Saturday, December 10, 2011

Alvaro Pardo Hired By Catholic Church & CIA

Alvaro Pardo is a U.S. government criminal that the Roman Catholic church group hired.

They tried to force me to marry him, and if I didn't, they and the Jewish group went back to torturing me.

They wanted him in this country the easy way, through marriage.

Judge Hotchkiss was in on it. Anne Crane was in on it and was hired to cover and write me up as crazy. The U.S. government was in on it and Barak Obama knows about it.

They held me hostage in D.C. and tried to force me to marry him.

And now they're doing the same thing to my cousin Ivory.

They drugged me and medicated me when I was with Alvaro Pardo, and I quit having my period and I also had the rash for tinea go away. Everything I ate was what they gave me. I ate food they cooked for me or brought to me.

The CIA is responsible and it's Catholic people in the CIA and the FBI knows about.

All the Catholic Judges and people, Jews and Catholics, who had committed hate crimes against me, tried to force me to marry Alvaro to get my son back and when I didn't, they punished me and forced me to be tortured and used by military.

I was MEDICATED, without my consent, by Alvaro Pardo and his group. What kind of group already knows what type of tinea I have? The "Colombians" just happened to know all of my medical records and knew what kind of a rash I had and what the treatment for it was? Colombia just decides to "medicate" people on their own, with no clearance from anyone in the U.S.?


It was the United States and they tried to entrap me first, to get rid of me so I couldn't talk. Then they wanted me to marry Alvaro so they could hire him to work for them and be here with the rest of his family and kids.

Alvaro Pardo was a RAT.

He didn't love me. The entire time I thought he was caring about me more and more, he was trying to set me up to go to prison. Then at some point, he began to care a little so the U.S. decided to use this opportunity to marry him and keep me from filing the lawsuits against them that I could file.

He is working for the Washington D.C. FBI, or with them, and the CIA.

The CIA has been using him from Day One.

I can make a list of how many times he tried to set me up to go to federal prison, and I can name and finger which other Catholic government persons were involved.

And the Judges and people in Washington State all knew who he was and who was behind the whole thing.

Other countries even know what was going on and some former military lady was mocking me in Wenatchee saying, "You nearly caused an international incident." Why? Because the United States is totally corrupt, and so corrupt, they even tried to hire a man from Colombia to take me out by setting me up the old-fashioned way.

I started figuring some things out, and said I needed more time, and what happened? The U.S. punished me by allowing all these hate crime freaks to assault me and poison my family and torture my son.

It was 100% Catholic crime against me from 2000-2006, and then when the Catholics thought they might want to spread out the blame, they started blacklisting me and trying to provoke me to create reactions from me they could use against me to show Mormons or Protestants. They started bribing people, and tried to get others against me by making a huge deal about "if she sues you for medical malpractice...or HIPAA..." and made sure they spread out their hatred.

This cop is trying to get into the Avilas to have access to my son and the family fortune, just like Alvaro and his group.

All of the people who knew Alvaro in Maryland were police. The police were very nice to me in Maryland, and D.C., as long as I was with Alvaro Pardo.

This is how the CIA treats its own citizens: like shit. They use them and try to entrap them while claiming their doing a good thing and then dump them when they can't get them to do them a favor.

All of them are connected to Catholics in the FBI and U.S. military.

Alvaro tried to obstruct me from filing something in the Maryland courthouse to prove I had not harassed this woman who hit me over the back and to keep me from filing a similiar restraining order against her. His friend was Catholic and a Maryland cop or FBI agent and pulled me away from the desk to try to set me up and entrap me.

Alvaro Pardo was responsible for attempting to set me up to go to federal prison. He was also responsible for trying to hold me hostage along with other CIA workers.

No one knew about my medical history except for Catholic doctors in Washington State, and U.S. government. And no one would dare medicate me without my consent in this country, unless the CIA and FBI cleared it.

Which is why the FBI Headquarters in D.C. gets nervous when I ask where he is. Where Alvaro is. "Why do you want to know?"

