Friday, December 9, 2011

Newly disclosed information: Catholic Mafia Military & CIA (4-5 Counts of Obstruction of Justice)

Someone came into my house and stole my underwear and did a bunch of things to my house.

The only people who have had access to my house are U.S. employees.

I only had a few pair of underwear and it's not hard to miss, and no, I didn't lose them or misplace them. They were stolen.

Along with stealing my underwear, someone tampered with my food and drink, and put bits of things into my food and teas and herbs.

The only people with an interest in getting into my house are military and police--the U.S. people around here who try to guess what I'm doing and then want to go through my entire house and see if they guessed correctly; tamper with my food; and do other things.

The last time I wrote about this, they had come into my house and smeared feces all over my bathroom.

It was right after I wrote about this girl that my Dad was working with for U.S. govt. research mind control-psychic crap. The same one that somehow, Bill O'Reilly had an inside line to.

They took our family dog over to this house, where this girl's "grandparents" are, for the next few days, instead of leaving him here with me, where he prefers to be.

Their names are Rick and Sheila McGhee.

I think I've figured out why I noticed some kind of jealousy from Sheila when I first met her. I wrote about that, on this blog, after I met her and "Rosemary", whose husband is a cop, I wrote I didn't notice too much about Rosemary to start with, but from Sheila, I knew she didn't like me and didn't want me here. And, I noticed some kind of territorial dislike, and I didn't know what that was about until I met her grand-daughter.

Now it makes sense. Sheila didn't want my Dad's attentions to her grand-daughter, to be shifted to me, his daughter, or be affected in any way. She didn't want me there and gave me this odd artificial and stiff hug, because she already felt possessive.

Supposedly, it's HER "daughter's daughter."

My instincts were absolutely, 100% correct.

I met them, Sheila and Rosemary, before I ever met the rest of these CIA wackos. All of them are into psychic or "seer, prophetic, word of knowledge," gifts, whatever. Like I said, I use the word "psychic" loosely, not in the sense of psychics like witches or mediums with crystal balls, but also in the neutral govt. sense (whether religious or not, in every culture, God sometimes gifts certain people this way, I believe, and it doesn't make them good or bad, just uniquely gifted), and in the spiritual and even "saints" and martyrs sense where Biblical people and christians can have gifts they attribute to God, and call spiritual gifts (see Book of Acts).

I met Sheila and Rosemary before I ever met anyone else, including Sheila's grand-daughter. And I even told my parents, when I got back home, "They seemed fine, and I sensed a good energy from somewhere with the worship, but Sheila doesn't want me here and she's jealous or, it's like she feels I might take Dad's attentions away or influence you or something."

She was wearing purple that day I met her and my Mom's pills for thyroid are purple so after I first met Sheila I told my Mom, "I met The Purple Pill."

My Mom said what do you mean and I said, "Sheila. She's not happy I'm here."

My Mom said nonsense or something and then I explained and my Mom said she and Dad were good friends. I said, "Maybe that's it but she's feeling very territorial about something and doesn't like the fact that Dad's happy with me here." I added, "It's like she resents the fact I'm here."

Then, right enough, I was 100% accurate in my estimation of Sheila's feelings. I later met her "grand-daughter", who, I guess, my Dad spends his time with and the entire time the U.S. military, police, and CIA obstructed my Dad from contact with his own kids, me and my brother, and his only grand-son, he was over here "playing" with Sheila's grand-daughter. Not just playing with, but working with for govt. programs.

Was I right, or
Was I right?

Sheila didn't want me here.

She wanted my Dad all to her herself and her grand-daughter and...her daughter? So no big deal, I mean, she's a little girl, so I thought it was great! However, then I started putting some things together...

1. Aha. This is why Sheila resents my being here and is jealous and territorial about my Dad.
2. Aha. More U.S. govt. research on little kids.
3. Aha. Wait a second...while my brother and I were being assaulted and refused contact with my parents, and while my son, their grandson, was being assaulted and tortured, they have him over here spending his time with someone else's KID? And that's not even the point. They had my Dad working with this girl like SHE was ME.

The first time I met her, I thought, cute little girl and didn't notice much or pay attention. I was friendly with her and that was about it. There were a bunch of horrible people there, some from TN even. And it was at Keith and Pam Lewis's house and I thought, "They are torturing my parents here too." I got home with the Lewis smell on my clothes and the dog was freaking out and scared.

I didn't even think about how her dragging feathers around or trailing them while playing with the dog was what I did as a kid. They had her dressed up in a dress to match one that I had bought. Same print, same maker of the dress, and she was dressed up in it.

