Sunday, December 11, 2011

Diana Pulling Up Rugs When I Was Pulling Up Carpet

I watched "Predator" tonight and something came to my mind. I watched this movie that dates back to the 80s and shows use of thermo-imagery even back then, and started thinking, in this context about this and the guy, Arnold, aka "Dutch".

For some reason, then I thought about her pulling up the rugs in her house or apartment, looking for bugs, shortly before she died and I realized for the first time, I had been doing the same thing. I wasn't looking for bugs though.

I would like to know the dates but will probably never know.

I owned my house in 1996 up until 1998 I think but I'd have to call my former lender to find the exact dates because someone stole my files.

But I bought my house, my first house, and then the first thing I did, was go inside and start pulling up the wall-to-wall carpeting. I did it myself. And after I pulled up all the carpeting that was there, on my own, which was throughout the livingroom only (I don't think it was in the dining room), I went around and had a pair of pliers and I took staples out of the floorboards.

There were tons of staples, every so many inches, another row, and I was on my hands and knees, pulling out these staples and loosening them up to be pulled out of the oak floor. I think it was oak, but it might have been a different kind of wood.

After I pulled out all of the staples that were in every single floorboard, I was sanding the floor by hand but it was too hard on my own, to do, so I rented a sander and then had to ask my mom to help.

She hadn't died yet because I had my house before she died, and I had it before I was working at CTR Business Systems and the first thing I did to my house was pull up the carpeting in the livingroom and take out the staples one by one.

After this, after we sanded or tried to sand, I ended up hiring a man to do it and then put on a finish because it was too hard for me and my Mom to get as exact as I wanted it to be.

I don't know how I know, or why, but I know she knew who I was. Why, I don't know. But I know. Which is very strange, because no one in my family ever talked about anything English at all and I was oblivious.

I would bet money, that she pulled up her rugs or had someone do this, and start looking for bugs, the same time I pulled up my carpeting and was extracting staples from the floor.

Maybe she was trying to send a message, or leave a message. I don't know.

One of the persons who worked for her called her "paranoid" at this time, and cited this as an example of her "increasing paranoia..."...

Right. Increasing paranoia, right before the "accident".

It was at that time that I got this name "Michael" too. And it wasn't for an angel. And it wasn't for Br. Ansgar because I hadn't met him yet, and it wasn't for anyone I worked with because I don't even think I worked at CTR yet. I wrote it down in one of the diary's that was stolen from me.

My housemates then were Monica Allen, Shirina Edwin, and then for awhile, a woman named Melissa Curtin. Melissa Curtin was there after my floors were refinished I believe, and walls painted. I first worked on my floors and then I newly painted my walls.

I guess I could have worked on the walls first and then gotten rid of the carpet, but I was excited to get to the hardwood flooring and restore it to the original handiwork.

It took me days to pull all those staples out. Someone had gone crazy with the was foam padding they staped, every so many inches, and then the carpet was over the foam padding. TONS and TONS of staples.

I had a little screwdriver with a flat edge that I used to help with leverage, and pliers.

I think there was something wrong with one of the roommates I had. I don't think it was Monica Allen. I think it was the Italian one who was a former Marine, Shirina. And she knew Lauren and Gary Hemingway and was best friends with them.

I remember something really bizarre happened to my cobalt towel I brought home. All my towels and bathrobes were white and cream. I never had any other colors for my bath. And then one day I got this blue one and someone stole it and there were only 2 possibilities: Shirina, or Melissa. Monica Allen would never steal from me. But Shirina would, if she wanted to, and Melissa might.

Melissa Curtin had a sister, Jamie Curtin (Irish girls) I think and she got weirded out about something at one part, or started acting strange. Both she and Shirina came onto me, saying they were attracted to me. I was so shocked that 2 different women who were my housemates were expressing lesbian interest that I talked to a pastor about it and said I felt weird about it. Then Gary invited me to sing at some lesbian-gay converted back to straight conference and I was upset he hadn't told me what it was for ahead of time. I went to it wearing this little authentic Gunnie Saks dress, completely white with lace and a drop waist with a skirt that sort of looked like a tennis skirt, and flats. If I had known I was going to be singing in front of all these "trying not to be gay" people I wouldn't have worn a pretty lacey white dress, that Shirina called "tennis dress". I would have worn probably a floor length skirt and huge sweater or been too embarassed to sing for that event at all. It really was not nice for him to spring it on me.

But I've had other people wonder if Shirina was a snoop and up to no good. And then the house was broken into and the D.A. only wanted to talk to her about it, and her alone. And everyone else was supposed to keep their lips zipped.

At any rate, I would like to find out when Diana was pulling up the rugs and on her hands and knees looking for "bugs" because I pulled up all my carpeting and was on my hands and knees looking for staples, and pulling them all out.

I pulled out over 500 or so individual staples. It took days. I didn't get them all out in one day, even working at it the whole time. There were too many and some of them were embedded into the wood almost and I didn't want to ruin the wood so I went carefully. Even after I pulled them out, there were little holes all over, so me and my Mom tried to sand them out but keep the wood. Not sand down too much, just to restore it. Since it was too hard, I finally hired a guy.

The only people who witnessed my pulling up staples were Monica, Shirina, and my Mom and Dad. At least at some point, they all saw different steps to the floor process.

