Monday, December 12, 2011

Stanley Steinhoff & Tia Steinhoff --Paid 3 Months Late

These are the names of the people I worked for, for 2 days.

They are not good people and found excuse after excuse to not pay me until just a few days ago, on Thursday.

My paycheck from them was 3-4 months late and they knew I was dependent upon money for mailing things for court.

Their excuse for not paying me was that I didn't give them a copy of my SS# but they already had it. And all they had to do was get it faxed or confirmed like any other employer does.

They refused to do this. I went all the way to their bookkeepers and everything and then that's when they said they couldn't pay me because they still had to "sign" the check.

First it was an excuse about how they had to sign it, and then it was over my number.

They are liars and they tortured me and used me when I worked for them.

My work for them was honest work but they used me for their own psychic research and trying to figure ME out.

I would NEVER work for these people again. EVER.

And since they are connected to police and the U.S. government, when I refused to work for them anymore, I was punished with being told maybe I couldn't go to college and all these other things were done to me and my parents.

It was some kind of "deal" with the HORRIBLE police and military here, to have me here working for THEM.

But the thing is, they didn't want ME to work for THEM. They had me going to their workplace and instead of having me work like a normal employee, the entire time, they were treating me like I was in my forced labor job at Logans in TN, or in the Knoxville Detention Center in a glass room with people observing as a U.S. government psychic USED me for her own research and benefit.

Both of them were doing it--Both Tia AND her husband. I was supposed to be learning how to be a short cook or whatever, and did a little waitressing, but instead of letting me just do my job, they USED me.

I HATE them. I hate them for what they did to me as much as I hate the employees at Logan's and TN for what they did. I was never tortured, ON THE JOB, until I worked for Roman Catholic employers in TN in forced labor, and then when I caught just a GLIMPSE of what these Steinhoff's were doing as well, that was it. I quit on the second day. Not only were they doing what Logans did to me, I was then rewarded for being tortured and a guinea pig there, by being thrown into another detention facility to be used for research.

And they are asking ME to pay THEM money. They're asking me to pay something like $200 for a fee for being charged with making a 911 call when it was a valid call. And then THEY tortured me, used me for research, and fractured my hands.

I hate them.

I have nothing in my heart that goes out to them in the least way. I saw the worst side of humanity with these people and they do not deserve anyone's sympathy, they should ALL be in jail.

These people from Devil's Kitchen tried to guess what I was wearing ahead of time, placed items out in the number or quantity that they thought I'd take them, made bets on how long it took me to do something, put out pieces of paper and little markers for where they guessed I was going to reach or sweep something out, made a huge deal HUGE deal about my taking something out of the garbage that I accidentally threw in, made fun of me with customers, and belittled me in front of new employees (they hired a new cook who I got a vibe from and was just as bad). I can't explain it as well as I've explained some things that my parents do, but they were doing the exact same thing my parents do, and yet I'm not their daughter and I'm not there to be their guinea pig and have them pick me apart and test their skills on and see if they can figure me out, predict things about me, or read my mind. I was there to do a job.

I work hard and I'm a good worker. I didn't sign up to work for the police. And not only that, I've seen exactly what kind of police these people here are, and what they've done to my parents and allowed.

I was released from Knoxville detention center when I quoted the part about "this is cruel and degrading treatment..." and they had me sent back to Coquille, Oregon, where all these people promised big things, or just normal compensation for some of my damages I guess.

Instead, it was rigged.

The Catholics and Jews involved so long in obstructing justice have just wanted to roll this right along into a military program to try to make people forget what all of the corruption, crime and torture has been about.

On top of degrading me at their restaurant, they tortured me. I noticed how they degraded me and were using me, but then when they started with the technology, that was it. There was no way I was staying there to work for THEM.

Undercover COPS.

I figured, former military and undercover COP. I knew there was a cop connection and their first customer in there, on the day that I worked, was a cop. And their friend who wanted to hang around and ever since, has mocked me when he's driving by, is military.

So basically, the U.S. federal government has been so nice, they move me from one site for "cruel and degrading treatment" while trying to slap ME with a crime, to another sit for the same thing, cruel and degrading treatment, and torture.

I tried to quit and then get ahead on my own, and the U.S. employees blocked me and my parents started acting like now they couldn't help me. I was already looking up being a surrogate mother for a family and I wasn't being tortured and as soon as I did, soon after I quit working for the Steinhoffs and said no, I wasn't going to look for another job in that town, the military started up their torture again. Literally. They made it impossible for me to pursue being a surrogate because then I was being tortured again.

And right after I met the U.S. post office worker and his wife, the teacher, who are supposedly "christians" but nothing more than U.S. spies who LAUGHED at using technology on me in their own house, my college loan materials were obstructed.

I just called last week to find out what is going on, because everything should have gone through weeks ago, and guess what?

The United States federal government is trying to block me from having money to get my son back with. They adopted him out from under me on November 19th, while they've been using me and drugging me.