Here's another thing I noticed with this group--they were just like some bizarre govt. child programmers that I met in TN, who let their kids fall extremely hard and then would laugh at the kid. It sounds weird, but I later read about some kind of MK-Ultra or Illuminati training that encourages this, seriously, and they do WHACKED things to kids and infants to "form them". They're philosophy is basically Spartan. It looks like hugs and kisses on the outside, and in reality, they do all these bizarre and unnatural things to infants and children to form their personalities and psyche a certain way and to condition them. It's like taking the 2year old and removing a loved parent to cause a split in the personality and traumatize them. They do things like this, and they have some kind of whacked out reason for doing other too: i.e., injuring skulls and reshaping them at birth by cranial manipulation, creating a traumatic split in the personality through removal or distance of a parent, letting kids fall on purpose and laughing at them, sexual assault or physical assault to condition them.

It's basically the Spartan method of taking the baby outside of the walls of the city and letting them suffer by themselves, alone, naked and in the cold, for a day or days or however long it is, and if they don't die, they bring them back into the community.

Real "enlightened".

It's Caveman Parenting.

Supposedly, the U.S. military and government, does the same thing, to create little "soldiers" like the Spartans did. And we're supposed to be an advanced civilization too, and interested in human rights. The Illuminati, I guess it's an actual group, also practices many of the same things, worldwide.

So I was at this "gathering" and this new toddler walked right over to a stone stairwell with a wall and not one person got up to "spot" her. Her own parents just watched from a distance. I expected one of them to run over.

Instead, she climbed up and fell over, onto rock stairs. It wasn't a huge fall, but still, it was a fall, and the adults and her own parents laughed. Her own mother and father didn't even budge an inch. They sat there, unmoved, in their chairs. I was the one to go over and pick her up and carry her over while she cried. I saw the same thing happen in TN with women allowing their kids to fall out of their child seats, as toddlers. They were watching them slip and slip and then let them fall and laughed while he sat stunned, scared, and crying.

I'm sorry, but examples like this remind me of how aggregious the kidnapping of my son is. My son is a hostage of the U.S. govt. and was illegally removed from me while THEY tortured both of us.

I thought to myself, "I cannot believe THESE parents are the ones who keep their kids, and I had mine stolen."

I never, in my life, as a nanny or with my own child, left their side for a moment until I knew they were independent enough on their own. For all of the extremely hard work and time-intensive effort I made to have a very happy baby and toddler, we were rewarded with torture and CPS who then allowed more torture.

They took my son from me because they didn't want me to file a lawsuit on his behalf for medical malpractice. The statute is 7 years from time of discovery for children and those doctors, lawyers, and all their friends in CPS in Wenatchee, know it.

Not only that, they accused me of not being a good parent because I wasn't Spartan like they are and believed in an entirely different philosophy of parenting. They got out of being sued, and robbed a baby of his right to damages for his injuries and suffering, and then tried to turn him into a little Spartan soldier. It was another government excuse that padded the crime of obstructing justice by keeping me from suing for my child's damages by employing torture through friends in the military. The medical community and religious hate crime, hitchhiked a ride out of a major lawsuit for childbirth damages and refusal to treat a child for conditions like systemic yeast (when we had insurance and it could have been easily provided)...they hitchhiked a ride out of a lawsuit through their friends in the military. Then they attempted to turn it into a govt. program idea.

That's not government research.

That's torture of a child and his mother to find an excuse to take the kid away and obstruct her from filing the lawsuit she already gave the hospital notice she was filing.

The same hospital I was going to sue is connected to The Roman Catholic Church. Central Washington Hospital.

So again, it was striking to be around all these military and CIA workers and see how they treat children and think about how my child has been kidnapped in this country.

I have experienced criminal obstruction of justice with regard to my attempts to obtain legal remedy and access the courts at least 3-4 separate times:

1. Catholic Church and Willamette Week lawsuits (forced out by John Kaempf, Judge Warren and others--all Roman Catholic members);
Forced out of 2 lawsuits in 2004-2005 through knowing false arrest, obstruction of freedom to travel freely, torture to family who was told to pressure me to quit

