Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why Roman Catholics Should Not Hold Govt. Positions

I already wrote about some of this in my post about the U.S. being occupied by the Vatican.

Whenever I do a Google search, it just pulls up more articles, I mean one after the other, and almost all of them do not even address the real reason why "papism" was not allowed in any government held postion. It's conflict of interest and it's right there in the Catholic dogma.

There was no persecution of Catholics. Aside from a few examples, throughout history Protestants have been far more gracious and tolerant than Catholics. Protestants just wanted to be able to worship freely and learn about the Bible for themselves. Catholics have always wanted to rule the world and their own religion preaches this. The Pope is #1 and the country of Vatican is the government to obey over ones own country.

When I see Catholic-written arguments, they make it sound like they were suffering because they couldn't vote or hold office. I am not against their ability to vote but they are in this country on Protestants' good grace and forbearance of countless acts of torture and historical violence. They also try to twist Catholics Anti-Americanism and Anti-patriotism around, calling anyone who says they shouldn't hold elected office "Anti-Catholic." That's not being "anti-catholic"--it's being "anti-double agent" and "anti-Holy-See-above-the-U.S." If I don't want a citizen of North Korea or Canada to be in a U.S. elected seat, does that make me "anti-North-Korean" or "anti-Canadian"? No. It means I have enough logic to know you can't say you put a foreign country first and take an oath to do the same thing with the U.S.

Protestants, on the other hand, were rounded up one by one and burned alive, thrown to lions, jailed, torn limb from limb, and all because THEY did not agree that the Pope was #1.

If you look at the wiki for "theocracy" right now, it's not exactly accurate but it gives an idea and puts Roman Catholism (The Holy See) and Muslims in the same category. However, it's inaccurate in several ways.

While some Islamic countries put religious law above secular law or combine the two, there is no such thing as one single leader who Muslims from around the world are required to give allegiance to and obey.

With Catholicism, their terrorism is far worse and much more coordinated into "cells" with a headquarter and country they report to, than any Muslim country. And, Roman Catholicism they have a religious law which implicitly states they agree that their church, the Pope, their church members, and a foreign country called The Holy See are their highest authority and the one to obey over and above any secular government. There is absolutely no law anywhere in Muslim literature that EVER puts any man or one country or church as the person all other Muslims in every country must obey. Muslims may have a religious law, but there is no "country" or headquarters, or single person in charge whom they claim is the "sole authority" above all their countries and who is the mouthpiece of God.

So when we talk about "cells" the church and religion that really has the "cells" is the Roman Catholic church. And they are far more coordinated and powerful in any crimes they commit because they all report back to one specific country and one "leader" who is supposed to be speaking on behalf of Christ.

There is no religion in the world that has their own country except for Catholicism. And they always want to have everything both ways. They want their own country but they also want to claim, at least in countries where they occupy the country, that this Holy See is "neutral". It's not neutral and never has been neutral. Who is going to wage war against a "neutral" country?

They organize and encourage crimes of massive expanse and then they want a cover and claim of "neutrality".

I had done a lot of research about this and had quite a lot of evidence with me about some of the dogmas they use to deceive their own members but they tortured me to prevent me from writing about it.

I find it fascinating because when I had NO criminal record, and was a virgin who had been raped, who had never partied, done drugs, didn't drink, smoke, have sex and just prayed all the time and did volunteer work, the Roman Catholic church spent a TON of money to shut me up and try to create a different image of me.

Now, after they spent 10 years torturing me, raping me while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, harassing me, putting me under false arrest repeatedly and defaming me, I don't think they care as much.

Because now they have what they want, which they not have before.

They have worked at trying to get a different image of me so if I started to bring up some things I had figured out back then, none of their members would leave their church on account of it, or think about doing research for themselves. And like every good Catholic historian, they always want to rewrite history and put their spin on it. My claim of their attempting to use me at a monastery and discovering of shocking dogmas that don't even add up to any logical person, would be written over to portray me as, first of all, not spiritual at all. Secondly, they wanted me to sound like a criminal with a motive against THEM for saying anything. And finally, calling someone mentally ill casts their story about what they did and torture upon their directives into question.

