Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tortured, Sandbergs & Bad Vibe & McGuires (Hi Sharon!)

The police couldn't get to my parents this afternoon, I guess, so they're being tortured tonight.

I think they are being tortured by local cops.

I've thought about it and no one would dare come onto this private property, knowing people are all the way around, and that they could get caught on film, unless they were officers or people who had officers backing them up.

They left tonight and I had a bad feeling and usually I'm right about that.

It's only dirty cops and FBI that would have this kind of access to my whole family. Military too, but the fact is, the response of local police here, to my complaint about my mother being tortured, was to never respond. Not once did they get back to me.

Instead, my parents were tortured worse with a cop doing "look-out" duties while someone messed up my Dad's hands.

These cops are dirty in opinion. And cops don't feel the power to be dirty unless they think they have someone in the FBI who's got their back.

So military is definitely one thing, and CIA, but it's the cops that have to be dirty if any form of assault and torture is allowed.

I am thinking there is something wrong with my parent's former friends whose daughter was a Chief of Police too.

I think this, because they know me, and when I wrote to Annette before contacting FBI about Bujanda, Garza, and religious hate crime, she was inviting me to see her in D.C. Later, I was shocked and sick to my stomach to get an email from my mother, stating Shirley (her mother) had written and Annette said I sounded mentally ill.

Annette knows I'm not mentally ill.

In fact, since her family has been friends with mine for so long, they know very well what my parents can do and have known for decades.

I always thought that since they knew me and what kind of person I was, they would back me up on things, but I am getting a different idea about things now.

They introduced themselves to my parents when my Mom was 24.

Their daughter went on to be a cop and then went to the top as Chief of Police for the State of Washington.

This means she worked with the FBI. Not for the FBI, per se, but with them, closely. She then got a law degree, which the FBI usually likes, and then she went to D.C. where the FBI headquarters is biting their nails or mocking me (alternately) when I call. She had a job carved out for her there, and then she started her own business where she works with a couple of partners, one of whom is retired FBI.

So when I'm finding out Annette's family is trying to push the "mentally ill" envelope and I'm then being assaulted by people in government and watching my parents get tortured, I have some concerns.

The only people who have ever wanted to say I'm mentally ill, and push this idea, have been people with something at stake to lose. High stakes. The other category would be people who are tortured to say it, "or else".

No one has to like me, or agree with everything I write (I don't even agree with everything I write the next day at times), but to push the mentally ill envelope, you're either tortured to say it, or you have a self-interested and greedy motive for saying it. Then, I think, the 3rd category is comprised of a few innocent groups who just catch part of what's going on or said, and assume, "she must be mentally ill" and sincerely and innocently believe this may be the case.

Annette Sandberg isn't innocent and she's been with police too long to be sincere.

I don't "buy" this "good cop" routine anymore.

For one thing, a "good cop" who has as much influence as she does, wouldn't push this mentally ill idea to the obliteration of my life and they wouldn't ask my parents to push that cart either.

My parents have said nothing about them at all, and it only came to mind when I overheard her call my mom but then I wasn't even listening bc I was online looking at a lot of things and watching a movie and talking to my Dad all at the same time. But I have thought about it now and then, ever since I was told Annette refused to respond to me and ignored my email because they all wanted to say I was nuts.

So I did ask a question the other day, I asked what state they were originally from. Right after they called. I said, "Wasn't it someplace in the midwest?" They shook their heads no, and I said, "I was thinking it was someplace like missouri or illinois." They said, no, they're from Oregon originally.

Something kept saying Illinois though. Missouri or I remember it from when I was a kid, some small talk about where they'd lived and I could have sworn.

For all I know, their background is Catholic too. Maybe not, but that would make for a definite twist. I think it's actually maybe a denomination (christian) but don't know for sure what their background was, possibly Methodist but I don't remember.

What I know, is that it's not okay to say I'm mentally ill Annette. Shirley. Jim. Scott. Lori.

And your agreeing with this makes you a suspect in my eyes.

So what motive would the Sandberg's have for calling me mentally ill? I would settle for greed.

It's just NOT okay.

It's one thing to not get involved or not interfere with anything to do with my life, and it's another thing to pull the old "I didn't want to write back because she sounds paranoid and mentally ill gag."

I mean, how much money did it take to bribe them? Just because Jim and Shirley still live in a trailer doesn't mean they don't have something else going on or put their money someplace else.

I am sitting here writing about being tortured and Annette sits in D.C. and knows EXACTLY what's going on.

I have a very strong feeling they are originally from the Midwest and it's not impossible they aren't Catholic.

So what did the Sandbergs do? use my parents to get to the top? If it's true what I say, that my parents are both gifted with psychic (word of knowledge, prophetic) gifts, how about they maybe used this friendship to their advantage and then screwed us all over but want us to still appear friendly?

I can think of a camping trip we had with the Sandbergs. It was the last time we ever went camping with them, or that I did, with them, and the ENTIRE time I had a bad vibe.