2. Farmers Insurance PI Claim: Donna Ciaramella, Judge Warren--(Catholic members). Forced out of lawsuit in 2005 for personal injury money I was entitled to when I was hit by a hit and run driver and broke my knee (they owed me $50,000 and because Judge Warren and Ciaramella & friends coordinated a 2nd false arrest through Warren, I lost this money bc I was in jail and couldn't get to my legal documents). (My parents were threatned and tortured from Coquille, Oregon, to try to persuade their own daughter to plead guilty when there was zero evidence and I was not guilty, and the arrest was false arrest and shouldn't have even made it to court at all because no one was even a witness. It was a police officer, who wrote a charge, with no evidence and with their not being witnesses either. To be charged with any crime, someone is required to be a witness or make a statement and no one was. The police made it up for Catholic Judge Warren, who did a favor for more Catholic church members by knowing if I was jailed I would lose the P.I. money that I was due. This is the second example of pressuring my family or parents to force me out of lawsuits or to take guilty pleas when not guilty, as a benefit to Catholic religious hate crime). I was held in jail without reasonable suspicion, for 14 days, refused personal recogninance on a first-time charge, and Judge Warren refused to file any documents I made from within jail. He kept me there until he and his friends knew it was impossible for me to collect materials to get my Personal Injury money to compensate for all my medical bills. He was also retaliating and getting more revenge for his first crime of colluding to have me arrested in Oregon and my car towed so I couldn't travel, and then refusing to correct himself as required.

3. Medical Malpractice Lawsuit for Childbirth Injuries (Catholic & Methodist church funded hospital, Catholic community clinic, their Roman Catholic lawyers who consulted with John Kaempf and Whittemore, and Stacey Stubblefield, and Roman Catholic members of social services and CPS). Forced out of a malpractice claim in 2006-2007 for myself and my son when we both had serious injuries and damages from childbirth. We were also refused standard of care for systemic yeast infection and then blacklisted to doctors throughout Washington state as having "AIDS". So basically, they denied we had systemic yeast and refused to treat, and said it was rare for babies. Then, they spread lies to other doctors about how I must have AIDS because the only way for a baby to get it is if the mother has AIDS or something and is immuno-compromised. The entire time, my son and I had been living in a moldy house that should have been condemned right after the owners pulled up the floorboards in my bathroom. In fact, they kicked us out at this time, but they put up no notice to the health department about mold until several years later, I went back to the house and there was notice posted on the door about how the building was condemned for mold and then later, I talked to a resident who described the mold problem she'd had there. I was secretly defamed and my son and I refused treatment at the same time. And, I was called crazy to CPS for claiming my son and I had health problems we needed treatment for. I was forced out through use of illegal torture, fraudulent complaints to CPS by medical professionals, and the removal of my guardianship status from my son, making it impossible for me to sue on his behalf or access his medical records after CPS took him.

2004: 1 count obstruction of justice to prevent court remedy and justice
2005: 1 count obstruction of justice to " "
2006: 1 count obstruction of justice " "

Probably more counts than that, because deliberate false arrest and other things might be separate, or using military for personal reasons and personal protection (to get out of being sued) is probably misuse of CIA and military appropriations. Also, this doesn't include use of military to trigger migraine on hearing dates, which might be separate, but I don't know if you lump it altogether or what. So far 3different specific court actions that were obstructed illegally.

Oh yeah, and right after they obstructed justice in 2004, 2005, and 2006, they want to torture us.


It continues. While other forms of obstruction of justice occured, in the same specific category of forcing my actions out illegally, actions which I filed, this one is next, oh wait, there was one about Judges before this--I filed something about judicial corruption in Portland federal courthouse I believe and it was ignored. Would have to go back and look at record but it was in 2005. Then, this:

4. Preliminary Injunction for Right to Continued Visitation (Roman Catholic clerks and Judges from Eastern District Court in Spokane, Washington (Edward Shea and Cynthia Imbrognio), Courtney Tiffany of Wenatchee's El Mundo press and library, and others). I filed for Preliminary Injunction at this courthouse in 2010 before an Order was entered that terminated my parental rights. I asked for immediate injunction to prevent visitation from being obstructed and in order to review the illegality of my son's removal from me in the first place. It was timely filed, by efile. The courthouse allowed me to file other things in the same way until AFTER I efiled my Motion for Preliminary Injunction. It may be a rare case when members working for an actual courthouse illegally obstruct an actionable cause, and that is what occured. Those involved were all members of the Roman Catholic church. The Judges Edward Shea and Cynthia Imbrognio are Irish-Catholic and Italian-Catholic respectively and are active members of the church. I had already efiled, and then after it was sent, they wrote back to me to say that a Judge decided they would no longer accept efiling from me. I sent an email saying, "This is a Motion for immediate action against the State Court, for preliminary injunction to quit an Order from being entered and terminating my right and my son's right to visit eachother." With a motion for Preliminary Injunction, for those who do not know, what the court is required to do, is upon receipt, it is one of the ONLY actions which will INSTANTLY and upon the moment received by the court, bring all future State action to a halt. Injunction means they get blocked and must wait until the federal court hears the argument of the petitioner (me) about why the State court action, if not blocked, will result in irreparable (unrepairable) damage and then an argument is made as to what rights are about to be severed which are in dispute.

