Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Torture Tonight in Retaliation & Judges

We are being seriously FIRED on tonight with U.S. military technology and it was during the day too when I walked which pretty much indicates it's more military than location-specific for a couple of things.

I went to my parent's house at about 5:10 p.m. and just standing on their porch I could hardly breathe they are using such strong levels. It was the ink-bursts-out-of-pens technology and my heart started acting up and it felt like my chest muscles were being compressed, AND it was strong enough to be vibrating even. Their entire porch. So I wondered if that was going on indoors and it is.

And they are using infrared or lasers to target and burn us again. And it's not just me but my mom and dad.

Not only that, my Dad came home barely able to walk someone blasted him so hard, wherever he was working.

In my opinion, it's more retaliation for what I blogged about.

I blogged about being targeted with religious hate crime and their use of friends in the DOJ and military and CIA and sure enough, more of the same, and my parents are getting it too.

I sent a letter to a Judge explaining that I was not filing a case and only an injunction so to fix this so I am not prohibited from filing in the future. And I referenced the original injunction and clarified it was a preliminary injunction, NOT a "restraining order".

So when Judge Quackenbush called my request to reinstate my injunction a "case", I clarified that it was not a "case" that I filed or intended to file, but a reinstatement of my injunction. I also clarified that my original injunction was not a "restraining order" as Cynthia Imbrognio miscategorized it.

It's a little bit better now, at 5:56 p.m.

I thought then, I think she reclassified my "preliminary injunction" as a "restraining order" intentionally because the courts treat them differently. I did enough research in 2001, before filing my lawsuits, to know that a "restraining order" petition to the government (not a personal restraining order, against a person but against an action or legal process), is totally different from a "Preliminary Injunction".

If someone files a Preliminary Injunction, it doesn't matter what is going on in State court, the courthouse must immediately bring any and all processes to a complete HALT.

If you file a restraining order, it doesn't get the same treatment. I filed a preliminary injuction, not restraining order, and I knew that when this Catholic Judge Cynthia Imbrognio and Catholic Judge Edward Shea, treated it as a "restraining order" they were attempting to evade the entire purpose of my request.

The other thing that courthouse did, was they were accepting motions and filings by email from me. And then all of a sudden, when I filed for an injuction, Courtney from the library was attempting to obstruct my action, in Wenatchee.

I got it sent out anyway, and then after it was sent and filed correctly, they told me, AFTER I had sent it, "Oh, we aren't going to take your motions this way any longer."

I had filed that motion at a specific time before any Order was entered by State court. I looked at the timing and I filed it at the right time.

JUDGES obstructed me.

They were Catholic Judges.

I never did figure out what Courtney's great interest was, but she acted like a spy for some kind of organization, and all I know is that I found out her Dad worked for El Mundo, a hispanic newspaper. Her Dad had done some traveling to South America or Mexico I believe, and I don't know what his affiliations were--religion, government, etc. I just know his daughter worked at the Wenatchee library and started snooping about everything I checked out (books, everything).

There is something big about that family, which might point to the motive Courtney would have for even caring about me at all. I'm having a very hard time getting anything from Google and it's all obstructive, like Amy Roe's mother is at the helm.

I found a wedding announcement and her maiden name was Jaynes. When I see her photo again, I think she looks so much like this other woman who told me to "keep swimming", and went back to Seattle after torturing me. I found out Courtney has a sister in Seattle but I don't know what she does. Probably not the same person but the woman I knew, who called herself "Jill," ran a clothing boutique inside of the Y and there is a Jaynes that owns a secondhand boutique for clothing there. I don't know. But it's David and Cynthia Jaynes, and their daughter is Courtney Jaynes who married Luke Tiffany (St. Luke's Episcopal Church). She knows an "Amanda Boers" from Mountainview, CA. They had an "Aaron Williams (Bellingham)" there, and some others. I'll put the link there. So she married Luke Tiffany whose parents are Rosemary and James Tiffany & John and Leslie Tiffany.

Weird. Because I saw his photo and thought, "he SLIGHTLY looks like this man I saw mocking me today while driving by, but the plates were 908 BHQ (pretty sure).


I saw his photo (of Luke) and then thought, "he sort of looked like this man who passed me driving today" (whose license number I memorized but didn't write down and then didn't think about again until I saw this photo.

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