Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mom Sounds Drugged & Mafia

I just talked to my mother and she sounded drugged out.

A few weeks ago something happened to her and she said, "They're really addictive" and I started to think, I wouldn't even be surprised if these "friends" drugged my Mom to try to forceably get her addicted to drugs.

I am ready to rat on my entire family.

Which, actually, means I rat on religious hate crime persons blackmailing my family and the U.S. military and CIA.

No one is willing to tell the truth and the only reason why is because they've been blackmailed.

I shouldn't lose my child, my SON, because of the crimes people in my family may have committed that worked as insurance for the mafia and CIA.

I'm not willing to be the scapegoat and I'm not willing to keep my mouth shut, so they don't go to jail, and the cycle of abuse continues.

I think the government has had enough time to do the right thing.

They allowed religious hate crime against us and used some kind of confidential contract they had with my parents, against me and my son.

No one would have felt they could get away with this horrific acts, and think no one in my family would talk, unless they felt sure they could blackmail them.

The only way to blackmail anyone is over crime and threat of jail or govt. torture if they don't do whatever religious hate crime groups working through military and CIA want.

I didn't sign up for the Mafia, or the Mob, or the CIA, or the FBI, or the military and I'm not losing my son to family members who LIE to cover for the criminal acts of others like Nakata. And who else?

My parents are really "free" to travel. Right before they left, the police assured them they knew where I lived and gave my parents their phone number and asked for their phone number "in case something happens."

Like what? In case the police decide to take me to jail or act on a warrant from TN if my parents don't return back to Coquille, Oregon where they can be beat up some more?

They made this point of saying, "We didn't know where you lived before" or didn't know how to get there.

I knew what they were doing. They're using me as their security deposit.

I have an unpaid fine from TN for a "misdemeanor" I didn't commit and my parents know this and the police know this. All they have to do is call up TN or TN finds out, and get a quick warrant sent over, and even though in most cases it would be out of the ordinary, they would do it, just to control my parents.

They tortured me and my son to control my parents "the psychics" for themselves. They think they own my parents and have used whatever they can to get to them and force them to work for them.

So while they know they could resort to hauling me off to TN where they assure my parents I'll be injected again and tortured, and possibly jailed, they just let my parents know they have their phone number "just in case".

I am a security deposit for corrupt police, CIA and military.

Whatever my parents did that they are blackmailed over, the U.S. government is in on. It's to their mutual benefit not to talk about it.

My brother was hanging around a bunch of people that could have easily blackmailed him--Dominicans, U.S. military, and his ex-wife Carmen (who was a real winner).

My mother's father, my Grandpa, could have gotten involved with something too. He is former Army and 2 of his son-in-laws are illegal Mexicans. Which means, if they were illegal Mexicans, my Aunts are not above breaking the law and lying for people. I'm pretty sure both Pablo and Valentine were still "illegals" when they married my Aunt Locklyn and Aunt Holly.

So between Mexican mafia and FBI and police mafia, it's blackmail. And anyone who wanted access to my son for military or CIA reasons is right there in town and in Leavenworth, where several retired high-ranking officers and former military live. There's CIA in Cashmere and Wenatchee too. I guess it's the nice proximity to the nuclear plant and Boeing and the different military forts that's the draw. Since all the CIA and military were doing illegal things for years, they probably looked the other way for other kinds of illegal activity and then used it to their advantage.

My Aunt, Mom, and Pablo, and all of them went along with the corrupt State workers and lied when my son Oliver was tortured. They wouldn't lie, all of them, over something like that, unless they were threatened about what would happen if they did not lie. There was no possible way Holly didn't notice a piece of my son's face sliced off, which SHE and Michelle Erickson tried to call "a scratch". That's a scratch? the rest of the world didn't think it was a mere "scratch". My son being hypnotized, poisoned so throws up, having 3 cuts at the base of 3 of his fingers...

That's mafia and it's exactly what the U.S. wants when they abuse their power and authority and steal children for their projects.

My son was afraid to leave CPS offices and go with Pablo, pulling back to run back to me, a person he knew was safe. He had his eyes punched out, his genitals zapped with military lasers until they turned blue, and laser burns on his body along with bruises from being squeezed too hard.

MY LIFE is not about the military and they have had no reason to ever obstruct justice and start making excuses for religious hate crimes.

My brother was at the wedding, where my son was, my parents, and all my family but not me. Why not me?

Because I'm the one who will rat EVERYONE out.

Is my brother also tortured? yes. But he's been blackmailed not to talk, just like my parents and the Avila's and Guzmans and my grandparents.

Whatever their crimes are that they are blackmailed over, I'm sure it's nothing compared to what they could collectively report about U.S. cops, Judges, and military. It could be a real showdown if all of them were to decide to report together through youtube or some form of medium where the media and government can't tamper with the results of what is said.

They're not going to police and FBI because they're all dirty.

Sorry, but I'm the mother and I demand more for my child.

I have nothing to hide and I really don't care if family members even go to jail. If they are not willing to stand up for a child being tortured, that cycle will NEVER end unless I am the one to end it for GOOD.