It is not a "restraining order" which is decided down the road, after a hearing date is made, at more leisurely pace. An injunction is a quick cut, right to the jugular of a corrupt body which is attacking a child and mother, which says to all other members of the church or party: HALT.

Once received, upon the minute it is received, it is deemed "filed".

The Eastern District of Washington did not obey the law. In fact, they allowed more members of religious hate crime, Catholic Judges, to obstruct justice.

Instead of obeying the law, and letting the State court know--STOP! as they are required to do, whether or not they agree to the merits, they wrote back to me and said, "We decided we can't take efiling from you anymore."

Not only was I obstructed by people like Courtney Tiffany, at the library, while making my Motion, I then had someone try to "return" an already efiled document. That's obstruction of justice. Because they did not instruct me prior to filing this, that they changed their minds about allowing efiles from me, they were required to accept my efile of Preliminary Injunction.

After I brought THIS to the attention of the court, Italian-Catholic Cynthia Imbrognio wrote an Order on behalf of the court, which was absolutely foul from the get-go and attempting to conceal judidical impropriety and obstruction of justice. She called my Preliminary Injunction a "Restraining Order" request. It was not a restraining order and she knew this as the title for Preliminary Injunction made all too clear. So first, a Judge attempted to obstruct justice by trying to turn away a Motion already filed. Then, upon notice that I knew this was improper and illegal, she filed a document in court to make it appear as though there had been no consequence. The reason she wanted to say it was a restraining order request was because action on that kind of request is determined a week or so later, and is nothing immediate which would be affected by a sudden "change of mind" from Catholic Judges. She knew that if others perceived my action to have been injunction, and that they tried to turn it away, they would be called into question not only for an improper action but also an illegal action as they knew, as Judges familiar with the law, what their "change of mind" affected and how it prejudiced my fundamental rights, which is the very thing I had attempted to protect instantly through an injunction. I would consider her reclassification of my Injunction as "restraining order" to be evidence of an attempt to conceal crime of obstruction of justice. Because they refused to obey the law and attempted to change the rules after I'd already filed for Preliminary Injunction, they knew this gave time for their friends in State Court to write up and enter an Order to terminate my parental rights. Which is exactly what their Catholic friend, Judge Hotchkiss, did.

ALL of these people involved in the aforementioned 4 counts of obstruction of justice are members of the Roman Catholic church.

I would also argue, that the Catholic Judge's "change of mind" was not only obstruction of justice, and concealment of this obstruction by our Italian-Catholic Judge Cynthia Imbrognio, it was Retaliation. This retaliation and revenge underscores the fact that the Catholic Judges knew what they were doing and how this affected my and my son's rights.

Retaliation for what? For not marrying their Catholic friend, Alvaro Pardo. I know Edward Shea also has a special interest in helping people transition from being immigrants to citizens. Since I had not gone through with marrying their Catholic friend Alvaro Pardo instantly, at the snap of their fingers, to benefit themselves, their friends, their plans, and other women's plans, they did all they could, with Christine Gregoire's helpful ideas and planning, to obstruct justice and with wilful knowledge that this obstruction would cause emotional distress of a mother and child.

That's both intentional infliction of emotional distress and obstruction by corrupt Catholic Judges who are protecting and working with other corrupt members of the church responsible for hate crimes against my family.

Did Patrick O'Sullivan then have a shot of whiskey with his friend Edward Shea?

I remembered one other action that I tried to file which was obstructed. I was reminded of how Judge Cynthia Imbrogno is Gonzaga alumni, like Gov. Gregoire, like the current Judge Quackenbush who is also Gonzaga alumni, and remembered another Catholic Judge from Gonzaga who defamed me in a court record after my case was unlawfully transfered out of non-Catholic Judge hands (Unitarian) to him, another Catholic. After this, I tried to file for something else and I was obstructed, right after bringing up how odd it was to find almost all the Judges in courthouses in Washington, and in the Fair Hearings department, are Catholic. Over 80% of Washington's Judges for Fair Hearings is Catholic. Great, if you're Catholic. Not good, if you're a victim of Catholic religious hate crime. I guess that's actually 2 more counts of obstruction of justice to further religious hate crime, so I'll count both of these Fair Hearings cases. That means, there are 5 separate cases of obstruction of justice and access to courts, by Catholic church members, prior to my son and I being tortured. Do you see why these things, along with countless vandalisms and thefts, over several years and across several states, are religious hate crime?! Do you also see how my marrying this Catholic man suddenly made both Jewish and Catholic groups happy enough they were willing to be decent--until I decided NOT to marry him? They reverted back to their old ways, which indicates positive proof for religious hate crime. The other 2 obstructions (on just things I took the initiative to file or actions taken which interferred with actions where I was plaintiff and not defendant, not on actions filed against me):

