Monday, December 5, 2011

The Difference Between Catholics in Govt. & Other Religions

I made a post about how Catholics should not be allowed to have any government position.

My reason is the same one that the Founding Fathers had, and the argument was never overcome. What happened, is times change and people dumb down, and the religious education and knowledge of the general public went down to such a degree, a Protestant couldn't even tell you what a "dogma" of the Catholic church was, or how Protestants and Catholics differ. So when people don't know what a religion teaches and practices, and their members have become silent on the topic, it is understandable that the law was overturned.

Catholicism teaches, and requires all members to believe their "Pope" is not only the head of their church, but the entire world. They believe he holds the keys to the "Kingdom of Heaven" and to "Kingdom on Earth", and that the Pope has the ability to "bind whatsoever is bound in heaven to be bound on earth" or "whatsoever you free in heaven you may free on earth". It's the Dogma of Papal Infallibility. They believe the Pope CANNOT err in a matter concerning faith or religion, and that Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit to the Pope to give directions and have authority over the Church, and over the world. Of course, it's not possible for the Pope to take control of the entire world, but the Catholic doctrine states a "Pope" is given this authority and that it is the will of God that he have complete authority over this entire earth and all countries, because they believe their church is "The One True Church". It specifically states, that if you are a member of the Roman Catholic church, you will obey this Pope and his authority, over any other authority in the world, political, religious, or anything else. So if you are a member, you agree to put the Pope above the United States.

Here's how this is drastically different from every other religion...

Protestants believe "God" is a Supreme Being who is above all countries, but not a living man.
Jews believe the same, that God is a Supreme Being...
Muslims believe the same....
and many other religions also believe the same.

Not one of these Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, or other churches have a doctrine that requires their member to "obey" a living person as if that person is Jesus Christ Himself.

So while Jews can say Israel is a homeland, there is no presiding religious figure in Israel that Jewish law commands all Jews to obey. So Jews can live in any country, and put God first and allegiance to their country as a priority.

Muslims have many Muslim-dominated countries, but they too, put "God" at the top, and each one of them has an allegiance to their own country, wherever that may be.

I believe even Eastern Indian and some other Asian religions also believe the same.

Catholicism is the ONLY religion that states there is a living person and an active country which members must obey and give priority allegiance to.

It's not "God" or "conscience" that they are asked to follow and obey. All other religions teach, follow your country and support it with your loyalty and allegiance (if you work for the government especially). However, Catholism preaches, and has, in writing, commandments to their members, that they are obligated and required to give their allegiance to their religion and church AHEAD OF and ABOVE the United States government.

And since they have their own COUNTRY, and even have their "living representative and mouthpiece of Jesus himself", they are then asked to put their allegiance to the United States as 2nd best.

So, to the Catholic church, the United States is #2. Their country, The Vatican, is #1. And if you are a member of the Catholic church, you are agreeing to follow the doctrines of faith and supporting the commandment that any member SHALL put The Vatican and The Pope (which includes any kind of church interest, as their church is linked to the country, and so are its members) ahead of and above The United States and The President and our collective citizens.

NO other religion asks such a thing of its members and has its own country and Pope-President authority that they obey.

Having Catholics take any kind of U.S. government job is like looking at The Taliban and let's say the Taliban buys it's own country and President-religious figure and states in a new change to their religion that this man is to be obeyed over any other country.

A member of the Taliban comes to the U.S. and says, "I want a job in the Supreme Court" or "As a Judge", "With CPS", or "CIA". Better yet, military. This religious man admits he is a member of an organization that belittles the United State's laws. Would anyone want to pass a law saying, "We can't discriminate against the Country Of Taliban and Taliban" because it's not really their choice--it's their 'culture'?"

No. We would say, "How can you even ask to take one of the jobs away from another citizen that puts this countrie's interests as #1 and is not a member of an organization that asks to replace this priority?"

People would FREAK out if all of a sudden, we woke up one day and realized, "Did you know the Supreme Court is almost ALL Taliban now?" And try getting somewhere with a lawsuit against members of the Taliban, if they have their people SUCKING the lifeforce out of this country.

Everyone nods and agrees, yeah, no way, if it's "The Taliban." However, very little is understood about Catholics and The Catholic Church and the FACT that their allegiance is with a country that is NOT the United States of America.

So meanwhile, while everyone forgot what this church and country stands for and who their President is, we have Catholics that have infiltrated every single office and agency and made it to the top and some of them pass themselves off as Protestants thinking it will helpful for stirring up disinformation if anyone starts to question what is going on.

