Saturday, December 10, 2011

Marry The Mob (clarification) & Govt. Intimidation of Witness

My cousin is marrying a COP whose family is part of the Mob.

And while my son has been around this corrupt man, my son has been used for research.

This man's family is not good and my cousin wouldn't be marrying him unless her family was being tortured and pressured in some way.

I just found out from my AUNT, because my own parents wouldn't tell me, that my son was ADOPTED a few weeks ago.

This country is full of SHIT.

This is the worst state that the United States has ever been in, because they allowed religious hate crime against me for years and then turned it over to military and CIA research.

THEY TORTURED US and adopted my son out to BE USED.

If they are the ones who adopted my son, then there is no such thing as a restraining order, unless they put one out, because supposedly, it would be their "right" to let me see my son whenever I want.

They didn't want me at this wedding because some cop asshole who is already physically abusive or has tendencies to this, is trying to squeeze into my family to control us.

All of the photos from the Avilas, of my son, show my son in photos where he's forced to be submissive to someone or someone is making a point to my parents about how degraded he is.

I'm told this "adoption" can be "overturned" but that's a bunch of B.S. These people, including these lawyers, are criminals. They have known this is hate crime all along and they went along with it.
I just found out he's not a cop or in training. I had someone tell me that.

All I know, is anything to do with Chris Rozollo is bad, Jew or not. He said he's Catholic and I think he's Jewish. And he tortured me and wanted me to be in jail.

Alvaro was one thing and Rozollo is another corrupt person I never care to see again, who made great effort to ruin my life.

I don't think my cousin should have married.

I see all these photos of my son being used and degraded and I know someone has the Avila's bent to their will, to do whatever they want.

They tortured my son, and cut him, when he was with the Avilas. So of course, if they didn't complain, they would let them adopt him. If these people harmed my son and hypnotized my son when he was with the Avilas, the State knew they had the Avilas in their grip. So there is obviously some kind of blackmail going on.

Most likely, it's "We promise not to sue you" and "we won't tell if you cut up Oliver's face". And "We won't tell on Anne Crane who poisoned Oliver, and we won't tell about poisoning Bob Garrett and settin pepto bismal on the table to remind him of what we can do to Oliver." "We'll send him to whatever daycare you want." "We won't tell that you hypnotized Oliver." "Don't tell anyone that we sexually molested Oliver, okay? and then we won't tell on you." "We won't tell on our pastors who hurt Oliver at church, and we won't tell on Wenatchee FBI that came to the house to threaten us, with police."

We promise not to tell and we promise not to sue you.
Works great.

"We promise not to let Cameo visit and see him"...oh, actually, Holly was jealous of ME after only 3 months of watching my son and Pablo, I'm told, wanted to adopt my son from the start.

So I can be expected to see my, NEVER.

Who did Alvaro Pardo know while driving up there with me? Some Wenatchee COP or FBI agent who was in an undercover car driving down from the property, and it looked a lot like Chris Rozollo. It was a white man, in a sedan, smirking at Alvaro when we went up there. It was police or FBI type of sedan and the moment I saw him I knew he was a cop.

The other person Alvaro Pardo nodded off to, was my cousin Valente. How did Alvaro Pardo know how to recognize my cousin Valente when I never introduced them?

My cousin Valente, who knows which Judges and police officers in Wenatchee, use drugs personally. And whose family is Roman Catholic.

So yeah, how did my cousin Valente, a half-Mexican guy who lives in Wenatchee, WA, who knows who the corrupt Catholic judges are, recognize my fiance from Colombia, Alvaro Pardo?

And how did Alvaro Pardo know the police and FBI in Wenatchee? and nod off at them while driving up to see my Uncle Pablo?

My son and I were tortured and it's funny how Alvaro Pardo was solving everything.

If my son was raised by a Roman Catholic, the U.S. would quit torturing us.


Hey Alvaro! Can I see your Green Card?! How about your WIFE?

Could it be that some members of my own family are willing to torture their own relative if she isn't Catholic? what? they were so mad that I was upset with my mother about some things that they decided to punish me too?

I mean, I know what the original crimes are against me, but now they have taken my son from me and I don't even see him? oh yeah, but they go along with Wenatchee mafia crap and corrupt Judges.