5. Fair Hearing Case Against Washington State for Unlawful Demand of Infant Social Security Number (obstruction of justice by Catholic clerks and Judges to favor Gonzaga Jesuit Catholic Judge). Forced to have Roman Catholic Judge instead of assigned Judge (non-RC) in 2006, who then defamed me. I had to file an action against Washington State for repeatedly demanding I give them a social security number for my son, then an infant. It is against the law to require a number for an infant and I explained to them that I had been forced to take one for my son at the hospital, against the law, and under threat of removal of my child. Social Services told me I had to give them a number, and it was my social worker Tina Thornton who made the demand. Her supervisor was Donna Titleman and a woman named Tara was involved, but it ultimately, I discovered, went back to a Roman Catholic woman named Barbara, in Spokane, Washington. Barbara was Donna's supervisor and she was RC with her husband active in several Catholic groups. The demand was made by the Roman Catholic woman in Spokane, as they are the regional office. I attempted to communicate with Barbara and explain the law and why I wasn't required to give them a social security number for my son. She said since I already had one, I was required to provide it. I told her I'd been unlawfully threatened to take one and that I had retracted this or was in the process of retracting this from his record entirely. They proceeded to cut off my benefits, knowing then that the only source of income I had (having been forced out of college by Catholics and forced out of my personal injury money by Catholics) was the small amount from welfare which I intended to take only until I registered for college aid again or got onto a temporary physical medical SSI for my childbirth injuries. I was also looking into getting a license to open my own daycare. I went to the licensing department of Social Services and inquired about opening a small daycare and planned to do that for work as I took college classes at night and had my son with me the entire time. Knowing the law, as I forwarded email and links to the law for their review, they cut off benefits to me and my son, knowing this would force us to be homeless if it occured. The people demanding a SS# for my son, for tracking him, were Roman Catholic, once again. I filed a case with Fair Hearings to dispute this decision. I had no obstruction in the actual filing, but once it was received, Catholic members unlawfully took it out of non-Catholic hands, so they could work on it themselves. I found out, right at the beginning. After what Judge Warren had done for his church and fellow religious hate crime members, I checked to see who the Judge was that was assigned. I found out who the Judge was, and they were Unitarian. Next time I checked, it changed. I asked why the Judge had changed and was told, "It's random assignment. Whoever is on duty the day of the calendar it falls on, is the Judge you get." So I asked a clerk to check something for me because I had a feeling about something. I said, so if I filed on this day, then who is the Judge it gets assigned to? and she said it was this Unitarian Judge. I looked them up online and thought, "Neither of them are Catholic, so that's good." So when it changed, I asked why and the clerk said it was strange and she didn't know why. I said, "Did the other Judge recuse herself?" and the clerk said no. She said, "It's supposed to be random assignment and they had it." I said, "So who gave it to someone else instead?" and I found out it was their Roman Catholic supervisor. So literally, a Roman Catholic supervisor, saw that my case was assigned to a non-Catholic, out of a random assignment, and they took it out of their hands and gave it to another Roman Catholic member, a Judge who defamed me so badly in his court statement, that I was then being reviewed by CPS as a "mentally ill" mother. They colluded to make me sound crazy, and this was after I first tried to talk to the Social Services regional director, "Barbara". So instead of getting equal treatment and getting the non-Catholic Judge the day my action landed on, more Catholics trying to screw me over and obstruct justice, gave it to another Roman Catholic, a Gonzaga Judge. His name was Michael. (I will have to confirm Barbara and Michael's last names again). Michael was bad news and I knew it so rather than lose my case, I tried to go up the chain of command to see who to talk to, because I felt there was a conflict of interest. That's when I discovered, going up that chain of command, almost every single "link" was one Gonzaga and Seattle Univerity alumni after the other. Almost all of them were from Gonzaga. So that's when I found out Gregoire oversees this office and I started wondering why Gonzaga and all the Catholics had the monopoly of government chairs. I got to the man at the very top, a black man, and he was THE ONLY one who was NOT Roman Catholic, in the line-up for my region. So I looked at other regions too, out of curiosity. I told him I was concerned about discrimination because of a Catholic conflict of interest. He said he thought it would be okay or something like that. So the case commenced with this Roman Catholic Judge, and technically I won, because my son and I kept our benefits, but ultimately, I lost, because this Catholic man was vicious and took the opportunity to portray me in records as all the other Catholics had attempted, ever since I filed my lawsuit against the Abbey and Archdiocese. Instead of keeping to the facts of the case and what it was over, the unlawful denial of benefits, he used it to express his personal opinions for purposes of defaming me and putting my son in jeopardy of being taken from his mother, regardless of continued benefits. He maliciously described me as paranoid, suffering from some serious kind of mental illness, believes the Roman Catholic church is "The Beast" and quoted me as saying things I had never said. He was the second person to misquote me in Washington at that time, and both men were Roman Catholic. Dr. Parish at Central Washington Hospital attempted to quote me as saying crazy things, and making rape claims about the FBI, and Dr. Parish put this in the chart twice. Michael was the second Catholic to defame me in a written record in WA (aside from police and Catholic Judge Warren). I asked him for an audio copy of the hearing to counter what he had said about me, but shortly after this, my son and I were being tortured through the Catholic church connections to CIA and military. Right after this, WA State social workers, through Catholic Barbara over in regional Spokane offices, and Donna Titleman, refused to reimburse me $1,000 for money I was owed from transportation to medical appointments for me and my son, under the direct instruction of the State. (To this day, 4 1/2 years later, I have Catholics in Oregon, spitefully using this idea of reimbursement as a form of harassment, telling me, for example, that I can't go to the Coos Bay community college and get financial aid but maybe if I pay first they will "reimburse" me later.)

