Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Continued Torture & Use by U.S. & other

The U.S. is not just experimenting on U.S. civilians and citizens, they're sharing their information with other countries.

This evening, repeatedly, while trying to get some things done, the U.S. lasered me literally, and used other things, like heaters and running electricity to tap into the things they're doing.

They also repeatedly targeted me on the head just as they have done in the past and more recently since I've been back in Coquille, Oregon.

I checked my parents house and I can't tell bc I can get right up against my own place and not notice anything. Lately they have been using more direct targeting, like things to laser specifically and to assault on the head, and other things.

Honestly, I read about all the things going on in the world and wonder why the military and hate groups and international hate crime even, even wants to bother worry about me when much greater things are at stake.

What is so important about ME that I need to be assaulted daily?

I would have thought that someone with brains would have thought, "She will help people once she is in her career" or "She will raise a good child and be a great mother and volunteer in our schools" or something.

Instead I am treated like someone in a cage and for no reason, while people are planning wars.

Why don't some of you focus your ill-will and bad intentions on something else and put your energy to better use. You sit around for entertainment in torturing human beings and sharing your stories, and you can't even figure out where the next bomb is coming from. If I were someone with this kind of power, to assault others and get away with it, I would be wondering how to sleep at night.

The bump on my brother's forehead is from military. My brother emailed me a photo of himself with a huge bump on his forehead in the front and it wasn't a bruise. It wasn't from being hit, it was a swelling that occured after he was repeatedly assaulted by the military.

I know because they did the exact same thing to me but I spoke up about it. It wasn't something a 'psychic' or someone did. It was military.

I got the exact same kind of swelling and bump as my brother, on the opposite part of my head, at the exact same time.

Why? Well, mine showed up after I reported how I was repeatedly assaulted by the military while at my parent's house, and then Fox News was making quips about "headaches".

I reported that it was NOT a "headache" and that the U.S. military repeatedly targeted my head and zapped me over and over for over 6 hours in one day alone, on a Sunday after my parents were home from church. Then they did it a few more times when I was at my place and then now and then a few days after. They repeatedly went after the exact same spot.

It is not a "tumor" and is not a sign of something bad.

It is a result of being tortured by the U.S. military and they did the exact same thing to my brother.

However, to insult my family and make it an inside joke with them, they did it on the opposite side of my brothers' head.

Then they wanted me to see a photo of this, and I don't know who it was but they directed this and sent me a copy to my email of a photo from the wedding. With my brother holding my son who is totally skinny and unhappy, and standing there with an enormous bump on his forehead on one side.

The exact same bump that resulted on my head, from a gross amount of swelling, after repeated assault by the U.S. military.

Is this a good country still?

They did not do this just to experiment and see how their technology works--they did this to humiliate and intimidate my family.

I asked my brother where the bump came from and he acted like nothing was there. Then I asked again and he ignored my question. He tried to say what these religious hate crime and military people force my family to say--that nothing happened and no one is torturing anyone and I need "help".

That is a lie.

It's a lie my brother has to repeat because he's being tortured and can't exactly be in charge of controlling the U.S. military.

If this country wants to inspire other countries to HATE the U.S., ridicule us, and plan an attack, that's exactly what this kind of action does.

And that's when I say, is this then about the "best interests" of the U.S. and all of it's citizens? or is a hate group within the U.S. putting lives of ALL citizens at risk by inciting other countries to attack this country.

I have no idea what kind of IDIOT has been put in charge of this country's resources and military, but they are putting the lives of ALL citizens at risk and demoralizing the decent people here. What kind of example is this to set for other countries while the U.S. claims to be superior? There is not ONE country that begins to "respect" this one more when they hear about torture of their own citizens and they may laugh and pass some jokes around but out of some of those sadists, others are only pretending to think it's funny.

When they leave, they have further incentive and justification for obliterating America.

If you don't think China or some other country could TAKE US OUT in an instant, you are seriously deceived. So while a small hate group acts on their own and puts everyone else's lives at risk, I guess these are the ones with gas masks and bomb shelters to run to because they don't care about the rest of this country.

There is more than one country that would be happy enough to take you out. And how funny will it be to joke about what you did to "Cameo" and "Levi" then? No one will be thanking you. They will be saying we never should have put any of these people in power.

China's tanking up, Iran's tanking up, and Russia isn't exactly happy. England has a good group and a bad group and there are others.