I didn't even understand my sense of getting a vibe back then. I didn't think about it. I know I cried a lot, at night. Not tons, but I used to get a sad sense of something at night and would sometimes even burst into tears and I didn't even know why I was crying. It was always before my bedtime, which was then 7. So, at about 6or so, I sometimes picked up on something very sad.

When we went camping with the Sandbergs that time, I remember being shocked. I had expected it to be fun, esp. with some of the best family friends, and the entire time I had a very bad vibe. And, I said to my mom, "Shirley doesn't like me." Instead of it being fun, I remember the Sandbergs picked on me and if my brother made a joke they said how funny and laughed and if I did, they just stared at me and treated me like an outcast. I DEFINITELY remember Shirley didn't like me and I told my mother what I thought.

I even left the campsite because of it.

I walked away. I was about 11 years old.

It was even dark out and I left.

I remember how the tent was set up or the things over the tents and tables, and the campers.

Shirley never wanted me at the table. At their house, if she and my mom were talking, I had nothing else to do and I would sit at the table and listen. So they talked, talked, talked and then Shirley would get this sharp and I guess, in retrospect, mean and suspicious and jealous, look in her eye and say, "I don't think she should sit here" or something and my mom would say, "Oh she's okay, she's just listening." Sometimes Shirley would whisper to my mom anyway. But I sat there, and even though I saw a glimpse or two, I didn't think "She really doesn't like me" unti that camping trip.

And she didn't. Probably my parents remember and know.

Sometime during the friendship, Shirley became better friends with "Sharon McGuire" who was a real cat, I'm sure.

She hurt my mother's feelings over it but my Mom didn't say anything.

When I broke my arm, in 1982, I was given a Garfield the cat stuffed animal by Shirley's daughter Lori. So that's how far back they've known me.

I read the Garfield comic strip and liked it, so they gave me a stuffed animal of him.

By the way, I am seriously getting tortured, but I'm sure that's to be expected. This is the United States, afterall.

They did this this morning and instead of blogging or leaving the property, I just stayed and did what I had planned to do anyway. And they did not do "torture light". The other day at the library I almost threw up they tortured me so badly. And then the librarians (Catholic) were joking about the "hot zone".

Jim, at least back then, was kindly towards me, but Shirley didn't like me in the least. And then their son Scott noticed I was a "woman" one day and I ignored him, at their house.

He was a Boeing pilot or plane engineer and everything, and good looking, but I had my mind on other things, like going to college and having a career. I still remember what I was wearing the day he noticed me. It was a dress I'd chosen myself, and we saw them after church or something.

In Jr. High and high school, I actually almost never wore pants or jeans. I always wore skirts and dresses. Even in the coldest weather. It was always skirts, of any lenth, and dresses. I had maybe 1 pr. of jeans and no pants at all. Just lots and lots of skirts. So maybe it wasn't after church, but just something I was wearing.

It was a slim fitting dress in olive green cotton (sort of a stiff kind, not thin cotton, more suit-like). The entire dress was solid color--medium-dark olive green. I called it "khaki green" (back then). It was sleeveless, one of few sleeveless dresses, but material went over my shoulder bones. Sleeveless, not spagetti or other straps. It had a Marilyn Monroe wrap kind of front. An oxford shirt color with slightly larger lapels like those of a blazer, fitted over the bust and buttons down the front with one side over the other. Maybe it didn't have buttons. yeah, no buttons, there was one or two on the inside to hold it together. So it was fastened at the waist with a skinny alligator or crocodile dark brown leather look belt with a gold clasp. The skirt was skim fitting over the hips and fell straight to my midcalves. Maybe there were buttons bc I remember them going down the skirt in front so probably a couple near the bust. It was a v neck I guess, how it crossed over. I curled my hair probably. And I wore high heels. I referred to that dress as "my khaki green dress" and it had styling that was a cross between a marilyn monroe dress and a 1920s or 1940s military dress suit or something slightly safari.

So I remember I was wearing that dress and he was flirting with me. And I noticed it was flirting but I gave him the cold shoulder.

He never paid attention to me in the past, at all. But on that day he did. I thought, "This is probably parents trying to set us up" or something and had my mind on other things anyway. I have no idea what he was wearing. I just remember being surprised he was flirting with me and thought, "Is it the dress?" What else should have been different. I guess the other times I was over there I always wore sweats because that's what I wore around our house. So if we went to the Sandbergs I wore sweats or sometimes a comfortable skirt with tights.

So when I say the Sandbergs should know better than to call me mentally ill, I know what I'm talking about.

I know they've been around my parents long enough to know, and been around me long enough to know, and given the kind of work their daughter does, they shouldn't be giving me the handicapped cart.

Bill McQuire. That's it. Bill and Sharon McGuire.