You can be Catholic and be a citizen of the United States just as you can be a dual citizen here. We have had tolerance. But we've had far more tolerance of the Catholics than they ever have had of Protestants or Jewish or Muslim. I believe they can be Catholic and citizens, and have business, but it is 100% UnAmerican for them to take up seats in government when they, by their choice of membership to one country, make the U.S. Country #2. They should not be privy to confidential documents and they should not be involved in foreign affairs. They should not take up space in the FBI, CIA, or in leadership within The Pentagon, and they MOST certaintly should NOT be Vice President of this country. No country in their right mind, hires people who put allegiance to another country above the one they are asking to work for. At taxpayer expense and funding no-less. Why should Catholics, who make this country Second Rate, be in ANY kind of position that is part of investigations, secret documents, justice, and administration?

They got in, and they spread throughout this entire nation, and now they torture people who are not members of the country they swear allegiance to, The Vatican. They use military operations to benefit their own church and Vatican and not in the best interests of the country. They pick out and select people to obstruct investigations of their own members, on behalf of their own church.

You think nothing is happening and then one day you have lawyers saying oh no way would they sue any part of the Catholic church because it's "too powerful." I thought then, as a religion. I didn't realize, they moved in and confiscated our rights and equality and bred and brought more Catholics from other countries here.

They're all eating plum pie at church receptions and then bringing the leftovers to the White House.

They are also getting into United States offices and receiving their salaries from the citizens, many of whom are NOT Catholic. With that salary they are putting preference of their own members and first country, The Vatican, ahead of everything else. And then 10% of many of these salaries, (paid for by the public that isn't getting a defense or equal enforcement of the laws and protection of their rights), is getting sloofed off to The Vatican.

No big deal, how you want to spend your money but didn't you agree that you are a member of a church that demands you give your allegiance to another country?

So what's this 10%? Slush funds for another country? No big deal, if a citizen wants to give money to any country of their choosing, but it starts to look a little strange when someone hijacked their way into offices while putting down the U.S. as #2, and then takes the money from taxpayers, which also took away a job from an American that puts this country as #1, and sends it a foreign country.

If a Muslim in America isn't even in office, and merely has a business here and starts sending money abroad, he is tracked.

One of the questions Stephanie O'Sullivan was asked, by Congress, when she was being recommended for a new position within the U.S. government, was this: Do she or her husband send money to a foreign country? Is there a conflict of interest? And have she or her husband ever been paid money by a foreign country? They brought up Dublin, Ireland. She answered no, that it was uncompensated.

How is there no conflict with the idea that the money she earns by stiffing the American on their equal rights (whether one is CATHOLIC or NOT) is not a form of funding to another foreign country which she agrees she prefers.

When you have a religion that actually has a country as it's hub, all you have extending from this hub are spies.

It's like the U.S. talks all about these "terrorist cells" and every single Roman Catholic church in this country has been acting as a terrorist cell. They ALL agree with a religion that is putting another country first, and their members above the rights of any other U.S. citizen. Then they have their cells throughout the world, in every country and in each case, in every country the same is true: they are members of another country and agree to give their priority allegiance and obedience and cause to that other country.

I don't see anyone freezing assets to the Catholic church or The Vatican or FBI or CIA or DNI employees who are Catholic and guilty of religious hate crime, terrorism, and obstruction of justice in this country.

Gave 'em an inch, and they took the entire country and they're not done yet.

Which is why I think, given the condition of this country and those who ascended the ranks, that a debate about whether it is proper to have Catholics in any kind of government office.

You don't give the job to someone who says to your face: "Yeah, I'll swear to do my duty, but just remember you have now hired a liar because I also let you know I am a member of another country and that religion."

You give the job to someone who says, "I love God and follow my conscience but when it comes to this country, there is no other country or creed that I prefer and will choose."

Basically, they pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.

Anyone, of any religion, can love God and follow their conscience and give allegiance to this country. But not Catholics, because they have something "special" added to their plate, and it's called their preferred choice of country: The Vatican.

Not one Protestant church has a rule that: "To be a member, you must agree Pastor is the sole authority and representative of God on earth and you must obey him above any country or any govt. leader."

Same with other religions.

If we take the name "Catholic" out of the mix, and insert "Tzera" and it's another christian denomination but with a leader who says they are the Master of the Universe, we would say that is totally crazy.

Who cares if J.F.Kennedy was a nice man who did some good things as President. No Roman Catholic should hold ANY office of ANY kind. He was a cheater to the public, telling us this country is best while his allegiance was with the Vatican. So naturally, he was also a cheater in love and every other game.

You can't have it both ways. You choose.

Catholics make the the United States look like Marilyn Monroe. The Vatican City is their Jackie and Biden is their jackal.

Look at what happened to Marilyn Monroe.

You can't let Catholics sleep around with everyone and try to swear faithfulness to the United States. It's not possible.

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