Thursday, December 15, 2011

Chemical Drugging and Poisoining by Military

I have again been chemically drugged by the U.S. military.

They not only tried to drug me with chemicals around the house, and exposed me to toxins, they may have also attempted to have me take something by pill.

It is the exact same chemical that was used about a month ago and it fumigated my entire place. 2 days ago, on Sunday, I had left my house and come back several times and there was nothing wrong and then sometime before my parents arrived from the wedding they attended out of town, my entire place was chemically fumigated.

I had left my house several times and when I went back, no strange smell. But when my parents were home, I went out to see them and when I got back, my house REEKED of a horrible chemical. My bed smelled like someone had been sleeping in it that wasn't me as well. It was a body odor smell on one of my blankets.

Not only that, it's the same chemical they used a month ago or so.

They used this on me after someone sent an email from Wenatchee, showing the bump on my brother's forehead which matched the one on my head, after being assaulted repeatedly by military technology.

On one occasion, after I was heavily drugged somehow, there was evidence that someone had entered my house and it is possible I was even molested in some way, because if they do one thing, there is nothing stopping them from doing the next. The next day one of the local "pastors" came over to visit and he's the one who writes all these emails to my MOM, trying to say I'm severely mentally ill and all his friends think so too. He writes such crazy emails to my mother that I know he's a criminal and he's the one who works for the "Assembly of God" and has his military background of 20 years of service in "chemical" work. Not only that, he only got his training to be a pastor while in the military as a chaplain and under the supervision of a Catholic supervisor. He's the one from Texas but who spent a lot of time in Chicago and he was talking about how the government can just kill off anyone they want, "like that". He talked about how they could zap with technology or kill with a gun and made the motions for it and the main time he was squirrely is when I asked him for the names of people he'd worked under.

They are Catholics, calling themselves Protestants and torturing us through access with the military and CIA and then wanting to spread misinformation and lies about my being mentally ill. He sent email after email to my mother, all written to keep some kind of misinformation up about me. And then he comes to our house after I've been chemically drugged and talks about instant death with my parents sitting there.

I have "chinese spices" and things but they don't smell like that and they are not that strong.

I still have the taste in my mouth, from just absorbing the fumes, 3 days later.

I tried to air it out but it won't air out enough.

Last night I was walking home from the library, after noticing this taste in my mouth all day, and all day it was fresh air outside until I got to the driveway. As I was walking down the driveway, I began to smell the same odor and it was still outside, and as I was walking down the drive. So it was also outside.

I kept walking and the scent was gone but then I was at my place and inside, the entire place reeked of the chemical that was outside and also in my mouth.

The police here know what is going on and they have beaten up my parents or tortured them if they say anything.

It is definitely religious hate crime.

The issue is that religious hate crime got their cover from Panetta and the CIA in 2004. I know Panetta is involved and I know they work with the military. They also work with FBI so it's never unreasonable, if you hear someone list several groups, to think it can't be all of them. It can, and usually is, in something like this because they don't work on things like without coordination between various federal and state offices.

It's not private, it's government, but the problem is that religious hate crime is able to use government to their advantage because they took all the top positions. And after I filed a complaint against FBI in 2004, they figured there was no way anyone would protect or defend me now, because all the arguments would be towards self-protection. They tried to make me sound bad as well, by provoking me to elicit reactions they used against me to convince others who might be reluctant, to join in or give them cover.

So it is private, organized religious hate crime. That's how it started and that's the motive for revenge and humiliation. But they did access the government to cover for crimes that were committed before, in my life at least, there was any real involvement with government or law enforcement or agencies.

This is an example of how bad it is. Not only are the pastors here NOT "protestant" as they claim to be, they are the ones who, along with the psychologist, have access to military chemical substances.

The grass around my place was tinged pink, and my produce was turning pink, and even the water hose outside was stained pink. And 2-3 times already, they have filled my entire house with a horrific chemical. The first time it was done was after 3 men came out to our place, parked behind my house and said they were there to mark the memorial.

Not only that, I know that there are very talented psychics and government remote viewers. However, someone put a hidden camera inside my house, violating my right to privacy.

On top of this, I cannot even call The Department of Education without someone trying to make it work towards their research. They use me, drug me, assault me, and don't pay me. And they are doing the same thing to my parents.

When I say it's still Catholic crime, here's an example. Yesterday I was at the library working on things and my heart started to act up and the humming sensation was happening at a specific point and this one librarian had turned on music she brought in of Catholic opera, or it was radio actually. So I said out loud could she please turn it off. She didn't want to. This is a library. So again I asked, will you please turn the music off. And she turned it off and instantly the humming and torture stopped. Immediately. And all around me were Catholics sitting from town. She left her post and walked past me glaring with hatred. This is a middle-aged woman wearing a big Christmas color sweater that looked like something her mother made, with little poufy decorations.

Not your idea of a terrorist is it?

Funny to see what actual terrorists really look like. And the issue here is that not only do we have regular local people plotting how to torture us and enable others to do it, we have their backers in the U.S. government.

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