Oooh how fascinating. Bill is a fisherman. And they are members of the Free Methodist Church, which is kind of like Mykal Holt! Oh, and get this for flair:
I looked up this conference she (Sharon) was part of and hmmm...wait. I do believe Bill is a fisherman. However, would want to confirm that this is the correct Sharon McGuire who is a "delegate" for pastors "Michael and Linda Green" with the Rock Larry Rogers or Cornerstone CF. I wonder if they know the McIntosh's.

Look at this...right in Wenatchee, however maybe it's just a relative. I think I remember the McGuires maybe moving but I would have to check. I know they knew who my parents were and they snatched up the Sandbergs into their schemes.

You know what I want to know, is how the clothes that I was wearing, or owned, or borrowed from my mom, ended up being replicated on Kate Middleton.

I know Bill was a lot older than Sharon but I don't remember how much. We never had family outings with them but my mother was called upon to meet for coffee or tea with Sharon and Shirley and then Sharon tried to edge my mother out. McGuire. Hmm, sounds very thistle-like, like Scottish in a way, like McIntosh and McCusker, but I don't know for sure. I mean, U.S.A. citizens, but a throwback.

I'll bet Bill worked for the FBI. Just a hunch.

(I'm waving excitedly at Sharon now: "Hi Sharon! :) ;) Remember ME?!")

I know that when I was younger, my mother always had this "look" on her face after an afternoon with Sharon. First it was fun chatting and sometimes it was just my mom and Sharon even. Then, it got weird and it was like rolling the eyes up to heaven "Sharon". I think they had more money and less brains or something like that and I am not sure if she was prissy or not. I think she wanted to be an Alpha personality. I remember her voice over the phone with my mom as I tried to listen from the side. Now, it's like horror chambers if I bring up her name as I did the other day and I caught my mom off-guard, totally out of the blue. She composed very fast, but there was this quick flash of horror at the mention of the McGuire name.

(Decided to look up Milk Duds. It just came to mind and we ate them a lot. I didn't realize 5 of the caramels is equal to an 8 oz. cup of milk? in calcium? I wonder about Rolos or if all caramels are that way. I grew up with M&Ms, Whoppers, Milk Duds, Raisonettes, Rolos, lifesavers & certs & tic tacs, Good & Plenty. If we went to the movie theater and bought something, it was always raisonettes and popcorn and soda. Oh, and I had almond joys, reeces, payday, kit kats and peppermint pattys. I also bought, not bc of my parents buying them)

You know what's strange? As much as Sharon saw my mother, she avoided me like the plague, like she couldn't face me--or didn't want to acquire the guilt of having to face me.

So this man "Bill McGuire" from the Wenatchee World article--I thought they were still married but maybe not, I don't know. I do know that he was much older than Sharon and was a fishing fanatic. That's the main thing I heard about him: fish and fishing. I maybe heard something about him and cars, but I mainly remember the fishing bit. It IS possible there is some relation. Very strange way to title an article, if you ask me, if this is turning into what I think it's turning into.

What I know, is that someone has been stealing from me for a very long time. Not just someone, but some groups and stealing discreetly bloomed into outright religious hate crimes which worked out great for some parties. Our being tortured has also worked out great as The Best Cover For Crime That Billions Can Buy.

So anyway, my parents got home and my Mom's eyes were completely black and glassy. My Dad's eyes were too, but not like my Mom's. They were as glassy as they were the day Patty took her out and brought her back, stunned. Supposedly they only left this evening to take the dog to the sitters, which is with Sheila and Rick McGhee.


(can I have a Big Mac instead? sans beef and cheese? oh, and sans flour and wheat so that leaves pickles, ketchup, and mustard which has vinegar and I'm phasing that stuff'll just take the wrapper. Make it a clean wrapper. I'll use it for my tinfoil hat while Hate Crime keeps its cover and tortures my mom and dad and family and then LAUGHS about it.)

I said, "You were only at the McGhees?" and my Mom said yes. I stared at her. "Who was hitting you?" I asked. Not only had they been tortured, which was why I had a bad feeling tonight, but someone was hitting my Mom. So, they came back, both with blackened eyes, but my Mom's much much worse, and with my mother's eyes completely glassy.

You know what I was picking up on? More like police hitting my Mom is what I was picking up on. And for my mother to come back with eyes like that, and glassy, that's how Patty Otterback brought my mother back.

Earlier today, before I got into an argument with my mother, I walked onto their porch and all it was was extremely high intensity torture that was causing all the metal in my mouth and neck to hurt badly and it was pulsing too, and my heart was also pulsing with each wave of pain to the part of my jaw and neck that has metal, my heart was pulsing at the same time. It's highly irregular for this technology to cause pain where the metal is and cause the heart to pulse and it was being directed to my Mom.

Also, my Mom's eyes were blackened right after police were here. Some neighbor called police bc I was having an argument and standing outside, and the police decided to park up the road away from the driveway to snoop and then come over unannounced. One cop and then another woman came over in an SUV. I left to file something, I told them and walked out and then as soon as the first cop passed, I turned around and went back and the woman left. Not before blasting my Mom's eyes out apparently. Then I stayed home instead of filing something that I said "has to be filed today" and knew someone still wanted to get at them.