Which Catholic Judges felt appeased having Alvaro Pardo controlling things? Warren? Hotchkiss? Nakata? Harmon? Bridges? Or was it all of them? afterall, all of them are Roman Catholic.

My Uncle Valentine is extremely strong Catholic. Everything he does is for his church. And he and Pablo came to the U.S. together, at the same time, from Mexico. My own cousins wouldn't even speak to me when I was in Wenatchee.

They would not even speak to me or answer the phone.

I call that "real, true 'family'."

So what's the deal? My son and I get tortured by Catholic military and my relatives keep their mouths shut since they're Catholic or connected?

If you're getting blackmailed by dirty cops and dirty Judges in Wenatchee, I would say it's likely that the Avila's will do whatever they're told to do, just because CPS and the dirty cops and judges have them under their control.

Which means something like this--Nakata and other dirty Judges who deal in coke and sniff on the side, along with most of the lawyers there, and Hotchkiss, they talk to Locklyn. The Locklyn they've personally known for years. They say something like, "We took Oliver away from Cameo" (at a time I didn't get along with my Mom or Dad) and that's after torturing us. So they assign a Catholic guy, Paul Cassel, who deals. Paul and Hotchkiss are best friends and used to have a firm together. So Paul covers for all the other Catholics. All of them. And he refuses to get my medical records and refuses to request Change of Venue when it's obvious there is prejudice which cannot be overcome in that entire region. Paul screwed my case up from the very beginning, on purpose.

My Aunt and Uncle already wanted my son for themselves after 3 months. My Aunt wouldn't speak to me and was mad that my mother and I had not gotten along. When I was forced across the border from Canada, both my mother and father refused to even help me with money to get back to Wenatchee. They said, "It's your fault and you shouldn't have left!" I had $30 on me and my parents wouldn't wire me a cent and my mother spoke harshly, not like "I'm so sorry this happened to you".

Meanwhile, my Mom and Dad are U.S. government psychics. It's not like they didn't know we were being tortured. They knew.

I kept asking, in the middle of all the religious hate crime, to move back to Coquille to be next to them, with Oliver. They said no. At the same time they were saying no to my son Oliver, the CIA and military has my Dad playing with the McGhees girl. And working for THEM. When I asked my family to come visit me and my son in E. Wenatchee when we were being tortured, I asked my Dad several times if there was anything at all he wasn't telling me about. They said no and sort of "accidentally" left out the fact they work for the U.S. or are forced to work with them.

At that time, my Aunt Holly hated my guts. She yelled at me over the phone and refused to help me clean my house when I invited her to come over because I was ill from being tortured there. She screamed at me and was nasty. My Aunt Locklyn was also nasty and refused to speak to me, along with all of my cousins. The last time I saw my cousin Rani, was after she deserted me, on my birthday, with some cokehead she knew. I was drunk and ended up being raped by an Italian guy in Wenatchee and the Wenatchee police knew who it was. My Dad was mad at me because I was so shocked that my son and I were being refused a chance to move next to them, and because they had told me to plead GUILTY for Judge Warren and some Catholics on a "misdemeanor" that I didn't commit, I said I was changing my son's name on his birth certificate. I told my Dad I was taking out the part about "Robert Guy". My Dad was livid. During this time, I didn't know that my parents worked for the U.S. or were forced to work for them and didn't realize someone could be pressuring them or torturing them to do and say certain things. So I just blamed them.

However, my mother's family in Wenatchee, was cold and none of my cousins called. Now my son has been adopted by THEM.

Looking back, I know they were also tortured and there were people controlling them. However, I also know that by the time I was being tortured with my son, I was not on good terms with my family and was fine with leaving them all behind, esp. when we were being tortured and no one cared to have us stay with them.

In the entire time I had my son, The Guzman's and Avilas NEVER visited, even though I invited them too.

I think they are into drugs and the mafia.

And I think, that since THEY got into hot water and into a position where they could be blackmailed by WA State members, THAT is why the U.S. military and CIA and FBI and whoever, wanted them to have my son.

They can blackmail the Avilas.
They can blackmail the Guzmans.

But they can't blackmail ME.

Even if it is only ONE family that is involved with drug stuff with the Judges and lawyers and doctors there, that's enough. One family and those family members will put the other relatives in a position of doing what they're told so other family members don't get hurt, beat up, or hauled in by the same Judge that does coke that has some kind of dirty secret on them.