6. Fair Hearing Case Against Washington State for $1,000 Owed Money (obstructed by several Catholic clerks in Olympia in Fair Hearings department, and several Catholic women with CPS and Social Services in Wenatchee, as well as Donna Titleman (jewish, is what they told me, but I have not confirmed whether she is Jewish or Catholic)). In 2006 I was obstructed from filing a case to collect $1,000 from The State of Washington that was owed me. In retaliation for my winning a case against them (administrative case), they refused to pay back money they owed me. I tried to file a case and was repeatedly obstructed by persons in the Wenatchee social services offices and my social worker refused to file my request as she is responsible for doing. They are required to put your request in and you get assigned a Judge and they refused. Instead, they sent CPS to my house for the first time. The persons responsible for obstructing filing of this case were Tina Thornton, Donna Titleman (who perjured herself in the previous hearings), and several Catholic workers at Olympia, who took my calls and told me they put my request in but never did. The clerks I talked to were both male and female and they lied and kept saying they filed something but didn't file. Instead, they contacted friends in CPS and had CPS come to visit me instead of paying me the $1,000 they owed me.

In my agreement to receiving benefits from the State, since I did not work, my responsibility was to keep up with medical appointments for myself and my son. My son and I were forced out of all medical care in the entire Wenatchee community, and the Omak-Okanogan community nearby, so we had to go to Seattle for appointments. I was told that because WA State made my going to medical appointments a condition of keeping benefits, and because they had letters from medical clinics and hospitals stating they refused to treat me and my son locally, I was told I would be required to make and attend appointments in Seattle and that my mileage would be reimbursed. They reimbursed me one time, or for a couple of trips. I was paid, by check, for the mileage to travel to and from Seattle. I received only $400 or so per month in cash and most of it went to my rent. They knew how much my rent cost because it was required I give them this information. So they reimbursed my mileage to establish the idea that yes, this was the deal, and they would promptly pay me back for requiring me to travel to Seattle. After the State of Washington reimbursed me the first time, they continued to ask me to attend appointments, knowing that I had rent to pay and if they did not reimburse me, I wouldn't have enough money to pay my rent. For example, my rent was due by the 15th of the month. I got $400-so on the first of the month. I had to use this money for gas for medical appointments between the first and the 15th. If the State of Washington didn't reimburse me on time, I didn't have enough money for paying my rent. They set up this payment plan after they lost the first case with me. After they established the new rules for keeping my benefits, since they couldn't take them away for my non-disclosure of a social security number for my son, they used the new rules to screw me over. They lost, and then said, "Okay, we have new requirements for you Ms. Garrett. You must make and attend medical and dental appointments for the injuries and things you say you have. This will be required for keeping your benefits and we will reimburse you the cost of travel." So they set it up to reimburse me the first time, establishing my confidence that they would pay me back promptly, and then they stiffed me and had me and my son kicked out of housing because I didn't then have money for rent (though the real reason was huge mold issue at the apartment). Even when they didn't pay me for travel costs, if I was short on rent money, there were other certain safety nets and they refused to provide this. What they did instead, was to have CPS visit my house and then offer me and my son a 1-way bus ticket out of the State. After I was paid the first time, I continued with appointments, and then turned in my mileage and asked for reimbursement. They refused. I asked Tina Thornton, what do you mean, you're not reimbursing me? you made that the requirement for me to keep benefits! And she said, "Our regional offices in Spokane (Catholic Barbara) has instructed