Sure enough, they come home and my Mom's eyes are totally glassy from shock. It's not drugs, it was shock.

It was Officer Webley with patrol car plates 249751 (sedan) and a woman with short dark brown curly hair in an patrol SUV with plates E245580.

I walked out of the property, down the road to the end, and turned onto the main road. Then I was walking torwards the library and Webley passed me and after he was out of sight I turned around and went back. It took maybe 10 minutes or so from the time I left and then walked back. I was halfway up the road to the property and the woman came out in her SUV.

Why didn't they leave together, at the same time? Was one cop maybe scouting to see the coast was clear for the other one?

Then, I knew something was up bc then I had a bad feeling after they left.
Here's the other thing:

I got into the argument with my Mom because for the last 2 weeks, she's said she was going to make a phone call about something important and never has. Instead, gift wrapping, and doing psychic work for the government. All they're doing is using us.

They have people backing them who hate us, and the military and govt. is using us for research and not allowing us to have anything normal in our lives.

My Dad said the other day, "Hurry, get out, I'm illegally parked" when I asked him to drop me off, last minute, at the library and he pulled up to the side. When he said this, "I'm illegally parked", it was true, he was, but given the context of what these people are doing, I think it could also mean "I'm illegally detained." As in, my parents are not allowed to freely travel anywhere and it's illegal forced work for the U.S. while hate crime is being covered up and gets their lucky break on torture, theft, grand larson, racketeering, fraud, and obstruction of justice, travel, education and the right to privacy and having ones own children.

If they are so free to leave, then why is the FBI forcing them to refuse to pay a transcript off for me which I would pay back right after I have my financial aid award?

They bug our house.

They listen to every single thing we talk about and there was no problem at all when I was first here. The minute I brought up FBI and getting records, and how I wasn't going to be forced into working for people who experiment on me (at the Devil's Kitchen), they had someone telling them not to.

I don't have money to pay for that transcript. Everyone knows this.

The U.S. military and police are attempting to force me be a guinea pig for them. They already use me and exploit everything about where I live, for their own use.

The other day, I saw this horrible woman, Patty Otterbach, stalking me. I sent a couple of letters to the post office and she starts driving by slowly, looking at me, on a parallel road up ahead. That woman knows exactly what is going on and she is part of the problem and part of the reason I'm being forced out of college.

Several months ago, my mother was signing a check to pay off some money that PSU improperly took out of a federal loan in the first place. I knew why they did it even back then--to keep me out of college and try to force me out of court. They said I owed them money before I could get my transcript and I didn't owe them any money--it was federal loans they had no part of. Someone took it out of the lenders hands and paid it and then said I owed the money to PSU directly, forcing me to have to pay that money to even get my transcript, and keeping me from getting further financial aid funding to keep going to college unless I paid that money.

So they basically used a tactic, with the help of friends, to prevent me from getting back into college even if I was forced to drop out. Normally, if you drop out, you owe lenders money, not the college direct.

I get plenty of money to cover the cost of my education, living costs, and paying back money for that transcript, IF I get into college.

So I never asked my parents to give me free money, I said, "Could you pay this off and I'll pay you right back when I get the financial aid money." I gave them all the evidence and statements and what they needed to know how it works, and they saw that I was right and read through things and were PAYING the check. My Mom had her pen out to pay this, and I said, "Actually, let me see if I can work something out here so just pay this one" and then she was still going to write a check for the other transcript and I was the one telling her to hold off for a moment.

In the meantime, all that's happened to my entire family is they get to play and be alternately tortured while they teach other people's kids how to be fucking government psychics. They are forced to work to the greed and benefit of others and THEIR children. And at the same time, they come home blasted with obvious signs of having been tortured and it happens at their house too.

I was told I could go back to college, not work for the military and CIA for free. These people maybe do contract work with the FBI and police and their hate crime mafias they use to control us with, but it's military and CIA. And most of these people are Catholic and there are SEVERAL in town, including pastors, who are passing themselves off as being Protestant when they're not. They are Roman Catholic. I have no problem talking about what a corrupt Protestant or Mormon does, but if they are defrauding everyone and have infiltrated as Catholics posing as Protestants--I'm not stupid.

One of the main "pastors" here, who is a pastor for the Assembly of God church, is NOT Protestant. He's Catholic. He is from Ohio and spent much of his time in Chicago, Illinois, just like the other pastor here, Kevin Balls. Both of these men lived in the exact same area of town in Chicago and spent most of their time there. Both of them got their "training" at what amounts to "anybody can go" schools that would have no way of filtering out a real Protestant from a Pretender. Both of these pastors have over 20 years CAREER MILITARY. How many pastors do you know, who have 20 years as career military? Sounds a little more like a military man than a pastor if you ask me and someone who can easily get a cover to go in as a "Protestant" too. How many pastors with over 20 years career military happen to live across the street from eachother (so to speak) in a town of 5,000? And in this small town, how many "psychologists"? ONE. CAREER military and CIA and has worked with FBI--One psychologist and he's the guy who already knows me because he was in Portland next to FBI when I was in the federal courthouses with my case, and he is also on intimate terms with the Benedictine Monastic Order which is Roman Catholic. He's also another Catholic posing as a Protestant. And he's the one who has worked for federal govt. at VA offices and around the world. My mother and I sat together in his offices while we were both tortured and he sat there asking questions and then squirmed when I got close to where he really worked and who he knew.

