Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Torture Today and Last Night

I have been tortured yesterday and today.

Not as bad as at other times, but with laser and infrared and to the point that I had cyanosis of my hand and arm.

Cyanosis meaning my nailbeds were dark purple instead of light pink and my fingers were blue and purple and I went from being heated up with laser to being cold and shivering.

So yeah, Roman Catholicism is alive and well in this country and owns the U.S.

Not only that, they did something they've done many times before that affects my heart and they did the same thing to my head too, and when I turned my head so it wasn't the part facing the sky but at an angle it quit immediately.

They're torturing my brother Levi as well.

I didn't know for sure and he denies it, probably because he's worried he'll be called crazy like me, but I saw the evidence to know.


  1. Your brother denies being tortured because it isn't happening. Your parents deny being tortured because it isn't happening. You are mentally ill. Pure and simple. Why don't you get help? THERE IS NO CONSPIRACY other than the figment of your insane imagination. Get help. Don't waste your life weaving conspiracies in your head. Please get help. Let yourself be helped.

  2. Thank you for writing.

    However, it is true that I and my parents and son have been tortured. I wasn't really sure about my brother because I haven't been a witness myself. I know that I was in a car with him the same time something happened once but he didn't react. I know that there was a car full of Dominicans or black people who appeared to know him and followed us everywhere and he kept looking back and grinning in his rearview mirror, but like I said, I don't know if he noticed anything himself.

    So to be fully honest and completely logical and under oath in a court of law could I say I witnessed torture of my brother? If he said he also felt what I did in his car I could confirm then and say yes, he is probably telling the truth because it was also happening to me on that day.

    I saw a photo of him with a bump on his head which I personally believe, along with uncharacteristic emails from him, that he is tortured.

    However, my brother is the only person in my family whom I can say I very strongly suspect is tortured but I cannot say I witnessed it firsthand.

    I CAN say that I have witnessed torture of my parents, our dog Scooter, and my son firsthand.

    And the liklihood then, of my brother being tortured and forced to lie about it, is pretty strong. Why would some group torture me, my son, my Mom and Dad and even our pets, but NOT my brother?

    The only reason my other family members are not admitting this is because they are told they'll end up in the nuthouse like me, or dead because they know too much, or locked up in jail on some kind of blackmail.

    So I'm the only one who seems to be able to talk and I am also the one who is discredited as mentally ill and thrown into jail on false arrest.

    No one else in my family gets thrown into jail on false arrest. Just me.

    Because I'm talking about it.