All of the checks that went out to pay off debts, went out in October and are supposed to clear and be posted within a few days. So first I was lied to by one federal worker, then it was another lie, and then another, and then finally I was told the entire hold up is coming from the U.S. Department of Education themselves. Supposedly, the check that they admitted they received, they haven't wanted to post into the system. They cashed it and everything. They cashed the check, took the money to the bank or investment firm, and invested MY MONEY, the MONEY that I am supposed to pay THEM back for, and invested my money and have been accruing interest and benefits for it but they haven't wanted to clear the "default" flag from my account so I am able to show I'm out of default.

All the other lenders now, the private ones, posted they were paid and showed I'm not in default. But not the federal government. The U.S. is the group that decided to assume responsibility and they did this knowing that while my son was being adopted, I was missing a registration deadline to get into college for Winter Term and missing out on getting financial aid covered.

The entire time, they have been responsible for this. And when I called on Thursday this guy said they did nothing after they cashed my check and invested the money. They put up a flag on my account, and then haven't posted, for over a month, that they were paid. So he said, "It looks like something started to happen on Dec. 1st but it hasn't gone through yet." There is no inbetween. You either post the fact that you took the money and invested it or you don't.

So I said, "Then can you tell me when you expect this to post?" and he said, "I don't know." He basically said he had no idea.

My old friend's sister, Stacey Maiers used to work for the Department of Education and then she got seduced by a Catholic guy, after I'd stupidly told my friend about the money the Maiers have (after a lot of time, I mean, it didn't just come out). That was back in 1999.

One thing Christa (who is Catholic and whose Dad worked for the Dept. of Justice) always wanted to try to rearrange, was the date when we met. Which I always thought strange. I remember the exact day I met her but she kept trying to say it was earlier. She was always wanting to say she met me BEFORE I ever met the monks from Mt. Angel Abbey and their lawyers Whittemore and Kaempf were involved. But that's not the case. They started coming to my church AFTER I was already involved with the monks there and by association, though I hadn't met them yet, Whittemore and Kaempf.

So basically, it's like she wanted to say she didn't show up to spy on me (even if I never suggested such a thing to her) after I knew the Abbey monks. Probably, she didn't want me to figure out that her family was connected to Whittemore or Kaempf, who were Abbey lawyers and then have me guess that they were sent out to spy on me and for no other reason than 'pre-litigation' investigation and surveillance of their opponent. Then the FBI guys showed up too.

And we're supposed to believe they're not involved.

So anyway, when I say this post office worker and his teacher wife might not be exactly christian (my college stuff all got frozen after dinner with them), it's not out of paranoia or to be mean. Christa's entire family had been going to Rolling Hills (a protestant church) for some time and they claimed to be converted from Catholism to protestantism. Well, it wasn't true. Which is exactly why I know that church uses professionals to infiltrate other churches to keep tabs on people they want to keep tabs on.

And yes, Schneider is the one I told about the Maiers though I guess my old bf Robin Bechtold knew about them before. I just found it odd though, to discover how many Roman Catholics moved into position to meet and greet the people with money after I had become "friends" with C.S.

The only thing that happened before I met them, was that I later found out my mother had sold her horse (probably not by choice) to the Schneider's good friends sometime before we met (I believe, but not positive).

The last I knew anything about Stacey Maiers, she was in D.C. working for the Dept. of Ed with some Roman Catholic boyfriend. Who was trying to get her to go to Mass and convert her and everything.

At any rate, no one is looking out over what happens to my educational goals or the equal treatment in processing of loan consolidations. No one except enemies who are deliberately obstructing me from college.

And this, after they steal my son from me, use me, and torture us. And they expect me to do what?

They don't care. Their entire reason for doing this is the FBI.

Well, there is a Stan Steinhoff married to a Denise Frazier (this woman's name is Tia) and he's from Coquille like the Stan at the restaurant I worked at, and the pastor that married them is from San Antonio, TX. And, even though he wasn't Catholic or who knows, maybe he converted, I found a whole bunch of Catholic Steinhoff's in Oregon. And several Catholic Frazier's as well (there is another restaurant in town called Fraziers).

All of these guys are connected and none of them want to get caught. I guess maybe that's why the U.S. Catholics in charge want Catholic psychics on me--because they want someone from their church to give them a heads up when I'm about to go after them. Every single time I turn around, it's some kind of obstruction of justice motive. And misuse of government money and time on protecting personal criminal interests.