So these people are part of religious hate crime, and they snuck in and try to make it just look like some atrocious black op military site.

We are illegally detained by the U.S. for black operations. THAT is what is happening right here on this property and if we happen to offend anyone who is part of the Catholic church or hate crime, they use the people they know around here to beat us down and try to force us into submission to them, and continued slavery, by torture.

I don't know what else is cruel and degrading if this is not.

I got shipped, like a piece of cargo, from TN, to Oregon to be tortured and experimented on by the military and CIA.

The CIA has been involved from Day One of my life.

I guess they thought they were doing me some kind of favor for most of the time, and then they decided to scrap that idea when the Catholic church and a Jewish group wanted to get rid of me. Who does the CIA listen to? The Catholic Church and Israel.

They don't care about any other religious group. The only ones that count, to them, are The Vatican--Catholic church worldwide, and Israel and Jewish interests here and abroad.

They used me to attempt to infiltrate into a group. First, they tried to kill me. I would say, several times, they tried to kill me. Then they settled for torture and converting the use of me from doing sexual favors (they hoped) for someone "special" and infiltrating some group unwittingly, to just trash.

That's what the U.S. thinks of their citizens.

Piece of trash.

After everything my parents have done and where I have always been innocent, the CIA took their little joint project they had with military, and used FBI and police and mafia to work together to torture me and my son. And my parents.

What do you think they hypnotize little kids for? Sport?

This government picked me up, and knew me by name from the day I was born and then they SHIT all over me. If I had a choice of allowing each one of these CIA, FBI, Catholic church, Jewish, and Military assholes, to bare their butts and take a turn of crapping on me, one by one, lined up, I would say go ahead, if it means tomorrow I am free.

I am NOT free because religious hate crime is RUNNING the U.S. They turned their "darling" into fodder and put their own children ahead of me even when they were just like everyone else. That wasn't enough, because since I dared to assert myself and my right to keep my good name, when they wanted to have me trade my good name in for another one, they all crapped on me, one by one. That's not how it always was but as long as I didn't show anyone I was smart or talented at all, I was left alone.

When religious hate crime found its way in, they found a pre-made cover for committing their crimes. They even tried to kill me through that cover. So when someone snapped out of it and realized, "Do you know what just happened?" and freaked out that I hadn't died by some freak luck or providence, they decided to torture me instead, with the blessing of the CIA, the military, and the FBI.

They try to make psychic research look fun then. Rather than allowing me to have a normal life, and instead of obstructing me, they try to "work me into" getting some kind of enjoyment or satisfaction out of it.

I really think they are very mistaken about me.

I said I would be interested in helping with psychic research, but that wasn't with continued torture and the loss of my child and continued religious hate crime. It also wasn't an agreement to be forced to be tortured along with my entire family and kicked around as the U.S. gets off on their great win and hate crime criminals get away with everything. I had an interest and that interest is gone.

I am sure that most of these people like it. They like what they're doing and get a kind of personal reward from it and most of them have been trained this way.

I know this for what it is.

It's hate crime that got turned into hate crime with a research program slapped on it so it looks covertly "purposeful". It's not working and getting a "purple heart" or doing some great service for this country or others, it's hate crime and my passing interest in certain abilities that God can give someone or that some acquire through other means, is over.

They want me to think "Oh wow! Did you see that? that's amazing."

Does anyone even believe, for a minute, that I write about my parents and what they can do to brag? No. I have written a few things out of feeling forced to, out of fear that if I don't people won't believe me when I say we are being illegally forced to work for the United States Government and they are allowing mafias and corrupt FBI/police as their "muscle" to keep us here. I've written about some things only to show why it is clear some groups have been jealous, possessive, fearful, and wanted to retailiate and use us and get revenge and what the big deal is over.

Remember what the man from Canada said? When I left to go there with my son? He said it was very strange how much attention I was getting for trying to leave. He said, "We have people come over here all the time, hardened criminals and murderers, and they never get noticed and it's not a big deal, and you come over here with no criminal record, no warrant for your arrest and no custody battle or protective order pending, and we have every agency, man, woman and child on the look-out for you."


Because the U.S. wanted to haul back their property. They already knew religious hate crime was the issue, and then that escalated to torture and they didn't want me to get away to someplace where my son and I might actually find help, because NEWSFLASH


As it turns out, of course, the exact same religious hate crime that was here, was informing their loyal members over in B.C., and sure enough, look through the records to find out how many of the people who tried to entrap me or lie about in Canada, and who followed me around, are Roman Catholic.

