Monday, December 12, 2011

U.S. Federal Direct Loan Harassment Now

I called U.S. Direct Loans and so far, they've used their federal salary to harass me and lie. I called about 10 minutes to 12 noon and "Kelly", a black woman who said her call center was in Kentucky, lied repeatedly and then put me on hold, and refused to tell me the same info that all the other reps have. She told me the only call centers they have are in Kentucky and Alabama.

Then I called back and it was the same woman again, going by the name of "Latasha". It was the exact same black woman and this time, the background was louder like someone was in the background.

I asked to speak to a supervisor and she put me on hold again.

All I asked was, "Did ______ lender post that received the check." She lied and said nothing showed up. Then she lied and said I had only called their offices and department one time in my entire life. I said that was not true and that I had been calling this same number every other day or so, for months, and then sometimes leaving a pause of maybe not contacting their department for a week.

Then she was saying she couldn't find anything.

I had to call all over again.

Then I called the federal government group that's holding things up and they're out of Chicago, Illinois. Which doesn't surprise me. All that Chicago exports is Catholicism.

Their group told me that they cashed the wrong check on October 17, and took thousands of dollars and invested it for themselves and while they got to keep the interest and make money work for them, they sat on my loan consolidation and didn't announce they cashed the wrong check until December 1. On December 1st they decided to announce, yeah, they had cashed that check right away. They TOOK MY MONEY, from one federal office to "move it" to another federal office, and keep investing it for themselves and sat on their mistake they made, which is an elaborate excuse for obstructing the processing of my educational loan consolidation.

So they said they just found out, in Dec, that I owed them more money. That I owe them a couple of hundred and they forgot to include that.

They are required to verify the amount they're being paid before they get paid. So when Direct Loans called up and sent them a letter to verify the amount, they wrote back and checked their records and verfied the amount as accurate.

After THEY made the mistake, they try to ask ME for more money. And part of that money is collection fee money because they didn't bring collections to a stop when they were supposed to.

So I called Direct Loans to fix it and said I'll fill out an ammendment form to add this amount to consolidate and they told me no, that I couldn't do that.

I was the person who told them how much to collect and from whom to begin with, and then they verified, but they're telling ME that I can't now make changes to my own application if I have the accurate information?

I said, "Yeah, while they sit on it for another 5 months just like they sat on the first check."

Direct Loans said, "We have to wait until we get a notice from them that they were underpaid."

I said, "They didn't know this in October when they verified and then cashed the wrong check?"

She was literally telling me, after all these people have told me lie after lie and screwed things up, that, after they admit changes can be made by the student, to the application, they have to "wait" to hear back from someone before they can work on it.

Which isn't correct.

Maybe they can hear back from them but they can't block someone from adding something to their account.

Also, I asked about another check they said was going out, bc originally they said there were 4 different checks: 1 for 1&2 loans, 2 for 3&4 loans, and 3 for 5&6 loans and then there was 4 for the 7 loan (I had 1-7 different loans and some went together). After awhile, they dropped the 7 and they dropped mentioning anything about a 4th check even though that's all they talked about for months earlier. So today, this woman from Direct Loans said yes, they DID correct that part, and they consolidated and sent out money for 7 separate things but something was still outstanding and it's supposed to be this one from the federal government, coming out of Chicago, Illinois.

Which proves Catholics run the U.S. government. I mean, it's not 'proof', it's just one more thing that shows what's going on, and it's out of Chicago where most of their workers are going to be Roman Catholic and will handle it as slowly as possible, with as much obstruction as possible.

It's now 2:20 p.m. and I got some guy named Kenny with DCS and he lied to me. He said they don't have to tell Direct Loans if they cashed the wrong check.

I'm going to have to make a complaint about Fraud.

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