said he wasn't giving me the right to file electronically.

If he is blocking my ability to even access the court to begin with, he's corrupt.

I hardly have to combine "corrupt" and "Catholic" in the same sentence anymore because it means the same thing.

They tortured ME and tortured a baby and they went after my parents too. They did things in this country that no citizen in any foreign country would ever get away with.

They say it's so great in America and that's a lie.

It used to be "great" in America. It's not great anymore--it's corrupt and controlled by The Roman Catholic church.


  1. How exactly do you file a preliminary injunction without filing a case? Doesn't make sense. Either you have a case in which you can get a preliminary injunction or you don't have a case and you aren't allowed to file anything. And the federal courts aren't a library. If you need law books, go to a law library.

    As to Catholic judges, I think even an atheist judge would find that you are simply and sadly insane.

  2. Why bother to write someone who is "simply and sadly insane" in that case? You contradict yourself.

    As for your allegation of contradiction, it's sort of true what you say but sort of not. Filing for Preliminary Injunction is NOT filing a "case". It is a motion that take a "preliminary" step, before filing any kind of "case" or allowing any further action in an existing case, to BLOCK any further action or orders or the enforcement of orders until there is a review of that existing case.

    So, in a sense, it becomes a case perhaps, but the initial paper that gets filed is an immediate request to BLOCK action in an existing case on State level or otherwise.

    Filing a "case" as in what this Catholic Judge claims I did, he called a "complaint". One does create a new case if they are filing a "complaint" and that is not what I did.

    Also, my attempt to get court attention was for an already existing attempt to get injunction, which I was told I could refer back to and have enforced from that date I initially filed.

    Also, I did not say I thought the federal courts were a library. I said I requested access to electronic filing and the system which allows one to the same rights a lawyer has for convenience and ability to both look up cases, note new entries, and file on ones own behalf with better immediacy.

    As to Catholic Judges or athiest Judges...Catholic Judges have had and still have too great a conflict of interest to overcome. As to athiests, they're going to have their own unique set of issues. Hmmm, let me psycho analyse and think for a moment and then I'll make my next post about that.

  3. Okay, about athiests finding something not to like...athiests want to win all arguments about how there is "no God" or higher power at all. Some athiests (not all) might feel threatened by an intelligent woman that has as much capacity for logic as they but annoys them with their talk about "God".

    They might get a big ego boost surrounding themselves with people who are "unreasonable" and "illogical" but are "sweet" or "harmless enough" and cannot possibly do any "damage".

    I think Athiests typically find themselves one-upping most religious because many religious don't know what their religion teaches and whether it does make any sense or not. So they might not respect a lot of people who are both spiritual or religious in some sense and logical too.

    An athiest would probably prefer a woman that challenges nothing to a woman that is a challenge.

  4. I write to you because I think you need help. You have sacrificed so much on the altar of your delusions and hallucinations that it makes me sad. And perhaps I delude myself into thinking that somehow my writing will spark something in your mind that would lead you to get treatment. I do wish you well.

  5. Funny you mention I need help because I just picked up a movie today that was called "The Help".

    Yes, I could use some "help".

    Not the kind you're refering to, but an investigation of crimes, the return of my son at once, and several personal assistants would be great.


  6. No spark yet? Bummer.