us not to reimburse you." I said, "Are you kidding me?! You required me to go to these appointments and paid me back the first time and never said you were no longer reimbursing me and you gave me NO notice that you wouldn't reimburse me. I just spent several hundred dollars driving to Seattle and back for all these dental and medical appointments and I will not be able to pay my rent if you refuse." She said, "Regional offices told us we can't." I had used what little I had of savings or borrowed a couple from my grandparents or something, until I could pay them back, and then my money from my benefits, and I didn't even have enough for my rent because of their denial. She said, "You can file a case to contest it." I said, "File a case after I've lost our apartment because I can't pay the rent? because WA State refuses to pay me?" Then I tried to file a case and it was blocked and never even noted up in Olympia. Ever. At this point, I was frantic. First they tried to kick me off of benefits for refusing to give them a social security number and then they tried to kick me off in retaliation by refusing to pay me money they owed me and my son. All of this, coming from another Roman Catholic member. In the meantime, my house was being repeatedly broken into and my tires slashed every Friday and Saturday. It was after I gave the hospital a notice that I was going to find a law firm in Seattle to represent me on medical malpractice for me and my son, and after I got an X-ray that proved my pelvis was fractured and deemed "from traumatic childbirth" that Catholic Barbara refused to pay me for already spent mileage.

They didn't want me driving to Seattle anymore. Why not? unless they didn't want me to file a lawsuit while I was there for medical reasons.

Next thing I knew, it was CPS at my door, saying they had a complaint (for the first time) and then Tina Thornton called me into her office and said they had an offer to pay for all my moving costs to leave Washington state.

Leave Washington State.

Leave Washington State after cutting me off from driving to Seattle. Leave WA State so it's impossible to file a lawsuit in the proper jurisdiction. How convenient. Leave WA State.

She said the offer was through CPS and that they had coordinated things with Utah Social Services and could have us move there. When I refused to move, and said, "I can't move. I have to file for medical malpractice for our damages" they refused to pay anything from the provision that allows for emergency payment of rent. They were responsible for the fact I couldn't pay my rent. So then we were given an eviction notice. I didn't even realize, at the time, that when the landlords had started working in my bathroom that same month, they had discovered a huge mold problem and told us to be out of the house for a day or so. After that, I was given an eviction notice, because they said they were renovating the entire building and maybe selling it.

I tried to find a new apartment to rent and NO ONE in the entire Wenatchee community, would rent to me. I found out I was getting blacklisted everytime a landlord called Social Services or my former landlord. Finally, I found apartments above this Ukrainian restaurant, and I liked the space, but after we sat down and talked to the man, they said no, after talking to someone. So my son and I had nothing. During this conversation about renting from them I had barely heard something in the news about a Russian guy who went to England getting poisoned soup and I said, "Did you hear about..can you believe it?" since he was from the area, so I figured, might have heard. I didn't follow Russian news at all, it was just a small snip I caught and tried to relate with him about. He said, in response, "He should have kept his mouth shut!" abruptly. I was so shocked, that I admit, I later, for the first time in my life, called CIA and just said, "I don't know but this guy said _________ and I thought it was sort of a strange response." That was all I said. I said nothing more and I don't even know who I talked to except that it was a man. It lasted maybe a couple of minutes and then I thought, "I did my duty and that's it." I never told my parents, I told no one but probably, knowing that town, everyone knew anyway. I was already being bugged and followed since I reported the FBI misconduct and tried to report religious hate crime to them in 2004.

