Sunday, December 11, 2011

Making Nori (same as fruit leather) & (why I can't stand Rachael Ray)

I've been looking up some items and taking a quick break before I write about the other actions I tried to file in court to protect my rights--which were deliberately and criminally obstructed.

But I looked up how to make Nori from scratch and there is nothing out there. At least, nothing is coming up in search engines.

However, there is a shiny side and a rough side and really, it just reminds me of Granny's fruit roll-ups. With this puree, there is also a shiny side and a rough side.

I grew up around all kinds of do-it-yourself people and I hardly think making Nori would be difficult.

With fruit, we pureed or cooked it and then spread it across a cookie sheet and dried it and then wrapped it in plastic wrap. They were fruit roll-ups before there was the commercial idea and we called it "fruit leather" and they were stored in tight rolls.

I think with seaweed and algae it has to be the same thing. The only thing that would be different is pressing it thin enough. Which is probably why they use something sort of like a printing press to get it thin enough and tight enough, like paper.

I could not find even one recipe for making your own Nori.

I think it must be so commercialized now.

It's like tortillas. People don't make tortillas from scratch as much as they used to, because the commercial processing sort of took over, it's easier, and cheap.

And like bread, but people still make their own bread from scratch now and then.

Anyway, algae and seaweed is going to be "pulpy" just like fruit, so it's going to stick together the same way fruit leather does.

(I guess, pulpy like wood can be too)

I might have some fat, fat, Nori.

Originally, we (and Granny) made all of our fruit leather from scratch, in the sun, or in the oven. Later, much later, when I was a teen, or pre-teen, she got one of those dehydrators but I don't know if it was for fruit leather.

Granny had an entire freezer PACKED with fruit leather rolled up and wrapped in plastic. Apple, peach, apricot, cherry, name it. And then I made fruit leather myself too.

It's been awhile though.

The problem is getting clean or good algae and seaweed to work with. If you live around it, great. But most stores don't carry it fresh.

I can't imagine how already-dried seaweed or algae would work and think it would make a poor substitute. I think you could do it though.

Because I'm thinking about recycled paper.

I was thinking, it would be like taking dried fruit or paper, and then tearing it up and boiling it and trying to run it through a press again and it's going to be much more difficult.

But, since you CAN do this with paper even, in the right conditions, I'm sure it's possible to take already dried seaweed or algae...I wonder if you might have to add something to it though, like a tiny bit of pectin to make it all stick together.

Because, I'm thinking of dulse...which is seaweed and not algae, but to recycle dulse or something, and make Nori with it, you could maybe cook it just a little and puree it, but I'm not sure if it would all hold together enough for sushi wraps. I think what I would try, if it didn't work, would be a tiny bit of "sticky glue" like pectin, just a little bit maybe.

But yeah, when you make fruit leather, there is shiny side and a rough side because when it's drying, it's flat against a surface (like a cookie sheet) on one side and the other side is facing up and it's the "rough" side. The side against the cookie sheet ends up shiny and smooth.

Sometimes we had fruit leather in squares and for storage they were already rolled and wrapped up. But often, we'd just take a square or something and then roll it up ourselves to make it easier to hold as a snack.

I have many fond memories of this, probably from age 5-11 or so. Every single time we went to Granny's, there was fruit leather. I mainly remember them from a specific point though, around age 7-8.

For whatever reason, at some point, Granny quit making it. And my mother didn't make it either. But I always had fruit leather, and ate lots of canned peaches, jar after jar. I could eat through 4 cans of peaches a day. I sat in front of the t.v., watched Octopussy and other shows, and ate bowl after bowl of canned peaches.

I wonder how you would get reconstituted dulse to be thin enough for Nori? I mean, it's not going to be the same thing as a paper press (though you could maybe use something like a flower press for it or other fruit press but it wouldn't be the same).

I guess it would be too salty too (dulse would be). I have no idea where you would find algae.

I looked up Nori and I guess it was originally made with hijiki a long time ago. They made a paste with it and probably made Nori sheets the same way we made fruit leather. A red algae is mentioned and then they refer to this other algae that was used, a green one.

I think with algae, even if you get the powdered form, it's naturally sort of sticky so maybe you could make a paste with even a powder and then spread it out thin or press. They're doing something commercially with a press to make one side rough, and the other side smooth, but if you were willing to make it thicker than usual, you'd have a rough and smooth side naturally.

By the way, I found more Catholic hate crime in a recipe site and thought, "Hmm, this sounds like the same-old, same-old. Sure enough. Checked, and it's linked to Reader's Digest, which, as I've already reported, is owned by a bunch of Catholics and mainly employs Catholics. I've already looked up this one that sends my mother harassing things all the time, "Taste of Home" and it's linked to RD. Then I read up on it. Okay, then, I was looking at all of these different sites for recipes and no big deal until "". I noticed more of the same inside harassment and thought, this sounds really familiar. I checked it out and I am 100% correct--this is ALSO linked to RD AND to Rachael Ray, who I cannot stand and think is the biggest seriously disturbed show chef on the t.v. these days. Rachael Ray is connected to some RD stuff (run by Catholics) and her show, and she is Catholic and from what I've seen, she comes across bubbly and nice and she's terrible though. I saw a few things of her in TN and it was always bad vibe. Bad vibe with "Rachael Ray" who is not even a talented cook. There are so many incredibly gifted people who cook and SHE is the one who gets a show? Why? I guess it's because she's a member of the Catholic church, which hooks their people up while torturing the non-members. Her only talent is knowing how to find a good dentist. Dear me. NEXT please.

1 comment:

  1. Do you know why it took the USA 10 years to get usama bin laden? Because the government has been so busy the last decade drugging you and your family following you around defaming you, moving things in your house when your gone to make you feel crazy, altering the minds of people around you so others think you are nuts, I can't believe the government can get anything done since they follow you 24/7 poor girl......