I don't even know if Chris Rozollo is the name of the guy I knew in Wenatchee. He said it was, but he also stole my white coat, wanted me to be in jail, and tortured me and thought it was funny the military was around the corner using me for research. He did scuba diving, like deep underwater--the kind police do, and he knew DEA and was from Florida. I was in TN when Brad Uhl, from Florida, newly arrived after I was there, was trying to say I was mentally ill and he worked for the DEA. I didn't even have any kind of information to give, I just said my life was at risk and if it had something to do with drugs, I felt I should know. That man turned around, called my MOTHER like he already knew my mother. Who does that? No grown man, talking with a coherent, stable, calm and articulate 36 year old woman, says, "Can I call your Mommie?" No one does that, unless they are dirty and they already know who I am and something about MY family they want to use for blackmail. Then his wife was assaulting me in the sauna at the gym and then next I went to FBI who turned me away after I said I did talk to this DEA guy...they tell me to go to ER to have my knee looked at (which no one even touched).

The DEA guy and the FBI intentionally set me up and then it was Rozollo mannerism here and there, and my parents get back from this wedding of my cousin and it's Rozollo mannerisms again. Rozollo always tried to claim the color yellow for himself and the number 9.

Ever since I met him, he was trying to claim the number 9 and then he's torturing me and mocking me when I'm tortured saying my son is fine. I am positive Justin Titus knew him and some of the cops did. So do the Koches. And then they try to stick it to me by having my son adopted on the date they chose, the 19th.

It's Jewish hate crime and Catholic hate crime.

And "that's the way I roll" and "cool" man, injected me with Haldol in TN. Not only that, I have confirmation that my brother is also being assaulted and harassed, by people directly and by the military.

My brother has sent me emails that sound NOTHING like him and I can already tell it's what someone else wrote or directed him to write. Then, I saw a photo of him and it's nothing like him. His hair was permed and curly and he would DIE first before perming his own hair or letting someone do it. Most likely it was done after I blogged about Patty's little jewish curls at the nape of her neck and how sometimes I think some of these people are a few malicious hardcore Jews colluding with a much greater number of Catholics. So my mother was punished after I blogged this about Patty Otterbach, the woman who stalks me and isn't a christian but lies well. And then secondly, my brother's hair was bleached yellow and that's not him either. Finally, he had this huge bump on his forehead which you can see in the photo he sent me or someone told him to send me. There is bad energy all over it, the photo and email, and I know something and someone who wasn't good was there and I know my son is not happy.

My son never looks happy anymore. He always has caution and worry and fear and sadness in his eyes.

That's because James Cartright and Obama really know how to protect kids when they have damning information about what's being done to them, huh.


  1. Maybe you can't get a job because you post so negatively about everyone you work for? If I were an employer and googled you and read your blog, I would never hire you because, frankly, your blog is very nutty and full of conspiracy theories ... not to mention repeated negative comments about employers. I recall one post where you posted customers' credit card information! That would be enough reason for any employer to look for someone else. You are a slanderer of people. And good people won't tolerate that.

  2. Thanks for your comment.

    I noticed you decided to write as I was publishing parts of my blogpost entitled "US Occupied by The Vatican" as I wrote.

    I couldn't get a job after I was defamed by The Willamette Week newspaper. I also got kicked out of Canada because of that article, a Portland police officer told me he was dropping a rape case he had been investigating (Det. Gross re. Josh Gatov)after that article, and I had the FBI mailing things to people as well, and doctors using that article. So that is the reason why I couldn't get a job. Employers looked up that and thought I was a lunatic when I wasn't.

    Which was why I asked them to print retractions and when they refused, I sued them.

    Because I was obstructed from justice and forced out of that lawsuit, I was not able to correct it and then when I wanted to go back and refile, I have still had people trying to block me.

    My blog has some creative writing, but the theories you claim are theories are facts. If you want to take facts that can be verified and call it conspiracy, that would be fine with me.

    As for posting a customer's credit card info, I did this one time in D.C. when that person committed a crime. It is my right to make the information of that person public in such a situation and I didn't use enough information which would enable another person to use it.

    That was for my job at The Post Pub and I was fired from that job, not because of this but the day after I told my employer I was pregnant. The very next day she ran an ad in Craiglist.

    They fired a pregnant woman, after they first drugged and medicated me there with birth control and something else. Then, they refused to obey the law and report me as an employee and give that information to the State so I could get unemployment. Instead, they tried to set me up to go to jail by introducing me to one of their friends who tried to set me up to go to federal prison.

    Real nice people. I hardly call that "gainful employment" and they were not "good people."

    They were Catholic and Jewish who did this. Mainly Catholic, but some Jews were not happy that their jewish princess's boyfriend slept with me and I was pregnant.

  3. and, by the way, I was with him before she was, she wasn't engaged to him to be married, or married and it was her fault

  4. (he was dating her, not committed to her).

    Her friends chased me all over and harassed me. Real nice woman.

  5. (I was also living at his place, she wasn't)

  6. Ummm...yeah thinking about it...pretty good results there.

    Write a defamatory article about me and get one guy to throw out a rape investigation against a Jew who admitted it was a hate crime and do a favor for the Catholic church at the same time.

    So the Protestants want to be involved with people like that?

  7. I read an article on Willamette newspaper. I didn't think it was defamatory. Why do you think it was defamatory? Can you explain? By the way I really like your blog.