So they've been hard at work for about 10 years. NOW if I bring up what I have always known or what I found out back then, they don't care as much because they can say I'm crazy, or have a criminal record of all things, and then they can also claim no one should listen to me that ever prayed to God because I'm an "immoral and ungodly person".

It was impossible to say this in the beginning, but incredibly, all the way back in 2000 or 2001, they tried and that's when it started. Yes, I was raped as part of hate crime in 1998 and I had some very strange things happen starting in 1992 and then getting much more bizarre by 1997 for sure. But no one, I mean NO ONE ever even suggested there was anything wrong with me until the Catholic church decided they had something to hide and another group thought this might work to their advantage as well.

Since they had nothing on me and I was a completely nice, innocent, and extremely honest and conscientous person, who didn't even have sex, drink, party or smoke and who prayed all the time, well...they had to think of something fast.

So they defamed me to POLICE secretly, of all things, in a town they practically owned, to get things moving in the direction they decided to go.

They made that decision, it was not "God's" choice.

They did so many mean and illegal things to me when I was totally innocent that later they really DID need justification and to commit crimes. There was no possible way for them to get away with what they'd done unless they used friends and other members in government to cover their tracks and make things up about me. They had the Schneider family spy on me and got their daughter to "befriend" me for purposes of attempting to ruin my image as well. She was literally hoping I would become an alcoholic or a smoker. Her entire mission was to get close to me, extract information from me to give to her Dad and Dad and friend's pals who worked for the Abbey, and to try to get me to self-destruct or begin harmful habits. She also left me alone in a dangerous situation at one point.

I never drank before I met her. She kept bugging me to go out with her so I would have 1 drink with her and go dancing. But she kept pushing for more and then she was trying to glamorize getting drunk off of a bottle of wine alone at the house. She invited me to smoke with her, literally, when she knew I didn't smoke at all and she told me she smoked. She didn't smoke. She only smoked around me because she was attempting to use peer pressure or her friendship into coaxing me to do what she did. One of her best friends said to her, on the night she invited me to a "last supper" after they'd decided how to finish me off in my lawsuits...after I had reported the FBI agents, she invited all the people she hadn't wanted me to meet before. I was there, so, as usual (to me) she took out a cigarette and started smoking. A good friend said, shocked, "Christa! What are you doing? You don't smoke! When did you start smoking???" This was someone she hung out with in Portland. She got nervous and glanced at me and said, "Oh I smoke!" and made some excuse about how she smoked when she drank and yeah, she smoked. She didn't. She only smoked around me because she hoped I'd pick it up. I never did. And the entire time, whenever she was calling me to go out, it was when I had a major legal deadline. I did everything myself and kept on top of things. The Abbey and their lawyers knew this and knew when I had things due and they had their Girl Friday working for them. Every single time I had a deadline, she was suddenly calling up asking me if I wanted to see a movie with her, go for a walk, go dancing, see a performance, get tater tots at Taco Bell.

She got close to me in pre-litigation when they already knew I had talked to Dan Gatti and people about filing a case. She showed up at my church with her family. Then she got close to me, got all this information and wanted to be great friends and try to distract me....all the way up to the expiration of my statutes for filing a claim. Suddenly, it looked like it was over. My lawyer dropped me (who was Catholic and worked for the Archdiocese, little did I know) and at the last minute when it would be impossible for most lawyers to put together a complaint.

So when it looked like my litigation potential had ended, she disappeared. She was gone from my life, didn't return calls, didn't care to call me like she had (this was 2001 or something) and it was like she went from being this extremely interested best friend to end of friendship with no notice. She was gone.

I did my best against incredible odds and churned out this complaint that was tight enough to hold up under pressure. Then, against odds, I managed to serve it and get it filed correctly.

All of a sudden who is back in my life?


She had gone from talking to me and emailing me every single day to nothing. As soon as she thought her "mission" I guess, was over, she was out. I filed my lawsuit and WHOA! she's bbaaaaack

I liked her so much and our personalities clicked so well that even though I suspected something from that point, I deliberately chose not to believe or trust my gut instincts because I didn't want to. I didn't want to believe she was the enemy or part of them. Also, I didn't want to jump to conclusions without much better evidence.

I got all the evidence I needed, like a hammer to the head, by the time I was in Wenatchee being tortured with my son Oliver.

So is it an FBI problem?

Because since they all know eachother, I'd kinda like to know.

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