I'm sure we all thought it was really important for you to spend your time and money insulting and torturing my family. Because it's really put this country ahead hasn't it? I mean, gives everyone a good positive feeling to hear about how you're spending your time while other nations are plotting to strike.

What KIND OF IDIOTS are in charge. As I WRITE this, they are still using torture and technology. Right now it is 11:11 p.m. and that's all they've done. So have you ANY sense of when to quit? It's like people who WANT other countries to attack are in charge. What happened? It's not just Catholics occupying for the Vatican but infiltrating for another country and laying down groundwork for them as well? They want to give others incentive to disrespect this nation and attack and then think they will be safe? So where exactly are these people going to hide themselves, if they don't think they are putting themselves in danger.

I reported multiple, repeated ZAPS to my head.

It wasn't that I had a "growth" or a swelling that caused the pain. It was that I was being assaulted by the U.S. military, just like my brother was. They repeatedly assaulted me, on one side of my head, in the same spot over and over just as I said. And that is exactly where the swelling occured.

My brother showed up on the same day, sending me a photo that someone who knows what's going on wanted me to see. I would suspect it was Chris Rozollo, Ivory's husbands new family, or a Mexican. Mainly, I suspect Chris Rozollo or someone he knows personally.

So finally, my brother wrote back and was upset and said something about the bump on his head and said, "I don't know, some "magic man" did it..."

He addressed the issue.

And acknowledging it was there, in whatever way he did, even if it was through someone telling him to write that, was what I was looking for. An acknowledgement and confirmation that yes, he had an enormous bump from a swelling on his forehead.

Which means, if I have the exact same thing on the same day, I know who did it. It wasn't magic and it wasn't the work of a psychic or someone casting a spell or whatever. If anyone tries to say that even, they are working with the military and they're covering for eachother.

So now I know MY brother was repeatedly assaulted on his head, the same approximate time I was, and they already did this to other people or they wouldn't have known what approximate timing it would take in order to have my parents see this on their son and then have my brother email it to me from that place. That is not research. They already knew what results they would be producing and then they used it for degrading and harassing my family and to punish us. They didn't have a justifiable reason for doing it and it wasn't something new to try. They did this to prove to other family members that they are going to punish us and are in control and will torture us and continue to torture us because we are not Catholics.

It is corruption in the military and FBI.

There is no excuse for this or for the FBI allowing this.

Someone probably wanted me to panic and go in for an MRI or CT scan of my head, but I already knew what it was from.

The military is the group that organized an attempt to have me marry Alvaro Pardo. It was military and CIA or FBI (one or the other) but they QUIT when they expected me to do THEM a favor and then they started torturing my entire family again when I had natural reservations.

They don't even care if some of their own members know because they then have mafia and military enforcing intimidation and coercion, by having family members send eachother photos of the other family member with injuries. And I know for a fact it wasn't my brothers idea to perm and bleach his hair--it was an attempt by another group to try to ruin my brother and humiliate my family.

That Italian guy from TN, by the way, is a criminal and he also works for the U.S. So I still have to write about the Catholics from "Logans" who the military and FBI forced me to work with.

So answering the question about whether I went to a clinic--no. And it's almost gone anyway. It was swelling, not a tumor and I knew exactly what it was from because the U.S. military did this to a specific part of my head just like I reported.

And at the same time they targeted my brother. My brother is forced to lie to me and write texts and emails that sound nothing like him. He wrote two long emails about how I need to get help and no one thinks the same as I do. And he confirmed in the same email that there was a bump on his head which you can also see from photos.

I am never going to a doctor for any head scan ever again. I will be dying before that happens.

This country took good and talented people and allowed religious hate criminals in govt. positions to destroy their lives and then make jokes even internationally about it.

So no, James. I do not believe you know what it means to be a living sacrifice and I hardly think you should be preaching from such a text.

This is the article I came across today, which has enough inside mirth to "excite" the entire Catholic church and "scientific Nazis" worldwide. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-16158374

Diana was killed by her own people.

People start to think you're crazy if you mention more than one intelligence group being part of a planned murder but that's what it takes to pull such a thing off. And even if includes a ton of people, which one of them is going to talk? none of them.

I am positive she knew things that could have implicated the Middletons or there wouldn't have been so much violence surrounding getting them in and secured in their seats. So honestly, while some of these royals would probably attack my family and feel defensive, I feel sorry for some of them. They have people who wanted a new order over there just as it's happening in other places. What's sad is when some bad apples who are connected to other countries only through religion, attempt to influence military and scientists to wreck revenge.

It's people at the top.

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