So instead of asking me what the big deal is with government, maybe someone should ask the Catholic church why they can't find something better to do with their time than persecute me and a baby and my family.

But if you want to know whose ropes the Catholics & Jews who committed the hate crimes and obstruction of justice are climbing, look to their friend driving the military helicopter.

"Need a lift?" or "Do you need a ride?"

Who, exactly, has been the biggest bunch of hitchhikers I've ever seen in my life? Hitching a ride out of jail and investigations with the U.S. government and then they get dropped back down to do it some more and make more recruits. Then, they get another ride, right out of the consequences they should be dealing with.

The people hitchhiking are those demanding free rides and work from my family, and after exploiting and torturing us, getting a free ride out of jail with their govt. buddy.

So do I feel like sitting around doing nothing and documenting my parents because that's what the military wants? A book deal? Nazi records written up by me instead of them so they don't have to assume responsibility for attempting to document what they're doing?


A man in TN told me, after I was released from a federal black op where they illegally used me for research while putting me under false arrest...he said, when I was going back to Oregon, because the govt. and hate crime groups "agreed" my family could be reunited...he told me, "They want you to write a book."

They want me to write a book.

Like The Great American Novel but not really. The government doesn't care if I write a good book or not, or they wouldn't be torturing me and my family.

They want ME to document their own project for them.

If I do it, they don't have to.

Anyone who says I am not really tortured and how do you compare yourself to people in prisons or the holocaust--if it sounds strange that I write about torture one minute and then the next I'm writing about food and things I'm reading or things I want to do, why don't you read The Diary Of Anne Frank again.

Do you know what she writes about when she's trapped inside a closet lining the wall of a house, for months? She writes about romance. She writes about food and dreams and things she wants to do.

People who are tortured, who are naturally inclined to write, write even when they are being tortured and in fact, I was still writing when I was with my son and some of the most extreme and severe and permanently damaging torture was done to us.

I forced myself to write just because I knew the reason I was being tortured wasn't for "research" but because of religious hate crime.

If I had been tortured for research, someone would have done that a long time ago, worse than it was ever done in the past to me, and as hard as it was done to me and my son. And they would have done this to me, if it was for research, long before I had a son.

It wasn't torture for research. Like I said, religious hate criminals climbed up the ropes of government friends in their church and synogogues. They tortured me so I could not go back and file those cases.

And right now, the same hate crime groups are obstructing me from college, obstructing me from filing anything that protects my rights, and they are forcing me out of money so I have no avenue to protect myself at all.

My parents are illegally detained. If you ask them, they'll say they're free to leave, of course, because who are you? another govt. spy sent to punish them when they admit they need help and are suffering?

I can understand why maybe my parents would feel forced to say their daughter is mentally ill, but there are no excuses for any of the rest. And when I look at the rest, with most of them, I can point to an immediate self-serving reason why they would want to portray me as mentally ill even when they know it isn't true.

Here's another thing--true black operation research, for research alone and not out of religious hate crime, doesn't "leak" to the media and the public and these church members. The only reason the media and church members would know what's going on, is if they're getting information from their friends, from church.

They're not all working for the government, obviously. It's more like, it's quasi black operation with the worst parts being concealed, and then almost all of the rest of it is leaked to everyone.

That is part of cruel and degrading treatment. To rob someone of their personal privacy and then use them and exploit them and then go to the lengths of sharing that information with all their church friends and the media? This is deliberately humiliting and degrading. What purpose does it serve other than to allow non-government interests to feel jubilant about getting away with crime?

When I was forced to work at Logan's, all the people there were Jewish and Catholic except for 1 or 2. The rest were completely Roman Catholic and Jewish. You can look at the names of employees and check it yourself and it's true. And these people were all being used and supported by the government. Any reason why, instead of picking Protestant people, the "govt" wanted to allow all Roman Catholics to have access to me and to use me?

Is that the plan for giving religious hate crime even more leverage?

I didn't work there by choice. I was forced to work there. And then I was assaulted in that workplace, for the first time in my life, repeatedly, when I gave the cold shoulder to romantic kinds of interest. I wasn't interested and the minute everyone knew this, they did whatever they wanted to me. So you see, government research and religious hate crime only stop for one thing: Sex. Sorry. And I don't feel like flirting with you either.

All of a sudden, we're seeing the true colors of the group.

They did every unimaginable thing you could do in a workplace environment and with cameras running. And then I was repeatedly assaulted and thrown into jail and what happens? Oh, someone decides I can see my family now that they've degraded me and humbled me, and they want me to work at this job right down the road, to be experimented on again.

I was going to college too!

College was denied the minute I quit the job for the U.S. government.

And I tried to exercise my right to procreate and the right to bear children, as a surrogate or otherwise, as is my right, and the U.S. military immediately began torturing me instead.