Why do I want to know.

I have tried repeatedly, to request a copy of the marriage license I voided, and Maryland refuses to comply.

They found another way to keep Alvaro Pardo in the U.S. But they tortured me and my entire family because they didn't want to get in trouble or have people believing my story

3 months after Alvaro Pardo left, and I was no longer eating food he personally gave to me, my rash from tinea was back and my period started as usual again. They had me on birth control from the time I worked at The Post Pub in Washington D.C., after I was with the Chief of Staff for the Pentagon and military. I was given 1 free meal a day at The Post Pub, which they used to medicate me with every single day. I stopped having my period when I worked at the Post Pub until I quit eating there. I started to suspect something was being added to my food and quit taking the free meal all the time, and my period came back.

Then I got pregnant and after this, they put me back on birth control after the U.S. government coordinated to have me with Alvaro Pardo. They used the exact same birth control on me again, and gave me medications that cleared up the tinea rash which is always there unless I have medical treatment for it. I believe they drugged me up on something else as well.

If the U.S. would give me birth control without my consent, knowing I am opposed to taking birth control, and treat my tinea rash, they would not hesitate to drug me up with something else as well, and then quit torturing me at the same time and claim, "Oh, she's just medicated so she's not paranoid anymore."

Alvaro Pardo knew what his target was when he first met me. And while he was pretending to work at a "car wash" in Maryland, I was later driving by and finding him pulling off of a road, in a porsche, with women in his car. It was a gray-silver colored brand new foreign sportscar. Alvaro Pardo. He's driving around some crappy 4 door white beater sedan and then I see him pulling out in a porsche or some similiar vehicle, looking mean and wise-serpent-eyed as any common snake.

Alvaro doesn't have a "twin".

Alvaro Pardo is a Catholic, U.S. government RAT.

When I refused to marry a rat, who tried to frame me to go to federal prison, all of the Catholic Judges and lawyers in Wenatchee went back to torturing me and my son and family.

There was zero mistake about it. My "fiance", who gave me an engagement ring that had a clear plastic diamond, was driving around in some luxury foreign sportscar with other women inside and looking mean and a little "smarter" than the Alvaro I knew, who tried to play himself off as an innocent clown.

I was right about New York too. I could have married him and gone to NY and been killed, right after he got his green card. That is, if he even needed a green card.

This is the United States.

Some country.

After the United States drugged me every day and medicated me with birth control, I hemmoraged and was hit in the back by a diplomat from Nigeria, whose sons worked as guards for the CIA in Virginia.

Who was Alvaro trying to protect from my filing a restraining order about being hit? or trying to challenge and answer her restraining order? He was protecting the CIA and the Roman Catholic church. The Roman Catholics wanted me to be smeared with a filed restraining order because it made me look bad, and the CIA didn't want any liability from my claiming I was assaulted by the mother of their employees.

Alvaro asked me "Where are you going? what time? where first? when do you think you'll be there?" and I was at the counter in Maryland, when another Catholic U.S. government employee tried to help his buddy Alvaro and the CIA out. He tried to entrap me into marriage fraud, to help a man get his greencard faster by marrying him--no sex required. Nothing required, just lies.

I didn't fall for the entrapment scheme. And poor Catholic church was back to Square One. I went back and Alvaro looked as guilty as HELL. He did it. He was the one who tipped the U.S. government employee off, and since they thought my relationship with Alvaro was too close to not being marriage fraud or couldn't be called that, they tried to siphon me off to go to federal prison while the CIA figured out another slick bitch to provide him with a card. The CIA and Alvaro already had their "replacement" woman who they wanted, if he even needed quicker entrance to the U.S. to work here legally.

And the Catholic church, with their multiple counts of obstruction of justice and then history of using TORTURE against me and a child, they wanted me in federal prison so I couldn't talk.

How many complaints could I file from prison?

