Monday, December 5, 2011

United States Baby Tortured By The U.S. Military (photo)

I was looking up health news and I found this, while going through a list of herbal supplements. It's photos of feet next to a caption of "bunion" however, instead, it reminded me of another symptoms and pain my son and I had from being tortured in the U.S. The one on the right reminded me most, of what happened to our feet. Both me and my son were tortured out of religious hate crime, to the point that our limbs and feet were repeatedly contracting and curling up into cramps like the foot on the right. In fact, it was bad enough sometimes that it looked much worse than this. Here, someone is supposedly flexing their feet for the photo.

In MY life, and in MY SON's life, the FBI and U.S. allowed my son to suffer an entire list of effects and temporary and permanent harms. We have endured excruciating pain for a very long time. And it wasn't just me. This happened to my son.

It wasn't "lack of potassium". It was caused by non-stop torture and it not only caused our bodies to twitch all the time, by benign fasciculations, it caused our feet to literally curl up.

We ended up in Canada with warped, rolling and undulating nails on our fingernails, but most noticeably on our toenails. And that was a permanent sign of what was done to us, out of spite, jealousy, and hate. What was not permanent, which I couldn't show someone, was how during this torture, our feet were forced to painfully curl up from the technology used. There was nothing I could do. I had to try to force my feet to straighten out, almost every single night, and usually, up to 10 times a day/night.

So no. It was not just "warped nails" from technology and it wasn't malnutrition for me or my son--we were well nourished because I know how to cook and make a balanced meal. I'd been doing it for families for years.

No, the curling up of our feet, into hard and tight immovable organisms, was a result of torture. Most likely, since we've been told our normal looking kitten ended up being a misshapen and crooked legged and tailed cat, the cat ended up showing more evidence than we did.

Sometimes, it was the toes, like this, for us. Other times, the entire foot was curling into almost a ball or a semi-circle.

If you want to make a "bridge" with feet tortured by technology, I will show you what that looks like. Put your heel on the ground and then ask someone to torture you with military technology until your foot curls into a high arch with your toes touching the other side. It's impossible to do on your own. It requires being a victim of full-blown torture for years. Only torture will create an arch that high and my son and I know what it feels like.

Maybe a few times I had cramps and my toes moved forward into a cramp, but what I remember occuring REPEATEDLY is the toes being forced to curl up. And sometimes it was the entire structure of the foot.

It wasn't just me, it was my son, who was then a baby of 1 year old.

"Hot Flashes" is what Christa Schneider wanted to call it, a term I guess the Department of Justice asks their workers to use to minimize torture out of a religious hate crime motive.

It wasn't from lack of potassium or any nutritional deficiency. They tortured us with technology that DID this to us.

And THEN, the U.S. allowed these religious hate crime wackos to use their contacts in govt. to get away with this and steal my son from me, lying and calling me mentally ill when I wasn't. And by the way, my son wasn't "mentally ill" either.

I'm surprised CPS didn't call my 1 year old "mentally ill" just-in-case. No, instead they tortured a child who wasn't able to speak up and describe what was happening to him.

They tortured an innocent baby out of HATE and REVENGE.

And they still don't know when to stop and they haven't quit because so far, they are the ones in control of the satellites and other forms of technology that has been used against us. Not all of it has been through satellite, but some of it has.

They tried to murder us.

The United States had people who were Catholic in government offices that literally attempted to murder me and my son. And they would have if I had not left and at least raised questions outside of the hell-hole of Wenatchee.

I got nowhere with the FBI in Washington State bc their SSA at the top was Catholic, just like the one in Oregon State was. All they cared about was concealing torture and collusion and crimes committed by members of their church.

Also, this photo isn't completely exact. In reality, what happened was more like...

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