Saturday, December 10, 2011

Oliver is Tortured & Anne Crane

I overheard my son today at this wedding reception and he's still being tortured and this is the Catholic church and the U.S. government.

I was told he was playing and then I heard his voice, and he was making the sound he makes when he's hurt or something or not happy, and I said, what was that and was told "Pablo is putting his shoes back on." I said, "I know that was Oliver making that noise." My mother said it was some other kid.

They are having to LIE for criminals.

The only reason my son would act like that about having his shoes put on, is if someone has tortured him with shoes that are too tight for his feet, or people like Anne Crain/Crane, who is a CRIMINAL, still has access to him.

Anne Crain/Crane is a Roman Catholic criminal who was hired to supervise visits of my son. Tony Block is a criminal. Every person put in charge of this case, which was to PUNISH me for filing an action against Mt. Angel Abbey and The Willamette Week, has been Catholic.

It is religious hate crime.

It is a CONFLICT of INTEREST to ask ANY Catholic FBI member to investigate or be in charge of ANYTHING to do with me or my family.

Then, after I was told that someone was putting my shoes on my son's feet, someone cut out all of my electricity at my place, even though I wasn't running enough things to have it cut out, forcing me to put MY shoes on and go outside and flip the breaker.

The Catholic church used military as their cover. It's Catholic military and CIA and the Catholic members of the FBI have been happy to go along even though their idiots for not even realizing what kind of criminals they've covered for when they RAPE their own kids.

Nice sheepskin.

Is that like, a wolf in sheep's clothing or something?

(I just had a tag for "Hebrew" and then one for "Israeli Government" stick my hand while I was making tea. I was reaching for a bag of something and my hand touched a pile of the pieces of papers I have where I tore them up and decided randomly who to pray for that day or whatever, and other things and these 2 just stuck onto my hand bc it was wet from picking my tea stainer out. It doesn't mean anything, but I do not the only people to blame are not now 100% Roman Catholic because later they were involved too, and under it all, some of them were involved)

1 comment:

  1. I read the article in the Willamette Weekly. Why do you say it defamed you? Can you explain?