They had nothing to blackmail ME with so they tried to entrap me. Then, they thought, oh that didn't work so they hoped I could get sucked into a "you don't tell and we won't tell" arrangement to try to use against me if they wanted. I didn't fall for that.

So the U.S. and those torturing my family by abusing their privileges, had nothing to use against me.

That made them more than a little angry.

The idea of my being free and uncontrolled, able to work for myself and defend my own family members and report criminals was more than they could bear.

They wanted me to marry into a hush-hush deal with Catholics so I could get blackmailed and they could feel better about themselves. Maybe I wouldn't pursue Catholic religious hate crime investigation, if I'd only marry a Catholic.

If you haven't noticed, I am the only person in my entire family that's been called mentally ill and I am ALSO the only person who is not blackmailable.

I noticed they started trying to get something started in case they wanted to make my Mom or Dad sound nuts but it's too late for that. Why bother anyway? it must be decent blackmail if they've been able to keep my parents silent about torture of their own kids and grandkids. When THEY probably KNOW EXACTLY who to point at.

Do you have ANY idea what kind of LOOT of government criminals my family could bring in? If we all went together and reported what we know and gave testimony, it would be a landslide occasion.

You get 3 people who can point out 10 individuals who are corrupt government criminals, and that's 30 people. That makes 30 enemies who use their power to oppress and torture just 3 people.

It's worth it, to the criminals, to spend tons of money on just a few witnesses, and keep them down, because if they don't, 30 of them will mean 30 entire families are affected, along with businesses and agencies. And then their contacts get scrutinized and it leads to 30 more and more, and starts to ripple out.

My family could TAKE DOWN MAJOR persons and agencies if they all talked at the same time.

Instead, they're too busy worrying about going to jail and thinking small.

I'm not thinking small anymore and I'm not going to cover for any of my family members who are not willing to take a stand.

I really don't care. I happen to love my son far more than I love the mafia or military or care about the FBI saving face. And like I said, so what if one or two of my family members end up in jail? that's the price to pay for my getting my son back and having dozens of criminals that are harassing and blackmailing us go to jail?

I think Youtube is the way to go.

And since Youtube might not reach enough people all at the same time, I would recommend sending it to several people and media outlets too. But I wouldn't let the media do it--they're responsible and notorious for screwing things up and making the news work for whoever pays them the most and has the most power.

So yeah.

I think some group squeezed my family and forced them into a bad situation for the sole purpose of blackmailing them. But I think any concern THEY have for themselves is MINOR compared to what they could do to the abusers collectively.

You can't use torture and threat of torture and death to coerce someone to do something and then expect to not have people discover it happened to them too and then join together to talk about it.


  1. Hi Cameo, I would wonder if a misdemeanor warrant from TN would be "extraditable." Many times jurisdictions issue non-extraditable warrants on smaller things such as misdemeanors so that they don't have to go through the expense of extraditing a person on a minor issue. Might be worth a check. Of course, if you go back to TN then you might get arrested on the warrant. Good luck.

  2. I shouldn't have any warrant and I do not have a warrant out.

    However, I owe "fees" to them as a thank you for their using me as a guinea pig after they knew I'd been tortured, and I guess it's to cover the cost of gas to drive me there to handprint me for themselves and the UK and then fracture my hands.

    What I am talking about, is aggregious corruption, persecution, obstruction of justice by religious hate criminals, and torture against me and my family, in this country.

    They used me as a security deposit here.

    They know I can't go anywhere and know that if there is ANYTHING even remotely possible, for using other people as blackmail and security for what they want, they'll use it.

    So no, there is no warrant. But yes, if my parents didn't show up, they would go after the rest of the family just to get to my parents and punish them for leaving. They're not free to leave--they're hostages.

    My son was literally tortured by THIS COUNTRY and KIDNAPPED to be put in government guardianship where they tortured him further and now have him adopted out to the family they can use blackmail against for their own security.

    It wasn't a program or project. It's been turned into this to try to cover up religious hate crimes which should have put a lot of people in jail by now: lawyers, judges, FBI employees, military, clergy, and mafia.

    Anyway, I don't need "good luck". I need to see my ex behind bars, along with everyone else that knows exactly what's going on, works for the U.S., and says nothing.

    Sorry, but holding me hostage and drugging me, with U.S. permission, doesn't win points.

    And that's after multiple counts of obstruction of justice to kick me out of 7 cases I've written about filing, and I was reminded last night, I actually have about 3 more cases where the U.S. allowed religious hate criminals in their own offices, to obstruct me and keep me out of court.

    My son is going to be returned me, or many will wish they had never met me.

  3. I have posted once before, a year or so ago. I am the one with the disgronifier equipped transceiver.
    I will occasionally check your blog. You have written about your grandparents now and then. I've known who they are for years and since you've written about them I've become concerned. I have been monitoring all the frequencies and there has been no mention of your grandparents and no group or agency has had any contact with them or been monitoring them. You need to keep their names or any reference of them out of your blog so they aren't put "on the radar" per say.

  4. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your concern but for you and those who read this, my grandparents are already involved.