They held me hostage then, when I refused to fall for their Catholic-U.S. government entrapment scheme. I had no money, and Washington refused to provide transportation and no one was helping me to have housing or even get back to WA to help my son. I was dumped off at the Motel 6 to "think about it". With nothing. No money. With nothing. I had had money of my own and then when I used it, Alvaro was paying for clothes and make-up and refusing to give me anything to get away with. He gave me enough cash for something to eat if there was nothing to eat at the house. I wanted to return some shoes to get cash for them and they already knew and had it blocked. The U.S. was the party involved and they were the ones who held me hostage, in my own country, and tried to make it look like some "Colombian" thing. It was the CIA and FBI. And I can point out which military men lead straight to the Pentagon. So yeah, The Roman Catholic church uses U.S. government for human trafficking. No "church" was helping me and a ton of U.S. government personnel followed me around every single day to watch me. They didn't help me. They were in on it. They couldn't throw me in federal prison so then they decided to go ahead and just use me to get what they wanted. And the U.S. held me hostage to try to do just that. The Catholics in WA state were in on it because they sat over there telling me to come back and cutting off my right to talk to my son over the phone, and when I was telling them, "If you will pay for a plane ticket I will" they refused. I emailed and talked to them over the phone and told them that for medical reasons, I could not travel by bus, and I was still bleeding from miscarriage and they told me it could get worse. So I looked up cost of airfare and it was CHEAPER and they still refused. They put me in a position to keep me hostage of the CIA and military.

Then, after I had my surgery to fix the constant bleeding, Alvaro tried to dump me. He was still seeing "The Replacement Woman" and he tried to dump me and said, "Don't you think at least this has been a good 'experience'?" HE tried to dump ME, when I was lying in a hospital bed. I had no money, no car, and my "fiance" was sneaking off to have sex with someone else and then coming back to my bedside to smirk with doctors there and he tried to dump me. He made this pretense of looking like he was treating his hostage well, by coming to visit me. What was that for? to send non-U.S. government, NON-CATHOLIC people "proof of life" and that he treated hostages with decency?

This man tried to set me me to go to prison, repeatedly; helped others to block me from removing a restraining order that besmirched my good name; held me hostage when it was convenient or desirable, and then was willing to dump me at the drop of the hat while I lay bleeding on a table.

Real nice CIA and FBI group.

And THEN, later, people were acting like I had done something wrong to want to WAIT and figure out a few more things and see whether or not my trust in him revived.

My country sold me. THEY used me. THEY tortured me. And then they tried to dump me off and had me and my entire family tortured and, KNOWING they tortured MY SON, they adopted my son out from under me. THAT is the United States I know. THAT is why no one in any other country with any sense will EVER trust or believe a WORD some Catholic in U.S. government says. Anything a Catholic government worker promises or says, while using their authority as an employee of the United States, has to be FILTERED through knowing they ultimately work for a different country--The Vatican, and then assessing what motives that other country might have.

As for Alvaro, he looked like he was working for the highest bidder and whoever had their boobs in his face at the moment.

That man tried to set up an innocent mother to go to federal prison. It was the CIA and Catholic church backing him on that. Then, he (i.e., My Country, the U.S.A.) loved me so much he tried to dump me while I was lying in a hospital bed.

Whatever nice story he told everyone, about how much he suffered and loved me and was worried, was a lie. I was made out to be a bad person for not marrying him after he did these things to me.

Do you know what else they would have done? This country is sick enough, and has enough Catholics with a vendetta against me, that if I had married him, the FBI would have zoomed in and made up a case for marriage fraud. They were trying to ruin me, one way or the other. It didn't matter to them, HOW, they were trying to find any reason to lock me up so I couldn't talk.

Alvaro's "cousin", Omar, worked in the same building as the U.S. Army. They knew Chris Dabney, the same guy I worked with at The Post Pub, where I was medicated without my consent.

Medicated at The Post Pub and then medicated by Alvaro Pardo. Looking like a military thing almost, but a little more CIA and FBI if you ask me.

