Thursday, December 1, 2011

Vegan Smoked Salmon Soup

I made a very good and flavorful soup that I thawed the other day, which had cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, celery, brown rice, and a very savory seasoning, sort of spicy and warm but not picante hot.

I make very good vegetable and chicken soups (but don't make chicken soup now).

Last night after trying smoked paprika and fenugreek to green beans, I tried smoked paprika with my miso-dulse soup and it's very good.

If you want something that tastes sort of like a smoked salmon soup, I think it's a good one. I had frozen small sections to take out whenever I want, and it's a miso stock with soybeans and salt, with dulse and nutritional yeast added.

Then, you add some smoked paprika, and it tastes like a smoked salmon soup.

It's good enough, that I was thinking last night, if you're vegetarian and not vegan, you could mix it into plain cream cheese and have a very good and flavorful "faux smoked salmon" bagel spread. I guess if you're vegetarian, and eat fish, you can have the salmon but if you don't even eat fish, this sort of tastes close.

Just use less water than you would for making a soup and use the rest of the ingredients in a paste and blend with plain cream cheese.

For lunch I'm having more Vegan smoked salmon soup and, it doesn't pair, but pumpkin puree (not thin, just soft pumpkin) and I added cinnamon and garam masala. For some reason, I was wanting to know how dill would be in the pumpkin. Of course it goes with fish things, but I was thinking about my pumpkin stuff.

I don't have any dill right now though.

I just looked up pumpkin and dill together and yeah, there are soups and risottos and things. So I guess I'm on track with the idea.

Last night I only had a half carrot and half celergy stick left and a little spinach and cabbage so I thawed out some brown rice and marinated the cut veggies in a ginger, vinegar, oil mixture for a stir fry later.

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