They were probably punishing and torturing my parents in Coquille, WA, but they were also mad at me. My grandparents even said, "Why aren't they helping you?" Probably, having the FBI and CIA twist your arm under a military contract has something to do with it. But also, they weren't happy with me, bc I didn't know what was going on, and I just knew that my son and I were being terrorized.

I'm sure that whatever family animosity came up, those responsible for hate crimes, used it to their own advantage or believed, "Good. Now they won't know when we torture them or won't care" or something like that. Sort of the "divided family" theory of making us weaker so they could be stronger in their hate crime.

At any rate, I thought it was strange my cousins ignored me and I was happy with my son anyway. But in the meantime, the religious hate crime people still had a motive for trying to lock in the damage they'd done and how they'd obstructed justice.

They would easily get away with it, if they could blackmail my mother's family.

So that's what they did. We were tortured and there was nothing I could do about it. My Dad maybe wanted to talk but couldn't. I brought up Mossad and Carmen, my brother's Army spy wife, about lost her marbles her eyes jerked open so quick with alarm.

I left for Canada because there was no place else to go and we were being tortured. Then I was defamed and illegally hauled back to the U.S. where Michelle Erikson talked about "how horrible it is you write these things about your family."

Really. So let me think. It's so horrible, and yet HER ruining my life and lying about me, which affects my family is NOT 'horrible'? I'm sure Michelle cares a whole bunch about my "family".


I am the only one in my family that no one can blackmail.

Since I am the only person who can't be blackmailed, who never worked for the mafia or for the government, and who never did anything illegal to get blackmailed over, and since my character and reputation were flawless before I filed lawsuits, I was a credible witness.

I was still a credible witness when I got to Wenatchee but they wanted to change that.

If they couldn't blackmail me and control me, they didn't want anyone to believe a credible witness when she's reporting religious hate crime and obstruction of justice.

The best way to discredit someone is to create a false criminal rap sheet and call them mentally ill. I'm the only person they keep out of money too.

Why? because they can control all of my family members EXCEPT for ME.

Which means, religious hate crime puts my son with the Avilas who aren't happy with me. Holly gets attached and Pablo gets attached and then to cover up religious hate crime, after awhile the military is called upon to do their dirty work on my son. Probably, it began the moment Judge Hotchkiss illegally gave the State temporary guardianship.

Then, let's say Valente (just picking on Valente right now) knows something about the Judges but the Judges have something on him. The police have something on him, and authority to beat people up too...

So the military starts torturing and using my son for their own purposes and they have easy access to my son because dirty cops and Judges blackmail the Guzmans and make threats about what THEY will do if anyone "tells on them". So they molest and torture my son Oliver.

The Avilas, to protect themselves and to protect the Guzman's don't tell anyone, because it's not just dirty cops at the door, it's dirty FBI too.

The buck stops there.

You get dirty FBI involved, and people believe they have NO recourse. Who do they turn to? No one. They can't run, they can't hide, and they have no one to turn to for help.

So after testing this code of silence and making sure people don't talk, and knowing they will be able to control the Avilas, they are more than happy to have them adopt Oliver Garrett.

Thanks to the crimes my family members have committed, for which they are blackmailed, my son is not safe from U.S. government FBI, Judges,dirty cops, and military or CIA.

So the religious hate crime continued and they wanted ME to see it with my own eyes. The State did. Anne Crane did. Tony Block, who personally knows the Italian man that raped me on my birthday and who was present at the very first hearing when I was back from Canada.

Whatever crimes a few family members of mine committed, I am very sure they are minor compared to what the government and religious hate crime groups have done. But if it's enough to go to jail over, or even if they're innocent and dirty cops and FBI are involved, they are going to be blackmailed.

Since I cannot be blackmailed, they've kept me out of money and tried to discredit me.

The U.S. is responsible for allowing religious hate crimes to continue and for the torture of Oliver Garrett.

They are also responsible for illegally using their authority to abuse their positions of power for reasons of concealing this hate crime, and punishing a credible witness with removal of her child from her guardianship.

I would say, torturing my child and having me see him like this in visits at the CPS State offices, is an illegal attempt to intimidate a witness.

And, I would argue, defaming a witness as "mentally ill" is a form of obstruction of justice to render a witness ineffective in a court of law.

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