Omar had his cousin fly over from Colombia and from there, this country, The United States of America worked on a way to put me in federal prison. Martin Dempsey knew all about it. I was the only one out of how many? who was blessed enough to get miraculously saved from falling into their traps, by paying attention to cues and trusting my gut instincts. How many others end up in federal prison after being repeatedly put under false arrest and tortured and having cases they filed obstructed?

I was lying in that hospital bed, crying, crying, and Alvaro saw me without maskara, and looking horrible after surgery, and after getting stuffed full of homemade tacos and who knows what, boobs, he tried to dump me while I was hooked up to an I.V.

From that hospital, I was going to go...where?

Oh, that's right, I was going to pitch a tent on the lawn of the White House or sign myself into a convent.

The ENTIRE time, the U.S. had government people following me. The ENTIRE TIME. MY COUNTRY allowed religious hate crime against me and my son and then tried to sell me off like Joseph with the Colored-up Coat. THEY were immediately involved with obstructing me from being independent. During this time I repeatedly attempted to go to CPS in D.C. and get the court order for a psych eval done in D.C. where people saw for themselves I was not mentally ill. The Catholic church obstructed this.

I saw a few glimpses of what looked like genuine emotion or affection, from Alvaro Pardo, but any man who sleeps around and tries to dump you when you're hooked to an I.V., or sets you up to go to federal prison, who drives luxury sportscars with other women when he's not around you and a beater sedan when you're with him, and who knows who is torturing your family and refuses to talk about it, is not a good person. Oh, and he drugged me the entire time I was with him, with U.S. permission.

List of Things I Want In Man I Marry:

1. Good sense of humor.
2. Drugs me when I don't know about it.
3. Attractive (to me at least)
4. Sleeps around.
5. Loyal.
6. Someone willing to sell me or set me up to go to jail (hardcore form of S&M)
7. Respects my independance
8. Holds me hostage

It's kind of like a list of things you want in a U.S. Diplomat, isn't it? Now let's go to Colombia where I can be kidnapped! and NY where they planned to kill me! and that's if I didn't get sent to jail for "marriage fraud" with the FBI making a false claim I married him so he could get his green card. Oh, a "sting" operation that turned to "love" that turned to trying to dump someone on a medical bed after holding them hostage?

I'm SO SORRY Vatican, for your grave misfortune. SO sorry Roman Catholics in the CIA, FBI, and military, for your perpetual sin of SCREWING UP and committing hate crimes and then trying to conceal it. The Roman Catholic church literally held me hostage. And then THEY try to wiggle out of it.

After I voided the marriage license and figured, if I wanted to, I could fill out another one in Wenatchee, after I had more time to think about it, I was then in Wenatchee with Alvaro and being defamed by worse persons, like Mykal Holt. Such a great woman, SHE lied and said I held up a knife against her. When, after seeing my Mom's face, Ms. Holt probably knows who cut my mom, and wanted to make a fraudulent claim about me instead. Mykal Holt deserves to be in Hell. She and her boyfriend mocked me and put on "Alien" movies and lied about me to serve their own interests and my guess would be she knows Sharon McGuire.

The last days Alvaro spent in Wenachee with me, were trying to find out who the father of my child was. All of a sudden, he wanted to know. He started asking me questions like a rat-informant. Which is all he ever was. A rat-informant for the United States of America. So the Catholics all hoped, that since he stayed with me and didn't shack up with his other lover, "Replacement Potential", that I'd seal the deal for them and marry him, helping their beloved "Special Catholic" man to get a job working officially for the U.S.

Oh no. She didn't marry him. Well, now they were mad, because if they had to bring in "The Other Lover" it was going to take more time and what if he got caught on immigration stuff or sent back, and how do they now spend time having him shack up with Chick 2.

All this time, Alvaro was saying, "First we'll have the court wedding" and then maybe later we'll have a real wedding in church. A Catholic church. What a GREAT idea. If I'm not in jail or dead.

So, I think about, umm, being held hostage, being refused loans and told I have to get married, having the U.S. follow me all over the place, being drugged without my consent, religious hate crime, being set up to go to jail, attempted dumping while I was on the hospital bed, and BOY do I WANT TO GET MARRIED!

