Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No Fruits Regimen

I'm phasing out fruits.

Not forever, for a specific reason to target something (see end of post for history)and then I will go back to a regular diet.

I feel confident that I can do it, but I know I couldn't have done it if I had not first been disciplined enough to be vegetarian and then disciplined enough to be vegan.

So I am going to quit eating anything with sugar and I'm cutting out all fruits. I'm also cutting out all gluten.

For me, I have such a sweet tooth, it's hard to imagine but I've worked up to it and want to see if it's possible to cure naturally and if not, will try something else.

I had a few raisins today and still have an apple and lemon, but I'm using what I have, and phasing it out.

Since I'm vegan and don't eat fish, my menu will be mainly large amounts of onions and garlic and shallots each day, leafy greens and vegetables, tea and coffee, beans and legumes, nuts and seeds, some oils, soy lecithin, and no grains except brown rice, maybe wild rice, and possibly psyllium or oat bran for fiber.

I've never imagined I could ever do this, for a month, when it's not a fast.

With fasts, yeah, I've done a tea and granola fast for about 1 1/2 months. I felt a lot of energy from it. But to eat and restrict is harder. It's sort of the "all or nothing idea" where if you're eating normal amounts of calories, you want some variety sometimes. I think I've been disciplined enough with other things though, to do this.

SO, I'm following a Vegan No Fruits Plan. (At least for a month and then we'll see what I want to do after that.)

I also drink gingko biloba & yerba mate for circulation and then since I was reading garlic thins the bloods a lot, I have added some things that help coagulate blood. I read about hemophilia, because I think I have a very minor form of it which is maybe why I ended up with fractures when I was still in high school.

I got pau d'arco bark for tea too, as it's good for things and I tried it for the first time and really liked it--the flavor isn't bad at all.

I had alfalfa already and alfalfa seeds for sprouting, but when I read how onions and garlic thin the blood so much, I looked up things that coagulate to counter this and zinc-rich foods help as well. Today, I am phasing out my wheat germ so I used this with flaxseed in brown rice with the raisins I'm phasing out. It was made with garam masala which is high in clove and cinnamon, good for this condition I'm targeting. Then I had a little more rice and ate a raw onion like an apple. I had sauteed shallots with cilantro and onions last night and was thinking today, while sauteeing onions with red pepper and shiitake mushrooms, "Hmm, I should probably eat these onions raw if I'm eating them for this purpose." So I picked up a few rings and ate them, without any salad and then took the whole bulb and chomped down. I DID notice a good effect with this. I would only try this with a sweet onion though. It's one thing to eat raw onion in salsa or on salads, but to eat them like an apple, alone, it's potent and I would only try it with a sweet variety. I ate a Hermiston Sweet Yellow.

Then I thought to take some alfalfa (organic) and had dried leaf bc I haven't sprouted the seeds yet, and I blended it to more of a powder but it still had some straggly hairs so I thought, "...If I put this in water, it might be tickling going down the throat, so to smooth it out I was going to use blackberries as I do usually and used soy lecithin to try it.

I discovered this makes an excellent substitute for dill. I drank it and it tasted like a dill sauce. It did not taste like alfalfa AT ALL. I can't imagine anyone having a dill allergy, but if they did, and wanted something to substitute, for some reason, the soy lecithin with the ground up alfalfa tasted nothing like alfalfa but dill. I would say I had 1/3 alfalfa and 2/3 soy or possibly 1/2 and 1/2.

I mean, no seasonings were added--one could experiment with salt and different things, but it also did help the alfalfa to go down without the little sticklers in the through that you get if you forget to take the hairs out of rosehips, or attempt to drink some of these herbs without blending them up.

