Thursday, December 1, 2011

Torture Today 11 a.m.

I was tortured enough with technology that I woke up from it a few times but it wasn't as bad as usual. Someone is using technology to cause pain the mercury in my teeth and they are using the "ink bursts out of pens" technology.

It's 12:30 p.m. and I am wondering where the decent Mormons in the FBI are.

I am crying because the torture the U.S. military and neighbors are in on, is this bad.

1 comment:

  1. You need a dentist and a shrink. Get some crazy pills you nut job. And stop blaming people for everything. No one is out to get you. It is simply your crazy paranoid mind. You lost your child because you are so crazy as to be a danger to him. Hopefully your son will be adopted by a normal family that can help him overcome his experiences with you. Go see any psychiatrist and he or she will diagnose you properly and administer appropriate antipsychotic medications.