Anyway, this came to mind while watching Predator, and then when Arnold turns, and his face side profile is covered in a greenish mud, I thought, "And that's Dutch".

Funny, because now I'm the one dealing with "the invisible man".

And it's not like they didn't have technology back in the 80s. So imagine the 90s, a decade later, and then imagine one step further.

Full blown torture of civilians.

I've had enough. I got extremely upset at my parents tonight because I am not here to be the U.S. military and CIA's guinea pig and that's exactly what they're doing with me.

My Aunt sent me some email about my son not being with me being "in God's hands" and that's BS. It's not in "God's hands". It's in mafia and military/CIA hands.

My Aunt and Uncle wouldn't be blackmailable unless someone got them on something. And then they said if there is a change they'll let me know.

They hated me from the start and wanted to adopt my son from the start. However, I don't believe they physically assaulted my son. And the only reason they'd keep their mouths shut about that, is if Pablo, the one-time illegal Mexican who got a free ride into the U.S. by marrying my Aunt, who didn't care about obeying the law, is entangled with the Mexican and Irish or Russian or Italian mafia. There are a bunch of German Nazi Army retired men, CIA men and women (retired) in Wenatchee, and at least 4 different cultural subset of gangs and mafia that work together there: Mexican mafia, Irish-Catholic mafia, Italian-Catholic mafia, and Russian-Ukraine. And half or more of the Russian-Ukraine mafia is Catholic too. And I forgot to mention the Catholic-Asian mafia. I'm not kidding.

Every single group that has anything to do with criminal behavior who would assault little kids, if they're not affiliated with the Catholic church or just Ukraines pretending to be nice christians but are not, it's white guys in the govt. and State offices, and military.

A lot of the white guys there are just as corrupt but while they may work with a mafia group, they usually keep a professional cover and do the favors for the other mafia. The Irish-Catholic there have an inside scoop to everything. They have their asses covered from the crime they commit, to their lawyers, to some of the Judges. Same thing with the hispanics. They all have their favorites in who to work with.

The Asian gangs come in from Seattle but there are a few guys in town.

Italians there have the FBI on their side, and men inside CPS and State offices as well as church, police, and doctors.

Some kind of mafia is inside my family and using something against them. They got a security deposit of some kind, or the State never would have adopted my son to the Avilas. And the military and CIA have touched my son and hypnotized him.

I'm sorry, but no regular Mexican Mafia guy wastes HIS time, trying to hypnotize children.

That's kind of like being a child rapist. I would imagine most of the Mafia men have better things to do than practice hypnosis on children. To do something like that, and be a "tough guy", that's not going to earn you any respect. It's like being a child molestor in jail and look at how those guys get treated. Not so good.

The only assholes who would try to hypnotize my son, while he's being traumatized and assaulted are U.S. government people. Men or women.

I've had enough of this crap. I already know what the government is doing with my parents and they're using all of us. I don't appreciate it and I am done with it. The United States has allowed religious hate criminals to buy their cover and sell their souls out to military and CIA in exchange for not going to jail.

I hope that my own family members over there in Wenatchee, start thinking about how they're going to put up their Youtube expose of who is behind this, because if they don't, I don't care which ones go to jail.

Their actions should not put my child at risk. And I never did anything wrong, so for me to be tortured since I couldn't be blackmailed is...



Do we have to get Obama in a Congressional hearing to discuss how he knew the men that were with military and CIA who tried to force me to marry them?

If Alvaro Pardo had connections to people who knew how to change their attitudes, then he still knows who they are. And I know who he knows and where the chain ends up.

So it's not looking good for Catholic Hate Crime In America.

Regardless of who knows my Ex, and who he is connected to, he cut a deal with someone in the U.S. and the entire world wants to hear about it.


Because it is a fascinating thing when some group can come in and get religious hate crime to stop, and call for an end to government torture of a family, just because someone is engaged to someone.

The entire world wants to know what the Big Government Deal was.

Come on Obama! It didn't bother you to see my parents beat up and tortured and faces sliced, and it sure didn't bother you to see my son tortured and cut and punched and abused, and I know what I went through because YOU and James didn't want to talk about it.

So we can go sorta high crimes and misdemeanors and start reeling in all of those individuals who have been responsible for coordinating religious hate crime against me, or we can go high-high crimes and misdemeanors for having knowledge of high crimes and misdemeanors and failing to act.

I don't care if the booby trap leads us right to the King of England, I am getting MY SON back.

I am just DYING to learn more about "Foreign Policy".

PLEASE....DO enlighten me.

If someone had never stopped torturing me, it wouldn't be so obvious. I mean, the mistake ladies & gentlemen, if you want to be worse criminals than you already are and still smirk in your suits like the Speaker of the House who has tea with the Reader's Digest Catholics, was the lapse.

Because a victim, and the rest of the entire world, learns a lot from a "lapse" in torture.

It gives everyone a much better framework for figuring out why someone is being tortured to begin with. If it stops, why? and learning what that "cure" was, for however long it lasted, provides the victim and the rest of the world, insight into the criminal mind.

It starts revealing the true motive for torture in the first place.
I was going to finish writing about the other instances of obstruction of justice to block my access to court, but I'll do it tomorrow.

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