Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Impression Last Night & Dream About Assault of My Mom

I had one small impression last night of a boy or young man but I saw it more as a boy. What was weird was the angle in which I saw it.

It was right after I made my last post, last night, and I was thinking maybe I shouldn't bring up Diana all the time and then I saw a boy with blond hair I think and he wasn't able to sleep and had this expression of restlessness. One would think maybe her kids but at first I thought it was like Harry but he had blond hair not red and it didn't look like William at all. It was sort of like the face of a man I thought maybe but then I saw more and it was a boy acting like he had some kind of stomach ache. The only reason I even thought maybe it was something to do with their family at all was bc I saw it right as I was thinking about how I'd written Diana was killed by her own people. And people at the top or something and then I almost was thinking, maybe this bothers someone to think about and then I saw this face that looked tormented and distressed, like feeling helpless and so that's why I thought at first maybe one of them but then it was this full length view of a boy.

For a minute I thought maybe it was one of them bc of the context but it actually looked like a blond medium length hair (not crew cut and not long but sort of bowl-cut length though not a bowl-cut--medium blond-light blond hair--like 2 inches long) boy of about age 8 or so (somewhere between 8-pre-teen)and the angle I saw was really weird. I saw it from his feet. I saw it as if I were at the end of his bed, about 4 feet tall and looking at him and I think he was clothed with shoes and pants and long sleeved shirt. But I saw him from his feet first and then curling and moving around like he was in pain or couldn't sleep because something was really bothering him.

So I thought, if I see someone from their feet at this kind of angle, I wonder if it's a view from a hidden camera. Or what else. It was at the level as if I were crouching down and peering over the foot of the bed and this boy thought he was alone in the room. He was lying on his back actually, but sort of twisting and cramping up and stuff, but I didn't know if it was emotional distress or pain but it seemed like an intense restlessness. It was more like tossing and turning but he was on his back the whole time and then I wasn't sure if something with his stomach. It was a long-sleeved collared oxford style shirt, pants, and shoes. It was not my son. I saw his face and his hair and clothing and it wasn't my son.

I have no idea why I'd see someone at that angle which is the weird part. First it was just a face and then it was this full length view, like I said, from the soles of his shoes (leather or brown or dark brown, not sneaker soles) but able to see him there.

It was not the perspective of an adult standing up, at the foot of the bed and looking down or across at him. The view was parallel with the height of the bed or just slightly higher. So this is why I thought, why would I see someone at this angle? it's a movie? someone had a hidden camera there and I was seeing somehow from that perspective? i saw from another child's viewpoint that was only so tall? but why did he seem to be alone in the room? so the angle, I have no idea.

I was awake and then read a little and thought about things to do differently and prayed a tiny bit. I thought about the young woman I'd seen earlier. And then because I'd had so much tea, I couldn't sleep until very late and noticed that sometime in the middle of the night, the military focused technology on me again while I was in bed.

They did it extremely late at night. It was done at the point in night where most people would be asleep and I would have been if I hadn't had so much tea and coffee all day. They focused some kind of intense vibrating technology from the entire section of my feet to my knees but it was probably all over, just more intense there. And I had a dream because I was half awake but was upset to find this is what the military even tries to sneak in at night. They never leave me alone anymore, ever.

I had this entire dream about my Mom.

Basically, a woman went to see my Mom and she had dark brown hair, almost black, and was like this woman Kathy Hathaway. She looked like Kathy but younger maybe. Sort of like Debbie Sweetwater too. And I was there with my Mom and then I was going to check something and I left her for a moment. It was a woman who was younger than they are though, and hispanic or ethnic but not Asian--maybe like the woman who is a doctor from Chile. My Mom's face was exactly like her own face in my dream. When I went back to look, my Mom's face was changing and turning discolored and scabbing over from poisoning. When I had turned my back this woman poisoned my Mom. So I grabbed a phone but it was the landline and wouldn't call out. I tried to secretly call her and it wouldn't call out for O which I pressed first and then for 911. So I went to her purse and picked out her phone from her purse and it was like her keychain but it was her phone and the woman knew and noticed. So then she was coming after me. I took my Mom's phone and she was literally trying to harm me or kill me so then she paused after I started pressing numbers. She was worried about who I had already called but she kept coming after me and I hit the wrong thing so as she was then approaching me with a weapon like mace or something else, that she had in her hand, I dropped to the ground and slid across the floor and while on my side behind furniture and for a moment I pressed 911 and as soon as I pressed 911 I woke up. I was having to literally dogde or get down to the ground to avoid being attacked or hit with whatever she was about to use.

My Mom had been sitting there in a chair frozen with fear and helpless and not able to say anything or speak up for herself and this woman did this to her and my Mom's eyes just looked sad and horrified and scared, like she thought she was going to die and I was there too late.

I would say it's a military thing because I was being tortured at that time, but in my dream I did see my Mom's face as really her face and how it changed because of what they did to her. In my dream it was just me, my Mom, and this other woman there and this woman not only had some kind of poison with her, she had weapons of some kind. Not a gun, but something else.

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