Saturday, December 10, 2011

Catholic Religious Hate Crime (RICO) & Archdiocese Bankruptcy

In my last post I explained how many Roman Catholics, one after the other, were involved in obstruction of justice. There were so many of them, and always getting ahead to be the first in control in order to screw things up, that after 6 years of this, they knew they needed a good cover.

Just from the list of those Roman Catholics who were in Social Services, FBI, police, and Judges and former lawyers alone, they are 99% Roman Catholic. From 2000-2006 it was this way.

It was 2004 that I reported religious hate crime to the FBI. By 2006, after colluding further to obstruct justice and put me under false arrest, involving Judges, they knew they needed a very good cover.

It was in about 2006, then, that they began trying to shift blame to other people who were not Roman Catholic. They started trying to spread it out among anyone else they thought they could use as a scapegoat because after they ultimately acheived what they wanted, by the time I started asking for FOIA records from the FBI, they knew they were in trouble.

Not only that, they began torture as part of their cover, and they didn't want it to appear as though their religious hate crime had moved from mere harassment, vandalism, slander and false arrest and obstruction of justice, to outright torture. They didn't like the fact that I had caught onto the triggering of my migraines around hearing dates either.

It was while contacting the Bullivant law firm offices, in Portland, Oregon, that I began having the technology problems with my fax machine being fried and having electronic harassment by communications. That was 2004 and it mainly started after I reported the Catholic FBI agents.

Every single person, without exception to the rule, was Roman Catholic. It is possible the Roses or some other jewish group did something protective for themselves around this time, and here and there I noticed a Jewish person, but each and every person obstructing justice to my face, at least, and defaming me in records, was Roman Catholic. I believe that by the time I was trying to get FBI records, the Roman Catholics, knowing I had already attempted to report "religious hate crime" were then motivated to discredit me further and by that time, they needed other people to believe them or join in.

They couldn't keep it all about Roman Catholic mafia crime within government. They needed to convince a few Protestants and Mormons and whoever else, that there was something wrong with Cameo Garrett in order to avoid going to jail en masse.

I remember that any time someone was trying to block me from courts or from pursuing my actionable claims, the Roman Catholic members were colluding to use the law or law enforcement (their friends within) to distract or distress me so I couldn't do anything further.

One of the instances had to do with The Vatican.

The Roman Catholic church and Vatican were after me because not only had they stirred up hate crime, I knew things about their litigation, which they were doing, which was to outsmart their own innocent members of their church--the kids sexually assaulted by clergy.

As for "SNAP" and these different clergy survivors groups that claim to help victims, they put on an amazing show. They did with me, and then showed their true colors. They basically travel around to all these different lawsuits and support their church. They claim to be supporting the victims but they're not. Innocent members of their own church were getting ripped off. And I knew about it.

I was about to file something in this regard in Portland, Oregon and they forced me out of my lawsuit. I still had all of my evidence though, and when I was living in Washington State and found out they were trying to have their "Archdiocese Bankruptcy Case #2" I knew I could admit evidence into that case as a third party with an interest in proceedings. The 1st Bankruptcy Case that was WON, was a sham. It was basically almost criminal, because there was so much lying and many of the plaintiffs lawyers put on a nice face for their client, while they "forgot" or never "found" the evidence and laws they knew they could use to get a complete victory. Some of these lawyers didn't want a victory for their client, because they were still snowed into the idea that any potential victory would harm their church. Some Jewish and Mormon churches had an interest in proceedings, because the same precedent that was set by these cases, would affect their own synogogues and denomination. If the Roman Catholic church got to file for Bankruptcy, THEY could too. It would still be a church by church structure basis, but these guys, and all these insurance companies, had that in mind.

Church is Big Business. It's a nice small business if you're independent. But if you're part of a church that spans the world over and is huge, it's Big Business. And sexual assault of children is then corporate crime, which is why the FBI hated me and was involved in screwing me over to help their friends from the start.

Goodbye Innocence and if you think the people at organizations like "The Innocence Project" are good people, think again.

The FBI mainly attacked my family and used their friends after I made some reports about fraud and lawyers and then reported religious hate crime. But they already followed me and knew who I was, because that case was a history maker and I was in it. And, unfortunately, I was the only one with enough "religious education" and brains combined, to know most of the lawyers there were NOT doing their job.

They didn't want me there because I brought too much to the table.

So when I found out there was a "glitch" in the Portland Archdiocese case, and had my evidence together, I was about to file it and got obstructed and falsely arrested in Oregon for "suspended license" that wasn't suspended.

Most of the Catholics don't care about the victims in their own church. They care about their church and that's it. And that's what they're raised and trained to do, which is why the FBI protects their church as most of them are Catholic. The "authority" they are commanded to obey, as members, is not the U.S. Constitution. It's the Pope and a country that isn't part of the United States: The Vatican. They get all kinds of arguments about how if their church is exposed, it's bad because people will "lose the faith" so some of these people, like Jesuits and other organizations, are still acting like old-fashioned middle-ages zealots and Crusaders to protect Mother Mary and Mother Church. They don't CARE about the U.S. and a few kids getting raped is not priority to Mother church's reputation and the potential fall-out.

Right after the Catholic won their victory for The Vatican, with the assistance of the FBI and by defrauding the public, they decided "It worked!" and moved to file the second case for bankruptcy in Spokane, Washington.

They filed the Archdiocese Bankruptcy case in Spokane, Washington in 2005 or 2006. And the religious hate crime in Spokane was channeled through a Roman Catholic regional director of social services, to Wenatchee, to attempt to take my son and punish my family.

I spoke up again, and was about to file something in the bankruptcy case in Spokane, that proved the public had been defrauded, and that lawyers should have known, and that the Vatican and Catholic church DEFINITELY knew. I attempted to file these documents, and BAM...torture. Not just torture, but CPS making house visits. I told Christa Schneider, and sent her emails about what I had discovered and planned to do.

The Department of Justice and FBI absolutely knew of those plans. They got their friends in the DOD (military) and CIA to begin immediately torturing me and my son. And to this day, the public has never seen what I was going to file, which proves these people are ALL


If you win cases worth several billions, saving your church hundreds of billions, you do not want some scrappy girl named Cameo Garrett showing you up as being criminals, especially not when you're trying to put on a good religious face.

In addition, these criminals, if they know about Cameo's parents, begin to suspect "someone is helping her" because they couldn't figure out how I knew so much.

I knew, by READING for myself.

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