Oh, and I gave a cold shoulder to the military guy flirting with me at the resteraunt where I worked so I guess they figured I wasn't going to date any of their guys, treat me like a carcass. If you torture me hard enough, you might be able to see me move.

Everything, has come down to religious hate crime with no negotiation unless I am providing something like a sexual favor or "happy romance" for one their poor lonely men that turns into a vicious animal when you refuse. Or, work for the U.S. for free, to be exploited, degraded and humiliated in your own personal house and property. And then the other idea is instead of using me as a carcass if I stay at my house, it's to force me to work alongside someone who wants to use me for research. So I get paid minimum wage to be raped every single day basically, by having someone use me for a purpose other than what I agreed to work for, and without any consent to be tortured at all, or have someone trying to read my mind or predict things about me.

Why does it have to be about ME?

What is it that has all of you Catholics so fascinated and mean and vengeful, that YOU think your entire govt. psychic army needs to target me?

So here's what the deal was. Why should anyone in military really care if I want to procreate and carry a baby? If I want to be a surrogate for a family, WHATS IT TO THEM?

Do you know, the only people who didn't like the idea, were not out to ruin my plans because they cared about me or because it wasn't part of a project. The same people who have been the biggest hitchhikers into govt. helicopters for their little "rescue lift" out of jail, were the ones who cared bc I was going to be COMPENSATED.

Somewhere between $30-$50,000 and I had met a few very nice families and since I am well educated and know about nutrition and how to give a growing baby the best, and because it also helped me with my own goals, I was going to do it.

The same criminals who torture me and exploit me told my mother to say to me it was like selling my body or being exploited. Sure. Being a surrogate is exploiting myself when I choose to do it, and feel there are benefits to it for my own health even, and when I would only do it for good pay, at my own standards?

Let's contrast that with forced labor and being tortured.

I started getting some interest about being a surrogate, and I had already made up my mind and have thought it over many times. I CHOSE THAT.

Who was worried? Religious hate crime freaks is who. Who else. They are the only ones who have worked this hard to obstruct every fundamental right I have, and then throw on a coat that says FBI for their cover.

I was tortured to make it impossible for me to be wanted as a surrogate mother and to burden me. It is MY RIGHT to bear children just as it is my right to have my son and the U.S. has tortured me to obstruct these rights.

They torture me so I can't have children when I wish to, but they want to steal eggs from me to use for themselves. Why? because the pay is peanuts and they control everything. Not only that, if they can't use my body sexually for one of their Catholics, and if they can't steal my genetic material so they can create their own wunderkids, they treat me like a carcass.

I have been punished for maintaining my independence, which is more than I can say for Michelle Obama (sidenote). If I were her, I would have a few things to say if my husband was responsible for allowing torture in the country he's responsible for managing. What a great call for history. Torture under the Barak administration. And, I might add, it was also torture under the George Bush II administration. Starting with Panetta getting his job in 2004.

It's also not just about people in gangs, because while I was tortured a lot with that in TN, I can tell, just by living here, that they use their connections in the U.S. government.

So basically, I don't think the Psychic Gap program is interesting anymore. I find it to be despicable and see how it is all sent out to the media and public for their gawking.

I want to know who signed an Order to allow this to happen to me and my son.

And I want to know who has interferred with my going to college.

When I worked for the U.S., and was exploited here, for the benefit of other psychics, no one was blocking me from going back to college. I wasn't tortured either. They wanted me up against one of their little rats. I mean, they wanted me out in the open so that I could be the duck in Duckhunt. If you don't have a duck, you have Duckhunt. So they wanted me to be their little duck for research and continued degrading treatment.

I chose not to be degraded.

As soon as I made that choice, to not be degraded, I was then fired on and tortured. If they couldn't degrade me publicly, they sought to torture me privately or have me do their documenting for THEM of my parents.

I don't have a problem with work. I love work and always have and I've taken higher workloads than most. What I have a problem with, is finding out "work" is not really work at all, but another lab experiment.

Sorry guys, but no.

So when I chose not to be degraded, they had my parents tell me no one is going to pay for anything and I won't go to college, even though going, would mean I can pay them back immediately and I'm doing something productive and it opens up more doors.

There is no motive other than obstruction of justice because it appears that what they really don't want, is the idea of my being independent.

I can't even file a case to protect my rights without knowing I at least have postage to keep up with it, even for injunctions or small things, and they are obstructing justice by torturing my parents, whom they use and force to work for them, into not paying for this transcript.

The other thing, is they are forcing me to work for them again. What else would I do? I can't even protect myself or my son, and then I'm stuck with nothing. What do I do? I sit around for months to "document" for free for the military and CIA? I am forced to work with police and FBI and other govt. workers who only want to use me for their own psychic ability honing, to get close to ME? They're not asking for another hunter to join them on a hunting trip. They want a duck. They have no intention of harming one another or using one another, but they need a target and something to shoot at.