I wasn't trying to cause a problem, I was just thinking "I've never heard of such a thing!" and then in retrospect realized sometimes this is just the Russian way or manner of speaking--whether it sounds "right" or not. (I've already explained this before). So after this, and after Social Services and CPS tried to bribe me to leave the State of Washington (vandalisms replicating what happened and started in Oregon were occuring there), my son and I were tortured. I saw his wife smirking at me at the post office after this and seriously wondered if they were part of it, but since so much vandalism and harassment was from Catholics, I figured it was now Catholics in CIA and U.S. military, torturing us. Also, they had already been doing things in Oregon, like triggering migraines and things, so the shoe fits them. However, if there was any animosity or concern from any Russian or Ukrainian, I am sure they would contribute. Not "they" but some of them, and many in that area are Catholic Ukrainian and know Abbot Nathan Zodrow who had been raised in . The same man who spearheaded a lot of Catholic violence against me before I even filed my lawsuits in 2004.

So, that's 6. Six counts (at least) of obstruction of justice in 6 different cases or injunctions I attempted to file to protect my rights and my son's rights. In each case it was members of the Roman Catholic church colluding to continue religious hate crime and keep me from any kind of equality:

2004. Forced out of 2 lawsuits I filed in OR by illegal means.
2005. Forced out my Personal Injury case money ($50,000) illegally.
2006-2007. Forced out of Medical Malpractice lawsuit for my son
2006. Forced illegally to have Catholic Judge who defamed me in Admin. Case in WA.
2006. Forced out of Admin. Case in WA for payment of $1,000--refusal to note docket.
2010. Forced out of Preliminary Injunction to protect my fundamental right to my son.

So, um, that's just stuff that I iniated to be filed. I have a list 5x as long for things they iniatiated against me, illegally.

So when someone tries to turn this into a "military" top secret gig, yeah, right. Who believes you know?

Any excuse involving projects, programs, or research is nothing more than a cover for the religious hate crimes which these people still want to keep under wraps. They are all criminals, which is why they used people in the mafia and CIA, military, FBI, police, to torture and assault my entire family. Not only that, this is just what they have done to ME and it has nothing to do with the gifts my parents have and how they tried to use my own family against me to their benefit.

The latest obstruction attempt is to keep threatening and torturing my parents to keep me out of college so I am never on my feet to challenge the illegal hate crime of torturing me and my son and then kidnapping him and calling it something besides what it is.

It's religious hate crime. That's it.

The "new information" is giving a more coherent timeline for some of the things that happened in Wenatchee involving case obstruction of justice. So if you look at this incredible list of things that were done to obstruct justice and illegally block court processes, I think there's enough motive for torture right there, don't you? Imagine, for one thing, Judge Warren going to jail, not just getting disciplined by a judidiciary committee, for colluding with other Catholics who go to jail, for committing crimes? What they did was criminal. You get enough Catholic religious hate crimes and you start generating a very strong motive for influencing people high-up to torture.

Like I said, that's just the list of things I was obstructed from that I tried to initiate. It doesn't include...ohh...I forgot something else.

#7. I will write about it tomorrow. Obstruction from challenging bad judicial decision (discrimination) in case involving perjury and restraining order for "harassment". Yes, I will write about that tomorrow.

Look at the magnitude of what was done, though, to obstruct justice, BEFORE my son and I were tortured. It's BIG.

And I was the one willing to compromise even when we were innocent. I never should have "cooperated" in any way, shape, or form, with criminals who call themselves "Catholics" and U.S. government employees.

I want this nonsense about military or other research to END, an investigation into religious hate crime that I reported back in 2004, and my son returned to me at once. Stop using and torturing my parents and family too.


  1. Why would anyone want to steal your undies? It seems like this is a recurrent theme. Is there a strategic reason for the participants in the conspiracy to deprive you of undies?

  2. Why do people keep stealing your underwear? Is it the Catholics? The Jews? The FBI? The CIA? Who wants your underwear? And what for?

  3. It's not a recurrent theme anymore than stealing other articles of my clothing.

    I think the point of the post, is not about the underwear as much as, along with constant theft of minor articles of my jewelry and clothing and property, since 1992, and more especially since 1999 or so, my son has been kidnapped, my medical records stolen, I've been assaulted repeatedly, and on top of having things like underwear and entire suitcases full of clothing and jewelry, I've had my tires slashed and windows broken and then moving to more major things like obstruction of justice.

    OBSTRUCTION of JUSTICE, is, I think, the larger pair of panties.

    How about torture. How do you rank that?

  4. This is one thing that doesn't make sense. If whatever agency is able to remotely torture you with technology, why would they let you post about it? Why wouldn't they use some form of technology to completely prevent you from blogging about the alleged torture. Thanks for answering my questions about the underwear by the way. If I were a co-conspirator, I would advocate they leave your undergarments alone. That sucks to have underwear stolen over and over again. Hey, maybe it is the underwear gnomes? :)