There are a few other herbs I want to try while I do this, but the principle is to "starve out the yeast" and things that bacteria grow on. Eating tons of garblic and onions and things will lead to odor problems though, so I am looking at a lot of leafy greens for chlorophyll, and kelp, dulse, and other things which will help counter odor, and things to use which will prevent blood from getting too thin. I'm also looking at more acid-forming foods as well, and non-dairy forms of acidolphilus. Asparagus and anything cruciferous helps with more acid-forming foods, and eventually I will coconut oil and was looking at where to find black walnut extract and black currant seed oil.

You can still eat well. I love sauteeing most of these things, and then I could still make a non-tomato form of salsa and, for example, I can make falafel still, and instead of pita for a wrap, you can use lettuce! I found that idea online. So I could still fry up some falafel, wrap it in lettuce, and add Veganaise. I also looked up how to use rice paper wraps for wrapping things into veggie rolls that would suit this kind of food program. If I could find seaweed, might look into using it whole as well, and make my own Vegan sushi, but I would try to do it with brown rice.

The other thing is not to use much vinegar and I love vinegars and oils. But the idea is to avoid them if possible. So if I get sauerkraut for my non-dairy acidolphilus source, it will have to be salt-based, and not with vinegar added.

(also, for the future, I watched my mom make jam today and thought, "That's how easy it is?" She was always canning when I was a kid, or making jams and jellies, because we had so much fruit from our orchards, but I never paid attention. I watched today and won't forget so later when I want to try it, I'll know what to do without even a book. I think jelly might be fun, and the only difference is that you strain the fruit.)

*My son and I got thrush when I was nursing him and everyone said it turned into a systemic infection for both of us. We were refused medical treatment for it and the medical professionals denied my son had it at all. They said it was "rare for infants" but the thing is, that apartment we lived in was later condemned for mold. Mold compromises the immune system and would have made it more likely for us to, in fact, get a systemic infection (that, to this day has never been treated).

So after a year, I went again to a doctor and she called it "tinea versicolor" and claimed it had nothing to do with the thrush my son and I got which we were refused care for.

They actually became very hostile--the medical community--not wanting to admit such a thing was possible for me and my son.

They called me a hypochondriac, and used this entire incident as the sole basis for their claim that I was "a paranoid overworried mother whose child had nothing wrong and imagined medical issues."

Meanwhile, they refused treatment for both me and my son. Then I finally got something, for "tinea" which, I researched and found is simply a form of thrush that has mutated into a new yeast form. I developed discoloration of spots of my skin and itchiness. No women's yeast problems at all--it was around my breasts and started in 2006 when I began nursing.

Guess what? I still have a RASH AROUND MY BOOBS. It is still mainly around my breasts, and this is....umm...let's see, how about 5 years later?

It migrates a tiny bit in the summer, to be little spots on my hairline or arm and mainly where my bra is.

Oliver got it around his "area" and also had spots appearing on his face, near the hairline. He STILL had this when we returned from Canada and I commented about it in my visit with him and then the next visit, it was "carved out" of his face. I put the photos up of the carving.

So who does this to a child? Someone literally cut off a slice of my son's face, to remove the spot that was evidence the Wenatchee medical professionals were all lying and covering for eachother, as were their friends who were in CPS and law offices.

The only time it "went away" is when I started working at The Post Pub I believe, and had a free meal with them, or when I was dating Alvaro Pardo. The entire time I dated Alvaro Pardo I had no rash.

I guess I had to look "pretty" and someone somewhere, knew what my condition was and how to get rid of the unslightly "problem". Kind of like my period disappearing too. I never took a medication voluntarily but things "changed" so it was probably something in food I ate or something I drank.

So then, we split up and the rash is BACK and my period is BACK. I've had this ever since, but that's not what the photos were of, of my backside...The rash around my breasts is thrush-specific and the rash and skin peeling on my backside is from the Haldol injection and that kind of medication--it's not tinea or systemic yeast or possible toxic mold poisoning.

So I've decided to try to target this disorder on my own, and if it doesn't work, through a powerful antibiotic or something for toxic mold and systemic yeast infection.

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