By the time we were about to leave Maryland for Wenatchee, I was afraid of Alvaro.

I didn't marry him, saying I needed more time, and all Hell broke loose, and I was supposedly to blame. 3 months later my period comes back and my rash comes back because I was no longer getting medicated through food he gave me, but it was only the day after he left that Mykal Holt tried to say I was crazy. And ALL of the Catholics and Jews obstructed me and tortured my family and kept me from getting my son, in retaliation.

For what? Because I didn't like how you held me hostage? So 100% the United States sells people, and knows me and my son were tortured because they did it. And it was done as part of religious hate crime.

First I was in Wenatchee on my own and Catholics treated me badly. All of them. They made my misery bad to try to force me to marry Alvaro Pardo and make him into some kind of protective hero. Alvaro showed up, and they quit harassing me.

The Catholic church and some Jews tortured me, my son, and family, and pinched us to get us where they wanted. Then they either continued torture against us, using govt. friends, or they rewarded us, if we did exactly what they wanted.

That's called illegal forced labor and human trafficking. It's also obstruction of justice and kidnapping and torture.

All they wanted to do in WA state was screw me over, but if the Catholics and some Jews thought I was doing The Big Man from D.C. a favor, they acted nice.

So I wonder who Alvaro married for the green card.

The last time I talked to him, he was partying it up at a club in Washington D.C. My son and I were being tortured and I was forced out of housing to be mocked by Wenatchee police, and he's living it up in D.C. with the FBI patting him on the back.

I wonder how they sleep at night, while my son and family were cut up, tortured, poisoned and my son continues to be targeted in WA state.

How does our wonderful President sleep at night?

With my son under his boots.

I just talked to my mother for a moment. I just found out this guy my cousin married is not a cop. I had someone tell me he WAS and that he was training to be one. So I guess he's not, and I have to take that off of my last post. My mother said, "Yeah, and I saw the stuff you wrote about the Sandbergs...and you need to take that down." I said, "Right. How about when the FBI stops defaming me and obstructing me from going to college." Then I added, "I wonder who Alvaro Pardo married!" and then I said, "The FBI and CIA KNOW I was tortured and they STOLE my son from me?!" then I added, "...and I know that Alvaro works for them." She said "How do you know that?" and I said, "Because the laptop I was given was given to me by his FRIEND that is a contractor for the CIA." Steve Blum.

This country KNOWS my son and I were tortured and have been tortured, and knowing this, they should be acknowledging the errors of those obstructing justice to prevent me from proving taking my son was wrong.

I expect an APOLOGY from Annette Sandberg and her family. I have my parents asking me to take down this posting while THEY defame me and mock us? What? after using us?

I don't think so.

I think you QUIT obstructing justice and making ME your scapegoat. They know I'm not mentally ill and I expect to have my son returned to me. I do NOT want further obstruction of my educational goals.

If it's not CIA, Alvaro is doing counter-intelligence work for the D.C. FBI.

How convenient to say that I am the one who is mentally ill. I want an apology to me, my son, and my entire family, and I want my SON, who was ILLEGALLY taken from me, after we were TORTURED, to be RETURNED.

You can't "adopt" out a child that the CIA and FBI blasted with torture.

Alvaro Pardo's brother is Omar, who works with United States Army in the same offices, and they know Christopher Dabney who worked at The Post Pub. Christopher Dabeny knows Mark, the Irish-Catholic guy that New Mexico sent out to give me a lift to D.C. He is former Army and is military and Catholic and knows Christopher Dabney. Dabney knows Omar and Alvaro.

All are Roman Catholic and all of them work with U.S. military and FBI/CIA. THEY held me hostage and they were doing favors for people in Washington state who are Catholic. This group DRUGGED me and medicated me almost the entire time I was in Maryland/D.C.--AND they got "permission" from the United States to do it.