I don't want to be shot at, laughed at, used, exploited, and have my mind read and actions predicted by a bunch of lousy Catholics (and a few others) who were the problem to start with, and I don't feel like being degraded either. So I say no, and then if I don't do it willingly, they try to force me again.

It's not "research". It's revenge.

I want to know who signed that Order.

My parents are obviously blackmailed in some way by the U.S. and hate crime groups because this is not possible if they weren't. So I know they're being blackmailed by the FBI. My parents would, both of them, say something or try to, if they were not being blackmailed. It's not possible for this kind of thing to happen to such talented people either, unless there is illegal and corrupt U.S. government blackmail involved.

Whatever they have to keep my parents in line, aside from torture and rape or showing them the police and FBI will do worse, I can't imagine.

I know there is nothing someone could use against me for blackmail which is probably why someone tried to settle for calling me mentally ill.

I believe my parents could be coerced into signing something they didn't want to sign when it was rigged from the start. However, I have agreed to NOTHING and I have never offered my skills or services to any government (or foreign govt by the way).

What about my son? Did he sign something? because as far as I know, he was drawing art when they took him from me, not signing his name. Did he consent to being abused and tortured and did he consent to being used for hypnosis?

The U.S. kidnapped my son from me. Tortured us and then said to my son, "We DO have an interest in your welfare" and used him for religious hate crime revenge.

I don't care if I never get back "in" in any capacity. I want OUT and I want my son OUT.

I can't imagine what purpose this serves other than to provide entertainment to appetites that I choose not to be degraded in satisfying. Real big black op project. All the Catholic church knows about it and passes the info along to the media every single day.

I am not saying I want out of this country, I want out of this bizarre illegal arrangment someone illegally set up. No contract of this sort is ever legally binding because it's illegal to start with. I am also not willing to be provoked repeatedly and have people get close to me and then terrorize me with the idea of using me to infiltrate a group for the U.S.

It's not going to happen.

So any ill-devised scheme to try to secretly spy by tapping into what someone is thinking or doing in another country is a superficial claim they already know will never happen and is a fancy excuse for justification of an illegal program.

I don't wish to leave.
I don't wish to be tortured like a dead carcass since I won't be a charming flirtaceous woman who lightens the load--just thank me for not wasting your time.
I don't wish to document records on programs that are illegally being conducted.
I don't wish to be exploited and used with a pretense I'm getting paid for normal work.

I want OUT. I want my parents out, and my son out. And again, I want to know who is responsible for allowing religious hate crime and who signed an illegal order or contract.

I don't want to see people provoking my parents, and forcing me out of college. I don't want to see the same people who torture my parents and get away with it, stalking me and looking at me like I'm a pet project.

I do not agree with any of this. I do not agree with your Psychic Gap/Torture/Attempt Assassination/Kidnap Children idea.

I know the CIA is involved and has been from the day I was born.

SO since you were there at the time of my birth, you'd better figure out how to fix this.

It's not a matter of wanting to go to college and not being happy about something. It's a matter of being deliberately trapped here by the U.S., to be tortured and have no place to go, nothing to do, and no money for trying to enforce respect of our rights.

I don't know what blackmail the U.S. uses on my parents, but I know it must be bad, and bad enough to where the U.S. is concerned about keeping their own interests protected. For me, they have nothing to blackmail me with so instead they have prevented me from having any money at all. They deliberately cut off my ability to travel freely; forced me out of housing I was entitled to; refused medical care; forced me out of my lawsuits that protected my name; obstructed me from the right to bear children 3 times so far (killing one set of twins) and preventing me from being a surrogate twice; kidnapped my son and obstructed justice again; falsely arrested me and detained me countless time; illegally medicated and drugged me; obstructed investigation of religious hate crimes; obstructed work; obstructed unemployment money to keep me out of all money; forced labor by threat of going to jail if I didn't; obstruction of all communications; literal torture of my entire family as a means of oppression and cover for hate crimes; cruel and degrading treatment in jail, detention centers, and psych wards I never should have been in; obstruction of right to privacy; obstruction to processing of identification materials needed for travel; obstruction of education for purposes of keeping me sounding crazy and vulnerable and victim to torture and deprivation of fundamental rights; obstruction of justice and collusion and torture to force my family not to help me; attempted assassination; and now, another attempt at forced labor under threat of jail (today) and continued obstruction of justice to keep me in a position vulnerable and victim to torture and religious hate crime.

The U.S. is torturing my parents and telling them not to pay for my transcript and to stall. It's Catholic people who work for or with the U.S. And they know that I can't do anything at all if I am not in school and can't get work study. They are attempting to force me into labor under threat of jail if I don't work for them, to earn money to pay off a fine and then enough to pay for a transcript. They are trying to force me to miss out out on over $15,000 of free grant money this year alone. Not loans, but free money. It was fine if they were able to use me and since I choose not to be degraded they try to humiliate me anyway, out of spite for my refusal to not be degraded and tortured. They are torturing my parents to keep them from paying my transcript which I would pay back to them.

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