Monday, December 12, 2011

New Fraud Complaint about Misuse and Waste of Money

I have a brand new Fraud case to report now.

Federal workers committing federal fraud by taking money for a designated purpose and using it for other reasons while failing to report the status and use of the monies taken.

Direct Loans is lying and giving me the run-around and their federal and then DCS is federal and based out of Chicago and they just lied.

DCS is the Chicago group that took my loan and verified how much they were owed and then they cashed the check.

Instead of reporting being paid, within a day or two as required, they didn't report any payment at all and knew something was wrong or created a problem deliberately.

They then went to my student FAFSA site and put up a default flag to tell all colleges not to loan me any money because I was in default and hadn't consolidated my loans and meanwhile, they had verified how much money they were paid and assumed that responsibility to be accurate, and then invested and used the money they got from cashing the check.

After this, while putting me into default, they ignored all federal rules for reporting payment and then didn't mark it down until December 1.

Then, just today, they told me the money I still owed them was what's keeping me in default and that it changed from $300-something to $400 something because they forgot to include collection costs.

I said Direct Loans is saying they have to wait for a notice from you or letter of underpayment and then DCS just told me through 2 different reps, they don't have to send them anything and don't plan to either.

DCS told me, "We don't have to tell them we got underpaid. They have to contact US."

I said, "Why would they contact YOU when you were the party to tell them how much to write the check for?"

He kept saying, "We told them the right amount but they wrote out the wrong check."

And I said, "No, you didn't tell them the right amount because just today the number changed from 300-soething to 400-something and your group admitted you forgot to include the cost for collection fee. So since the number changed, as of today, from the one you gave on December 1, or what you claimed then, your numbers keep changing and you are the party that didn't give the correct information to Direct Loans. They don't know and can't fix that unless you tell them."

He said they had to call them.

I said, "Do you know what this money is FOR? It's for the purpose of consolidating MY LOANS and getting me back into college. If you're holding onto an error that's preventing me from getting back into school, that's Fraud."

So basically, they took money from me, that I have to pay and be responsible for, which is accruing interest to my detriment and ticking on a clock while they keep investing what they got for themselves. And then they blamed eachother and both lied to me and said the other party was responsible. In the meantime, they knew about the error long before they posted it, because they went into my student account and told no one to give me financial aid for college bascially. And then, while they prevented me from accessing the purpose of consolidation, they took, spent, and misused money that was given to them for purposes of consolidation. They are required by law to report accurately. It's not even a private lender. I was calling a phone number that is right off of the White House directory for Department of Education.

So both of these federal offices are lying to me, both are obstructing me from consolidating my loans, and they are telling me I'm not allowed to send something in to make corrections and get this processed and moving.

I told DCS, "Then I want that check back because you're using that money while you refuse to follow the laws and purpose for that money and that's Fraud."

Now I'm finding out, DCS was never supposed to put a flag on my account for "default" status at all. Direct Loans just told me that since they got paid and cashed my check, they were not supposed to then put a default flag on my account but were required to instead contact Direct Loans and let them know they got underpaid.

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