I report a Judge in New Mexico. Irish-Catholic Army man shows up--"Mark". Mark thinks I'm going to Georgia but I changed my mind. I stayed in D.C. while being followed there and taken to dinner by another Catholic group I met on the bus going through D.C. From there I met Will, and got a job in D.C. I was tracked by Chris Dabney who knew Mark, and offered a job at The Post Pub while I still worked at a coffee place. They drugged and medicated me at The Post Pub through my "1 free meal a day" arrangment. They fired me when I was pregnant. Great government people. I ended up with employees of the CIA whose mother from Nigeria assaulted me (most likely, she was also an employee of the CIA if her sons had jobs there). Next, I get rounded up by "Colombians" while working at another job as a waitress (the entire time, everyone seeing I am not mentally ill and calling WA state into question for their lies). These Colombians are most U.S. government Catholics doing favors for other Catholics, to control where I go and who has access to me. They give me a place to stay and then try to set me up to go to federal prison, which would have worked out great for a lot of criminals who work in govt. offices. I get entrapped, repeatedly, used, held hostage, and dumped on, by my own country, and then they torture me and my family again and try to tell gangsters and mafia that we're to blame for something that's THEIR problem. THEIR problem, as in, corrupt U.S. goverment employees who are Catholic. The U.S. then lines up everyone to assault me and my son, torture my family again and call me mentally ill to cover for an attempt by The United States to smuggle in a worker for the FBI or CIA for them. They had hoped to land me in prison, but it didn't work out as planned, so they attempted to degrade and torture my entire family. Then! they want to reclassify it as "research" and punish me by bribing and paying corrupt public defenders to screw me over on my case for my son.

Let's see...hhmmm....Martin Dempsey is Army and Irish-Catholic, and so is Mark! and so is Chris Dabney! and I met an Irish-Catholic priest at The Post Pub who knew what was going on! And Kathy, the woman who fired me while I was pregnant, after knowing I'd been drugged was Irish-Catholic! and the Irish-Catholic like to do deals with other Catholics and sometimes Muslims or other people, for their own purposes of promoting the Irish Republican Army arms trade with certain countries and "democracy on behalf of the Vatican!"

HOSTAGE. HELD HOSTAGE and DRUGGED by my own country.

Of course Annette and the Sandbergs and McGuires want to say I'm paranoid. Just like the rest of the corrupt FBI agents and CIA assholes. Users.


The other military guy I knew was a black guy named "Will" who worked at the military hospital, the naval one, in Maryland, but he never drugged me. I didn't quit having my period, or quit having a rash or whatever, when I stayed there.

I was drugged & medicated at The Post Pub and by my own "fiance" Alvaro Pardo.

Alvaro The Ratto.

So after being held hostage, drugged and medicated, mocked and degraded, and repeatedly defamed and assaulted by more FBI workers and Catholics, and an attempted set-up, and attempted dump while I lay bleeding, we're all supposed to think this is a great country and the Catholic church was trying to do my family a favor. No, no, the CIA and FBI were doing us a favor.

Alvaro: "It would have to be a MIRACLE."

A miracle?

The miracle is that I didn't end up in federal prison after Alvaro & CIA tried to set me up. I GOT my miracle. The problem is that after I got my miracle, others didn't like it and decided to torture us all for punishment, because they were not going to be in control as they hoped and planned.

Most likely, they were going to try to put me in prison if I married Alvaro, false charge or not. If not, what? I was going to be married to him and my son was going to be raised by a bunch of CIA Catholics? I get to be drugged and medicated without my consent or knowledge for the rest of my life. Imagine that.

First with Dabney's friends and then with Alvaro's friends. Did I miss out or what?

Then, I got drugged wherever I went in TN. And they still did it over here in Oregon.

Because Annette Sandberg has some "issues".

For whatever reason, our "family friend" that is clearly corrupt and used my family for decades, wants to call me mentally ill to protect her agency partners.

Another guy, just since it came to mind, who was sending email after email to my mother, trying to push that cart, was this "pastor" for the Assembly of God church who has been with military for 20 years and from Ohio and Chicago. It's not "difficult" to find a motive.

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