Monday, December 5, 2011

Mozart Piano Concerto & What My Parents... I was looking for a piano concerto and flipped through several performances of Mozart but I didn't like anything I heard until I heard this. This one caught my attention.

I tried to find something about the history of the piece--what setting and frame of mind Mozart was in when he composed this one. It's sort of captivating without being pretentious. I like other styles too, but this one made me think of 2 things: Russia, and someone leaving. It reminded me of Russian genres or something about it, I thought, was reminscent (not that I know anything about Russia at all) and then I was thinking about Mozart and thinking that it's almost a song about leaving or watching people leave.

I tried to look up history then and found lots of reviews and then I found a history piece about how Stalin (?) liked a performance by Maria Yudina.
So it sort of reinforced my idea that it reminded me in some ways of the Russian psyche. Like I said, I hardly know what I'm talking about--I guess it was just my instinct for the music and having read a few Russian pieces of literature, I sort of incorporated the tone into my idea about this song.

Or maybe it's not even that sophisticated. Maybe this song is featured in the movie Archangel and I subconsciously remember it. :) I found the one with Maria Yudina and I skipped past the first part bc I like the Adagio.

But, as for Mozart, I would like to know about the history of this time and his thoughts. Do you hear that "off" sounding clink? It's sort of like the sound from my Thomas the Train toy the other day when I pressed it and it had gotten water in it so made a funny choo choo sound.

I also watched a few other clips of music, but I like this composition. I watched "Don't Rain On My Parade" and "I Remember It Well" from Gigi. Then, lots of attempts finding a music piece.

My parents did many more things today which I will have to record somewhere. Maybe I'll share a few things later. Some things I need to write down privately.

A few things:

1. Mom's Reach.
On the way to shopping, last Saturday, we were in the car with my mom driving to Coos Bay and my mom reached down to her crotch for no reason, like scooping from the seat and nothing was there. On the way back from shopping, we were in the car going the opposite direction at about the same juncture when she did this, and a penny fell from my fingers to the seat, and I had to reach for it, in the same way. You know, like if you drop something and it slides down torwards your crotch bc the carseats are slightly tilted up. She somehow knew, hours before, and at the precise location, only opposite direction. Very ^v.

I was talking to her on the way over and everything, and she was still picking up on something predictive.

2. Fabric.
I pointed to a fabric I liked, Saturday, and my Mom pulled a swatch of different fabrics out and even though I don't know all her materials, it was the one second under the top one in a pile of fabrics she had. The closest thing, in color and design, to this.

3. Socks.
My mom bought these socks I thought were atrocious and then I realized they were the exact same colors (together) as the shirts I had on the floor to the right of my bed.

4. Dad's Jacket.
My Dad tossed his jacket on the ground but a certain way and then I was looking at a scarf (yesterday, Sunday) and realized I had the ends facing the same direction as the sleeves to his jacket. Same width and shape.

5. Chair.
I was sitting by the woodstove and almost burned the back of my jacket I was so close so my Dad said take a chair and I did and set my things down and then noticed the way my papers were matched papers right in front of me, tucked into the wardrobe that holds our t.v. and things. It wasn't exact in that case, but close.

6. Timing.
It sounds weird, but many times my Dad will pull up right as I think of him. Today, I got up late and was just thinking I should have gotten up earlier because someone was at our house and I wondered how my Dad was doing that day, so I was just thinking this and my Dad pulled up. Here's another thing...Yesterday I was in my place, and had something to eat and then I put a couple of water bottles under my arm like logs and was walking out and I looked ahead and there was my Dad, ahead of me with an armload of wood. I was holding my water bottles the same way and I never do this. And, we already had enough wood.

7. I Know I & My Parents Are Being Videotaped (without consent and by coercion).
I have very strong reason to believe and know that my parents are being videotaped on this property. Which sort of proves my point that we are all being detained to work for the U.S. as their special guinea pigs, which has been nothing more than a cover for hate crime. I was in the livingroom and my Dad went to the totally other room and was getting something from the fridge and there is a wall there and everything is blocked from livingroom view. I wouldn't have even seen what he did, except for the fact I randomly looked over at a window, and at that time of day, the way the sun was, it made a reflection or mirror to the other room. Usually, there is nothing there. So I saw my Dad do something and facing the window of our kitchen, and I don't know if it's bc the cameras are outside on the property or if they are just indoors or both. He doesn't usually lick just one finger like that and it was as if no one saw him except for maybe a hidden camera. He had no idea I was looking and I randomly caught this angle.

I then went to my place and watched 2 movies, and in the middle of one, I got up and looked at and sniffed this supplement I have, bc I took a little the other day and it didn't taste right. It had some kind of flavor that wasn't like the normal flavor is. So the next day, I opened it up and looked at it and sniffed it and then put my finger in and licked my one finger to see how it was and then all of a sudden I realized I had unconsciously done exactly what my Dad had predicted I would do.

I thought, since my Dad was clearly not showing me or my Mom, it means they are being forced to perform for the Military and others involved.

And I would like to remind everyone of my last post, about how my son was tortured out of religious hate crime, not military "research." Hate crime got a cover and they called it "research". But it's religious hate.

After my "friend" asked me where my bed was in the apartment, I was telling her something was wrong in a later conversation and she sneered, "Well maybe you're having hot flashes."

Hot flashes? at age 31? Why would she even come up with a thing like that? And she's the one who asked me where my bed was and what the layout of the place was. Her family is Catholic and her Dad formerly worked for the Department of Justice. The reason she'd ask where my bed was for thermoimaging reasons so they knew where to direct torture and technology against a mother and baby. And this was done after I had a long conversation with her about how I was going to raise my son and how I didn't want him to have anything to do with the Catholic church, and how smart he was.

After I heard her say something about "Maybe you're having hot flashes" I froze inwardly and was stunned. That was when I knew without any further doubt, she was an enemy all along and had only pretended to be my friend in order to get close to me and get information for lawsuits I had pending, and her Catholic church.

I hadn't even described the sensation as being "hot" either, or if it was, I was telling her it was happening to both me and my son and I witnessed this happening to him. I had been telling her we were twitching all night from some kind of weird technology and my son and I threw up from something one night as well, within minutes of eachother. It wasn't food poisoning. She asked me if it had "quit", after I told her something was happening to me and my son. Because I had reason not to trust her by then I said no, it had not quit even though it did for a few days. She said in response, with a smirk in her voice, "Well maybe it's hot flashes." If she didn't know something was going on, why would she keep asking me if it had stopped or not and was I sure? and sound angry. And then act like it's something as irrational as "hot flashes" when I was a fertile (proof) woman who had just turned 30.

Is that what these gangsters say to my parents when they show up with black eyes from technology?

Like I said, my parents have gifts most people don't have and the targeting of my son for torture, literal torture, was a retaliatory response, motivated by fear and hatred, from the Roman Catholic church members. It wasn't research and it occured right after I guess someone didn't like my conversation about how I planned to raise my son and what the Protestant Irish might know about that the U.S. denies even occurs.

I want my son back. Why are criminals getting away with torture?

7. Red Thread.
Nothing except that my mother somehow knew this red thread randomly ended up on something and then she placed the same thing on something in house today,the same way, and same design. So I knew she could see it (in the mind's eye). I was tying my door and then thought maybe I made it too short so got a little more string of a different color (red) and then found I had enough so it dropped and fell a certain way.

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